An extensible chatbot application, built with containers connected to a message queue.
Japella's architecture splits out the connections to different protocols (eg Telegram, Discord) into "adaptor" services, and all bot functionality is implemented in a separate service, meaning that the chatbot functionality can easily work with new protocols, by just creating a new adaptor, or, can relay chat messages across protocols, for example.
Japella is only distributed as a x86_64 Linux container, and requires a RabbitMQ server as the message queue.
user@host: docker create --name rabbitmq docker.io/rabbitmq -P 5672:5672
user@host: docker create --name japella-telegram ghcr.io/jamesread/japella-adaptor-telegram
host: localhost
user: guest
pass: guest
exchange: japella
port: 5672
Build a Japella adaptor by using the protocol SDK, generated by buf.build; https://buf.build/japella/japella/sdks