Run from master
If you want to build a package yourself, or contribute. Here is a guide for how to do that.
Get Code
go get
Building the backend
Replace X.Y.Z by current version number in package.json file
cd $GOPATH/src/
go run build.go setup (only needed once to install godep)
godep restore (will pull down all golang lib dependencies in your current GOPATH)
go run build.go build
Building frontend assets
npm install
PATH=$(npm bin):$PATH
npm run tsc
cd public/
ln -s ../node_modules/ ./node_modules
cd ..
Recompile backend on source change
To rebuild on source change (requires that you executed godep restore)
go get
bra run
Running first time
To execute without any configuration you need a minimal config.toml file on the conf directory.
cp conf/sample.config.toml conf/config.toml
Online config
Now you wil be able to configure metrics/measuremnets and devices from the builting web server at http://localhost:8090
Offline configuration.
You will be able also insert data directly on the sqlite db that snmpcollector has been created at first execution on config/snmpcollector.db examples on example_config.sql
cat conf/example_config.sql |sqlite3 conf/snmpcollector.db