Achievers server

Achievers Web API in Go
To download, run the following command:
go get
Quick Start with PostgreSQL
Please ensure all necessary plugins are available by following:
Create database via executing sql script in postgre
It is located in /config/postgre.sql
Enter postgre and execute
\i {path_to_sql_script}
Open config/config.json and edit the Database section so the connection information matches your Postgre instance.
Build and run from the root directory. Open your REST client to: http://localhost. You should see the welcome message and status 200.
Quick Start with Docker
Build and run the image
Invoke Docker from the achievers_server package directory to build an image using the Dockerfile:
$ docker build -t achievers_server .
This will fetch the golang base image from Docker Hub, copy the package source to it, build the package inside it, and tag the resulting image as achievers_server.
To run a container from the resulting image:
$ docker run --publish 8080:8080 --name achievers_server --rm achievers_server
The --publish flag tells docker to publish the container's port 8080 on the external port 8080.
The --name flag gives our container a predictable name to make it easier to work with.
The --rm flag tells docker to remove the container image when the outyet server exits.
With the container running, open http://localhost:8080/ in a web browser and you should see welcome message.
Now that we've verified that the image works, shut down the running container from another terminal window:
$ docker stop achievers_server
Available Endpoints
The following endpoints are available:
* GET /v1/ - Retrieve an welcome message
* POST /v1/user/create - Create new user
* POST /v1/user/auth - Retrieve an access token
* GET /v1/profile?id= - Retrieve profile by ID
* GET /v1/profile/me - Retrieve your own profile
* POST /v1/achievement/create - Create new achievement
* GET /v1/achievement?id= - Retrieve an achievement by ID
* GET /v1/achievements/last - Retrieve last page of achievements
* GET /v1/achievements/after?after_id= - Retrieve page of achievements after specified one
* GET /v1/achievements/quest?id=&page= - Retrieve achievements by quest_id and page
* GET /v1/achievements/quest/last - Retrieve last page of achievements by quest_id
* GET /v1/achievements/quest/after?after_id= - Retrieve page of achievements by quest_id after specified one
* POST /v1/evidence/create - Create new evidence
* GET /v1/evidence?id= - Retrieve an evidence by ID
* GET /v1/evidences/last - Retrieve last page of evidences
* GET /v1/evidences/after?after_id= - Retrieve page of evidences after specified one
* POST /v1/reward/create - Create new reward
* GET /v1/reward?id= - Retrieve a reward by ID
* GET /v1/rewards/last - Retrieve last page of rewards
* GET /v1/rewards/after?after_id= - Retrieve page of rewards after specified one
* POST /v1/quest/create - Create new quest
* GET /v1/quest?id= - Retrieve a quest by ID
* GET /v1/quests?page= - Retrieve quests by page
* GET /v1/quests/last - Retrieve last page of rewards
* GET /v1/quests/after?after_id= - Retrieve page of rewards after specified one
* POST /v1/quest_achievement/create - Create a new quest_achievement
* POST /v1/file/create - Create new file
* GET /v1/file?id= - Retrieve a file by ID
Rules for Consistency
Rules for mapping HTTP methods to CRUD:
POST - Create (add record into database)
GET - Read (get record from the database)
PUT - Update (edit record in the database)
DELETE - Delete (remove record from the database)
Rules for status codes:
* Read something - 200 (OK)
* Update something - 200 (OK)
* Delete something - 200 (OK)
* Create something - 201 (Created)
* Create but missing info - 400 (Bad Request)
* Access w/ invalid token - 401 (Unauthorized)
* Any other error - 500 (Internal Server Error)
Rules for messages:
* 200 - item found; no items to find; items deleted; no items to delete; etc
* 201 - item created
* 400 - [field] is missing; [field] needs to be type: [type]
* 401 - unauthorized
* 500 - an error occurred, please try again later (should also log error because it's a programming or server issue)
Run all tests
go test ./... -cover
Run specific package tests with coverage
go test ./app/controller -coverprofile=coverage.out
View coverage result in html
go tool cover -html=coverage.out
TODO // bigger number == higher priority
- add kubernetes support
- implement constructTest for app/shared/ similar to this in controller/
- implement router with following format: router.GET("path", handler, middleware)
- use router's handlers to build a help page with endpoints
- improve context - replace model instance with model type
- improve code coverage
- consider unioning db_test's exists and existsMultiple functions (invent smart exister interface)
- implement microservices architecture
Done :) // some tasks might not be written
- quest_achievement controller
- create quest_achievement
- get achievements by quest_id
- get quests by achievement_id
- logger - add log error method
- get achievements by quest_id
- extract common controller functionalities which return plain Result
handlers should have *shared.Request instead of *http.Request which will wrap *http.Request and use it only internally
- extract consts from controller/controller.go to shared/consts.go
- improve paging concept (pass afterID)
- extract framework models from app models
- replace paging concept with later/after as implemented in achievement controller
- update readme with available endpoints
- refactor app/db/ as it should recieve some abstraction
- extract limit const from db.go to config and pass it when instantiate
- refactor afterID to id in controllers
- refactor db's context - extract needed info from model's properties
- get rid of db's scan function, use struct tags instead
- improve db's create - extract needed fields by struct's tags
- create form validation
- unify db length constraints