Transaction reconciliation is the process of comparing two sets of transactions from two parties in order to find matches and discrepancies.
The core flow is illustrated below:
actor Cron
participant Recon as Reconciler
participant PTY1 as [Party1]
participant PTY2 as [Party2]
Cron -> Recon: Trigger recon
Recon ->> PTY1: Retrieve transactions of Party1
PTY1 -->> Recon: result
Recon ->> PTY2: Retrieve transactions of Party2
PTY2 -->> Recon: result
loop Every transaction of Party1
Recon ->> Recon: Filter transaction
Recon ->> Recon: Find matching<br/>transaction from Party2
alt Found
Recon ->> Recon: Compare two transactions
Recon ->> Recon: Mark as `matched` or<br/>`mismatched`
Recon ->> Recon: Mark as `party1 only`
loop Every transaction of Party2
Recon ->> Recon: Similar to previous loop
Party: Reconciliation involves two parties.
Collection: A collection contains transactions fetched from two parties.
Filter: A filter uses some criteria to filter out transactions before they can be passed over for comparison. Criteria may be a time range or a collection of statuses.
Comparator: A comparator compares two transactions from two parties, in order to find whether they are matching.