Some common, handy tools in Go language.
You can easily build up your web applications(based on gin) by using these tools.
- web api router based on gin
- pluggable logger
- statsd client
- cors
- logger (log http request)
- statsd (counting for http request)
- unless (for skipping handler)
- usertrack
- respond
Current version
go get github.com/jackielihf/golib
package golib
A logger client of a pluggable logger logrus.
support: console, local file, syslog, kafka etc.
setting with env variables:
- app_name: application name
- log_format: json, custom formatter(default)
- log_enable_file: output to local file or not
- log_dir: local log dir, default: ".", filename=log_dir + "/info.log"
import "github.com/jackielihf/golib"
var log = golib.Logger()
log.Info("some info msg")
log.Error("some error msg")
A statsd client for collecting data.
env variables:
- statsd_addr - address of statsd server, default: localhost:8125
import "github.com/jackielihf/golib"
client := golib.Statsd()
package web
For a web application, you can put all the api definitions together, and create routes in batch by using MODULE router.
- func CreateApi(router *gin.Engine, config []Api) *gin.Engine
- func CreateGroup(router *gin.Engine, prefix string, config []Api) *gin.Engine
api definitions
func login(c *gin.Context) {
username := c.Query("username")
c.JSON(200, gin.H{
"user": username,
func handler(c *gin.Context) {
msg := c.Query("msg")
c.JSON(200, gin.H{
"msg": msg,
func GetApiConfig() []web.Api{
config := []web.Api {
web.Api{"GET", "/login", web.ApiHandlers{login}},
web.Api{"GET", "/example", web.ApiHandlers{handler}},
return config
simple web application
import "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
import "github.com/jackielihf/golib/web"
func main() {
r := gin.New()
// router
config := GetApiConfig()
web.CreateApi(r, config) // create api routes
config2 := GetApiGroupConfig()
web.CreateGroup(r, "/api", config2) // create an api route group, with prefix '/api'
// listen
logger (middleware)
Logger middleware can record the information of every request, such as http path, method, elapsed time, content-type, content-length etc.
import "github.com/jackielihf/golib/web"
func main(){
r := gin.New()
// middleware
// ...
log example
2017-01-17T18:01:40+08:00 [info] $ 401 | GET /example?msg=bbb | 294.866µs | 28B | ::1 | application/json | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2840.98 Safari/537.36 |
JWT (middleware)
JSON Web Token(JWT) can be used to encrypt user information which set into Cookie, so as to implement user login context.
func JwtMiddleWare() gin.HandlerFunc
Return a middleware of processing JWT. It read and decrypts the JWT cookie(cookie name: JWT_TOKEN) for plaintext(JSON string). If JWT is valid, it parse the plaintext into an object and set into the header of the request(header name: user_ctx), then pass to the next handler, or it returns 401 to client.
func JwtSetCookie(c *gin.Context, v interface{})
Encrypt object v and set cookie. Use it in LOGIN handler.
func JwtClearCookie(c *gin.Context)
Clear the JWT cookie. Use it in LOGOUT handler.
func JwtUserCtx(c *gin.Context, v interface{}) error
Read the JWT cookie, and parse it into an object with reference type.
env variables
- jwt_secret: A secret string for encrypting. Default: a random uuid string.
- jwt_domain: JWT cookie's domain. Default: empty string.
- jwt_expire: JWT cookie's expire time (seconds). Default: 60 * 60 * 24 seconds.
// app.go
package main
import "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
import "github.com/jackielihf/golib/web"
func main() {
// engine
r := gin.New()
// middleware
r.Use(web.Unless("/login").Then(web.JwtMiddleWare())) // JWT middleware
// router
config := GetApiConfig()
web.CreateApi(r, config)
func login(c *gin.Context) {
username := c.Query("username")
obj := map[string]string{"username": username}
web.JwtSetCookie(c, obj) // encrypt obj, and set cookie
c.JSON(200, gin.H{
"user": username,
func handler(c *gin.Context) {
msg := c.Query("msg")
obj := map[string]string{}
err := web.JwtUserCtx(c, &obj) // read JWT cookie, and decrypt JWT into obj
c.JSON(200, gin.H{
"username": obj["username"]
"msg": msg,
func GetApiConfig() []web.Api{
config := []web.Api {
web.Api{"GET", "/login", web.ApiHandlers{login}},
web.Api{"GET", "/example", web.ApiHandlers{handler}},
return config
unless (middleware)
- func Unless(reg string) *UnlessWare
- func (that *UnlessWare) Then(fn gin.HandlerFunc) gin.HandlerFunc
A little tool that can be used to skip middleware handler when HTTP path matching the given regex string.
// JWT middleware. When path matching "/login", it will skip the JwtMiddleWare's handler.
cors (middleware)
Support Cors cross domain.
// middleware
usertrack (middleware)
Generate an uuid for every client. It is useful for counting PV, UV.
- v1.0.0 publish
- v0.2.0 add example
- v0.1.2 add logger, statsd, respond
- v0.1.1 add jwt singleton, unless
- v0.1.0 add golib/web/router, cors, usertrack