The base library will have URI schemes (and defanged variants) baked into it. As such, every now and then, we should update the constants. That's what this tool is for.
$ go generate # or go run tools/writeconsts/writeconsts.go
[INFO] Generating library file
[INFO] Found base module path at /Users/jakeireland/projects/defang-uri-schemes
[INFO] found table [columns [Range Registration Procedures] count 3]
[INFO] found table [columns [URI Scheme Template Description Status Well-Known URI Support Reference Notes] count 384]
[INFO] found table [columns [Range Registration Procedures Note] count 5]
[INFO] found table [columns [Name Range (dec) Range (hex) Range Length (Bits) Reference Change Controller] count 2]
[INFO] found table [columns [Range Registration Procedures] count 3]
[INFO] found table [columns [Value Description Reference] count 28]
[INFO] found table [columns [Range Registration Procedures] count 6]
[INFO] found table [columns [Value Description Reference] count 2]
[INFO] found table [columns [ID Name Organization Contact URI Last Updated] count 113]
[INFO] Wrote 86552 bytes to "/Users/jakeireland/projects/defang-uri-schemes/uri_scheme_consts.go"
[INFO] Successfully ran `go fmt` on output file "/Users/jakeireland/projects/defang-uri-schemes/uri_scheme_consts.go"