
package module
v0.7.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 19, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 10 Imported by: 16


#+TITLE: plog (pico log) - golang logging library
#+PROPERTY: header-args :eval never-export


* Intro

pico log - because it's so small and has zero dependencies.

** Why?

 I want a logging library with

   - zero dependencies
   - easy to use
   - can emit log messages per go channel

** Non Goals

 - blazing fast
 - a lot of features

** Features

  - console logging

  - log over go channel

  - optional global logger instance
    (see [[#create-a-global-logger-instance][Create a global logger instance]])

  - log output format configurable \\
    (see [[#custom-log-format][Custom log format]], [[#log-output-format-per-program-arguments][Log output format per program arguments]] for examples)

  - helper functions to set log level per command line arguments \\
    (see [[#set-loglevel-per-program-arguments][Set LogLevel per program arguments]] for examples)

* Usage

/After each code block you will see an output example./

** Create a console logger instance

You create a console logger per ~plog.NewDefaultConsoleLogger~ or ~plog.NewConsoleLogger~.

*** ~plog.NewDefaultConsoleLogger()~

This function creates a console logger where each log column are separated with " | "
and three log columns: the timestamp of the log event, the log level for the message
and the log message.

#+BEGIN_SRC go -r :tangle examples/console.go :exports both
  package main

  import  ""

  func main() {
      log := plog.NewDefaultConsoleLogger()

      log.Debug("change to debug level")
      log.Debug("level changed")
      log.Infof("2 + 2 = %d", 2 + 2)

: Wed Feb 19 09:34:16 CET 2020 |  INFO | startup
: Wed Feb 19 09:34:16 CET 2020 | DEBUG | level changed
: Wed Feb 19 09:34:16 CET 2020 |  INFO | 2 + 2 = 4

*** ~plog.NewConsoleLogger(separator string, formatters ...plog.Formatter)~

This function creates a logger with a custom log output format.

The first argument is a separator with separates each log column,
the rest are "column formatters". These describes which columns
and how this columns are formatted (see [[#formatters][Formatters]] for more information).

  #+BEGIN_SRC go -r :tangle examples/console-custom-format.go :exports both
    package main

    import  ""

    func main() {
        log := plog.NewConsoleLogger(
            " - ",

        // set log prefix and suffix

        log.Debug("change to debug level")
        log.Debug("level changed")
        log.Infof("2 + 2 = %d", 2 + 2)

  : [ INFO - Feb 19 09:34:17.009 - startup]
  : [DEBUG - Feb 19 09:34:17.010 - level changed]
  : [ INFO - Feb 19 09:34:17.010 - 2 + 2 = 4]

** Create a global logger instance

You create a singleton global logger instance per ~plog.GlobalLogger~.
So you can configure the log output only once, and every other ~plog.GlobalLogger~
instance have the same logging configuration.

When you create a global logger, you *must* attach a console or stream logger to it.
If not, a warning is logged (this can be disabled with ~plog.DropUnhandledMessages~).

~plog.GlobalLogger~ is a broadcast logger, so you can add many consumer.

#+BEGIN_SRC go :tangle examples/global-logger.go :eval no
package main

import ""

func main() {
  // initialize the logger
  log := plog.GlobalLogger().Add(plog.NewDefaultConsoleLogger())
  log.Info("in 'main'")


func other() {
  log := plog.GlobalLogger()
  log.Info("in 'other'")

#+BEGIN_SRC shell :results output :exports both
go run examples/global-logger.go

: Wed Feb 19 09:34:17 CET 2020 |  INFO | in 'main'
: Wed Feb 19 09:34:17 CET 2020 |  INFO | in 'other'


Each logger instance have the following functions:

  | ~SetLevel(LogLevel)~                               | Set the log level. From ~plog.Trace~ to ~plog.Error~ |
  | ~IsTraceEnabled()~                                 | Checks if the Trace level is enabled                 |
  | ~IsDebugEnabled()~                                 | Checks if the Debug level is enabled                 |
  | ~IsInfoEnabled()~                                  | Checks if the Info level is enabled                  |
  | ~IsNoteEnabled()~                                  | Checks if the Note level is enabled                  |
  | ~IsWarnEnabled()~                                  | Checks if the Warn level is enabled                  |
  | ~IsErrorEnabled()~                                 | Checks if the Error level is enabled                 |
  | ~Trace(string)~ / ~Tracef(string, ...{}interface)~ | Trace logging                                        |
  | ~Debug(string)~ / ~Debugf(string, ...{}interface)~ | Debug logging                                        |
  | ~Info(string)~ / ~Infof(string, ...{}interface)~   | Info logging                                         |
  | ~Note(string)~ / ~Notef(string, ...{}interface)~   | Note (Notifications) logging                         |
  | ~Warn(string)~ / ~Warnf(string, ...{}interface)~   | Warn logging                                         |
  | ~Error(string)~ / ~Errorf(string, ...{}interface)~ | Error logging                                        |
  | ~Fatal(string)~ / ~Fatalf(string, ...{}interface)~ | Fatal logging                                        |

Where the log functions act like ~fmt.Print(string)~ and ~fmt.Printf(string, ...{}interface)~.

*** Console logger API

The ~consoleLogger~ has the following additional functions:

  | ~SetStdout(io.Writer)~       | Redirect stdout                                |
  | ~SetStderr(io.Writer)~       | Redirect stderr                                |
  | ~SetLogPrefix(string)~       | Prepend the given string on each log message   |
  | ~SetLogSuffix(string)~       | Append the given string on each log message    |
  | ~AddLogFormatter(Formatter)~ | Add an log formatter to format the log message |

*** Stream logger API

The ~streamLogger~ has the following additional functions:

| ~SetStderr(io.Writer)~                        | Redirect stderr                                        |
| ~Subscribe(bufferSize int) <-chan LogMessage~ | Get a go channel where the log messages are emitted    |
| ~WaitForSubscribers(timeout time.Duration)~   | Blocks till all subscribers have received all messages |

*** Broadcast logger API
The ~broadcastLogger~ has the following additional functions:

| ~Add(Logger)~ | Add a logger which receives the log messages |
| ~Reset()~     | Reset removes all attached logger instances  |

** Set the log level per programm arguments

 *plog* provides two helper functions to configure the LogLevel per program arguments:

   - ~plog.FlagDebugVar(p *LogLevel, name string, usage string)~
   - ~plog.FlagTraceVar(p *LogLevel, name string, usage string)~

 see [[#set-loglevel-per-program-arguments][Set LogLevel per program arguments]] for a example.

** Formatters

 Formatters describes which and how each log column are logged.

 To define the format of the log message, you can use predefined formatters
 or construct your own.

***** Predefined formatter

  #+BEGIN_SRC go :imports '("" "time" "fmt" "strings") :exports results
    msg := plog.LogMessage{plog.Info, time.Now(), "go_srcfile", 33, "Test"}
    show := func(name string, formatter plog.Formatter) {
      fmt.Printf("%-46s | '%s'\n", name, formatter.Format(&msg))
    fmt.Printf("%-46s | example output\n%s\n", "formatter", strings.Repeat("-", 80))
    show("plog.Level", plog.Level)
    show("plog.Timestamp", plog.Timestamp)
    show("plog.TimestampMillis", plog.TimestampMillis)
    show("plog.TimestampUnixDate", plog.TimestampUnixDate)
    show("plog.Location", plog.Location)
    show("plog.File", plog.File)
    show("plog.Line", plog.Line)
    show("plog.Message", plog.Message)

  formatter                                      | example output
  plog.Level                                     | ' INFO'
  plog.Timestamp                                 | 'Feb 19 09:34:17'
  plog.TimestampMillis                           | 'Feb 19 09:34:17.855'
  plog.TimestampUnixDate                         | 'Wed Feb 19 09:34:17 CET 2020'
  plog.Location                                  | '     go_srcfile:33 '
  plog.File                                      | '     go_srcfile'
  plog.Line                                      | '33 '
  plog.Message                                   | 'Test'

***** Custom Columns

A custom formatter expects a format string, which describes how each log column are formatted.

The ~TimestampFmt~ formatter used ~time.Format(format string)~ to format the
timestamp column. See the [[][time.Format]] api for a description.

The ~LineFmt~ formatter expects a ~%d~ in his format where the line number
should be inserted.

All other formatters expects a ~%s~ where the value should be inserted.

  #+BEGIN_SRC go :imports '("" "time" "fmt" "strings") :exports results
    msg := plog.LogMessage{plog.Info, time.Now(), "go_srcfile", 33, "Test"}
    show := func(name string, formatter plog.Formatter) {
      fmt.Printf("%-46s | '%s'\n", name, formatter.Format(&msg))
    fmt.Printf("%-46s | example output\n%s\n", "formatter examples", strings.Repeat("-", 80))
    show("plog.LevelFmt(\"%10s\")", plog.LevelFmt("(%10s)"))
    show("plog.TimestampFmt(\"15:04:05.000\")", plog.TimestampFmt("15:04:05.000"))
    show("plog.TimestampFmt(\"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00\")", plog.TimestampFmt("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"))
    show("plog.LocationFmt(\"[file: %s, line: %d]\")", plog.LocationFmt("[file: %s, line: %d]"))
    show("plog.FileFmt(\"<%s>\")", plog.FileFmt("<%s>"))
    show("plog.LineFmt(\"[%d]\")", plog.LineFmt("[%d]"))


  : formatter examples                             | example output
  : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  : plog.LevelFmt("%10s")                          | '(      INFO)'
  : plog.TimestampFmt("15:04:05.000")              | '09:34:18.269'
  : plog.TimestampFmt("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00") | '2020-02-19T09:34:18+01:00'
  : plog.LocationFmt("[file: %s, line: %d]")       | '[file: go_srcfile, line: 33]'
  : plog.FileFmt("<%s>")                           | '<go_srcfile>'
  : plog.LineFmt("[%d]")                           | '[33]'

* Examples

** Custom log format

  #+BEGIN_SRC go :tangle examples/logformat.go :eval no
    package main

    import ""

    func main() {
        log := plog.NewConsoleLogger(" - ",


        log.Debug("change to debug level")
        log.Debug("level changed")
        log.Infof("2 + 2 = %d", 2 + 2)

  #+BEGIN_SRC shell :results output :exports both
  go run examples/logformat.go

  : [(INFO ) - 2020-02-19T09:34:18+01:00 - startup              - logformat[16]]
  : [(DEBUG) - 2020-02-19T09:34:18+01:00 - level changed        - logformat[19]]
  : [(INFO ) - 2020-02-19T09:34:18+01:00 - 2 + 2 = 4            - logformat[20]]

** Log output format per program arguments

#+BEGIN_SRC go :tangle examples/log-output-format-per-args.go :eval no
  package main

  import ""
  import "flag"

  func main() {
      // flags
      logTs := flag.Bool("log-timestamps", false, "log messages with timestamps")
      logLocation := flag.Bool("log-location", false, "log messages with caller location")

      // initialize / configure the logger
      log := plog.NewConsoleLogger(" | ")

      // timestamp only when '-log-timestamps' flag is given
      if *logTs {

      // log level

      // location only when '-log-location' flag is given
      if *logLocation {

      // log message

      // action
      log.Debug("change to debug level")
      log.Debug("level changed")
      log.Infof("2 + 2 = %d", 2 + 2)

#+BEGIN_SRC shell :results output :exports results
run() { echo $(printf "=%.0s" {1..80}); echo "j@main:~ ⟩ $@"; $@; echo;}

run go run examples/log-output-format-per-args.go
run go run examples/log-output-format-per-args.go -log-timestamps
run go run examples/log-output-format-per-args.go -log-location
run go run examples/log-output-format-per-args.go -log-timestamps -log-location

j@main:~ ⟩ go run examples/log-output-format-per-args.go
 INFO | startup
DEBUG | level changed
 INFO | 2 + 2 = 4

j@main:~ ⟩ go run examples/log-output-format-per-args.go -log-timestamps
Wed Feb 19 09:34:19 CET 2020 |  INFO | startup
Wed Feb 19 09:34:19 CET 2020 | DEBUG | level changed
Wed Feb 19 09:34:19 CET 2020 |  INFO | 2 + 2 = 4

j@main:~ ⟩ go run examples/log-output-format-per-args.go -log-location
 INFO | log-output-format-per-args:40  | startup
DEBUG | log-output-format-per-args:43  | level changed
 INFO | log-output-format-per-args:44  | 2 + 2 = 4

j@main:~ ⟩ go run examples/log-output-format-per-args.go -log-timestamps -log-location
Wed Feb 19 09:34:20 CET 2020 |  INFO | log-output-format-per-args:40  | startup
Wed Feb 19 09:34:20 CET 2020 | DEBUG | log-output-format-per-args:43  | level changed
Wed Feb 19 09:34:20 CET 2020 |  INFO | log-output-format-per-args:44  | 2 + 2 = 4


** Set LogLevel per program arguments

#+BEGIN_SRC go :tangle examples/loglevel-per-args.go :eval no
  package main

  import ""
  import "flag"

  func main() {
      log := plog.NewDefaultConsoleLogger()

      logLevel := plog.Info
      plog.FlagDebugVar(&logLevel,  "v", "debug")
      plog.FlagTraceVar(&logLevel, "vv", "trace")



#+BEGIN_SRC shell :results output :exports results
run() { echo $(printf "=%.0s" {1..80}); echo "j@main:~ ⟩ $@"; $@; echo;}

run go run examples/loglevel-per-args.go
run go run examples/loglevel-per-args.go -v
run go run examples/loglevel-per-args.go -vv

j@main:~ ⟩ go run examples/loglevel-per-args.go
Wed Feb 19 09:34:20 CET 2020 |  INFO | info

j@main:~ ⟩ go run examples/loglevel-per-args.go -v
Wed Feb 19 09:34:20 CET 2020 |  INFO | info
Wed Feb 19 09:34:20 CET 2020 | DEBUG | debug

j@main:~ ⟩ go run examples/loglevel-per-args.go -vv
Wed Feb 19 09:34:21 CET 2020 |  INFO | info
Wed Feb 19 09:34:21 CET 2020 | DEBUG | debug
Wed Feb 19 09:34:21 CET 2020 | TRACE | trace


** Log over a go channel

~plog.NewStreamLogger()~ creates a new streaming logger.
With ~Subscribe(bufferSize int) <-chan LogMessage~ you get a go channel where
the log messages are emitted.

#+BEGIN_SRC go :tangle examples/stream.go :eval no
  package main

  import ""
  import "fmt"
  import "time"

  func main() {
      log := plog.NewStreamLogger()
      logC := log.Subscribe(10)

      log.Debug("change to debug level")
      log.Debug("level changed")
      log.Infof("2 + 2 = %d", 2 + 2)

      go func() {
        for msg := range logC {
          fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", msg.Level, msg.Message)

      log.WaitForSubscribers(100 * time.Millisecond)

#+BEGIN_SRC shell :results output :exports both
go run examples/stream.go

: INFO: startup
: DEBUG: level changed
: INFO: 2 + 2 = 4

** Broadcast log messages to multiple receivers.

To simplify the example, only console loggers are used,
but you can also use stream loggers.

#+BEGIN_SRC go :tangle examples/broadcast.go :eval no
  package main

  import ""

  func main() {
      log := plog.NewBroadcastLogger(

      log.Debug("change to debug level")
      log.Debug("level changed")
      log.Infof("2 + 2 = %d", 2 + 2)

#+BEGIN_SRC shell :results output :exports both
go run examples/broadcast.go

: Wed Feb 19 09:34:22 CET 2020 |  INFO | startup
: Wed Feb 19 09:34:22 CET 2020 |  INFO | startup
: Wed Feb 19 09:34:22 CET 2020 |  INFO | startup
: Wed Feb 19 09:34:22 CET 2020 | DEBUG | level changed
: Wed Feb 19 09:34:22 CET 2020 | DEBUG | level changed
: Wed Feb 19 09:34:22 CET 2020 | DEBUG | level changed
: Wed Feb 19 09:34:22 CET 2020 |  INFO | 2 + 2 = 4
: Wed Feb 19 09:34:22 CET 2020 |  INFO | 2 + 2 = 4
: Wed Feb 19 09:34:22 CET 2020 |  INFO | 2 + 2 = 4



Package plog is a logging library.

Checkout for more information.


Example how to log over a console:

package main

import  ""

func main() {
    log := plog.NewDefaultConsoleLogger()

    log.Debug("change to debug level")
    log.Debug("level changed")
    log.Infof("2 + 2 = %d", 2 + 2)


Sat May 11 18:18:08 CEST 2019 |  INFO | startup
Sat May 11 18:18:08 CEST 2019 | DEBUG | level changed
Sat May 11 18:18:08 CEST 2019 |  INFO | 2 + 2 = 4


Example how to configure the log output:

package main

import  ""

func main() {
    log := plog.NewConsoleLogger(
        " - ",

    // set log prefix and suffix

    log.Debug("change to debug level")
    log.Debug("level changed")
    log.Infof("2 + 2 = %d", 2 + 2)


[ INFO - May 11 19:01:21.574 - startup]
[DEBUG - May 11 19:01:21.575 - level changed]
[ INFO - May 11 19:01:21.575 - 2 + 2 = 4]



View Source
const (
	Level             = LevelFmt("%5s")
	Timestamp         = TimestampFmt("Jan _2 15:04:05")
	TimestampMillis   = TimestampFmt("Jan _2 15:04:05.000")
	TimestampUnixDate = TimestampFmt("Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 MST 2006")
	Location          = LocationFmt("%15s:%-3d")
	File              = FileFmt("%15s")
	Line              = LineFmt("%-3d")
	Message           = MessageFmt("%s")

Predefined formatters


This section is empty.


func DropUnhandledMessages added in v0.6.0

func DropUnhandledMessages()

Disables the logging of unhandled messages.

If you use a `BroadcastLogger` or a `GlobalLogger` without a attached logger, the log-messages were unhandled and plog will log a warning about this.

Call `plog.DropUnhandledMessages()` to disable the warnings.

func FlagDebugVar

func FlagDebugVar(p *LogLevel, name string, usage string)

func FlagTraceVar

func FlagTraceVar(p *LogLevel, name string, usage string)

func GlobalLogger added in v0.3.0

func GlobalLogger() *globalLogger

GlobalLogger create a singleton global logger. You need to attach a 'Logger' to one singleton.



log := plog.GlobalLogger()
log.Info("easy peasy!")

func NewBroadcastLogger

func NewBroadcastLogger(others ...Logger) *broadcastLogger

NewBroadcastLogger creates a new logger, whe the log messages are forwarded to the given loggers.

func NewConsoleLogger

func NewConsoleLogger(separator string, formatters ...Formatter) *consoleLogger

NewConsoleLogger creates a new logger, where the log messages are emitted to the console

func NewDefaultConsoleLogger

func NewDefaultConsoleLogger() *consoleLogger

func NewStreamLogger

func NewStreamLogger() *streamLogger

NewStreamLogger creates a new logger, where the log messages are emitted over a go chan. Use 'Subscribe(int)' get a go chan.


type FileFmt

type FileFmt string

FileFmt describes how the log-caller filename are formatted.

Typical format is "%15s".

func (FileFmt) Format

func (self FileFmt) Format(msg *LogMessage) string

type Formatter

type Formatter interface {
	Format(*LogMessage) string

type LevelFmt

type LevelFmt string

LevelFmt describes how the LogLevel are formatted.

Typical format is "%5s".

func (LevelFmt) Format

func (self LevelFmt) Format(msg *LogMessage) string

type LineFmt

type LineFmt string

LineFmt describes how the log-caller source line are formatted.

Typical format is "%-3d"

func (LineFmt) Format

func (self LineFmt) Format(msg *LogMessage) string

type LocationFmt

type LocationFmt string

LocationFmt describes how the log-caller location are formatted.

The location combines the log-caller filename and source line.

func (LocationFmt) Format

func (self LocationFmt) Format(msg *LogMessage) string

type LogFormatter

type LogFormatter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LogFormatter formats a LogMessage

func NewLogFormatter

func NewLogFormatter(sep string, formatters ...Formatter) LogFormatter

NewLogFormatter create a LogFormatter with the given separator string and the given column formatters.

func (*LogFormatter) AddLogFormatter added in v0.2.0

func (self *LogFormatter) AddLogFormatter(formatter Formatter) *LogFormatter

AddLogFormatter adds a column formatter

func (*LogFormatter) Format

func (self *LogFormatter) Format(msg LogMessage) string

Format the give log message

func (*LogFormatter) SetLogPrefix

func (self *LogFormatter) SetLogPrefix(prefix string) *LogFormatter

SetLogPrefix sets a prefix which will be prepended to each line.

func (*LogFormatter) SetLogSuffix

func (self *LogFormatter) SetLogSuffix(suffix string) *LogFormatter

SetLogSuffix sets a prefix which will be appended to each line.

type LogLevel

type LogLevel int
const (
	Trace LogLevel = iota

func (LogLevel) String

func (l LogLevel) String() string

type LogMessage

type LogMessage struct {
	Level     LogLevel
	Timestamp time.Time
	File      string
	Line      int
	Message   string

LogMessage represents a logging message

func (*LogMessage) String

func (self *LogMessage) String() string

type Logger

type Logger interface {
	Tracef(string, ...interface{})
	Debugf(string, ...interface{})
	Infof(string, ...interface{})
	Warnf(string, ...interface{})
	Errorf(string, ...interface{})
	Fatalf(string, ...interface{})

Every `Logger' implements this interface.

This are the basic functions every logger implements. Logger implementations can have more functions.

type MessageFmt

type MessageFmt string

MessageFmt describes how the log-message are formatted.

Typical format is "%s".

func (MessageFmt) Format

func (self MessageFmt) Format(msg *LogMessage) string

type TimestampFmt

type TimestampFmt string

TimestampFmt describes how the timestamps are formatted.

For a description of valid format parameters, see:

func (TimestampFmt) Format

func (self TimestampFmt) Format(msg *LogMessage) string


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