Unison PoC
This PoC is aims to show the throughput capabilities of Unison. It achieves 12MB/s throughput of certified data with
30 geographically distributed nodes deployed Vultr using ansible.
NOTE: The deployment scripts are not part of this repo.
The PoC application runs a Unison network of predefined amount of peers. Peers connect through the bootstrapper which
PEx his peer table to all non-bootstrapper nodes. Every peer automatically joins the quorum, gets assigned 1000 stake
and starts producing bogus data with configurable rate. In the end, we get a network of peer producing a DAG chain of
blocks with every node contributing to the throughput.
git clone https://github.com/iykyk-syn/unison
cd unison
go build -o ./unison ./unison-poc
Usage of ./unison:
-batch-size int
Batch size to be produced every 'batch-time' (bytes). 0 disables batch production (default 250000)
-batch-time duration
Batch production time (default 1s)
-bootstrapper string
Specifies network bootstrapper multiaddr
To indicate node is bootstrapper
-kickoff-timeout duration
Timeout before starting block production (default 5s)
-network-size int
Expected network size to wait for before starting the network. SKips if 0