Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AlwaysCollide(_ *Arbiter, _ *Space, _ interface{}) bool
- func AreaForCircle(r1, r2 float64) float64
- func AreaForPoly(count int, verts []Vector, r float64) float64
- func AreaForSegment(a, b Vector, r float64) float64
- func BodyUpdatePosition(body *Body, dt float64)
- func BodyUpdateVelocity(body *Body, gravity Vector, damping, dt float64)
- func CachedArbitersFilter(arb *Arbiter, space *Space, shape *Shape, body *Body) bool
- func CircleSegmentQuery(shape *Shape, center Vector, r1 float64, a, b Vector, r2 float64, ...)
- func CircleToCircle(info *CollisionInfo)
- func CircleToPoly(info *CollisionInfo)
- func CircleToSegment(info *CollisionInfo)
- func Clamp(f, min, max float64) float64
- func Clamp01(f float64) float64
- func CollisionError(info *CollisionInfo)
- func ComponentActive(root *Body, threshold float64) bool
- func ContactPoints(e1, e2 Edge, points ClosestPoints, info *CollisionInfo)
- func Contains(bodies []*Body, body *Body) bool
- func ConvexHull(count int, verts []Vector, first *int, tol float64) int
- func DebugInfo(space *Space) string
- func DefaultBegin(arb *Arbiter, space *Space, _ interface{}) bool
- func DefaultPostSolve(arb *Arbiter, space *Space, _ interface{})
- func DefaultPreSolve(arb *Arbiter, space *Space, _ interface{}) bool
- func DefaultSeparate(arb *Arbiter, space *Space, _ interface{})
- func DefaultSpringForce(spring *DampedSpring, dist float64) float64
- func DoNothing(_ *Arbiter, _ *Space, _ interface{})
- func DrawConstraint(constraint *Constraint, options Drawer)
- func DrawShape(shape *Shape, options Drawer)
- func DrawSpace(space *Space, options Drawer)
- func FloodFillComponent(root *Body, body *Body)
- func Lerp(f1, f2, t float64) float64
- func LerpConst(f1, f2, d float64) float64
- func LoopIndexes(verts []Vector, count int) (int, int)
- func MarchCellHard(t, a, b, c, d, x0, x1, y0, y1 float64, marchSegment MarchSegmentFunc, ...)
- func MarchCellSoft(t, a, b, c, d, x0, x1, y0, y1 float64, marchSegment MarchSegmentFunc, ...)
- func MomentForBox(m, width, height float64) float64
- func MomentForBox2(m float64, box BB) float64
- func MomentForCircle(m, r1, r2 float64, offset Vector) float64
- func MomentForPoly(m float64, count int, verts []Vector, offset Vector, r float64) float64
- func MomentForSegment(m float64, a, b Vector, r float64) float64
- func NearestPointQueryNearest(obj interface{}, shape *Shape, collisionId uint32, out interface{}) uint32
- func Next(i, count int) int
- func NodeSetA(node, value *Node)
- func NodeSetB(node, value *Node)
- func PolyLineCollectSegment(v0, v1 Vector, pls *PolyLineSet)
- func PolySupportPointIndex(count int, planes []SplittingPlane, n Vector) int
- func PolyToPoly(info *CollisionInfo)
- func PostStepDoNothing(space *Space, key, data interface{})
- func QHullPartition(verts []Vector, count int, a, b Vector, tol float64) int
- func QHullReduce(tol float64, verts []Vector, count int, a, pivot, b Vector, result []Vector) int
- func QueryReject(a, b *Shape) bool
- func QueryRejectConstraints(a, b *Body) bool
- func SegmentToPoly(info *CollisionInfo)
- func SegmentToSegment(info *CollisionInfo)
- func Sharpness(a, b, c Vector) float64
- func SpaceArbiterSetFilter(arb *Arbiter, space *Space) bool
- func SpaceCollideShapesFunc(obj interface{}, b *Shape, collisionId uint32, vspace interface{}) uint32
- func VoidQueryFunc(obj1 interface{}, obj2 *Shape, collisionId uint32, data interface{}) uint32
- type Arbiter
- func (arbiter *Arbiter) ApplyCachedImpulse(dt_coef float64)
- func (arbiter *Arbiter) ApplyImpulse()
- func (arb *Arbiter) Bodies() (*Body, *Body)
- func (arb *Arbiter) CallWildcardBeginA(space *Space) bool
- func (arb *Arbiter) CallWildcardBeginB(space *Space) bool
- func (arb *Arbiter) CallWildcardPostSolveA(space *Space)
- func (arb *Arbiter) CallWildcardPostSolveB(space *Space)
- func (arb *Arbiter) CallWildcardPreSolveA(space *Space) bool
- func (arb *Arbiter) CallWildcardPreSolveB(space *Space) bool
- func (arb *Arbiter) CallWildcardSeparateA(space *Space)
- func (arb *Arbiter) CallWildcardSeparateB(space *Space)
- func (arb *Arbiter) ContactPointSet() ContactPointSet
- func (arb *Arbiter) Count() int
- func (arb *Arbiter) Ignore() bool
- func (arbiter *Arbiter) Init(a, b *Shape) *Arbiter
- func (arbiter *Arbiter) IsFirstContact() bool
- func (node *Arbiter) Next(body *Body) *Arbiter
- func (arb *Arbiter) Normal() Vector
- func (arb *Arbiter) PreStep(dt, slop, bias float64)
- func (arb *Arbiter) SetContactPointSet(set *ContactPointSet)
- func (arb *Arbiter) Shapes() (*Shape, *Shape)
- func (arbiter *Arbiter) ThreadForBody(body *Body) *ArbiterThread
- func (arb *Arbiter) TotalImpulse() Vector
- func (arbiter *Arbiter) Unthread()
- func (arb *Arbiter) Update(info *CollisionInfo, space *Space)
- type ArbiterThread
- type BB
- func (bb BB) Area() float64
- func (bb BB) Center() Vector
- func (bb BB) ClampVect(v *Vector) Vector
- func (bb BB) Contains(other BB) bool
- func (bb BB) ContainsVect(v Vector) bool
- func (bb BB) Expand(v Vector) BB
- func (a BB) Intersects(b BB) bool
- func (bb BB) IntersectsSegment(a, b Vector) bool
- func (a BB) Merge(b BB) BB
- func (a BB) MergedArea(b BB) float64
- func (bb BB) Offset(v Vector) BB
- func (a BB) Proximity(b BB) float64
- func (bb BB) SegmentQuery(a, b Vector) float64
- func (bb BB) String() string
- func (bb BB) WrapVect(v Vector) Vector
- type BBQueryContext
- type BBTree
- func (tree *BBTree) Contains(obj *Shape, hashId HashValue) bool
- func (tree *BBTree) Count() int
- func (tree *BBTree) Each(f SpatialIndexIterator)
- func (tree *BBTree) GetBB(obj *Shape) BB
- func (tree *BBTree) GetMasterTree() *BBTree
- func (tree *BBTree) IncrementStamp()
- func (tree *BBTree) Insert(obj *Shape, hashId HashValue)
- func (tree *BBTree) LeafAddPairs(leaf *Node)
- func (tree *BBTree) LeafUpdate(leaf *Node) bool
- func (tree *BBTree) NewLeaf(obj *Shape) *Node
- func (tree *BBTree) NewNode(a, b *Node) *Node
- func (tree *BBTree) NodeFromPool() *Node
- func (subtree *BBTree) PairFromPool() *Pair
- func (tree *BBTree) PairInsert(a *Node, b *Node)
- func (tree *BBTree) PairsClear(leaf *Node)
- func (tree *BBTree) Query(obj interface{}, bb BB, f SpatialIndexQuery, data interface{})
- func (tree *BBTree) RecycleNode(node *Node)
- func (tree *BBTree) RecyclePair(pair *Pair)
- func (tree *BBTree) Reindex()
- func (tree *BBTree) ReindexObject(obj *Shape, hashId HashValue)
- func (tree *BBTree) ReindexQuery(f SpatialIndexQuery, data interface{})
- func (tree *BBTree) Remove(obj *Shape, hashId HashValue)
- func (tree *BBTree) ReplaceChild(parent, child, value *Node)
- func (tree *BBTree) SegmentQuery(obj interface{}, a, b Vector, t_exit float64, f SpatialIndexSegmentQuery, ...)
- func (tree *BBTree) SubtreeInsert(subtree *Node, leaf *Node) *Node
- func (tree *BBTree) SubtreeRemove(subtree *Node, leaf *Node) *Node
- type BBTreeVelocityFunc
- type Body
- func (body *Body) AccumulateMassFromShapes()
- func (body *Body) Activate()
- func (body *Body) ActivateStatic(filter *Shape)
- func (body *Body) AddShape(shape *Shape) *Shape
- func (body *Body) Angle() float64
- func (body *Body) AngularVelocity() float64
- func (body *Body) ApplyForceAtLocalPoint(force, point Vector)
- func (body *Body) ApplyForceAtWorldPoint(force, point Vector)
- func (body *Body) ApplyImpulseAtLocalPoint(impulse, point Vector)
- func (body *Body) ApplyImpulseAtWorldPoint(impulse, point Vector)
- func (body Body) CenterOfGravity() Vector
- func (root *Body) ComponentAdd(body *Body)
- func (body *Body) ComponentRoot() *Body
- func (body *Body) EachArbiter(f func(*Arbiter))
- func (body *Body) EachConstraint(f func(*Constraint))
- func (body *Body) EachShape(f func(*Shape))
- func (body *Body) Force() Vector
- func (body *Body) GetType() int
- func (body *Body) IdleTime() float64
- func (body *Body) IsSleeping() bool
- func (body *Body) KineticEnergy() float64
- func (body *Body) LocalToWorld(point Vector) Vector
- func (body *Body) Mass() float64
- func (body Body) Moment() float64
- func (body *Body) Position() Vector
- func (body *Body) PushArbiter(arb *Arbiter)
- func (body *Body) RemoveConstraint(constraint *Constraint)
- func (body *Body) RemoveShape(shape *Shape)
- func (body *Body) Rotation() Vector
- func (body *Body) SetAngle(angle float64)
- func (body *Body) SetAngularVelocity(angularVelocity float64)
- func (body *Body) SetForce(force Vector)
- func (body *Body) SetMass(mass float64)
- func (body *Body) SetMoment(moment float64)
- func (body *Body) SetPosition(position Vector)
- func (body *Body) SetPositionUpdateFunc(f BodyPositionFunc)
- func (body *Body) SetTorque(torque float64)
- func (body *Body) SetTransform(p Vector, a float64)
- func (body *Body) SetType(newType int)
- func (body *Body) SetVelocity(x, y float64)
- func (body *Body) SetVelocityUpdateFunc(f BodyVelocityFunc)
- func (body *Body) SetVelocityVector(v Vector)
- func (b Body) String() string
- func (body *Body) Torque() float64
- func (body *Body) UpdateVelocity(gravity Vector, damping, dt float64)
- func (body *Body) Velocity() Vector
- func (body *Body) VelocityAtLocalPoint(point Vector) Vector
- func (body *Body) VelocityAtWorldPoint(point Vector) Vector
- func (body *Body) WorldToLocal(point Vector) Vector
- type BodyPositionFunc
- type BodyVelocityFunc
- type Children
- type Circle
- func (circle *Circle) CacheData(transform Transform) BB
- func (circle *Circle) PointQuery(p Vector, info *PointQueryInfo)
- func (circle *Circle) Radius() float64
- func (circle *Circle) SegmentQuery(a, b Vector, radius float64, info *SegmentQueryInfo)
- func (circle *Circle) SetRadius(r float64)
- func (circle *Circle) TransformC() Vector
- type ClosestPoints
- func EPA(ctx SupportContext, v0 MinkowskiPoint, v1 MinkowskiPoint, v2 MinkowskiPoint) ClosestPoints
- func EPARecurse(ctx SupportContext, count int, hull []MinkowskiPoint, iteration int) ClosestPoints
- func GJK(ctx SupportContext, collisionId *uint32) ClosestPoints
- func GJKRecurse(ctx SupportContext, v0, v1 MinkowskiPoint, iteration int) ClosestPoints
- type CollisionBeginFunc
- type CollisionFunc
- type CollisionHandler
- type CollisionInfo
- type CollisionPostSolveFunc
- type CollisionPreSolveFunc
- type CollisionSeparateFunc
- type CollisionType
- type Constrainer
- type Constraint
- func NewConstraint(class Constrainer, a, b *Body) *Constraint
- func NewDampedRotarySpring(a, b *Body, restAngle, stiffness, damping float64) *Constraint
- func NewDampedSpring(a, b *Body, anchorA, anchorB Vector, restLength, stiffness, damping float64) *Constraint
- func NewGearJoint(a, b *Body, phase, ratio float64) *Constraint
- func NewGrooveJoint(a, b *Body, grooveA, grooveB, anchorB Vector) *Constraint
- func NewPinJoint(a, b *Body, anchorA, anchorB Vector) *Constraint
- func NewPivotJoint(a, b *Body, pivot Vector) *Constraint
- func NewPivotJoint2(a, b *Body, anchorA, anchorB Vector) *Constraint
- func NewRatchetJoint(a, b *Body, phase, ratchet float64) *Constraint
- func NewRotaryLimitJoint(a, b *Body, min, max float64) *Constraint
- func NewSimpleMotor(a, b *Body, rate float64) *Constraint
- func NewSlideJoint(a, b *Body, anchorA, anchorB Vector, min, max float64) *Constraint
- func (c *Constraint) ActivateBodies()
- func (c Constraint) ErrorBias() float64
- func (c Constraint) MaxBias() float64
- func (c Constraint) MaxForce() float64
- func (c *Constraint) Next(body *Body) *Constraint
- func (c *Constraint) SetCollideBodies(collideBodies bool)
- func (c *Constraint) SetErrorBias(errorBias float64)
- func (c *Constraint) SetMaxBias(max float64)
- func (c *Constraint) SetMaxForce(max float64)
- type ConstraintPostSolveFunc
- type ConstraintPreSolveFunc
- type Contact
- type ContactBuffer
- type ContactPointSet
- type DampedRotarySpring
- type DampedSpring
- type DampedSpringForceFunc
- type Drawer
- type Edge
- type EdgePoint
- type FColor
- type GearJoint
- type GrooveJoint
- type Handle
- type HashSet
- func (set *HashSet) Count() uint
- func (set *HashSet) Each(f HashSetIterator)
- func (set *HashSet) Filter(f HashSetFilter, data interface{})
- func (set *HashSet) Find(hash HashValue, ptr interface{}) interface{}
- func (set *HashSet) Free()
- func (set *HashSet) GetUnusedBin() *HashSetBin
- func (set *HashSet) Insert(hash HashValue, ptr interface{}, trans HashSetTrans, data interface{}) interface{}
- func (set *HashSet) Recycle(bin *HashSetBin)
- func (set *HashSet) Remove(hash HashValue, ptr interface{}) interface{}
- func (set *HashSet) Resize()
- type HashSetArbiter
- func (set *HashSetArbiter) Count() uint
- func (set *HashSetArbiter) Each(f HashSetIteratorArbiter)
- func (set *HashSetArbiter) Filter(filter func(arb *Arbiter) bool)
- func (set *HashSetArbiter) Find(hash HashValue, ptr ShapePair) interface{}
- func (set *HashSetArbiter) Free()
- func (set *HashSetArbiter) GetUnusedBin() *HashSetBinArbiter
- func (set *HashSetArbiter) Insert(hash HashValue, ptr ShapePair, trans HashSetTransArbiter, space *Space) *Arbiter
- func (set *HashSetArbiter) InsertArb(hash HashValue, ptr ShapePair, arb *Arbiter) interface{}
- func (set *HashSetArbiter) Recycle(bin *HashSetBinArbiter)
- func (set *HashSetArbiter) Remove(hash HashValue, ptr ShapePair) *Arbiter
- func (set *HashSetArbiter) Resize()
- type HashSetBin
- type HashSetBinArbiter
- type HashSetBinCollisionHandler
- type HashSetBinHandle
- type HashSetCollisionHandler
- func (set *HashSetCollisionHandler) Count() uint
- func (set *HashSetCollisionHandler) Each(f HashSetIterator)
- func (set *HashSetCollisionHandler) Find(hash HashValue, ptr *CollisionHandler) *CollisionHandler
- func (set *HashSetCollisionHandler) Insert(hash HashValue, ptr *CollisionHandler) *CollisionHandler
- func (set *HashSetCollisionHandler) Resize()
- type HashSetEqual
- type HashSetEqualArbiter
- type HashSetEqualCollisionHandler
- type HashSetEqualHandle
- type HashSetFilter
- type HashSetFilterArbiter
- type HashSetFilterCollisionHandler
- type HashSetFilterHandle
- type HashSetHandle
- func (set *HashSetHandle) Count() uint
- func (set *HashSetHandle) Each(f HashSetIteratorHandle)
- func (set *HashSetHandle) Find(hash HashValue, ptr *Shape) interface{}
- func (set *HashSetHandle) Free()
- func (set *HashSetHandle) GetUnusedBin() *HashSetBinHandle
- func (set *HashSetHandle) Insert(hash HashValue, ptr *Shape, trans HashSetTransHandle, spaceHash *SpaceHash) *Handle
- func (set *HashSetHandle) InsertArb(hash HashValue, ptr *Shape, arb *Handle) interface{}
- func (set *HashSetHandle) Recycle(bin *HashSetBinHandle)
- func (set *HashSetHandle) Remove(hash HashValue, ptr *Shape) *Handle
- func (set *HashSetHandle) Resize()
- type HashSetIterator
- type HashSetIteratorArbiter
- type HashSetIteratorCollisionHandler
- type HashSetIteratorHandle
- type HashSetTrans
- type HashSetTransArbiter
- type HashSetTransCollisionHandler
- type HashSetTransHandle
- type HashValue
- type Leaf
- type MarchCellFunc
- type MarchSampleFunc
- type MarchSegmentFunc
- type MarkContext
- type Mat2x2
- type MinkowskiPoint
- type Node
- func (node *Node) IsLeaf() bool
- func (leaf *Node) MarkLeaf(context *MarkContext)
- func (subtree *Node) MarkLeafQuery(leaf *Node, left bool, context *MarkContext)
- func (subtree *Node) MarkSubtree(context *MarkContext)
- func (node *Node) Other(child *Node) *Node
- func (subtree *Node) SubtreeQuery(obj interface{}, bb BB, query SpatialIndexQuery, data interface{})
- func (subtree *Node) SubtreeSegmentQuery(obj interface{}, a, b Vector, t_exit float64, f SpatialIndexSegmentQuery, ...) float64
- type Pair
- type PinJoint
- type PivotJoint
- type PointQueryContext
- type PointQueryInfo
- type PolyLine
- func (pl *PolyLine) Enqueue(v Vector) *PolyLine
- func (pl *PolyLine) IsClosed() bool
- func (pl *PolyLine) IsShort(count, start, end int, min float64) bool
- func (pl *PolyLine) Push(v Vector) *PolyLine
- func (pl *PolyLine) SimplifyCurves(tol float64) *PolyLine
- func (pl *PolyLine) SimplifyVertexes(tol float64) *PolyLine
- type PolyLineSet
- type PolyShape
- func (poly *PolyShape) CacheData(transform Transform) BB
- func (poly PolyShape) Count() int
- func (poly *PolyShape) PointQuery(p Vector, info *PointQueryInfo)
- func (poly PolyShape) Radius() float64
- func (poly *PolyShape) SegmentQuery(a, b Vector, r2 float64, info *SegmentQueryInfo)
- func (poly PolyShape) SetRadius(r float64)
- func (p *PolyShape) SetVerts(count int, verts []Vector)
- func (p *PolyShape) SetVertsRaw(count int, verts []Vector)
- func (p *PolyShape) SetVertsUnsafe(count int, verts []Vector, transform Transform)
- func (poly PolyShape) TransformVert(i int) Vector
- func (poly PolyShape) Vert(i int) Vector
- type PostStepCallback
- type PostStepCallbackFunc
- type RatchetJoint
- type RotaryLimitJoint
- type Segment
- func (seg *Segment) A() Vector
- func (seg *Segment) B() Vector
- func (seg *Segment) CacheData(transform Transform) BB
- func (seg *Segment) Normal() Vector
- func (seg *Segment) PointQuery(p Vector, info *PointQueryInfo)
- func (seg *Segment) Radius() float64
- func (seg *Segment) SegmentQuery(a, b Vector, r2 float64, info *SegmentQueryInfo)
- func (seg *Segment) SetEndpoints(a, b Vector)
- func (seg *Segment) SetRadius(r float64)
- func (seg *Segment) TransformA() Vector
- func (seg *Segment) TransformB() Vector
- type SegmentQueryContext
- type SegmentQueryInfo
- type Shape
- func NewBox(body *Body, w, h, r float64) *Shape
- func NewBox2(body *Body, bb BB, r float64) *Shape
- func NewCircle(body *Body, radius float64, offset Vector) *Shape
- func NewPolyShape(body *Body, vectCount int, verts []Vector, transform Transform, radius float64) *Shape
- func NewPolyShapeRaw(body *Body, count int, verts []Vector, radius float64) *Shape
- func NewSegment(body *Body, a, b Vector, r float64) *Shape
- func NewShape(class ShapeClass, body *Body, massInfo *ShapeMassInfo) *Shape
- func (s *Shape) Area() float64
- func (s *Shape) BB() BB
- func (s *Shape) Body() *Body
- func (s *Shape) CacheBB() BB
- func (s *Shape) CenterOfGravity() Vector
- func (s *Shape) Density() float64
- func (s *Shape) Elasticity() float64
- func (s *Shape) Friction() float64
- func (s *Shape) HashId() HashValue
- func (s *Shape) Mass() float64
- func (s *Shape) MassInfo() *ShapeMassInfo
- func (s *Shape) Moment() float64
- func (s *Shape) Order() int
- func (s *Shape) Point(i uint32) SupportPoint
- func (s *Shape) PointQuery(p Vector) PointQueryInfo
- func (shape *Shape) SegmentQuery(a, b Vector, radius float64, info *SegmentQueryInfo) bool
- func (s *Shape) Sensor() bool
- func (s *Shape) SetBB(bb BB)
- func (s *Shape) SetCollisionType(collisionType CollisionType)
- func (s *Shape) SetDensity(density float64)
- func (s *Shape) SetElasticity(e float64)
- func (s *Shape) SetFilter(filter ShapeFilter)
- func (s *Shape) SetFriction(u float64)
- func (s *Shape) SetHashId(hashid HashValue)
- func (s *Shape) SetMass(mass float64)
- func (s *Shape) SetSensor(sensor bool)
- func (s *Shape) SetSpace(space *Space)
- func (s *Shape) SetSurfaceV(surfaceV Vector)
- func (s *Shape) Space() *Space
- func (s Shape) String() string
- func (s *Shape) Update(transform Transform) BB
- type ShapeClass
- type ShapeFilter
- type ShapeMassInfo
- type ShapePair
- type Shaper
- type SimpleMotor
- type SlideJoint
- type Space
- func (space *Space) Activate(body *Body)
- func (space *Space) AddBody(body *Body) *Body
- func (space *Space) AddConstraint(constraint *Constraint) *Constraint
- func (space *Space) AddPostStepCallback(f PostStepCallbackFunc, key, data interface{}) bool
- func (space *Space) AddShape(shape *Shape) *Shape
- func (space *Space) ArrayForBodyType(bodyType int) *[]*Body
- func (space *Space) BBQuery(bb BB, filter ShapeFilter, f SpaceBBQueryFunc, data interface{})
- func (space *Space) ContactBufferGetArray() []Contact
- func (space *Space) ContainsBody(body *Body) bool
- func (space *Space) ContainsConstraint(constraint *Constraint) bool
- func (space *Space) ContainsShape(shape *Shape) bool
- func (space *Space) Damping() float64
- func (space *Space) Deactivate(body *Body)
- func (space *Space) EachBody(f func(body *Body))
- func (space *Space) EachConstraint(f func(*Constraint))
- func (space *Space) EachShape(f func(*Shape))
- func (space *Space) FilterArbiters(body *Body, filter *Shape)
- func (space *Space) Gravity() Vector
- func (space *Space) Lock()
- func (space *Space) LookupHandler(a, b CollisionType, defaultHandler *CollisionHandler) *CollisionHandler
- func (space *Space) NewCollisionHandler(collisionTypeA, collisionTypeB CollisionType) *CollisionHandler
- func (space *Space) NewWildcardCollisionHandler(collisionType CollisionType) *CollisionHandler
- func (space *Space) PointQueryNearest(point Vector, maxDistance float64, filter ShapeFilter) *PointQueryInfo
- func (space *Space) PopContacts(count int)
- func (space *Space) PostStepCallback(key interface{}) *PostStepCallback
- func (space *Space) ProcessComponents(dt float64)
- func (space *Space) PushContacts(count int)
- func (space *Space) PushFreshContactBuffer()
- func (space *Space) RemoveBody(body *Body)
- func (space *Space) RemoveConstraint(constraint *Constraint)
- func (space *Space) RemoveShape(shape *Shape)
- func (space *Space) SegmentQuery(start, end Vector, radius float64, filter ShapeFilter, f SpaceSegmentQueryFunc, ...)
- func (space *Space) SegmentQueryFirst(start, end Vector, radius float64, filter ShapeFilter) SegmentQueryInfo
- func (space *Space) SetCollisionSlop(slop float64)
- func (space *Space) SetDamping(damping float64)
- func (space *Space) SetGravity(gravity Vector)
- func (space *Space) SetStaticBody(body *Body)
- func (space *Space) ShapeQuery(shape *Shape, callback func(shape *Shape, points *ContactPointSet)) bool
- func (space *Space) Step(dt float64)
- func (space *Space) TimeStep() float64
- func (space *Space) UncacheArbiter(arb *Arbiter)
- func (space *Space) Unlock(runPostStep bool)
- func (space *Space) UseSpatialHash(dim float64, count int)
- func (space *Space) UseWildcardDefaultHandler()
- type SpaceBBQueryFunc
- type SpaceHash
- func (hash *SpaceHash) Contains(obj *Shape, hashId HashValue) bool
- func (hash *SpaceHash) Count() int
- func (hash *SpaceHash) Each(f SpatialIndexIterator)
- func (hash *SpaceHash) Insert(obj *Shape, hashId HashValue)
- func (hash *SpaceHash) Query(obj interface{}, bb BB, f SpatialIndexQuery, data interface{})
- func (hash *SpaceHash) Reindex()
- func (hash *SpaceHash) ReindexObject(obj *Shape, hashId HashValue)
- func (hash *SpaceHash) ReindexQuery(f SpatialIndexQuery, data interface{})
- func (hash *SpaceHash) Remove(obj *Shape, hashId HashValue)
- func (hash *SpaceHash) SegmentQuery(obj interface{}, a, b Vector, t_exit float64, f SpatialIndexSegmentQuery, ...)
- type SpaceHashBin
- type SpacePointQueryFunc
- type SpaceSegmentQueryFunc
- type SpatialIndex
- type SpatialIndexBB
- type SpatialIndexIterator
- type SpatialIndexQuery
- type SpatialIndexSegmentQuery
- type SpatialIndexer
- type SplittingPlane
- type SupportContext
- type SupportPoint
- type SupportPointFunc
- type Thread
- type Transform
- func NewTransform(a, c, tx, b, d, ty float64) Transform
- func NewTransformIdentity() Transform
- func NewTransformRigid(translate Vector, radians float64) Transform
- func NewTransformRigidInverse(t Transform) Transform
- func NewTransformRotate(radians float64) Transform
- func NewTransformScale(scaleX, scaleY float64) Transform
- func NewTransformTranslate(translate Vector) Transform
- func NewTransformTranspose(a, c, tx, b, d, ty float64) Transform
- func (outer Transform) AxialScale(axis, pivot Vector, scale float64) Transform
- func (t Transform) BB(bb BB) BB
- func (outer Transform) BoneScale(v0, v1 Vector) Transform
- func (t Transform) Inverse() Transform
- func (t Transform) Mult(t2 Transform) Transform
- func (outer Transform) Ortho(bb BB) Transform
- func (t Transform) Point(p Vector) Vector
- func (t Transform) Vect(v Vector) Vector
- func (outer Transform) Wrap(inner Transform) Transform
- type Vector
- func (v Vector) Add(other Vector) Vector
- func (v0 Vector) CheckAxis(v1, p, n Vector) bool
- func (v Vector) Clamp(length float64) Vector
- func (p Vector) Clone() Vector
- func (v0 Vector) ClosestDist(v1 Vector) float64
- func (p Vector) ClosestPointOnSegment(a, b Vector) Vector
- func (a Vector) ClosestT(b Vector) float64
- func (v Vector) Cross(other Vector) float64
- func (v Vector) Distance(other Vector) float64
- func (v Vector) DistanceSq(other Vector) float64
- func (v Vector) Dot(other Vector) float64
- func (v Vector) Equal(other Vector) bool
- func (v Vector) Length() float64
- func (v Vector) LengthSq() float64
- func (v Vector) Lerp(other Vector, t float64) Vector
- func (v Vector) LerpConst(other Vector, d float64) Vector
- func (a Vector) LerpT(b Vector, t float64) Vector
- func (v Vector) Mult(s float64) Vector
- func (v Vector) Near(other Vector, d float64) bool
- func (v Vector) Neg() Vector
- func (v Vector) Normalize() Vector
- func (v Vector) Perp() Vector
- func (a Vector) PointGreater(b, c Vector) bool
- func (v Vector) Project(other Vector) Vector
- func (v Vector) ReversePerp() Vector
- func (v Vector) Rotate(other Vector) Vector
- func (v Vector) SLerp(other Vector, t float64) Vector
- func (v Vector) SlerpConst(other Vector, a float64) Vector
- func (v Vector) String() string
- func (v Vector) Sub(other Vector) Vector
- func (v Vector) ToAngle() float64
- func (v Vector) Unrotate(other Vector) Vector
Constants ¶
body types
Draw flags
const ( INFINITY = math.MaxFloat64 MAGIC_EPSILON = 1e-5 RadianConst = math.Pi / 180 DegreeConst = 180 / math.Pi POOLED_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 )
const ( // Arbiter is active and its the first collision. CP_ARBITER_STATE_FIRST_COLLISION = iota // Arbiter is active and its not the first collision. CP_ARBITER_STATE_NORMAL // Collision has been explicitly ignored. // Either by returning false from a begin collision handler or calling cpArbiterIgnore(). CP_ARBITER_STATE_IGNORE // Collison is no longer active. A space will cache an arbiter for up to cpSpace.collisionPersistence more steps. CP_ARBITER_STATE_CACHED // Collison arbiter is invalid because one of the shapes was removed. CP_ARBITER_STATE_INVALIDATED )
Arbiter states
const HASH_COEF = 3344921057
const (
Variables ¶
var ( NO_GROUP uint = 0 ALL_CATEGORIES uint = ^uint(0) )
var BuiltinCollisionFuncs = [9]CollisionFunc{ CircleToCircle, CollisionError, CollisionError, CircleToSegment, SegmentToSegment, CollisionError, CircleToPoly, SegmentToPoly, PolyToPoly, }
var CollisionHandlerDefault = CollisionHandler{ WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE, WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE, DefaultBegin, DefaultPreSolve, DefaultPostSolve, DefaultSeparate, nil, }
var CollisionHandlerDoNothing = CollisionHandler{ WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE, WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE, AlwaysCollide, AlwaysCollide, DoNothing, DoNothing, nil, }
var ShapeUpdateFunc = func(shape *Shape) {
var ShapeVelocityFunc = func(obj interface{}) Vector { return obj.(*Shape).body.v }
Functions ¶
func AlwaysCollide ¶
func AreaForCircle ¶
func AreaForSegment ¶
func BodyUpdatePosition ¶
func BodyUpdateVelocity ¶
func CachedArbitersFilter ¶
func CircleSegmentQuery ¶
func CircleToCircle ¶
func CircleToCircle(info *CollisionInfo)
func CircleToPoly ¶
func CircleToPoly(info *CollisionInfo)
func CircleToSegment ¶
func CircleToSegment(info *CollisionInfo)
func CollisionError ¶
func CollisionError(info *CollisionInfo)
func ComponentActive ¶
func ContactPoints ¶
func ContactPoints(e1, e2 Edge, points ClosestPoints, info *CollisionInfo)
Given two support edges, find contact point pairs on their surfaces.
func ConvexHull ¶
QuickHull seemed like a neat algorithm, and efficient-ish for large input sets. My implementation performs an in place reduction using the result array as scratch space.
func DefaultBegin ¶
func DefaultPostSolve ¶
func DefaultPreSolve ¶
func DefaultSeparate ¶
func DefaultSpringForce ¶
func DefaultSpringForce(spring *DampedSpring, dist float64) float64
func DrawConstraint ¶
func DrawConstraint(constraint *Constraint, options Drawer)
func FloodFillComponent ¶
func MarchCellHard ¶ added in v1.2.0
func MarchCellHard(t, a, b, c, d, x0, x1, y0, y1 float64, marchSegment MarchSegmentFunc, segmentData *PolyLineSet)
func MarchCellSoft ¶ added in v1.2.0
func MarchCellSoft(t, a, b, c, d, x0, x1, y0, y1 float64, marchSegment MarchSegmentFunc, segmentData *PolyLineSet)
func MomentForBox ¶
func MomentForBox2 ¶
func MomentForCircle ¶
func MomentForPoly ¶
func PolyLineCollectSegment ¶ added in v1.2.0
func PolyLineCollectSegment(v0, v1 Vector, pls *PolyLineSet)
Add a segment to a polyline set. A segment will either start a new polyline, join two others, or add to or loop an existing polyline.
func PolySupportPointIndex ¶
func PolySupportPointIndex(count int, planes []SplittingPlane, n Vector) int
func PolyToPoly ¶
func PolyToPoly(info *CollisionInfo)
func PostStepDoNothing ¶
func PostStepDoNothing(space *Space, key, data interface{})
func QHullReduce ¶
func QueryReject ¶
func QueryRejectConstraints ¶
func SegmentToPoly ¶
func SegmentToPoly(info *CollisionInfo)
func SegmentToSegment ¶
func SegmentToSegment(info *CollisionInfo)
func SpaceArbiterSetFilter ¶
Hashset filter func to throw away old arbiters.
func SpaceCollideShapesFunc ¶
func VoidQueryFunc ¶
Types ¶
type Arbiter ¶
type Arbiter struct { UserData interface{} // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ArbiterNext ¶
func SpaceArbiterSetTrans ¶
func (*Arbiter) ApplyCachedImpulse ¶
func (*Arbiter) ApplyImpulse ¶
func (arbiter *Arbiter) ApplyImpulse()
func (*Arbiter) CallWildcardBeginA ¶
func (*Arbiter) CallWildcardBeginB ¶
func (*Arbiter) CallWildcardPostSolveA ¶
func (*Arbiter) CallWildcardPostSolveB ¶
func (*Arbiter) CallWildcardPreSolveA ¶
func (*Arbiter) CallWildcardPreSolveB ¶
func (*Arbiter) CallWildcardSeparateA ¶
func (*Arbiter) CallWildcardSeparateB ¶
func (*Arbiter) ContactPointSet ¶
func (arb *Arbiter) ContactPointSet() ContactPointSet
func (*Arbiter) IsFirstContact ¶
func (*Arbiter) SetContactPointSet ¶
func (arb *Arbiter) SetContactPointSet(set *ContactPointSet)
func (*Arbiter) ThreadForBody ¶
func (arbiter *Arbiter) ThreadForBody(body *Body) *ArbiterThread
func (*Arbiter) TotalImpulse ¶
func (*Arbiter) Update ¶
func (arb *Arbiter) Update(info *CollisionInfo, space *Space)
type ArbiterThread ¶
type ArbiterThread struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type BB ¶
type BB struct {
L, B, R, T float64
func NewBBForCircle ¶
func NewBBForExtents ¶
func ShapeGetBB ¶
func (BB) ContainsVect ¶
func (BB) Intersects ¶
func (BB) IntersectsSegment ¶
func (BB) MergedArea ¶
func (BB) SegmentQuery ¶
type BBQueryContext ¶
type BBQueryContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type BBTree ¶
type BBTree struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BBTree) Each ¶
func (tree *BBTree) Each(f SpatialIndexIterator)
func (*BBTree) GetMasterTree ¶
func (*BBTree) IncrementStamp ¶
func (tree *BBTree) IncrementStamp()
func (*BBTree) LeafAddPairs ¶
func (*BBTree) LeafUpdate ¶
func (*BBTree) NodeFromPool ¶
func (*BBTree) PairFromPool ¶
func (*BBTree) PairInsert ¶
func (*BBTree) PairsClear ¶
func (*BBTree) Query ¶
func (tree *BBTree) Query(obj interface{}, bb BB, f SpatialIndexQuery, data interface{})
func (*BBTree) RecycleNode ¶
func (*BBTree) RecyclePair ¶
func (*BBTree) ReindexObject ¶
func (*BBTree) ReindexQuery ¶
func (tree *BBTree) ReindexQuery(f SpatialIndexQuery, data interface{})
func (*BBTree) ReplaceChild ¶
func (*BBTree) SegmentQuery ¶
func (tree *BBTree) SegmentQuery(obj interface{}, a, b Vector, t_exit float64, f SpatialIndexSegmentQuery, data interface{})
type BBTreeVelocityFunc ¶
type BBTreeVelocityFunc func(obj interface{}) Vector
type Body ¶
type Body struct { UserData interface{} // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewKinematicBody ¶
func NewKinematicBody() *Body
func NewStaticBody ¶
func NewStaticBody() *Body
func (*Body) AccumulateMassFromShapes ¶
func (body *Body) AccumulateMassFromShapes()
Should *only* be called when shapes with mass info are modified, added or removed.
func (*Body) ActivateStatic ¶
func (*Body) AngularVelocity ¶
func (*Body) ApplyForceAtLocalPoint ¶
func (*Body) ApplyForceAtWorldPoint ¶
func (*Body) ApplyImpulseAtLocalPoint ¶
func (*Body) ApplyImpulseAtWorldPoint ¶
func (Body) CenterOfGravity ¶
func (*Body) ComponentAdd ¶
func (*Body) ComponentRoot ¶
func (*Body) EachArbiter ¶
func (*Body) EachConstraint ¶
func (body *Body) EachConstraint(f func(*Constraint))
func (*Body) IsSleeping ¶
func (*Body) KineticEnergy ¶
func (*Body) LocalToWorld ¶
func (*Body) PushArbiter ¶
func (*Body) RemoveConstraint ¶
func (body *Body) RemoveConstraint(constraint *Constraint)
func (*Body) RemoveShape ¶
func (*Body) SetAngularVelocity ¶
func (*Body) SetPosition ¶
func (*Body) SetPositionUpdateFunc ¶
func (body *Body) SetPositionUpdateFunc(f BodyPositionFunc)
func (*Body) SetTransform ¶
func (*Body) SetVelocity ¶
func (*Body) SetVelocityUpdateFunc ¶
func (body *Body) SetVelocityUpdateFunc(f BodyVelocityFunc)
func (*Body) SetVelocityVector ¶
func (*Body) UpdateVelocity ¶
func (*Body) VelocityAtLocalPoint ¶
func (*Body) VelocityAtWorldPoint ¶
func (*Body) WorldToLocal ¶
type BodyPositionFunc ¶
/ Rigid body position update function type.
type BodyVelocityFunc ¶
/ Rigid body velocity update function type.
type Circle ¶
type Circle struct { *Shape // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Circle) PointQuery ¶
func (circle *Circle) PointQuery(p Vector, info *PointQueryInfo)
func (*Circle) SegmentQuery ¶
func (circle *Circle) SegmentQuery(a, b Vector, radius float64, info *SegmentQueryInfo)
func (*Circle) TransformC ¶
type ClosestPoints ¶
type ClosestPoints struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func EPA ¶
func EPA(ctx SupportContext, v0 MinkowskiPoint, v1 MinkowskiPoint, v2 MinkowskiPoint) ClosestPoints
Find the closest points on the surface of two overlapping shapes using the EPA algorithm. EPA is called from GJK when two shapes overlap. This is a moderately expensive step! Avoid it by adding radii to your shapes so their inner polygons won't overlap.
func EPARecurse ¶
func EPARecurse(ctx SupportContext, count int, hull []MinkowskiPoint, iteration int) ClosestPoints
Recursive implementation of the EPA loop. Each recursion adds a point to the convex hull until it's known that we have the closest point on the surface.
func GJK ¶
func GJK(ctx SupportContext, collisionId *uint32) ClosestPoints
Find the closest points between two shapes using the GJK algorithm.
func GJKRecurse ¶
func GJKRecurse(ctx SupportContext, v0, v1 MinkowskiPoint, iteration int) ClosestPoints
Recursive implementation of the GJK loop.
type CollisionBeginFunc ¶
type CollisionFunc ¶
type CollisionFunc func(info *CollisionInfo)
type CollisionHandler ¶
type CollisionHandler struct { /// Collision type identifier of the first shape that this handler recognizes. /// In the collision handler callback, the shape with this type will be the first argument. Read only. TypeA CollisionType /// Collision type identifier of the second shape that this handler recognizes. /// In the collision handler callback, the shape with this type will be the second argument. Read only. TypeB CollisionType /// This function is called when two shapes with types that match this collision handler begin colliding. BeginFunc CollisionBeginFunc /// This function is called each step when two shapes with types that match this collision handler are colliding. /// It's called before the collision solver runs so that you can affect a collision's outcome. PreSolveFunc CollisionPreSolveFunc /// This function is called each step when two shapes with types that match this collision handler are colliding. /// It's called after the collision solver runs so that you can read back information about the collision to trigger events in your game. PostSolveFunc CollisionPostSolveFunc /// This function is called when two shapes with types that match this collision handler stop colliding. SeparateFunc CollisionSeparateFunc /// This is a user definable context pointer that is passed to all of the collision handler functions. UserData interface{} }
/ Struct that holds function callback pointers to configure custom collision handling. / Collision handlers have a pair of types; when a collision occurs between two shapes that have these types, the collision handler functions are triggered.
type CollisionInfo ¶
type CollisionInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func Collide ¶ added in v1.2.0
func Collide(a, b *Shape, collisionID uint32, contacts []Contact) CollisionInfo
Collide performs a collision between two shapes
func (*CollisionInfo) Collide ¶
func (info *CollisionInfo) Collide(a, b *Shape)
Collide performs a collision between two shapes Deprecated - use Collide below
func (*CollisionInfo) PushContact ¶
func (info *CollisionInfo) PushContact(p1, p2 Vector, hash HashValue)
type CollisionPostSolveFunc ¶
type CollisionPreSolveFunc ¶
type CollisionSeparateFunc ¶
type CollisionType ¶
type CollisionType uintptr
var WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE CollisionType = ^CollisionType(0)
type Constrainer ¶
type Constraint ¶
type Constraint struct { Class Constrainer PreSolve ConstraintPreSolveFunc PostSolve ConstraintPostSolveFunc // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewConstraint ¶
func NewConstraint(class Constrainer, a, b *Body) *Constraint
func NewDampedRotarySpring ¶
func NewDampedRotarySpring(a, b *Body, restAngle, stiffness, damping float64) *Constraint
func NewDampedSpring ¶
func NewDampedSpring(a, b *Body, anchorA, anchorB Vector, restLength, stiffness, damping float64) *Constraint
func NewGearJoint ¶
func NewGearJoint(a, b *Body, phase, ratio float64) *Constraint
func NewGrooveJoint ¶
func NewGrooveJoint(a, b *Body, grooveA, grooveB, anchorB Vector) *Constraint
func NewPinJoint ¶
func NewPinJoint(a, b *Body, anchorA, anchorB Vector) *Constraint
func NewPivotJoint ¶
func NewPivotJoint(a, b *Body, pivot Vector) *Constraint
func NewPivotJoint2 ¶
func NewPivotJoint2(a, b *Body, anchorA, anchorB Vector) *Constraint
func NewRatchetJoint ¶
func NewRatchetJoint(a, b *Body, phase, ratchet float64) *Constraint
func NewRotaryLimitJoint ¶
func NewRotaryLimitJoint(a, b *Body, min, max float64) *Constraint
func NewSimpleMotor ¶
func NewSimpleMotor(a, b *Body, rate float64) *Constraint
func NewSlideJoint ¶
func NewSlideJoint(a, b *Body, anchorA, anchorB Vector, min, max float64) *Constraint
func (*Constraint) ActivateBodies ¶
func (c *Constraint) ActivateBodies()
func (Constraint) ErrorBias ¶
func (c Constraint) ErrorBias() float64
func (Constraint) MaxBias ¶
func (c Constraint) MaxBias() float64
func (Constraint) MaxForce ¶
func (c Constraint) MaxForce() float64
func (*Constraint) Next ¶
func (c *Constraint) Next(body *Body) *Constraint
func (*Constraint) SetCollideBodies ¶
func (c *Constraint) SetCollideBodies(collideBodies bool)
func (*Constraint) SetErrorBias ¶
func (c *Constraint) SetErrorBias(errorBias float64)
func (*Constraint) SetMaxBias ¶
func (c *Constraint) SetMaxBias(max float64)
func (*Constraint) SetMaxForce ¶
func (c *Constraint) SetMaxForce(max float64)
type ConstraintPostSolveFunc ¶
type ConstraintPostSolveFunc func(*Constraint, *Space)
type ConstraintPreSolveFunc ¶
type ConstraintPreSolveFunc func(*Constraint, *Space)
type ContactBuffer ¶
type ContactBuffer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewContactBuffer ¶
func NewContactBuffer(stamp uint, slice *ContactBuffer) *ContactBuffer
func (*ContactBuffer) InitHeader ¶
func (c *ContactBuffer) InitHeader(stamp uint, splice *ContactBuffer) *ContactBuffer
type ContactPointSet ¶
type ContactPointSet struct { Count int Normal Vector Points [MAX_CONTACTS_PER_ARBITER]struct { /// The position of the contact on the surface of each shape. PointA, PointB Vector /// Penetration distance of the two shapes. Overlapping means it will be negative. /// This value is calculated as cpvdot(cpvsub(point2, point1), normal) and is ignored by cpArbiterSetContactPointSet(). Distance float64 } }
func ShapesCollide ¶ added in v1.2.0
func ShapesCollide(a, b *Shape) ContactPointSet
type DampedRotarySpring ¶
type DampedRotarySpring struct { *Constraint RestAngle, Stiffness, Damping float64 SpringTorqueFunc func(spring *DampedRotarySpring, relativeAngle float64) float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DampedRotarySpring) ApplyCachedImpulse ¶
func (joint *DampedRotarySpring) ApplyCachedImpulse(dt_coef float64)
func (*DampedRotarySpring) ApplyImpulse ¶
func (spring *DampedRotarySpring) ApplyImpulse(dt float64)
func (*DampedRotarySpring) GetImpulse ¶
func (joint *DampedRotarySpring) GetImpulse() float64
func (*DampedRotarySpring) PreStep ¶
func (spring *DampedRotarySpring) PreStep(dt float64)
type DampedSpring ¶
type DampedSpring struct { *Constraint AnchorA, AnchorB Vector RestLength, Stiffness, Damping float64 SpringForceFunc DampedSpringForceFunc // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DampedSpring) ApplyCachedImpulse ¶
func (spring *DampedSpring) ApplyCachedImpulse(dt_coef float64)
func (*DampedSpring) ApplyImpulse ¶
func (spring *DampedSpring) ApplyImpulse(dt float64)
func (*DampedSpring) GetImpulse ¶
func (spring *DampedSpring) GetImpulse() float64
func (*DampedSpring) PreStep ¶
func (spring *DampedSpring) PreStep(dt float64)
type DampedSpringForceFunc ¶
type DampedSpringForceFunc func(spring *DampedSpring, dist float64) float64
type Drawer ¶
type Drawer interface { DrawCircle(pos Vector, angle, radius float64, outline, fill FColor, data interface{}) DrawSegment(a, b Vector, fill FColor, data interface{}) DrawFatSegment(a, b Vector, radius float64, outline, fill FColor, data interface{}) DrawPolygon(count int, verts []Vector, radius float64, outline, fill FColor, data interface{}) DrawDot(size float64, pos Vector, fill FColor, data interface{}) Flags() uint OutlineColor() FColor ShapeColor(shape *Shape, data interface{}) FColor ConstraintColor() FColor CollisionPointColor() FColor Data() interface{} }
type Edge ¶
type Edge struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func SupportEdgeForPoly ¶
func SupportEdgeForSegment ¶
type GearJoint ¶
type GearJoint struct { *Constraint // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GearJoint) ApplyCachedImpulse ¶
func (*GearJoint) ApplyImpulse ¶
func (*GearJoint) GetImpulse ¶
type GrooveJoint ¶
type GrooveJoint struct { *Constraint GrooveN, GrooveA, GrooveB Vector AnchorB Vector // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GrooveJoint) ApplyCachedImpulse ¶
func (joint *GrooveJoint) ApplyCachedImpulse(dt_coef float64)
func (*GrooveJoint) ApplyImpulse ¶
func (joint *GrooveJoint) ApplyImpulse(dt float64)
func (*GrooveJoint) GetImpulse ¶
func (joint *GrooveJoint) GetImpulse() float64
func (*GrooveJoint) PreStep ¶
func (joint *GrooveJoint) PreStep(dt float64)
type HashSet ¶
type HashSet struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewHashSet ¶
func NewHashSet(eql HashSetEqual) *HashSet
func (*HashSet) Each ¶
func (set *HashSet) Each(f HashSetIterator)
func (*HashSet) Filter ¶
func (set *HashSet) Filter(f HashSetFilter, data interface{})
func (*HashSet) GetUnusedBin ¶
func (set *HashSet) GetUnusedBin() *HashSetBin
func (*HashSet) Insert ¶
func (set *HashSet) Insert(hash HashValue, ptr interface{}, trans HashSetTrans, data interface{}) interface{}
func (*HashSet) Recycle ¶
func (set *HashSet) Recycle(bin *HashSetBin)
type HashSetArbiter ¶
type HashSetArbiter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewHashSetArbiter ¶
func NewHashSetArbiter(eql HashSetEqualArbiter) *HashSetArbiter
func (*HashSetArbiter) Count ¶
func (set *HashSetArbiter) Count() uint
func (*HashSetArbiter) Each ¶
func (set *HashSetArbiter) Each(f HashSetIteratorArbiter)
func (*HashSetArbiter) Filter ¶
func (set *HashSetArbiter) Filter(filter func(arb *Arbiter) bool)
func (*HashSetArbiter) Find ¶
func (set *HashSetArbiter) Find(hash HashValue, ptr ShapePair) interface{}
func (*HashSetArbiter) Free ¶
func (set *HashSetArbiter) Free()
func (*HashSetArbiter) GetUnusedBin ¶
func (set *HashSetArbiter) GetUnusedBin() *HashSetBinArbiter
func (*HashSetArbiter) Insert ¶
func (set *HashSetArbiter) Insert(hash HashValue, ptr ShapePair, trans HashSetTransArbiter, space *Space) *Arbiter
func (*HashSetArbiter) InsertArb ¶
func (set *HashSetArbiter) InsertArb(hash HashValue, ptr ShapePair, arb *Arbiter) interface{}
func (*HashSetArbiter) Recycle ¶
func (set *HashSetArbiter) Recycle(bin *HashSetBinArbiter)
func (*HashSetArbiter) Remove ¶
func (set *HashSetArbiter) Remove(hash HashValue, ptr ShapePair) *Arbiter
func (*HashSetArbiter) Resize ¶
func (set *HashSetArbiter) Resize()
type HashSetBin ¶
type HashSetBin struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type HashSetBinArbiter ¶
type HashSetBinArbiter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type HashSetBinCollisionHandler ¶
type HashSetBinCollisionHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type HashSetBinHandle ¶
type HashSetBinHandle struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type HashSetCollisionHandler ¶
type HashSetCollisionHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewHashSetCollisionHandler ¶
func NewHashSetCollisionHandler() *HashSetCollisionHandler
func (*HashSetCollisionHandler) Count ¶
func (set *HashSetCollisionHandler) Count() uint
func (*HashSetCollisionHandler) Each ¶
func (set *HashSetCollisionHandler) Each(f HashSetIterator)
func (*HashSetCollisionHandler) Find ¶
func (set *HashSetCollisionHandler) Find(hash HashValue, ptr *CollisionHandler) *CollisionHandler
func (*HashSetCollisionHandler) Insert ¶
func (set *HashSetCollisionHandler) Insert(hash HashValue, ptr *CollisionHandler) *CollisionHandler
func (*HashSetCollisionHandler) Resize ¶
func (set *HashSetCollisionHandler) Resize()
type HashSetEqual ¶
type HashSetEqual func(ptr, elt interface{}) bool
type HashSetEqualArbiter ¶
type HashSetEqualCollisionHandler ¶
type HashSetEqualCollisionHandler func(ptr, elt interface{}) bool
type HashSetEqualHandle ¶
type HashSetFilter ¶
type HashSetFilter func(elt, data interface{}) bool
type HashSetFilterArbiter ¶
type HashSetFilterCollisionHandler ¶
type HashSetFilterCollisionHandler func(elt, data interface{}) bool
type HashSetFilterHandle ¶
type HashSetHandle ¶
type HashSetHandle struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewHashSetHandle ¶
func NewHashSetHandle(eql HashSetEqualHandle) *HashSetHandle
func (*HashSetHandle) Count ¶
func (set *HashSetHandle) Count() uint
func (*HashSetHandle) Each ¶
func (set *HashSetHandle) Each(f HashSetIteratorHandle)
func (*HashSetHandle) Find ¶
func (set *HashSetHandle) Find(hash HashValue, ptr *Shape) interface{}
func (*HashSetHandle) Free ¶
func (set *HashSetHandle) Free()
func (*HashSetHandle) GetUnusedBin ¶
func (set *HashSetHandle) GetUnusedBin() *HashSetBinHandle
func (*HashSetHandle) Insert ¶
func (set *HashSetHandle) Insert(hash HashValue, ptr *Shape, trans HashSetTransHandle, spaceHash *SpaceHash) *Handle
func (*HashSetHandle) InsertArb ¶
func (set *HashSetHandle) InsertArb(hash HashValue, ptr *Shape, arb *Handle) interface{}
func (*HashSetHandle) Recycle ¶
func (set *HashSetHandle) Recycle(bin *HashSetBinHandle)
func (*HashSetHandle) Resize ¶
func (set *HashSetHandle) Resize()
type HashSetIterator ¶
type HashSetIterator func(elt interface{})
type HashSetIteratorArbiter ¶
type HashSetIteratorArbiter func(elt *Arbiter)
type HashSetIteratorCollisionHandler ¶
type HashSetIteratorCollisionHandler func(elt interface{})
type HashSetIteratorHandle ¶
type HashSetIteratorHandle func(elt *Handle)
type HashSetTrans ¶
type HashSetTrans func(ptr, data interface{}) interface{}
type HashSetTransArbiter ¶
type HashSetTransCollisionHandler ¶
type HashSetTransCollisionHandler func(ptr, data interface{}) interface{}
type HashSetTransHandle ¶
type MarchCellFunc ¶ added in v1.2.0
type MarchCellFunc func(t, a, b, c, d, x0, x1, y0, y1 float64, marchSegment MarchSegmentFunc, segmentData *PolyLineSet)
type MarchSampleFunc ¶ added in v1.2.0
This is a user defined function that gets passed every single point from the bounding box the user passes into the March process - you can use this to sample an image and check for alpha values or really any 2d matrix you define like a tile map. NOTE: I could not determine a use case for the sample_data pointer from the original code so I removed it here - open to adding it back in if there is a reason.
type MarchSegmentFunc ¶ added in v1.2.0
type MarchSegmentFunc func(v0 Vector, v1 Vector, segmentData *PolyLineSet)
This is a user defined function that gets passed in to the Marching process the user establishes a PolyLineSet, passes a pointer to their function, and they populate it. In most cases you want to use PolyLineCollectSegment instead of defining your own
type MarkContext ¶
type MarkContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type MinkowskiPoint ¶
type MinkowskiPoint struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A point on the surface of two shape's minkowski difference.
func NewMinkowskiPoint ¶
func NewMinkowskiPoint(a, b SupportPoint) MinkowskiPoint
func (MinkowskiPoint) ClosestPoints ¶
func (v0 MinkowskiPoint) ClosestPoints(v1 MinkowskiPoint) ClosestPoints
Calculate the closest points on two shapes given the closest edge on their minkowski difference to (0, 0)
type Node ¶
func (*Node) MarkLeaf ¶
func (leaf *Node) MarkLeaf(context *MarkContext)
func (*Node) MarkLeafQuery ¶
func (subtree *Node) MarkLeafQuery(leaf *Node, left bool, context *MarkContext)
func (*Node) MarkSubtree ¶
func (subtree *Node) MarkSubtree(context *MarkContext)
func (*Node) SubtreeQuery ¶
func (subtree *Node) SubtreeQuery(obj interface{}, bb BB, query SpatialIndexQuery, data interface{})
func (*Node) SubtreeSegmentQuery ¶
func (subtree *Node) SubtreeSegmentQuery(obj interface{}, a, b Vector, t_exit float64, f SpatialIndexSegmentQuery, data interface{}) float64
type PinJoint ¶
type PinJoint struct { *Constraint AnchorA, AnchorB Vector Dist float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PinJoint) ApplyCachedImpulse ¶
func (*PinJoint) ApplyImpulse ¶
func (*PinJoint) GetImpulse ¶
type PivotJoint ¶
type PivotJoint struct { *Constraint AnchorA, AnchorB Vector // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PivotJoint) ApplyCachedImpulse ¶
func (joint *PivotJoint) ApplyCachedImpulse(dt_coef float64)
func (*PivotJoint) ApplyImpulse ¶
func (joint *PivotJoint) ApplyImpulse(dt float64)
func (*PivotJoint) GetImpulse ¶
func (joint *PivotJoint) GetImpulse() float64
func (*PivotJoint) PreStep ¶
func (joint *PivotJoint) PreStep(dt float64)
type PointQueryContext ¶
type PointQueryContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type PointQueryInfo ¶
type PointQueryInfo struct { /// The nearest shape, NULL if no shape was within range. Shape *Shape /// The closest point on the shape's surface. (in world space coordinates) Point Vector /// The distance to the point. The distance is negative if the point is inside the shape. Distance float64 /// The gradient of the signed distance function. /// The value should be similar to info.p/info.d, but accurate even for very small values of info.d. Gradient Vector }
type PolyLine ¶ added in v1.2.0
type PolyLine struct {
Verts []Vector
func DouglasPeucker ¶ added in v1.2.0
func DouglasPeucker(verts []Vector, reduced *PolyLine, length, start, end int, min, tol float64) *PolyLine
Recursive function used by cpPolylineSimplifyCurves().
func (*PolyLine) SimplifyCurves ¶ added in v1.2.0
Recursively reduce the vertex count on a polyline. Works best for smooth shapes. 'tol' is the maximum error for the reduction. The reduced polyline will never be farther than this distance from the original polyline.
func (*PolyLine) SimplifyVertexes ¶ added in v1.2.0
Join similar adjacent line segments together. Works well for hard edged shapes. 'tol' is the minimum anglular difference in radians of a vertex.
type PolyLineSet ¶ added in v1.2.0
type PolyLineSet struct {
Lines []*PolyLine
func MarchCells ¶ added in v1.2.0
func MarchCells(bb BB, xSamples int64, ySamples int64, t float64, marchSegment MarchSegmentFunc, marchSample MarchSampleFunc, marchCell MarchCellFunc) *PolyLineSet
The looping and sample caching code is shared between cpMarchHard() and cpMarchSoft().
func MarchHard ¶ added in v1.2.0
func MarchHard(bb BB, xSamples, ySamples int64, t float64, marchSegment MarchSegmentFunc, marchSample MarchSampleFunc) *PolyLineSet
/ Trace an aliased curve of an image along a particular threshold. / The given number of samples will be taken and spread across the bounding box area using the sampling function and context. / The segment function will be called for each segment detected that lies along the density contour for @c threshold.
func MarchSoft ¶ added in v1.2.0
func MarchSoft(bb BB, xSamples, ySamples int64, t float64, marchSegment MarchSegmentFunc, marchSample MarchSampleFunc) *PolyLineSet
/ Trace an anti-aliased contour of an image along a particular threshold. / The given number of samples will be taken and spread across the bounding box area using the sampling function and context. / The segment function will be called for each segment detected that lies along the density contour for @c threshold.
func (*PolyLineSet) FindEnds ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (pls *PolyLineSet) FindEnds(v Vector) int
Find the polyline that ends with v.
func (*PolyLineSet) FindStarts ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (pls *PolyLineSet) FindStarts(v Vector) int
Find the polyline that starts with v.
func (*PolyLineSet) Join ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (pls *PolyLineSet) Join(before, after int)
this may deletion could be slow?
func (*PolyLineSet) Push ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (pls *PolyLineSet) Push(v *PolyLine)
Add a new polyline to a polyline set.
type PolyShape ¶
type PolyShape struct { *Shape // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PolyShape) PointQuery ¶
func (poly *PolyShape) PointQuery(p Vector, info *PointQueryInfo)
func (*PolyShape) SegmentQuery ¶
func (poly *PolyShape) SegmentQuery(a, b Vector, r2 float64, info *SegmentQueryInfo)
func (*PolyShape) SetVertsRaw ¶
func (*PolyShape) SetVertsUnsafe ¶
func (PolyShape) TransformVert ¶
type PostStepCallback ¶
type PostStepCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type PostStepCallbackFunc ¶
type PostStepCallbackFunc func(space *Space, key interface{}, data interface{})
type RatchetJoint ¶
type RatchetJoint struct { *Constraint Angle, Phase, Ratchet float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*RatchetJoint) ApplyCachedImpulse ¶
func (joint *RatchetJoint) ApplyCachedImpulse(dt_coef float64)
func (*RatchetJoint) ApplyImpulse ¶
func (joint *RatchetJoint) ApplyImpulse(dt float64)
func (*RatchetJoint) GetImpulse ¶
func (joint *RatchetJoint) GetImpulse() float64
func (*RatchetJoint) PreStep ¶
func (joint *RatchetJoint) PreStep(dt float64)
type RotaryLimitJoint ¶
type RotaryLimitJoint struct { *Constraint Min, Max float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*RotaryLimitJoint) ApplyCachedImpulse ¶
func (joint *RotaryLimitJoint) ApplyCachedImpulse(dt_coef float64)
func (*RotaryLimitJoint) ApplyImpulse ¶
func (joint *RotaryLimitJoint) ApplyImpulse(dt float64)
func (*RotaryLimitJoint) GetImpulse ¶
func (joint *RotaryLimitJoint) GetImpulse() float64
func (*RotaryLimitJoint) PreStep ¶
func (joint *RotaryLimitJoint) PreStep(dt float64)
type Segment ¶
type Segment struct { *Shape // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Segment) PointQuery ¶
func (seg *Segment) PointQuery(p Vector, info *PointQueryInfo)
func (*Segment) SegmentQuery ¶
func (seg *Segment) SegmentQuery(a, b Vector, r2 float64, info *SegmentQueryInfo)
func (*Segment) SetEndpoints ¶
func (*Segment) TransformA ¶
func (*Segment) TransformB ¶
type SegmentQueryContext ¶
type SegmentQueryContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type SegmentQueryInfo ¶
type Shape ¶
type Shape struct { Class ShapeClass UserData interface{} Filter ShapeFilter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPolyShape ¶
func NewPolyShapeRaw ¶
func NewShape ¶
func NewShape(class ShapeClass, body *Body, massInfo *ShapeMassInfo) *Shape
func (*Shape) CenterOfGravity ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (*Shape) Elasticity ¶
func (*Shape) MassInfo ¶
func (s *Shape) MassInfo() *ShapeMassInfo
func (*Shape) Point ¶
func (s *Shape) Point(i uint32) SupportPoint
func (*Shape) PointQuery ¶
func (s *Shape) PointQuery(p Vector) PointQueryInfo
func (*Shape) SegmentQuery ¶
func (shape *Shape) SegmentQuery(a, b Vector, radius float64, info *SegmentQueryInfo) bool
func (*Shape) SetCollisionType ¶
func (s *Shape) SetCollisionType(collisionType CollisionType)
func (*Shape) SetDensity ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (*Shape) SetElasticity ¶
func (*Shape) SetFilter ¶
func (s *Shape) SetFilter(filter ShapeFilter)
func (*Shape) SetFriction ¶
func (*Shape) SetSurfaceV ¶
type ShapeClass ¶
type ShapeClass interface { CacheData(transform Transform) BB PointQuery(p Vector, info *PointQueryInfo) SegmentQuery(a, b Vector, radius float64, info *SegmentQueryInfo) }
type ShapeFilter ¶
type ShapeFilter struct { /// Two objects with the same non-zero group value do not collide. /// This is generally used to group objects in a composite object together to disable self collisions. Group uint /// A bitmask of user definable categories that this object belongs to. /// The category/mask combinations of both objects in a collision must agree for a collision to occur. Categories uint /// A bitmask of user definable category types that this object object collides with. /// The category/mask combinations of both objects in a collision must agree for a collision to occur. Mask uint }
func NewShapeFilter ¶
func NewShapeFilter(group, categories, mask uint) ShapeFilter
func (ShapeFilter) Reject ¶
func (a ShapeFilter) Reject(b ShapeFilter) bool
type ShapeMassInfo ¶
type ShapeMassInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func CircleShapeMassInfo ¶
func CircleShapeMassInfo(mass, radius float64, center Vector) *ShapeMassInfo
func NewSegmentMassInfo ¶
func NewSegmentMassInfo(mass float64, a, b Vector, r float64) *ShapeMassInfo
func PolyShapeMassInfo ¶
func PolyShapeMassInfo(mass float64, count int, verts []Vector, r float64) *ShapeMassInfo
type SimpleMotor ¶
type SimpleMotor struct { *Constraint Rate float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SimpleMotor) ApplyCachedImpulse ¶
func (motor *SimpleMotor) ApplyCachedImpulse(dt_coef float64)
func (*SimpleMotor) ApplyImpulse ¶
func (motor *SimpleMotor) ApplyImpulse(dt float64)
func (*SimpleMotor) GetImpulse ¶
func (motor *SimpleMotor) GetImpulse() float64
func (*SimpleMotor) PreStep ¶
func (motor *SimpleMotor) PreStep(dt float64)
type SlideJoint ¶
type SlideJoint struct { *Constraint AnchorA, AnchorB Vector Min, Max float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SlideJoint) ApplyCachedImpulse ¶
func (joint *SlideJoint) ApplyCachedImpulse(dt_coef float64)
func (*SlideJoint) ApplyImpulse ¶
func (joint *SlideJoint) ApplyImpulse(dt float64)
func (*SlideJoint) GetImpulse ¶
func (joint *SlideJoint) GetImpulse() float64
func (*SlideJoint) PreStep ¶
func (joint *SlideJoint) PreStep(dt float64)
type Space ¶
type Space struct { Iterations uint // must be non-zero IdleSpeedThreshold float64 SleepTimeThreshold float64 StaticBody *Body // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Space) AddConstraint ¶
func (space *Space) AddConstraint(constraint *Constraint) *Constraint
func (*Space) AddPostStepCallback ¶
func (space *Space) AddPostStepCallback(f PostStepCallbackFunc, key, data interface{}) bool
func (*Space) ArrayForBodyType ¶
func (*Space) BBQuery ¶
func (space *Space) BBQuery(bb BB, filter ShapeFilter, f SpaceBBQueryFunc, data interface{})
func (*Space) ContactBufferGetArray ¶
func (*Space) ContainsBody ¶
func (*Space) ContainsConstraint ¶
func (space *Space) ContainsConstraint(constraint *Constraint) bool
func (*Space) ContainsShape ¶
func (*Space) Deactivate ¶
func (*Space) EachConstraint ¶
func (space *Space) EachConstraint(f func(*Constraint))
func (*Space) FilterArbiters ¶
func (*Space) LookupHandler ¶
func (space *Space) LookupHandler(a, b CollisionType, defaultHandler *CollisionHandler) *CollisionHandler
func (*Space) NewCollisionHandler ¶
func (space *Space) NewCollisionHandler(collisionTypeA, collisionTypeB CollisionType) *CollisionHandler
func (*Space) NewWildcardCollisionHandler ¶
func (space *Space) NewWildcardCollisionHandler(collisionType CollisionType) *CollisionHandler
func (*Space) PointQueryNearest ¶
func (space *Space) PointQueryNearest(point Vector, maxDistance float64, filter ShapeFilter) *PointQueryInfo
func (*Space) PopContacts ¶
func (*Space) PostStepCallback ¶
func (space *Space) PostStepCallback(key interface{}) *PostStepCallback
func (*Space) ProcessComponents ¶
func (*Space) PushContacts ¶
func (*Space) PushFreshContactBuffer ¶
func (space *Space) PushFreshContactBuffer()
func (*Space) RemoveBody ¶
func (*Space) RemoveConstraint ¶
func (space *Space) RemoveConstraint(constraint *Constraint)
func (*Space) RemoveShape ¶
func (*Space) SegmentQuery ¶
func (space *Space) SegmentQuery(start, end Vector, radius float64, filter ShapeFilter, f SpaceSegmentQueryFunc, data interface{})
func (*Space) SegmentQueryFirst ¶
func (space *Space) SegmentQueryFirst(start, end Vector, radius float64, filter ShapeFilter) SegmentQueryInfo
func (*Space) SetCollisionSlop ¶
func (*Space) SetDamping ¶
func (*Space) SetGravity ¶
func (*Space) SetStaticBody ¶
func (*Space) ShapeQuery ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (space *Space) ShapeQuery(shape *Shape, callback func(shape *Shape, points *ContactPointSet)) bool
ShapeQuery queries a space for any shapes overlapping the given shape and call the callback for each shape found.
func (*Space) UncacheArbiter ¶
func (*Space) UseSpatialHash ¶
func (*Space) UseWildcardDefaultHandler ¶
func (space *Space) UseWildcardDefaultHandler()
type SpaceBBQueryFunc ¶
type SpaceBBQueryFunc func(shape *Shape, data interface{})
type SpaceHash ¶
type SpaceHash struct { *SpatialIndex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SpaceHash) Each ¶
func (hash *SpaceHash) Each(f SpatialIndexIterator)
func (*SpaceHash) Query ¶
func (hash *SpaceHash) Query(obj interface{}, bb BB, f SpatialIndexQuery, data interface{})
func (*SpaceHash) ReindexObject ¶
func (*SpaceHash) ReindexQuery ¶
func (hash *SpaceHash) ReindexQuery(f SpatialIndexQuery, data interface{})
func (*SpaceHash) SegmentQuery ¶
func (hash *SpaceHash) SegmentQuery(obj interface{}, a, b Vector, t_exit float64, f SpatialIndexSegmentQuery, data interface{})
modified from
type SpaceHashBin ¶
type SpaceHashBin struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type SpacePointQueryFunc ¶
type SpaceSegmentQueryFunc ¶
type SpatialIndex ¶
type SpatialIndex struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBBTree ¶
func NewBBTree(bbfunc SpatialIndexBB, staticIndex *SpatialIndex) *SpatialIndex
func NewSpaceHash ¶
func NewSpaceHash(celldim float64, num int, bbfunc SpatialIndexBB, staticIndex *SpatialIndex) *SpatialIndex
func NewSpatialIndex ¶
func NewSpatialIndex(klass SpatialIndexer, bbfunc SpatialIndexBB, staticIndex *SpatialIndex) *SpatialIndex
func (*SpatialIndex) CollideStatic ¶
func (dynamicIndex *SpatialIndex) CollideStatic(staticIndex *SpatialIndex, f SpatialIndexQuery, data interface{})
func (*SpatialIndex) GetRootIfTree ¶
func (index *SpatialIndex) GetRootIfTree() *Node
func (*SpatialIndex) GetTree ¶
func (index *SpatialIndex) GetTree() *BBTree
type SpatialIndexBB ¶
type SpatialIndexIterator ¶
type SpatialIndexIterator func(obj *Shape)
type SpatialIndexQuery ¶
type SpatialIndexer ¶
type SpatialIndexer interface { Count() int Each(f SpatialIndexIterator) Contains(obj *Shape, hashId HashValue) bool Insert(obj *Shape, hashId HashValue) Remove(obj *Shape, hashId HashValue) Reindex() ReindexObject(obj *Shape, hashId HashValue) ReindexQuery(f SpatialIndexQuery, data interface{}) Query(obj interface{}, bb BB, f SpatialIndexQuery, data interface{}) SegmentQuery(obj interface{}, a, b Vector, t_exit float64, f SpatialIndexSegmentQuery, data interface{}) }
implemented by BBTree
type SplittingPlane ¶
type SplittingPlane struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type SupportContext ¶
type SupportContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SupportContext) Support ¶
func (ctx *SupportContext) Support(n Vector) MinkowskiPoint
Calculate the maximal point on the minkowski difference of two shapes along a particular axis.
type SupportPoint ¶
type SupportPoint struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func CircleSupportPoint ¶
func CircleSupportPoint(shape *Shape, n Vector) SupportPoint
func NewSupportPoint ¶
func NewSupportPoint(p Vector, index uint32) SupportPoint
func PolySupportPoint ¶
func PolySupportPoint(shape *Shape, n Vector) SupportPoint
func SegmentSupportPoint ¶
func SegmentSupportPoint(shape *Shape, n Vector) SupportPoint
type SupportPointFunc ¶
type SupportPointFunc func(shape *Shape, n Vector) SupportPoint
type Transform ¶
type Transform struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTransform ¶
func NewTransformIdentity ¶
func NewTransformIdentity() Transform
func NewTransformRigid ¶
func NewTransformRotate ¶
func NewTransformScale ¶
func NewTransformTranslate ¶
func NewTransformTranspose ¶
func (Transform) AxialScale ¶
type Vector ¶
type Vector struct {
X, Y float64
func CentroidForPoly ¶
func (Vector) ClosestDist ¶
func (Vector) ClosestPointOnSegment ¶
func (Vector) Cross ¶
/ 2D vector cross product analog. / The cross product of 2D vectors results in a 3D vector with only a z component. / This function returns the magnitude of the z value.
func (Vector) DistanceSq ¶
func (Vector) PointGreater ¶
func (Vector) ReversePerp ¶
Source Files ¶
- arbiter.go
- bb.go
- bbtree.go
- body.go
- circle.go
- collision.go
- constraint.go
- contactbuffer.go
- dampedrotaryspring.go
- dampedspring.go
- draw.go
- everything.go
- gearjoint.go
- groovejoint.go
- hashset.go
- hashset_arbiter.go
- hashset_collisionhandler.go
- hashset_handle.go
- march.go
- pinjoint.go
- pivotjoint.go
- poly.go
- polyline.go
- ratchetjoint.go
- release.go
- rotarylimitjoint.go
- segment.go
- shape.go
- simplemotor.go
- slidejoint.go
- space.go
- spacehash.go
- spatialindex.go
- transform.go
- vector.go