Overview ¶
Package pgerrcode contains constants for PostgreSQL error codes.
Index ¶
- Constants
- func IsCardinalityViolation(code string) bool
- func IsCaseNotFound(code string) bool
- func IsConfigurationFileError(code string) bool
- func IsConnectionException(code string) bool
- func IsDataException(code string) bool
- func IsDependentPrivilegeDescriptorsStillExist(code string) bool
- func IsDiagnosticsException(code string) bool
- func IsExternalRoutineException(code string) bool
- func IsExternalRoutineInvocationException(code string) bool
- func IsFeatureNotSupported(code string) bool
- func IsForeignDataWrapperError(code string) bool
- func IsInsufficientResources(code string) bool
- func IsIntegrityConstraintViolation(code string) bool
- func IsInternalError(code string) bool
- func IsInvalidAuthorizationSpecification(code string) bool
- func IsInvalidCatalogName(code string) bool
- func IsInvalidCursorName(code string) bool
- func IsInvalidCursorState(code string) bool
- func IsInvalidGrantor(code string) bool
- func IsInvalidRoleSpecification(code string) bool
- func IsInvalidSQLStatementName(code string) bool
- func IsInvalidSchemaName(code string) bool
- func IsInvalidTransactionInitiation(code string) bool
- func IsInvalidTransactionState(code string) bool
- func IsInvalidTransactionTermination(code string) bool
- func IsLocatorException(code string) bool
- func IsNoData(code string) bool
- func IsObjectNotInPrerequisiteState(code string) bool
- func IsOperatorIntervention(code string) bool
- func IsPLpgSQLError(code string) bool
- func IsProgramLimitExceeded(code string) bool
- func IsSQLRoutineException(code string) bool
- func IsSQLStatementNotYetComplete(code string) bool
- func IsSavepointException(code string) bool
- func IsSnapshotFailure(code string) bool
- func IsSuccessfulCompletion(code string) bool
- func IsSyntaxErrororAccessRuleViolation(code string) bool
- func IsSystemError(code string) bool
- func IsTransactionRollback(code string) bool
- func IsTriggeredActionException(code string) bool
- func IsTriggeredDataChangeViolation(code string) bool
- func IsWarning(code string) bool
- func IsWithCheckOptionViolation(code string) bool
Constants ¶
const ( // Class 00 — Successful Completion SuccessfulCompletion = "00000" // Class 01 — Warning Warning = "01000" DynamicResultSetsReturned = "0100C" ImplicitZeroBitPadding = "01008" NullValueEliminatedInSetFunction = "01003" PrivilegeNotGranted = "01007" PrivilegeNotRevoked = "01006" StringDataRightTruncationWarning = "01004" DeprecatedFeature = "01P01" // Class 02 — No Data (this is also a warning class per the SQL standard) NoData = "02000" NoAdditionalDynamicResultSetsReturned = "02001" // Class 03 — SQL Statement Not Yet Complete SQLStatementNotYetComplete = "03000" // Class 08 — Connection Exception ConnectionException = "08000" ConnectionDoesNotExist = "08003" ConnectionFailure = "08006" SQLClientUnableToEstablishSQLConnection = "08001" SQLServerRejectedEstablishmentOfSQLConnection = "08004" TransactionResolutionUnknown = "08007" ProtocolViolation = "08P01" // Class 09 — Triggered Action Exception TriggeredActionException = "09000" // Class 0A — Feature Not Supported FeatureNotSupported = "0A000" // Class 0B — Invalid Transaction Initiation InvalidTransactionInitiation = "0B000" // Class 0F — Locator Exception LocatorException = "0F000" InvalidLocatorSpecification = "0F001" // Class 0L — Invalid Grantor InvalidGrantor = "0L000" InvalidGrantOperation = "0LP01" // Class 0P — Invalid Role Specification InvalidRoleSpecification = "0P000" // Class 0Z — Diagnostics Exception DiagnosticsException = "0Z000" StackedDiagnosticsAccessedWithoutActiveHandler = "0Z002" // Class 20 — Case Not Found CaseNotFound = "20000" // Class 21 — Cardinality Violation CardinalityViolation = "21000" // Class 22 — Data Exception DataException = "22000" ArraySubscriptError = "2202E" CharacterNotInRepertoire = "22021" DatetimeFieldOverflow = "22008" DivisionByZero = "22012" ErrorInAssignment = "22005" EscapeCharacterConflict = "2200B" IndicatorOverflow = "22022" IntervalFieldOverflow = "22015" InvalidArgumentForLogarithm = "2201E" InvalidArgumentForNtileFunction = "22014" InvalidArgumentForNthValueFunction = "22016" InvalidArgumentForPowerFunction = "2201F" InvalidArgumentForWidthBucketFunction = "2201G" InvalidCharacterValueForCast = "22018" InvalidDatetimeFormat = "22007" InvalidEscapeCharacter = "22019" InvalidEscapeOctet = "2200D" InvalidEscapeSequence = "22025" NonstandardUseOfEscapeCharacter = "22P06" InvalidIndicatorParameterValue = "22010" InvalidParameterValue = "22023" InvalidPrecedingOrFollowingSize = "22013" InvalidRegularExpression = "2201B" InvalidRowCountInLimitClause = "2201W" InvalidRowCountInResultOffsetClause = "2201X" InvalidTablesampleArgument = "2202H" InvalidTablesampleRepeat = "2202G" InvalidTimeZoneDisplacementValue = "22009" InvalidUseOfEscapeCharacter = "2200C" MostSpecificTypeMismatch = "2200G" NullValueNotAllowedDataException = "22004" NullValueNoIndicatorParameter = "22002" NumericValueOutOfRange = "22003" SequenceGeneratorLimitExceeded = "2200H" StringDataLengthMismatch = "22026" StringDataRightTruncationDataException = "22001" SubstringError = "22011" TrimError = "22027" UnterminatedCString = "22024" ZeroLengthCharacterString = "2200F" FloatingPointException = "22P01" InvalidTextRepresentation = "22P02" InvalidBinaryRepresentation = "22P03" BadCopyFileFormat = "22P04" UntranslatableCharacter = "22P05" NotAnXMLDocument = "2200L" InvalidXMLDocument = "2200M" InvalidXMLContent = "2200N" InvalidXMLComment = "2200S" InvalidXMLProcessingInstruction = "2200T" DuplicateJSONObjectKeyValue = "22030" InvalidArgumentForSQLJSONDatetimeFunction = "22031" InvalidJSONText = "22032" InvalidSQLJSONSubscript = "22033" MoreThanOneSQLJSONItem = "22034" NoSQLJSONItem = "22035" NonNumericSQLJSONItem = "22036" NonUniqueKeysInAJSONObject = "22037" SingletonSQLJSONItemRequired = "22038" SQLJSONArrayNotFound = "22039" SQLJSONMemberNotFound = "2203A" SQLJSONNumberNotFound = "2203B" SQLJSONObjectNotFound = "2203C" TooManyJSONArrayElements = "2203D" TooManyJSONObjectMembers = "2203E" SQLJSONScalarRequired = "2203F" SQLJSONItemCannotBeCastToTargetType = "2203G" // Class 23 — Integrity Constraint Violation IntegrityConstraintViolation = "23000" RestrictViolation = "23001" NotNullViolation = "23502" ForeignKeyViolation = "23503" UniqueViolation = "23505" CheckViolation = "23514" ExclusionViolation = "23P01" // Class 24 — Invalid Cursor State InvalidCursorState = "24000" // Class 25 — Invalid Transaction State InvalidTransactionState = "25000" ActiveSQLTransaction = "25001" BranchTransactionAlreadyActive = "25002" HeldCursorRequiresSameIsolationLevel = "25008" InappropriateAccessModeForBranchTransaction = "25003" InappropriateIsolationLevelForBranchTransaction = "25004" NoActiveSQLTransactionForBranchTransaction = "25005" ReadOnlySQLTransaction = "25006" SchemaAndDataStatementMixingNotSupported = "25007" NoActiveSQLTransaction = "25P01" InFailedSQLTransaction = "25P02" IdleInTransactionSessionTimeout = "25P03" // Class 26 — Invalid SQL Statement Name InvalidSQLStatementName = "26000" // Class 27 — Triggered Data Change Violation TriggeredDataChangeViolation = "27000" // Class 28 — Invalid Authorization Specification InvalidAuthorizationSpecification = "28000" InvalidPassword = "28P01" // Class 2B — Dependent Privilege Descriptors Still Exist DependentPrivilegeDescriptorsStillExist = "2B000" DependentObjectsStillExist = "2BP01" // Class 2D — Invalid Transaction Termination InvalidTransactionTermination = "2D000" // Class 2F — SQL Routine Exception SQLRoutineException = "2F000" FunctionExecutedNoReturnStatement = "2F005" ModifyingSQLDataNotPermittedSQLRoutineException = "2F002" ProhibitedSQLStatementAttemptedSQLRoutineException = "2F003" ReadingSQLDataNotPermittedSQLRoutineException = "2F004" // Class 34 — Invalid Cursor Name InvalidCursorName = "34000" // Class 38 — External Routine Exception ExternalRoutineException = "38000" ContainingSQLNotPermitted = "38001" ModifyingSQLDataNotPermittedExternalRoutineException = "38002" ProhibitedSQLStatementAttemptedExternalRoutineException = "38003" ReadingSQLDataNotPermittedExternalRoutineException = "38004" // Class 39 — External Routine Invocation Exception ExternalRoutineInvocationException = "39000" InvalidSQLstateReturned = "39001" NullValueNotAllowedExternalRoutineInvocationException = "39004" TriggerProtocolViolated = "39P01" SRFProtocolViolated = "39P02" EventTriggerProtocolViolated = "39P03" // Class 3B — Savepoint Exception SavepointException = "3B000" InvalidSavepointSpecification = "3B001" // Class 3D — Invalid Catalog Name InvalidCatalogName = "3D000" // Class 3F — Invalid Schema Name InvalidSchemaName = "3F000" // Class 40 — Transaction Rollback TransactionRollback = "40000" TransactionIntegrityConstraintViolation = "40002" SerializationFailure = "40001" StatementCompletionUnknown = "40003" DeadlockDetected = "40P01" // Class 42 — Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation SyntaxErrorOrAccessRuleViolation = "42000" SyntaxError = "42601" InsufficientPrivilege = "42501" CannotCoerce = "42846" GroupingError = "42803" WindowingError = "42P20" InvalidRecursion = "42P19" InvalidForeignKey = "42830" InvalidName = "42602" NameTooLong = "42622" ReservedName = "42939" DatatypeMismatch = "42804" IndeterminateDatatype = "42P18" CollationMismatch = "42P21" IndeterminateCollation = "42P22" WrongObjectType = "42809" GeneratedAlways = "428C9" UndefinedColumn = "42703" UndefinedFunction = "42883" UndefinedTable = "42P01" UndefinedParameter = "42P02" UndefinedObject = "42704" DuplicateColumn = "42701" DuplicateCursor = "42P03" DuplicateDatabase = "42P04" DuplicateFunction = "42723" DuplicatePreparedStatement = "42P05" DuplicateSchema = "42P06" DuplicateTable = "42P07" DuplicateAlias = "42712" DuplicateObject = "42710" AmbiguousColumn = "42702" AmbiguousFunction = "42725" AmbiguousParameter = "42P08" AmbiguousAlias = "42P09" InvalidColumnReference = "42P10" InvalidColumnDefinition = "42611" InvalidCursorDefinition = "42P11" InvalidDatabaseDefinition = "42P12" InvalidFunctionDefinition = "42P13" InvalidPreparedStatementDefinition = "42P14" InvalidSchemaDefinition = "42P15" InvalidTableDefinition = "42P16" InvalidObjectDefinition = "42P17" // Class 44 — WITH CHECK OPTION Violation WithCheckOptionViolation = "44000" // Class 53 — Insufficient Resources InsufficientResources = "53000" DiskFull = "53100" OutOfMemory = "53200" TooManyConnections = "53300" ConfigurationLimitExceeded = "53400" // Class 54 — Program Limit Exceeded ProgramLimitExceeded = "54000" StatementTooComplex = "54001" TooManyColumns = "54011" TooManyArguments = "54023" // Class 55 — Object Not In Prerequisite State ObjectNotInPrerequisiteState = "55000" ObjectInUse = "55006" CantChangeRuntimeParam = "55P02" LockNotAvailable = "55P03" UnsafeNewEnumValueUsage = "55P04" // Class 57 — Operator Intervention OperatorIntervention = "57000" QueryCanceled = "57014" AdminShutdown = "57P01" CrashShutdown = "57P02" CannotConnectNow = "57P03" DatabaseDropped = "57P04" IdleSessionTimeout = "57P05" // Class 58 — System Error (errors external to PostgreSQL itself) SystemError = "58000" IOError = "58030" UndefinedFile = "58P01" DuplicateFile = "58P02" // Class 72 — Snapshot Failure SnapshotTooOld = "72000" // Class F0 — Configuration File Error ConfigFileError = "F0000" LockFileExists = "F0001" // Class HV — Foreign Data Wrapper Error (SQL/MED) FDWError = "HV000" FDWColumnNameNotFound = "HV005" FDWDynamicParameterValueNeeded = "HV002" FDWFunctionSequenceError = "HV010" FDWInconsistentDescriptorInformation = "HV021" FDWInvalidAttributeValue = "HV024" FDWInvalidColumnName = "HV007" FDWInvalidColumnNumber = "HV008" FDWInvalidDataType = "HV004" FDWInvalidDataTypeDescriptors = "HV006" FDWInvalidDescriptorFieldIdentifier = "HV091" FDWInvalidHandle = "HV00B" FDWInvalidOptionIndex = "HV00C" FDWInvalidOptionName = "HV00D" FDWInvalidStringLengthOrBufferLength = "HV090" FDWInvalidStringFormat = "HV00A" FDWInvalidUseOfNullPointer = "HV009" FDWTooManyHandles = "HV014" FDWOutOfMemory = "HV001" FDWNoSchemas = "HV00P" FDWOptionNameNotFound = "HV00J" FDWReplyHandle = "HV00K" FDWSchemaNotFound = "HV00Q" FDWTableNotFound = "HV00R" FDWUnableToCreateExecution = "HV00L" FDWUnableToCreateReply = "HV00M" FDWUnableToEstablishConnection = "HV00N" // Class P0 — PL/pgSQL Error PLpgSQLError = "P0000" RaiseException = "P0001" NoDataFound = "P0002" TooManyRows = "P0003" AssertFailure = "P0004" // Class XX — Internal Error InternalError = "XX000" DataCorrupted = "XX001" IndexCorrupted = "XX002" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func IsCardinalityViolation ¶
IsCardinalityViolation asserts the error code class is Class 21 — Cardinality Violation
func IsCaseNotFound ¶
IsCaseNotFound asserts the error code class is Class 20 — Case Not Found
func IsConfigurationFileError ¶
IsConfigurationFileError asserts the error code class is Class F0 — Configuration File Error
func IsConnectionException ¶
IsConnectionException asserts the error code class is Class 08 — Connection Exception
func IsDataException ¶
IsDataException asserts the error code class is Class 22 — Data Exception
func IsDependentPrivilegeDescriptorsStillExist ¶
IsDependentPrivilegeDescriptorsStillExist asserts the error code class is Class 2B — Dependent Privilege Descriptors Still Exist
func IsDiagnosticsException ¶
IsDiagnosticsException asserts the error code class is Class 0Z — Diagnostics Exception
func IsExternalRoutineException ¶
IsExternalRoutineException asserts the error code class is Class 38 — External Routine Exception
func IsExternalRoutineInvocationException ¶
IsExternalRoutineInvocationException asserts the error code class is Class 39 — External Routine Invocation Exception
func IsFeatureNotSupported ¶
IsFeatureNotSupported asserts the error code class is Class 0A — Feature Not Supported
func IsForeignDataWrapperError ¶
IsForeignDataWrapperError asserts the error code class is Class HV — Foreign Data Wrapper Error (SQL/MED)
func IsInsufficientResources ¶
IsInsufficientResources asserts the error code class is Class 53 — Insufficient Resources
func IsIntegrityConstraintViolation ¶
IsIntegrityConstraintViolation asserts the error code class is Class 23 — Integrity Constraint Violation
func IsInternalError ¶
IsInternalError asserts the error code class is Class XX — Internal Error
func IsInvalidAuthorizationSpecification ¶
IsInvalidAuthorizationSpecification asserts the error code class is Class 28 — Invalid Authorization Specification
func IsInvalidCatalogName ¶
IsInvalidCatalogName asserts the error code class is Class 3D — Invalid Catalog Name
func IsInvalidCursorName ¶
IsInvalidCursorName asserts the error code class is Class 34 — Invalid Cursor Name
func IsInvalidCursorState ¶
IsInvalidCursorState asserts the error code class is Class 24 — Invalid Cursor State
func IsInvalidGrantor ¶
IsInvalidGrantor asserts the error code class is Class 0L — Invalid Grantor
func IsInvalidRoleSpecification ¶
IsInvalidRoleSpecification asserts the error code class is Class 0P — Invalid Role Specification
func IsInvalidSQLStatementName ¶
IsInvalidSQLStatementName asserts the error code class is Class 26 — Invalid SQL Statement Name
func IsInvalidSchemaName ¶
IsInvalidSchemaName asserts the error code class is Class 3F — Invalid Schema Name
func IsInvalidTransactionInitiation ¶
IsInvalidTransactionInitiation asserts the error code class is Class 0B — Invalid Transaction Initiation
func IsInvalidTransactionState ¶
IsInvalidTransactionState asserts the error code class is Class 25 — Invalid Transaction State
func IsInvalidTransactionTermination ¶
IsInvalidTransactionTermination asserts the error code class is Class 2D — Invalid Transaction Termination
func IsLocatorException ¶
IsLocatorException asserts the error code class is Class 0F — Locator Exception
func IsNoData ¶
IsNoData asserts the error code class is Class 02 — No Data (this is also a warning class per the SQL standard)
func IsObjectNotInPrerequisiteState ¶
IsObjectNotInPrerequisiteState asserts the error code class is Class 55 — Object Not In Prerequisite State
func IsOperatorIntervention ¶
IsOperatorIntervention asserts the error code class is Class 57 — Operator Intervention
func IsPLpgSQLError ¶
IsPLpgSQLError asserts the error code class is Class P0 — PL/pgSQL Error
func IsProgramLimitExceeded ¶
IsProgramLimitExceeded asserts the error code class is Class 54 — Program Limit Exceeded
func IsSQLRoutineException ¶
IsSQLRoutineException asserts the error code class is Class 2F — SQL Routine Exception
func IsSQLStatementNotYetComplete ¶
IsSQLStatementNotYetComplete asserts the error code class is Class 03 — SQL Statement Not Yet Complete
func IsSavepointException ¶
IsSavepointException asserts the error code class is Class 3B — Savepoint Exception
func IsSnapshotFailure ¶
IsSnapshotFailure asserts the error code class is Class 72 — Snapshot Failure
func IsSuccessfulCompletion ¶
IsSuccessfulCompletion asserts the error code class is Class 00 — Successful Completion
func IsSyntaxErrororAccessRuleViolation ¶
IsSyntaxErrororAccessRuleViolation asserts the error code class is Class 42 — Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation
func IsSystemError ¶
IsSystemError asserts the error code class is Class 58 — System Error (errors external to PostgreSQL itself)
func IsTransactionRollback ¶
IsTransactionRollback asserts the error code class is Class 40 — Transaction Rollback
func IsTriggeredActionException ¶
IsTriggeredActionException asserts the error code class is Class 09 — Triggered Action Exception
func IsTriggeredDataChangeViolation ¶
IsTriggeredDataChangeViolation asserts the error code class is Class 27 — Triggered Data Change Violation
func IsWithCheckOptionViolation ¶
IsWithCheckOptionViolation asserts the error code class is Class 44 — WITH CHECK OPTION Violation
Types ¶
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