中文 | English
is a command-line tool for LeetCode that provides almost all the functionality of LeetCode,
allowing you to do all of your LeetCode exercises without leaving the terminal.
It can automatically generate skeleton code and test cases, support local testing and debugging,
and you can use any IDE you like to solve problems.
And leetgo
also supports real-time generation of contest questions, submitting all questions at once, so your submissions are always one step ahead!
- Generate description, skeleton code and testing code for a question
- Customize the code template for generated code, use modifiers to pre-process code
- Execute test cases on your local machine
- Wait and generate contest questions just in time, test and submit all at once
- Support for both and
- Automatically read cookies from browser, no need to enter password
- Automatically open question files in your favourite editor
- Use OpenAI to automatically discover and fix issues in the code (Experimental)
Language support
supports code generation for most languages, and local testing for some languages.
In the Go language, running leetgo pick 257
will generate the following code:
// Omitted some code...
// @lc code=begin
func binaryTreePaths(root *TreeNode) (ans []string) {
// @lc code=end
func main() {
stdin := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
root := Deserialize[*TreeNode](ReadLine(stdin))
ans := binaryTreePaths(root)
fmt.Println("output: " + Serialize(ans))
This is a complete and runnable program. You can run it directly, input the test cases, and compare the results.
leetgo test -L
will automatically run this program with the test cases in testcases.txt
and compare the results.
Local testing means that you can run the test cases on your local machine, so you can use a debugger to debug your code.
Local testing requires more work to implement for each language, so not all languages are supported.
Generation | Local testing | |
Go | ✅ | ✅ |
Python | ✅ | Not yet |
C++ | ✅ | ✅ |
Rust | ✅ | Not yet |
Java | ✅ | Not yet |
JavaScript | ✅ | Not yet |
TypeScript | ✅ | Not yet |
PHP | ✅ | Not yet |
C | ✅ | Not yet |
C# | ✅ | Not yet |
Ruby | ✅ | Not yet |
Swift | ✅ | Not yet |
Kotlin | ✅ | Not yet |
Bash | ✅ | Not yet |
MySQL | ✅ | Not yet |
MSSQL | ✅ | Not yet |
Oracle | ✅ | Not yet |
and many other languages are planned. (Help wanted, contributions welcome!)
You can download the latest binary from the release page.
Install via go
go install
Install via HomeBrew on macOS/Linux
brew install j178/tap/leetgo
Install via Scoop on Windows
scoop bucket add j178
scoop install j178/leetgo
leetgo [command]
Available Commands:
init Init a leetcode workspace
pick Generate a new question
info Show question info
test Run question test cases
submit Submit solution
fix Use ChatGPT API to fix your solution code (just for fun)
edit Open solution in editor
contest Generate contest questions
cache Manage local questions cache
config Show configurations
open Open one or multiple question pages in a browser
help Help about any command
-v, --version version for leetgo
-l, --lang string language of code to generate: cpp, go, python ...
-y, --yes answer yes to all prompts
-h, --help help for leetgo
Use "leetgo [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Question Identifier
Many leetgo
commands rely on qid
to find the leetcode question. qid
is a simplified question
identifier defined by leetgo, which includes the following forms (using the two-sum problem as an example):
leetgo pick two-sum # `two-sum` is the question slug
leetgo pick 1 # `1` is the question id
leetgo pick today # `today` means daily question
leetgo contest weekly100 # `weekly100` means the 100th weekly contest
leetgo test last # `last` means the last generated question
leetgo test weekly100/1 # `weekly100/1` means the first question of the 100th weekly contest
leetgo submit b100/2 # `b100/2` means the second question of the 100th biweekly contest
leetgo submit w99/ # `w99/` means all questions of the 99th biweekly contest (must keep the trailing slash)
leetgo test last/1 # `last/1` means the first question of the last generated contest
leetgo test last/ # `last/` means all questions of the last generated contest (must keep the trailing slash)
Leetgo uses two levels of configuration files, the global configuration file located at ~/.config/leetgo/config.yaml
and the local configuration file located at leetgo.yaml
in the project root.
These configuration files are created during the leetgo init
The local configuration file in the project overrides the global configuration.
It is generally recommended to use the global configuration as the default configuration and customize it in the project by modifying the leetgo.yaml
Here is the demonstration of complete configurations:
Click to expand
# Your name
author: Bob
# Language of the question description: zh or en
language: zh
# Code configuration
# Language of code generated for questions: go, python, ...
# (will be override by project config and flag --lang)
lang: go
# The default template to generate filename (without extension), e.g. {{.Id}}.{{.Slug}}
# Available attributes: Id, Slug, Title, Difficulty, Lang, SlugIsMeaningful
# Available functions: lower, upper, trim, padWithZero, toUnderscore
filename_template: '{{ .Id | padWithZero 4 }}{{ if .SlugIsMeaningful }}.{{ .Slug }}{{ end }}'
# Generate question description into a separate file
separate_description_file: false
# Functions that modify the generated code
- name: removeUselessComments
out_dir: go
# Overrides the default code.filename_template
filename_template: ""
# Functions that modify the generated code
- name: removeUselessComments
- name: changeReceiverName
- name: addNamedReturn
- name: addMod
out_dir: python
# Overrides the default code.filename_template
filename_template: ""
out_dir: cpp
# Overrides the default code.filename_template
filename_template: ""
# C++ compiler
cxx: g++
# C++ compiler flags (our Leetcode I/O library implementation requires C++17)
- -O2
- -std=c++17
out_dir: java
# Overrides the default code.filename_template
filename_template: ""
out_dir: rust
# Overrides the default code.filename_template
filename_template: ""
# LeetCode configuration
# LeetCode site, or
# Credentials to access LeetCode
# How to provide credentials: browser, cookies, password or none
from: browser
# LeetCode cookie: LEETCODE_SESSION
session: ""
# LeetCode cookie: csrftoken
csrftoken: ""
# LeetCode username
username: ""
# Encrypted LeetCode password
password: ""
# Base dir to put generated contest questions
out_dir: contest
# Template to generate filename of the question
filename_template: '{{ .ContestShortSlug }}/{{ .Id }}{{ if .SlugIsMeaningful }}.{{ .Slug }}{{ end }}'
# Open the contest page in browser after generating
open_in_browser: true
# The editor to open generated files
# Use a predefined editor: vim, vscode, goland
# Set to 'none' to disable, set to 'custom' to provide your own command
use: none
# Custom command to open files
command: ""
# Arguments to the command
args: []
LeetCode Support
uses LeetCode's GraphQL API to retrieve questions and submit solutions. leetgo
needs your LeetCode cookies to access the authenticated API.
There are three ways to make cookies available to leetgo
Read cookies from browser automatically.
supports Chrome, FireFox, Safari[^1], Edge.leetcode: credentials: from: browser
Provide cookies in config file.
You can get your cookies named
from browser's developer tools.leetcode: credentials: from: cookies session: xxx csrftoken: xx
Provide username and password in config file.
You need to run
leetgo config encrypt
to encrypt your password first, plain text password is not allowed.leetcode: credentials: from: password username: xxx password: | $LEETGO_VAULT;1.1;AES256 61393232326161303064373437376538646432623336363563623935333863653666623633376466 3836633339643934383061363239333833333634373137620a303466626335633332393336326564 31633231333934323165376362646630643132626130626136326163333133663762356264353564 6562653462396335300a313761363531363961656364366634666562663061633161366463393339 3963
Note Password authentication is not recommended, and it is not supported by
Advanced Usage
Several fields in leetgo's config file support templating. These fields are often suffixed with _template
You can use custom template to generate your own filename, code, etc.
A code file is composed of different blocks, you can overwrite some of them to provide your own snippets.
Available blocks |
header |
description |
title |
beforeMarker |
beforeCode |
code |
afterCode |
afterMarker |
For example:
lang: cpp
- name: beforeCode
template: |
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
- name: afterMarker
template: |
int main() {}
supports providing a JavaScript function to handle the code before generation, for example:
lang: cpp
- name: removeUselessComments
- script: |
function modify(code) {
return "// hello world\n" + code;
If you encounter any problems, please run your command with the DEBUG
environment variable set to 1
, copy the command output, and open an issue.
Some common problems can be found in the Q&A page.
Contributions welcome!
Good First Issues are a good place to start, and you can also check out some Help Wanted issues.
If you want to add local testing support for a new language, please refer to #112.
Before submitting a PR, please run golangci-lint run --fix
to fix lint errors.
Here are some awesome projects that inspired me to create this project:
[^1]: For Safari on macOS, you may need to grant Full Disk Access
privilege to your terminal app which you would like to run leetgo
There is no documentation for this package.