This program enables you to update a record on Route53 to point to
your public IP address if you don't have a static address. This can be
scheduled using cron or any other scheduling tool of choice.
Example usage:
$ ./updater53 -records
2017/03/17 00:11:18 Your IP: ""
2017/03/17 00:11:18 updating record ""
# and if you run this again after updating the record:
$ ./updater53 -records
2017/03/17 00:11:18 Your IP: ""
2017/03/17 00:11:18 updating record ""
2017/03/17 00:12:42 no need to update record "",
already pointing to ""
This tool is go gettable with Go 1.13. It can be installed by running go get -u -x The AWS Authentication is handled by
the AWS Go SDK and can be configured in the same fashion as
configure the aws cli utility or other SDK usages (in
the $HOME/.aws/credentials file or via environment variables).