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Published: Mar 16, 2024 License: MIT, PostgreSQL Imports: 0 Imported by: 457



Package pgerrcode contains constants for PostgreSQL error codes.


MIT for this package's code and PostgreSQL License for the underlying data.



Package pgerrcode contains constants for PostgreSQL error codes.



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const (

	// Class 00 — Successful Completion
	SuccessfulCompletion = "00000"

	// Class 01 — Warning
	Warning                          = "01000"
	DynamicResultSetsReturned        = "0100C"
	ImplicitZeroBitPadding           = "01008"
	NullValueEliminatedInSetFunction = "01003"
	PrivilegeNotGranted              = "01007"
	PrivilegeNotRevoked              = "01006"
	StringDataRightTruncationWarning = "01004"
	DeprecatedFeature                = "01P01"

	// Class 02 — No Data (this is also a warning class per the SQL standard)
	NoData                                = "02000"
	NoAdditionalDynamicResultSetsReturned = "02001"

	// Class 03 — SQL Statement Not Yet Complete
	SQLStatementNotYetComplete = "03000"

	// Class 08 — Connection Exception
	ConnectionException                           = "08000"
	ConnectionDoesNotExist                        = "08003"
	ConnectionFailure                             = "08006"
	SQLClientUnableToEstablishSQLConnection       = "08001"
	SQLServerRejectedEstablishmentOfSQLConnection = "08004"
	TransactionResolutionUnknown                  = "08007"
	ProtocolViolation                             = "08P01"

	// Class 09 — Triggered Action Exception
	TriggeredActionException = "09000"

	// Class 0A — Feature Not Supported
	FeatureNotSupported = "0A000"

	// Class 0B — Invalid Transaction Initiation
	InvalidTransactionInitiation = "0B000"

	// Class 0F — Locator Exception
	LocatorException            = "0F000"
	InvalidLocatorSpecification = "0F001"

	// Class 0L — Invalid Grantor
	InvalidGrantor        = "0L000"
	InvalidGrantOperation = "0LP01"

	// Class 0P — Invalid Role Specification
	InvalidRoleSpecification = "0P000"

	// Class 0Z — Diagnostics Exception
	DiagnosticsException                           = "0Z000"
	StackedDiagnosticsAccessedWithoutActiveHandler = "0Z002"

	// Class 20 — Case Not Found
	CaseNotFound = "20000"

	// Class 21 — Cardinality Violation
	CardinalityViolation = "21000"

	// Class 22 — Data Exception
	DataException                             = "22000"
	ArraySubscriptError                       = "2202E"
	CharacterNotInRepertoire                  = "22021"
	DatetimeFieldOverflow                     = "22008"
	DivisionByZero                            = "22012"
	ErrorInAssignment                         = "22005"
	EscapeCharacterConflict                   = "2200B"
	IndicatorOverflow                         = "22022"
	IntervalFieldOverflow                     = "22015"
	InvalidArgumentForLogarithm               = "2201E"
	InvalidArgumentForNtileFunction           = "22014"
	InvalidArgumentForNthValueFunction        = "22016"
	InvalidArgumentForPowerFunction           = "2201F"
	InvalidArgumentForWidthBucketFunction     = "2201G"
	InvalidCharacterValueForCast              = "22018"
	InvalidDatetimeFormat                     = "22007"
	InvalidEscapeCharacter                    = "22019"
	InvalidEscapeOctet                        = "2200D"
	InvalidEscapeSequence                     = "22025"
	NonstandardUseOfEscapeCharacter           = "22P06"
	InvalidIndicatorParameterValue            = "22010"
	InvalidParameterValue                     = "22023"
	InvalidPrecedingOrFollowingSize           = "22013"
	InvalidRegularExpression                  = "2201B"
	InvalidRowCountInLimitClause              = "2201W"
	InvalidRowCountInResultOffsetClause       = "2201X"
	InvalidTablesampleArgument                = "2202H"
	InvalidTablesampleRepeat                  = "2202G"
	InvalidTimeZoneDisplacementValue          = "22009"
	InvalidUseOfEscapeCharacter               = "2200C"
	MostSpecificTypeMismatch                  = "2200G"
	NullValueNotAllowedDataException          = "22004"
	NullValueNoIndicatorParameter             = "22002"
	NumericValueOutOfRange                    = "22003"
	SequenceGeneratorLimitExceeded            = "2200H"
	StringDataLengthMismatch                  = "22026"
	StringDataRightTruncationDataException    = "22001"
	SubstringError                            = "22011"
	TrimError                                 = "22027"
	UnterminatedCString                       = "22024"
	ZeroLengthCharacterString                 = "2200F"
	FloatingPointException                    = "22P01"
	InvalidTextRepresentation                 = "22P02"
	InvalidBinaryRepresentation               = "22P03"
	BadCopyFileFormat                         = "22P04"
	UntranslatableCharacter                   = "22P05"
	NotAnXMLDocument                          = "2200L"
	InvalidXMLDocument                        = "2200M"
	InvalidXMLContent                         = "2200N"
	InvalidXMLComment                         = "2200S"
	InvalidXMLProcessingInstruction           = "2200T"
	DuplicateJSONObjectKeyValue               = "22030"
	InvalidArgumentForSQLJSONDatetimeFunction = "22031"
	InvalidJSONText                           = "22032"
	InvalidSQLJSONSubscript                   = "22033"
	MoreThanOneSQLJSONItem                    = "22034"
	NoSQLJSONItem                             = "22035"
	NonNumericSQLJSONItem                     = "22036"
	NonUniqueKeysInAJSONObject                = "22037"
	SingletonSQLJSONItemRequired              = "22038"
	SQLJSONArrayNotFound                      = "22039"
	SQLJSONMemberNotFound                     = "2203A"
	SQLJSONNumberNotFound                     = "2203B"
	SQLJSONObjectNotFound                     = "2203C"
	TooManyJSONArrayElements                  = "2203D"
	TooManyJSONObjectMembers                  = "2203E"
	SQLJSONScalarRequired                     = "2203F"
	SQLJSONItemCannotBeCastToTargetType       = "2203G"

	// Class 23 — Integrity Constraint Violation
	IntegrityConstraintViolation = "23000"
	RestrictViolation            = "23001"
	NotNullViolation             = "23502"
	ForeignKeyViolation          = "23503"
	UniqueViolation              = "23505"
	CheckViolation               = "23514"
	ExclusionViolation           = "23P01"

	// Class 24 — Invalid Cursor State
	InvalidCursorState = "24000"

	// Class 25 — Invalid Transaction State
	InvalidTransactionState                         = "25000"
	ActiveSQLTransaction                            = "25001"
	BranchTransactionAlreadyActive                  = "25002"
	HeldCursorRequiresSameIsolationLevel            = "25008"
	InappropriateAccessModeForBranchTransaction     = "25003"
	InappropriateIsolationLevelForBranchTransaction = "25004"
	NoActiveSQLTransactionForBranchTransaction      = "25005"
	ReadOnlySQLTransaction                          = "25006"
	SchemaAndDataStatementMixingNotSupported        = "25007"
	NoActiveSQLTransaction                          = "25P01"
	InFailedSQLTransaction                          = "25P02"
	IdleInTransactionSessionTimeout                 = "25P03"

	// Class 26 — Invalid SQL Statement Name
	InvalidSQLStatementName = "26000"

	// Class 27 — Triggered Data Change Violation
	TriggeredDataChangeViolation = "27000"

	// Class 28 — Invalid Authorization Specification
	InvalidAuthorizationSpecification = "28000"
	InvalidPassword                   = "28P01"

	// Class 2B — Dependent Privilege Descriptors Still Exist
	DependentPrivilegeDescriptorsStillExist = "2B000"
	DependentObjectsStillExist              = "2BP01"

	// Class 2D — Invalid Transaction Termination
	InvalidTransactionTermination = "2D000"

	// Class 2F — SQL Routine Exception
	SQLRoutineException                                = "2F000"
	FunctionExecutedNoReturnStatement                  = "2F005"
	ModifyingSQLDataNotPermittedSQLRoutineException    = "2F002"
	ProhibitedSQLStatementAttemptedSQLRoutineException = "2F003"
	ReadingSQLDataNotPermittedSQLRoutineException      = "2F004"

	// Class 34 — Invalid Cursor Name
	InvalidCursorName = "34000"

	// Class 38 — External Routine Exception
	ExternalRoutineException                                = "38000"
	ContainingSQLNotPermitted                               = "38001"
	ModifyingSQLDataNotPermittedExternalRoutineException    = "38002"
	ProhibitedSQLStatementAttemptedExternalRoutineException = "38003"
	ReadingSQLDataNotPermittedExternalRoutineException      = "38004"

	// Class 39 — External Routine Invocation Exception
	ExternalRoutineInvocationException                    = "39000"
	InvalidSQLstateReturned                               = "39001"
	NullValueNotAllowedExternalRoutineInvocationException = "39004"
	TriggerProtocolViolated                               = "39P01"
	SRFProtocolViolated                                   = "39P02"
	EventTriggerProtocolViolated                          = "39P03"

	// Class 3B — Savepoint Exception
	SavepointException            = "3B000"
	InvalidSavepointSpecification = "3B001"

	// Class 3D — Invalid Catalog Name
	InvalidCatalogName = "3D000"

	// Class 3F — Invalid Schema Name
	InvalidSchemaName = "3F000"

	// Class 40 — Transaction Rollback
	TransactionRollback                     = "40000"
	TransactionIntegrityConstraintViolation = "40002"
	SerializationFailure                    = "40001"
	StatementCompletionUnknown              = "40003"
	DeadlockDetected                        = "40P01"

	// Class 42 — Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation
	SyntaxErrorOrAccessRuleViolation   = "42000"
	SyntaxError                        = "42601"
	InsufficientPrivilege              = "42501"
	CannotCoerce                       = "42846"
	GroupingError                      = "42803"
	WindowingError                     = "42P20"
	InvalidRecursion                   = "42P19"
	InvalidForeignKey                  = "42830"
	InvalidName                        = "42602"
	NameTooLong                        = "42622"
	ReservedName                       = "42939"
	DatatypeMismatch                   = "42804"
	IndeterminateDatatype              = "42P18"
	CollationMismatch                  = "42P21"
	IndeterminateCollation             = "42P22"
	WrongObjectType                    = "42809"
	GeneratedAlways                    = "428C9"
	UndefinedColumn                    = "42703"
	UndefinedFunction                  = "42883"
	UndefinedTable                     = "42P01"
	UndefinedParameter                 = "42P02"
	UndefinedObject                    = "42704"
	DuplicateColumn                    = "42701"
	DuplicateCursor                    = "42P03"
	DuplicateDatabase                  = "42P04"
	DuplicateFunction                  = "42723"
	DuplicatePreparedStatement         = "42P05"
	DuplicateSchema                    = "42P06"
	DuplicateTable                     = "42P07"
	DuplicateAlias                     = "42712"
	DuplicateObject                    = "42710"
	AmbiguousColumn                    = "42702"
	AmbiguousFunction                  = "42725"
	AmbiguousParameter                 = "42P08"
	AmbiguousAlias                     = "42P09"
	InvalidColumnReference             = "42P10"
	InvalidColumnDefinition            = "42611"
	InvalidCursorDefinition            = "42P11"
	InvalidDatabaseDefinition          = "42P12"
	InvalidFunctionDefinition          = "42P13"
	InvalidPreparedStatementDefinition = "42P14"
	InvalidSchemaDefinition            = "42P15"
	InvalidTableDefinition             = "42P16"
	InvalidObjectDefinition            = "42P17"

	// Class 44 — WITH CHECK OPTION Violation
	WithCheckOptionViolation = "44000"

	// Class 53 — Insufficient Resources
	InsufficientResources      = "53000"
	DiskFull                   = "53100"
	OutOfMemory                = "53200"
	TooManyConnections         = "53300"
	ConfigurationLimitExceeded = "53400"

	// Class 54 — Program Limit Exceeded
	ProgramLimitExceeded = "54000"
	StatementTooComplex  = "54001"
	TooManyColumns       = "54011"
	TooManyArguments     = "54023"

	// Class 55 — Object Not In Prerequisite State
	ObjectNotInPrerequisiteState = "55000"
	ObjectInUse                  = "55006"
	CantChangeRuntimeParam       = "55P02"
	LockNotAvailable             = "55P03"
	UnsafeNewEnumValueUsage      = "55P04"

	// Class 57 — Operator Intervention
	OperatorIntervention = "57000"
	QueryCanceled        = "57014"
	AdminShutdown        = "57P01"
	CrashShutdown        = "57P02"
	CannotConnectNow     = "57P03"
	DatabaseDropped      = "57P04"
	IdleSessionTimeout   = "57P05"

	// Class 58 — System Error (errors external to PostgreSQL itself)
	SystemError   = "58000"
	IOError       = "58030"
	UndefinedFile = "58P01"
	DuplicateFile = "58P02"

	// Class 72 — Snapshot Failure
	SnapshotTooOld = "72000"

	// Class F0 — Configuration File Error
	ConfigFileError = "F0000"
	LockFileExists  = "F0001"

	// Class HV — Foreign Data Wrapper Error (SQL/MED)
	FDWError                             = "HV000"
	FDWColumnNameNotFound                = "HV005"
	FDWDynamicParameterValueNeeded       = "HV002"
	FDWFunctionSequenceError             = "HV010"
	FDWInconsistentDescriptorInformation = "HV021"
	FDWInvalidAttributeValue             = "HV024"
	FDWInvalidColumnName                 = "HV007"
	FDWInvalidColumnNumber               = "HV008"
	FDWInvalidDataType                   = "HV004"
	FDWInvalidDataTypeDescriptors        = "HV006"
	FDWInvalidDescriptorFieldIdentifier  = "HV091"
	FDWInvalidHandle                     = "HV00B"
	FDWInvalidOptionIndex                = "HV00C"
	FDWInvalidOptionName                 = "HV00D"
	FDWInvalidStringLengthOrBufferLength = "HV090"
	FDWInvalidStringFormat               = "HV00A"
	FDWInvalidUseOfNullPointer           = "HV009"
	FDWTooManyHandles                    = "HV014"
	FDWOutOfMemory                       = "HV001"
	FDWNoSchemas                         = "HV00P"
	FDWOptionNameNotFound                = "HV00J"
	FDWReplyHandle                       = "HV00K"
	FDWSchemaNotFound                    = "HV00Q"
	FDWTableNotFound                     = "HV00R"
	FDWUnableToCreateExecution           = "HV00L"
	FDWUnableToCreateReply               = "HV00M"
	FDWUnableToEstablishConnection       = "HV00N"

	// Class P0 — PL/pgSQL Error
	PLpgSQLError   = "P0000"
	RaiseException = "P0001"
	NoDataFound    = "P0002"
	TooManyRows    = "P0003"
	AssertFailure  = "P0004"

	// Class XX — Internal Error
	InternalError  = "XX000"
	DataCorrupted  = "XX001"
	IndexCorrupted = "XX002"


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func IsCardinalityViolation

func IsCardinalityViolation(code string) bool

IsCardinalityViolation asserts the error code class is Class 21 — Cardinality Violation

func IsCaseNotFound

func IsCaseNotFound(code string) bool

IsCaseNotFound asserts the error code class is Class 20 — Case Not Found

func IsConfigurationFileError

func IsConfigurationFileError(code string) bool

IsConfigurationFileError asserts the error code class is Class F0 — Configuration File Error

func IsConnectionException

func IsConnectionException(code string) bool

IsConnectionException asserts the error code class is Class 08 — Connection Exception

func IsDataException

func IsDataException(code string) bool

IsDataException asserts the error code class is Class 22 — Data Exception

func IsDependentPrivilegeDescriptorsStillExist

func IsDependentPrivilegeDescriptorsStillExist(code string) bool

IsDependentPrivilegeDescriptorsStillExist asserts the error code class is Class 2B — Dependent Privilege Descriptors Still Exist

func IsDiagnosticsException

func IsDiagnosticsException(code string) bool

IsDiagnosticsException asserts the error code class is Class 0Z — Diagnostics Exception

func IsExternalRoutineException

func IsExternalRoutineException(code string) bool

IsExternalRoutineException asserts the error code class is Class 38 — External Routine Exception

func IsExternalRoutineInvocationException

func IsExternalRoutineInvocationException(code string) bool

IsExternalRoutineInvocationException asserts the error code class is Class 39 — External Routine Invocation Exception

func IsFeatureNotSupported

func IsFeatureNotSupported(code string) bool

IsFeatureNotSupported asserts the error code class is Class 0A — Feature Not Supported

func IsForeignDataWrapperError

func IsForeignDataWrapperError(code string) bool

IsForeignDataWrapperError asserts the error code class is Class HV — Foreign Data Wrapper Error (SQL/MED)

func IsInsufficientResources

func IsInsufficientResources(code string) bool

IsInsufficientResources asserts the error code class is Class 53 — Insufficient Resources

func IsIntegrityConstraintViolation

func IsIntegrityConstraintViolation(code string) bool

IsIntegrityConstraintViolation asserts the error code class is Class 23 — Integrity Constraint Violation

func IsInternalError

func IsInternalError(code string) bool

IsInternalError asserts the error code class is Class XX — Internal Error

func IsInvalidAuthorizationSpecification

func IsInvalidAuthorizationSpecification(code string) bool

IsInvalidAuthorizationSpecification asserts the error code class is Class 28 — Invalid Authorization Specification

func IsInvalidCatalogName

func IsInvalidCatalogName(code string) bool

IsInvalidCatalogName asserts the error code class is Class 3D — Invalid Catalog Name

func IsInvalidCursorName

func IsInvalidCursorName(code string) bool

IsInvalidCursorName asserts the error code class is Class 34 — Invalid Cursor Name

func IsInvalidCursorState

func IsInvalidCursorState(code string) bool

IsInvalidCursorState asserts the error code class is Class 24 — Invalid Cursor State

func IsInvalidGrantor

func IsInvalidGrantor(code string) bool

IsInvalidGrantor asserts the error code class is Class 0L — Invalid Grantor

func IsInvalidRoleSpecification

func IsInvalidRoleSpecification(code string) bool

IsInvalidRoleSpecification asserts the error code class is Class 0P — Invalid Role Specification

func IsInvalidSQLStatementName

func IsInvalidSQLStatementName(code string) bool

IsInvalidSQLStatementName asserts the error code class is Class 26 — Invalid SQL Statement Name

func IsInvalidSchemaName

func IsInvalidSchemaName(code string) bool

IsInvalidSchemaName asserts the error code class is Class 3F — Invalid Schema Name

func IsInvalidTransactionInitiation

func IsInvalidTransactionInitiation(code string) bool

IsInvalidTransactionInitiation asserts the error code class is Class 0B — Invalid Transaction Initiation

func IsInvalidTransactionState

func IsInvalidTransactionState(code string) bool

IsInvalidTransactionState asserts the error code class is Class 25 — Invalid Transaction State

func IsInvalidTransactionTermination

func IsInvalidTransactionTermination(code string) bool

IsInvalidTransactionTermination asserts the error code class is Class 2D — Invalid Transaction Termination

func IsLocatorException

func IsLocatorException(code string) bool

IsLocatorException asserts the error code class is Class 0F — Locator Exception

func IsNoData

func IsNoData(code string) bool

IsNoData asserts the error code class is Class 02 — No Data (this is also a warning class per the SQL standard)

func IsObjectNotInPrerequisiteState

func IsObjectNotInPrerequisiteState(code string) bool

IsObjectNotInPrerequisiteState asserts the error code class is Class 55 — Object Not In Prerequisite State

func IsOperatorIntervention

func IsOperatorIntervention(code string) bool

IsOperatorIntervention asserts the error code class is Class 57 — Operator Intervention

func IsPLpgSQLError

func IsPLpgSQLError(code string) bool

IsPLpgSQLError asserts the error code class is Class P0 — PL/pgSQL Error

func IsProgramLimitExceeded

func IsProgramLimitExceeded(code string) bool

IsProgramLimitExceeded asserts the error code class is Class 54 — Program Limit Exceeded

func IsSQLRoutineException

func IsSQLRoutineException(code string) bool

IsSQLRoutineException asserts the error code class is Class 2F — SQL Routine Exception

func IsSQLStatementNotYetComplete

func IsSQLStatementNotYetComplete(code string) bool

IsSQLStatementNotYetComplete asserts the error code class is Class 03 — SQL Statement Not Yet Complete

func IsSavepointException

func IsSavepointException(code string) bool

IsSavepointException asserts the error code class is Class 3B — Savepoint Exception

func IsSnapshotFailure

func IsSnapshotFailure(code string) bool

IsSnapshotFailure asserts the error code class is Class 72 — Snapshot Failure

func IsSuccessfulCompletion

func IsSuccessfulCompletion(code string) bool

IsSuccessfulCompletion asserts the error code class is Class 00 — Successful Completion

func IsSyntaxErrororAccessRuleViolation

func IsSyntaxErrororAccessRuleViolation(code string) bool

IsSyntaxErrororAccessRuleViolation asserts the error code class is Class 42 — Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation

func IsSystemError

func IsSystemError(code string) bool

IsSystemError asserts the error code class is Class 58 — System Error (errors external to PostgreSQL itself)

func IsTransactionRollback

func IsTransactionRollback(code string) bool

IsTransactionRollback asserts the error code class is Class 40 — Transaction Rollback

func IsTriggeredActionException

func IsTriggeredActionException(code string) bool

IsTriggeredActionException asserts the error code class is Class 09 — Triggered Action Exception

func IsTriggeredDataChangeViolation

func IsTriggeredDataChangeViolation(code string) bool

IsTriggeredDataChangeViolation asserts the error code class is Class 27 — Triggered Data Change Violation

func IsWarning

func IsWarning(code string) bool

IsWarning asserts the error code class is Class 01 — Warning

func IsWithCheckOptionViolation

func IsWithCheckOptionViolation(code string) bool

IsWithCheckOptionViolation asserts the error code class is Class 44 — WITH CHECK OPTION Violation


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