Jacob's Email and Blog Server. For simple websites that just need an email and blog
Blog posts
all of these are prepended by blog
posts.GET("/post/:id", getPost) // this gets the post by the actual ID
posts.GET("/search/tag/:id", getByTag)
posts.GET("/search/string/:id", getByString)
posts.GET("/posts", getPosts) // this supports the query string offset, and number
// offset: specifies the number of recent blog posts to skip. Default 0
// number: upper limit on the number of blog posts to return. Default 5
// Eg) to get the most recent 5 posts
// GET
// to get the next 10 most recent posts
// GET
posts.GET("/number, getPostCount) // number of posts
posts.PUT("/", putPost)
posts.DELETE("/:id", deletePost)
A post is a json object with the following structure
type Post struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Author string `json:"author"`
Post string `json:"post"`
Timestamp uint64 `json:"timestamp"`
Tags []string `json:"tags"`
Send emails to
posts.POST("/email, sendEmail) // sends an email
This uses mailgun to send an email. You are required to provide a function to convert the post request to an email, as well as setup the key and domain in the config file.
This is meant to be a simple image hosting service to use with the blog. The blog only can accept images in the form of URL's, so this allows the user to upload images, and get a URL.
imgs.GET("/image/view/*", viewHandler) // Returns the image
imgs.POST("/image/upload", uploadHandler) // Uploads the image
imgs.DELETE("/image/delete/*", deleteHandler) // Deletes the image
The api is not meant to be used directly, and should likely be used with the default editor it comes with
- Install go
- Get files with
go get
- Install mysql server
- In mysql create a database and a user and grant that user all privaliges on that database
- Make the required files described below
- run with -setup from the src/ directory
- run normally from the src/ directory to start webserver
Required Files
package main
import (
func makeEmailFunction(c *gin.Context) (string, string, string, string) {
var req EmailRequest
sender := "Sender Name Here <>"
subject := "Hello, you have 1 new join request"
body := req.toString()
recipient := "SPEAR <>"
return sender, subject, body, recipient
type EmailRequest struct {
Email string
Name string
Msg string
func (e EmailRequest) toString() string {
return "A new member wishes to join spear. Their name is [" + e.Name + "], their email is [" + e.Email + "].\n" + "Their message for you is:\n\n" + e.Msg + "\n"
func main() {
Config File:
export MG_DOMAIN=''
export LOCATION='localhost'
export PORT='8049'
export IMAGE_DIRECTORY='imgs'
export GIN_MODE='release'
export DB_USER='user'
export DB_PASSWORD='password'
export DB_DATABASE='database'
export BLOG_USER='author'
export BLOG_PASSWORD='author_password'
Run With:
go build
source config.env
./foldername # this part can be run like ./foldername -setup # for the first run