TTF font to icon bitmap converter. It takes an input TTF font file such as FontAwesome or really any reasonable TTF font, and renders it into a template bitmap.
This script basically generates PNG bitmaps of a font from a TTF file, using a template bitmap as a background.
Usage of ./ttftoiconbitmap:
-chars string
Characters to extract into bitmaps
-color string
Font color (default "#ffffff")
-outdir string
Output directory (default ".")
-outprefix string
Output filename prefix (default "char")
-size int
Font size (-1 = autosize) (default -1)
-template string
Template bitmap filename
-ttf string
TTF filename
Employ Y-fix for lowercase characters
-yoffset int
Y offset to drawing characters (default -10)
Example command line:
./ttftoiconbitmap --ttf otfs/FontAwesome5Free-Solid.ttf --template icon_ring_template.png --outdir fa --outprefix fa