Distributed Network Monitoring System
Black-box test the network from the edges/leafs of the network
Effectively a distributed ping + traceroute across the whole infrastructure at some
interval. This data is then aggregated into a central setvice to expose the data
through an API
Peer: another server on the network
NetworkGraph: graph of the entire network
Route: a set of links
NetworkNode: Router in the network-- something that should respond to traceroute
Link: specific connection between 2 NetworkNodes
Ping: a ping with a specific source port
PingGroup: a group of pings against a specific destination
Traceroute: a traceroute with a specific source port
Traceroute Group: a group of traceroutes against a specific destination
how those fit together?
Any given node will know about the peers in the network. It will intermittently
ping and traceroute peers in the network, and keep track of failures. In the
event of a failure we'll determine what links are at fault for the disruption.
The goal here is to create a few layers that in themselves create something useful
Base parts:
- Memberlist: our peers on the network to talk to
- Mapper: responsible for mapping the network based on who is in the memberlist
- Pinger: ping all peers in the network-- specifically to hit all routes in the mapper
- Aggregator: aggregate all the graph info from the members of the memberlist