An Alfred workflow for Slacking

Download the latest workflow package from the releases
page and double click it —
Alfred will take care of the rest.
The workflow provides one universal keyword, “slk”, from which all functions
can be accessed. The first time you use the keyword, only one item will be
available: token
. Actioning token
will pop up a dialog asking you to enter
your API token (test tokens are
from Slack if you're logged in).
The main functions also have individual keywords:
- List subscribed channels
- List users on your team
- Show and update your status and presence
Initially, slk
will ask for an API token (Oauth support is coming). To get a
token, browse to
(you’ll need to login) and generate one. Then run slk
, action the
“Manually enter a token” item, and paste the token value into the resulting
The channels
command (or slc
) will list the channels available to your
team. Channels you are not subscribed to will have a faded icon.
- Actioning the channel will bring up a list of channel properties, currently
“Pins...” and “Members...”, which can be actioned for more information.
- Holding Cmd while actioning a channel will open it in the Slack app.
The users
command (or slu
) will list the users in your team. The user’s
presence is represented by a filled (active) or empty (away) disc next to the
name. If the user has a status emoji set, that emoji will be used as the item
icon. If the user has a status message set, that will be the item’s subtitle.
- Actioning a user will open more information about the user.
- Holding Cmd while actioning the user will open a chat with the user.
- Holding Alt while actioning the user will open the user’s profile in the
Slack app.
The status
command (or sls
) will show your current presence state, either
“Active” or “Away”.
- Entering a status message (or not) and actioning the item will allow the user
to select a status icon. Actioning an icon (or the “No status icon” option)
will update your status message and status icon.
- Holding Cmd while entering a status message (or not) and actioning the item
will follow the same steps, but will set your status to ‘active’.
- Holding Alt while entering a status message (or not) and actioning the item
will follow the same steps, but will set your status to ‘away’.
Note that the first time you try to set your status there may be a delay of
several seconds as the workflow expands all the sprite icons.
This workflow uses emoji sprites from