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Published: Jun 8, 2021 License: CC0-1.0



Fast, Lightweight Pub/Sub over TCP, QUIC - powered by Async I/O


Few days back I worked on an Embeddable, Fast, Light-weight Pub/Sub System for Go Projects, called pubsub, which is built only using native Go functionalities & as the title suggests, you can embed that system in your application for doing in-app message passing using any of following patterns

  • Single Publisher Single Subscriber
  • Single Publisher Multiple Subscriber
  • Multiple Publisher Single Subscriber
  • Multiple Publisher Multiple Subscriber

That enables making multiple go routines talk to each other over topics. Also there's no involvement of network I/O, so all operations are quite low-latency.

If you're interested in taking a look at pubsub

Now I'm interested in extending aforementioned pubsub architecture to a more generic form so that clients i.e. {publishers, subscribers} can talk to Pub/Sub Hub over network i.e. TCP, QUIC.

What it gives us is, ability to publish messages to topics over network, where Pub/Sub Hub might sit somewhere else; subscribe to topics of interest & keep receiving messages as soon as they're published, over network.

QUIC to be preferred choice of network I/O, due to benefits it brings on table.

⭐️ Primary implementation is on top of TCP.






Add pub0sub into your project ( GOMOD enabled )

go get -u


pub0sub has three components


You probably would like to use 0hub for this purpose.

Default Port Default Interface

Build using

make build_hub

Run using

./0hub -help
./0hub # run

Single step build-and-run with make hub

If interested, you can check 0hub implementation here


You can interact with Hub, using minimalistic publisher CLI client 0pub. Implementation can be found here

Build using

make build_pub

Run using

./0pub -help
./0pub # run

Single step build-and-run with make pub, using defaults

You're probably interested in publishing messages programmatically.

  • Let's first create a publisher, which will establish TCP connection with Hub
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

pub, err := publisher.New(ctx, "tcp", "")
if err != nil {
  • Construct message you want to publish
data := []byte("hello")
topics := []string{"topic_1", "topic_2"}

msg := ops.Msg{Topics: topics, Data: data}
  • Publish message
n, err := pub.Publish(&msg)
if err != nil {

log.Printf("Approximate %d receiver(s)\n", n)
  • When done using publisher instance, cancel context, which will tear down network connection gracefully
<-time.After(time.Second) // just wait a second
  • You can always check whether network connection with Hub in unaffected or not
if pub.Connected() {
    log.Println("Yes, still connected")

You're encouraged to first test out 0sub - minimalistic CLI subscriber client for interacting with Hub.

Build using

make build_sub

Run using

./0sub -help
./0sub # run

Take a look at implementation here

Single step build-and-run using make sub, runs with default config

But probably you want to programmatically interact with Hub for subscribing to topics of interest & receive messages as soon as they're published

  • Start by creating subscriber instance, which will establish a long-lived TCP connection with Hub & subscribe initially to topics provided with
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

capacity := 128 // pending message inbox capacity
topics := []string{"topic_1", "topic_2"}

sub, err := subscriber.New(ctx, "tcp", "", capacity, topics...)
if err != nil {
  • As soon as new message is available for consumption ( queued in inbox ), subscriber process to be notified over go channel. It's better to listen & pull message from inbox
for {
    select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
        // watch to get notified
        case <-sub.Watch():
            if msg := sub.Next(); msg != nil {
                // consume message
  • You can add more on-the-fly topic subscriptions
n, err := sub.AddSubscription("topic_3")
if err != nil {

log.Printf("Subscribed to %d topic(s)\n", n)
  • You might need to unsubscribe from topics
n, err := sub.Unsubscribe("topic_1")
if err != nil {

log.Printf("Unsubscribed from %d topic(s)\n", n)
  • You can unsubscribe from all topics
n, err := sub.UnsubscribeAll()
if err != nil {

log.Printf("Unsubscribed from %d topic(s)\n", n)
  • Any time you can check existence of unconsumed bufferred messages in inbox
if sub.Queued() {
    log.Println("We've messages to consume")

    if msg := sub.Next(); msg != nil {
        // act on message
  • Or you may need to check whether client is still connected to Hub over TCP
if sub.Connected() {
    log.Println("Yes, still connected")
  • When done using, it's better to gracefully tear down TCP connection
if err := sub.Disconnect(); err != nil {
    // may happen when already teared down


For running all test cases

go test -v -race -covermode=atomic ./... # excludes `stress` testing, check 👇

For running stress testing with 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k simultaneous TCP connections

go test -v -tags stress -run=8k # also try 1k/ 2k/ 4k


Make sure your system is able to open > 8k file handles at a time or you'll get too many open files


Publisher's message publish flow

go test -run=XXX -tags stress -bench Publisher


Subscriber's message consumption flow

go test -run=XXX -tags stress -bench Subscriber


Subscriber's topic subscription flow

go test -run=XXX -tags stress -bench TopicSubscription



I wrote one simulator-visualiser tool --- which can be used for testing 0hub with flexible configuration. You can ask it to use N -concurrent clients, all sending/ receiving messages to/ from M -topics. Finally it generates some simple visuals depicting performance.

Check here

More coming soon


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