A simple wake-on-lan (wol) service to wake up a single device in a network. Once the initial magic packet has been sent, it will be re-transmitted periodically to keep the device awake as some devices supporting wol will shut down after a few minutes unless the magic packet is re-transmitted.
The service provides a WebUI with a single button to start/stop the wol agent. Additionally it offers an API endpoint to pull the current status.
API Documentation
Returns the current status:
- An 204 No Content response is returned when the agent is stopped
- An 200 OK response is returned when the agent is active along with a small JSON payload
"started_at": "1632244377",
"last_broadcast": "1632244377"
specifies the timestamp when the wol agent was started
specifies the timestamp when the last wol packet was sent
Run this with docker using host network mode in order for the wol packets to be sent on the host network
docker run --rm -d --network host -e TARGET_MAC=00:11:22:33:44:55 jabbors/gowold