Azure DevOps provider for Wharf

Import Wharf projects from Azure DevOps repositories. Mainly focused on
importing from self hosted Azure DevOps instances, importing from is not well tested.
Install Go 1.13 or later:
Install the swaggo/swag CLI globally:
# Run this outside of any Go module, including this repository, to not
# have `go get` update the go.mod file.
$ cd ..
$ go get -u
Generate the swaggo files (this has to be redone each time the swaggo
documentation comments has been altered):
# Navigate back to this repository
$ cd wharf-provider-github
# Generate the files into docs/
$ swag --parseDependency --parseDepth 1
Start hacking with your favorite tool. For example VS Code, GoLand,
Vim, Emacs, or whatnot.
Linting Golang
go get -u
npm run lint-go
Linting markdown
npm install
npm run lint-md
# Some errors can be fixed automatically. Keep in mind that this updates the
# files in place.
npm run lint-md-fix
You can lint all of the above at the same time by running:
npm run lint
# Some errors can be fixed automatically. Keep in mind that this updates the
# files in place.
npm run lint-fix
Maintained by Iver.
Licensed under the MIT license.