Minecraft Server Monitor is a Golang web server application to monitor one's own Minecraft server (thru RCON). This is targeted towards a small Minecraft server size (<10) to do basic adminstrative tasks.
- Go w/ STD
- SQLite
- Air (live-reloading for Go)
- Docker (for Minecraft server and cloud deployment)
- Tailwind CSS w/ DaisyUI (for simplified CSS)
- Prettier (for code formatting)
Look at package.json
and go.mod
for all dependencies in this project
Usage (Local)
To get started quickly (w/ Docker installed), use the docker command at the repository root
make server
This command boots up a minecraft server and the web server preemptively serving ports 25565 and 25575 respectively.
Usage (hosted on GCP)
⚠️ Incurs cost
Cost Breakdown
- Static IP - $1.49 / month
- Compute Engine (Preemptible VM) - $0.01 / hr
- Persistent Disk - $0.50 / month
- VM-VM egress pricing - <=$0.15 per GB
Thanks to itzg and Futurice for the docker image and prior terraform script respectively.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.