OpenTracing Support Example
This example illustrates how to take advantage of OpenTracing support in the library to enable
distributed message tracing.
- Create an Azure Service Bus namespace with a queue named "helloworld" in the Azure Portal.
- After creation copy the Service Bus connection string and use it as shown below.
To Run
- Start a Jaeger tracing service via docker:
id=$(docker run -d -e COLLECTOR_ZIPKIN_HTTP_PORT=9411 -p 5775:5775/udp -p 6831:6831/udp -p 6832:6832/udp -p 5778:5778 -p 16686:16686 -p 14268:14268 -p 9411:9411 jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest)
- From this directory execute:
SERVICEBUS_CONNECTION_STRING='your-SB-conn-string' go run main.go
- You should see "Hello World!" printed on the screen and the process should exit
Viewing the Traces with Jaeger
Open the Jaeger UI via You should
be able to select the service opentracing_example
. Select that service from the list.
![service selection](
Find Traces
Click on Find Traces
to see the root traces from the example execution. You should
see something like the following image.
![find traces](
Sending a Message
Click on sb.Queue.Send
to see what happens when we send a message. Most operations in
the Azure Service Bus library have been instrumented for tracing.
Sending the first message through a new Queue connection requires a new session and
authorization negotiation. Subsquent messages will not incur the overhead of negotiating
authorization. Upon successful negotiation, the message is transmitted to the queue.
The message is then consumed by a receiver.
You should see an image like below when clicking on sb.Queue.Send
![send trace](
Transmitting a Message
If you now expand sb.sender.trySendTransmit
to explore send operation details. You will
see an image similar to the one below, which provides meta information about the message and
Receiving a Message
If you now expand sb.Message.Accept
you should see meta information about the message as it
is being accepted by the receive handler.
![accept disposition](
The above example shows how simply enabling OpenTracing collection and configuring
a trace collector you can collect distributed tracing using the Azure Service Bus
library for Golang.
You can stop the Jaeger docker container used above by running
docker stop $id