Index ¶
- func PointerFromQDomAttr(ptr QDomAttr_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQDomCDATASection(ptr QDomCDATASection_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQDomCharacterData(ptr QDomCharacterData_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQDomComment(ptr QDomComment_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQDomDocument(ptr QDomDocument_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQDomDocumentFragment(ptr QDomDocumentFragment_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQDomDocumentType(ptr QDomDocumentType_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQDomElement(ptr QDomElement_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQDomEntity(ptr QDomEntity_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQDomEntityReference(ptr QDomEntityReference_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQDomImplementation(ptr QDomImplementation_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQDomNamedNodeMap(ptr QDomNamedNodeMap_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQDomNode(ptr QDomNode_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQDomNodeList(ptr QDomNodeList_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQDomNotation(ptr QDomNotation_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQDomProcessingInstruction(ptr QDomProcessingInstruction_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQDomText(ptr QDomText_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQXmlAttributes(ptr QXmlAttributes_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQXmlContentHandler(ptr QXmlContentHandler_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQXmlDTDHandler(ptr QXmlDTDHandler_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQXmlDeclHandler(ptr QXmlDeclHandler_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQXmlDefaultHandler(ptr QXmlDefaultHandler_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQXmlEntityResolver(ptr QXmlEntityResolver_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQXmlErrorHandler(ptr QXmlErrorHandler_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQXmlInputSource(ptr QXmlInputSource_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQXmlLexicalHandler(ptr QXmlLexicalHandler_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQXmlLocator(ptr QXmlLocator_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQXmlNamespaceSupport(ptr QXmlNamespaceSupport_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQXmlParseException(ptr QXmlParseException_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQXmlReader(ptr QXmlReader_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func PointerFromQXmlSimpleReader(ptr QXmlSimpleReader_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
- func QDomImplementation_SetInvalidDataPolicy(policy QDomImplementation__InvalidDataPolicy)
- type QDomAttr
- func (n *QDomAttr) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QDomAttr) DestroyQDomAttr()
- func (n *QDomAttr) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
- func (ptr *QDomAttr) Name() string
- func (ptr *QDomAttr) OwnerElement() *QDomElement
- func (ptr *QDomAttr) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QDomAttr) QDomAttr_PTR() *QDomAttr
- func (ptr *QDomAttr) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QDomAttr) SetValue(v string)
- func (ptr *QDomAttr) Specified() bool
- func (ptr *QDomAttr) Value() string
- type QDomAttr_ITF
- type QDomCDATASection
- func (n *QDomCDATASection) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QDomCDATASection) DestroyQDomCDATASection()
- func (n *QDomCDATASection) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
- func (ptr *QDomCDATASection) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QDomCDATASection) QDomCDATASection_PTR() *QDomCDATASection
- func (ptr *QDomCDATASection) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- type QDomCDATASection_ITF
- type QDomCharacterData
- func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) AppendData(arg string)
- func (n *QDomCharacterData) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) Data() string
- func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) DeleteData(offset uint, count uint)
- func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) DestroyQDomCharacterData()
- func (n *QDomCharacterData) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
- func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) InsertData(offset uint, arg string)
- func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) Length() int
- func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) QDomCharacterData_PTR() *QDomCharacterData
- func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) ReplaceData(offset uint, count uint, arg string)
- func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) SetData(v string)
- func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) SubstringData(offset uint, count uint) string
- type QDomCharacterData_ITF
- type QDomComment
- func (n *QDomComment) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QDomComment) DestroyQDomComment()
- func (n *QDomComment) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
- func (ptr *QDomComment) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QDomComment) QDomComment_PTR() *QDomComment
- func (ptr *QDomComment) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- type QDomComment_ITF
- type QDomDocument
- func (n *QDomDocument) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateAttribute(name string) *QDomAttr
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateAttributeNS(nsURI string, qName string) *QDomAttr
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateCDATASection(value string) *QDomCDATASection
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateComment(value string) *QDomComment
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateDocumentFragment() *QDomDocumentFragment
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateElement(tagName string) *QDomElement
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateElementNS(nsURI string, qName string) *QDomElement
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateEntityReference(name string) *QDomEntityReference
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateProcessingInstruction(target string, data string) *QDomProcessingInstruction
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateTextNode(value string) *QDomText
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) DestroyQDomDocument()
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) Doctype() *QDomDocumentType
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) DocumentElement() *QDomElement
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) ElementById(elementId string) *QDomElement
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) ElementsByTagName(tagname string) *QDomNodeList
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) ElementsByTagNameNS(nsURI string, localName string) *QDomNodeList
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) Implementation() *QDomImplementation
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) ImportNode(importedNode QDomNode_ITF, deep bool) *QDomNode
- func (n *QDomDocument) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) QDomDocument_PTR() *QDomDocument
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) SetContent(data core.QByteArray_ITF, namespaceProcessing bool, errorMsg string, ...) bool
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) SetContent2(text string, namespaceProcessing bool, errorMsg string, errorLine int, ...) bool
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) SetContent3(dev core.QIODevice_ITF, namespaceProcessing bool, errorMsg string, ...) bool
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) SetContent4(source QXmlInputSource_ITF, namespaceProcessing bool, errorMsg string, ...) bool
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) SetContent5(buffer core.QByteArray_ITF, errorMsg string, errorLine int, errorColumn int) bool
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) SetContent6(text string, errorMsg string, errorLine int, errorColumn int) bool
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) SetContent7(dev core.QIODevice_ITF, errorMsg string, errorLine int, errorColumn int) bool
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) SetContent8(source QXmlInputSource_ITF, reader QXmlReader_ITF, errorMsg string, ...) bool
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) ToByteArray(indent int) *core.QByteArray
- func (ptr *QDomDocument) ToString(indent int) string
- type QDomDocumentFragment
- func (n *QDomDocumentFragment) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QDomDocumentFragment) DestroyQDomDocumentFragment()
- func (n *QDomDocumentFragment) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
- func (ptr *QDomDocumentFragment) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QDomDocumentFragment) QDomDocumentFragment_PTR() *QDomDocumentFragment
- func (ptr *QDomDocumentFragment) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- type QDomDocumentFragment_ITF
- type QDomDocumentType
- func (n *QDomDocumentType) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) DestroyQDomDocumentType()
- func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) Entities() *QDomNamedNodeMap
- func (n *QDomDocumentType) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
- func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) InternalSubset() string
- func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) Name() string
- func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) Notations() *QDomNamedNodeMap
- func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) PublicId() string
- func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) QDomDocumentType_PTR() *QDomDocumentType
- func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) SystemId() string
- type QDomDocumentType_ITF
- type QDomDocument_ITF
- type QDomElement
- func (ptr *QDomElement) Attribute(name string, defValue string) string
- func (ptr *QDomElement) AttributeNS(nsURI string, localName string, defValue string) string
- func (ptr *QDomElement) AttributeNode(name string) *QDomAttr
- func (ptr *QDomElement) AttributeNodeNS(nsURI string, localName string) *QDomAttr
- func (n *QDomElement) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QDomElement) DestroyQDomElement()
- func (ptr *QDomElement) ElementsByTagName(tagname string) *QDomNodeList
- func (ptr *QDomElement) ElementsByTagNameNS(nsURI string, localName string) *QDomNodeList
- func (ptr *QDomElement) HasAttribute(name string) bool
- func (ptr *QDomElement) HasAttributeNS(nsURI string, localName string) bool
- func (n *QDomElement) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QDomElement) QDomElement_PTR() *QDomElement
- func (ptr *QDomElement) RemoveAttribute(name string)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) RemoveAttributeNS(nsURI string, localName string)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) RemoveAttributeNode(oldAttr QDomAttr_ITF) *QDomAttr
- func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttribute(name string, value string)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttribute2(name string, value int64)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttribute3(name string, value uint64)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttribute4(name string, value int)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttribute5(name string, value uint)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttribute6(name string, value float32)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttribute7(name string, value float64)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttributeNS(nsURI string, qName string, value string)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttributeNS2(nsURI string, qName string, value int)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttributeNS3(nsURI string, qName string, value uint)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttributeNS4(nsURI string, qName string, value int64)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttributeNS5(nsURI string, qName string, value uint64)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttributeNS6(nsURI string, qName string, value float64)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttributeNode(newAttr QDomAttr_ITF) *QDomAttr
- func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttributeNodeNS(newAttr QDomAttr_ITF) *QDomAttr
- func (ptr *QDomElement) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) SetTagName(name string)
- func (ptr *QDomElement) TagName() string
- func (ptr *QDomElement) Text() string
- type QDomElement_ITF
- type QDomEntity
- func (n *QDomEntity) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QDomEntity) DestroyQDomEntity()
- func (n *QDomEntity) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
- func (ptr *QDomEntity) NotationName() string
- func (ptr *QDomEntity) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QDomEntity) PublicId() string
- func (ptr *QDomEntity) QDomEntity_PTR() *QDomEntity
- func (ptr *QDomEntity) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QDomEntity) SystemId() string
- type QDomEntityReference
- func (n *QDomEntityReference) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QDomEntityReference) DestroyQDomEntityReference()
- func (n *QDomEntityReference) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
- func (ptr *QDomEntityReference) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QDomEntityReference) QDomEntityReference_PTR() *QDomEntityReference
- func (ptr *QDomEntityReference) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- type QDomEntityReference_ITF
- type QDomEntity_ITF
- type QDomImplementation
- func (n *QDomImplementation) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QDomImplementation) CreateDocument(nsURI string, qName string, doctype QDomDocumentType_ITF) *QDomDocument
- func (ptr *QDomImplementation) CreateDocumentType(qName string, publicId string, systemId string) *QDomDocumentType
- func (ptr *QDomImplementation) DestroyQDomImplementation()
- func (ptr *QDomImplementation) HasFeature(feature string, version string) bool
- func (ptr *QDomImplementation) InvalidDataPolicy() QDomImplementation__InvalidDataPolicy
- func (ptr *QDomImplementation) IsNull() bool
- func (ptr *QDomImplementation) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QDomImplementation) QDomImplementation_PTR() *QDomImplementation
- func (ptr *QDomImplementation) SetInvalidDataPolicy(policy QDomImplementation__InvalidDataPolicy)
- func (ptr *QDomImplementation) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- type QDomImplementation_ITF
- type QDomImplementation__InvalidDataPolicy
- type QDomNamedNodeMap
- func (n *QDomNamedNodeMap) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) Contains(name string) bool
- func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) Count() int
- func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) DestroyQDomNamedNodeMap()
- func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) IsEmpty() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) Item(index int) *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) Length() int
- func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) NamedItem(name string) *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) NamedItemNS(nsURI string, localName string) *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) QDomNamedNodeMap_PTR() *QDomNamedNodeMap
- func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) RemoveNamedItem(name string) *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) RemoveNamedItemNS(nsURI string, localName string) *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) SetNamedItem(newNode QDomNode_ITF) *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) SetNamedItemNS(newNode QDomNode_ITF) *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) Size() int
- type QDomNamedNodeMap_ITF
- type QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNode) AppendChild(newChild QDomNode_ITF) *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNode) ChildNodes() *QDomNodeList
- func (n *QDomNode) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QDomNode) Clear()
- func (ptr *QDomNode) CloneNode(deep bool) *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNode) ColumnNumber() int
- func (ptr *QDomNode) DestroyQDomNode()
- func (ptr *QDomNode) FirstChild() *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNode) FirstChildElement(tagName string) *QDomElement
- func (ptr *QDomNode) HasAttributes() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNode) HasChildNodes() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNode) InsertAfter(newChild QDomNode_ITF, refChild QDomNode_ITF) *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNode) InsertBefore(newChild QDomNode_ITF, refChild QDomNode_ITF) *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNode) IsAttr() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNode) IsCDATASection() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNode) IsCharacterData() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNode) IsComment() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNode) IsDocument() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNode) IsDocumentFragment() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNode) IsDocumentType() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNode) IsElement() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNode) IsEntity() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNode) IsEntityReference() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNode) IsNotation() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNode) IsNull() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNode) IsProcessingInstruction() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNode) IsSupported(feature string, version string) bool
- func (ptr *QDomNode) IsText() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNode) LastChild() *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNode) LastChildElement(tagName string) *QDomElement
- func (ptr *QDomNode) LineNumber() int
- func (ptr *QDomNode) LocalName() string
- func (ptr *QDomNode) NamedItem(name string) *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNode) NamespaceURI() string
- func (ptr *QDomNode) NextSibling() *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNode) NextSiblingElement(tagName string) *QDomElement
- func (ptr *QDomNode) NodeName() string
- func (ptr *QDomNode) NodeType() QDomNode__NodeType
- func (ptr *QDomNode) NodeValue() string
- func (ptr *QDomNode) Normalize()
- func (ptr *QDomNode) OwnerDocument() *QDomDocument
- func (ptr *QDomNode) ParentNode() *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNode) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QDomNode) Prefix() string
- func (ptr *QDomNode) PreviousSibling() *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNode) PreviousSiblingElement(tagName string) *QDomElement
- func (ptr *QDomNode) QDomNode_PTR() *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNode) RemoveChild(oldChild QDomNode_ITF) *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNode) ReplaceChild(newChild QDomNode_ITF, oldChild QDomNode_ITF) *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNode) Save(stream core.QTextStream_ITF, indent int, ...)
- func (ptr *QDomNode) SetNodeValue(v string)
- func (ptr *QDomNode) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QDomNode) SetPrefix(pre string)
- func (ptr *QDomNode) ToAttr() *QDomAttr
- func (ptr *QDomNode) ToCDATASection() *QDomCDATASection
- func (ptr *QDomNode) ToCharacterData() *QDomCharacterData
- func (ptr *QDomNode) ToComment() *QDomComment
- func (ptr *QDomNode) ToDocument() *QDomDocument
- func (ptr *QDomNode) ToDocumentFragment() *QDomDocumentFragment
- func (ptr *QDomNode) ToDocumentType() *QDomDocumentType
- func (ptr *QDomNode) ToElement() *QDomElement
- func (ptr *QDomNode) ToEntity() *QDomEntity
- func (ptr *QDomNode) ToEntityReference() *QDomEntityReference
- func (ptr *QDomNode) ToNotation() *QDomNotation
- func (ptr *QDomNode) ToProcessingInstruction() *QDomProcessingInstruction
- func (ptr *QDomNode) ToText() *QDomText
- type QDomNodeList
- func (ptr *QDomNodeList) At(index int) *QDomNode
- func (n *QDomNodeList) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QDomNodeList) Count() int
- func (ptr *QDomNodeList) DestroyQDomNodeList()
- func (ptr *QDomNodeList) IsEmpty() bool
- func (ptr *QDomNodeList) Item(index int) *QDomNode
- func (ptr *QDomNodeList) Length() int
- func (ptr *QDomNodeList) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QDomNodeList) QDomNodeList_PTR() *QDomNodeList
- func (ptr *QDomNodeList) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QDomNodeList) Size() int
- type QDomNodeList_ITF
- type QDomNode_ITF
- type QDomNode__EncodingPolicy
- type QDomNode__NodeType
- type QDomNotation
- func (n *QDomNotation) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QDomNotation) DestroyQDomNotation()
- func (n *QDomNotation) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
- func (ptr *QDomNotation) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QDomNotation) PublicId() string
- func (ptr *QDomNotation) QDomNotation_PTR() *QDomNotation
- func (ptr *QDomNotation) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QDomNotation) SystemId() string
- type QDomNotation_ITF
- type QDomProcessingInstruction
- func (n *QDomProcessingInstruction) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QDomProcessingInstruction) Data() string
- func (ptr *QDomProcessingInstruction) DestroyQDomProcessingInstruction()
- func (n *QDomProcessingInstruction) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
- func (ptr *QDomProcessingInstruction) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QDomProcessingInstruction) QDomProcessingInstruction_PTR() *QDomProcessingInstruction
- func (ptr *QDomProcessingInstruction) SetData(d string)
- func (ptr *QDomProcessingInstruction) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QDomProcessingInstruction) Target() string
- type QDomProcessingInstruction_ITF
- type QDomText
- func (n *QDomText) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QDomText) DestroyQDomText()
- func (n *QDomText) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
- func (ptr *QDomText) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QDomText) QDomText_PTR() *QDomText
- func (ptr *QDomText) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QDomText) SplitText(offset int) *QDomText
- type QDomText_ITF
- type QXmlAttributes
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Append(qName string, uri string, localPart string, value string)
- func (n *QXmlAttributes) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Clear()
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) ConnectDestroyQXmlAttributes(f func())
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Count() int
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) DestroyQXmlAttributes()
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) DestroyQXmlAttributesDefault()
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) DisconnectDestroyQXmlAttributes()
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Index(qName string) int
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Index2(qName core.QLatin1String_ITF) int
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Index3(uri string, localPart string) int
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Length() int
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) LocalName(index int) string
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) QName(index int) string
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) QXmlAttributes_PTR() *QXmlAttributes
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Swap(other QXmlAttributes_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Type(index int) string
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Type2(qName string) string
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Type3(uri string, localName string) string
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Uri(index int) string
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Value(index int) string
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Value2(qName string) string
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Value3(qName core.QLatin1String_ITF) string
- func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Value4(uri string, localName string) string
- type QXmlAttributes_ITF
- type QXmlContentHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) Characters(ch string) bool
- func (n *QXmlContentHandler) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectCharacters(f func(ch string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlContentHandler(f func())
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectEndDocument(f func() bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectEndElement(f func(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectEndPrefixMapping(f func(prefix string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectErrorString(f func() string)
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectIgnorableWhitespace(f func(ch string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectProcessingInstruction(f func(target string, data string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectSetDocumentLocator(f func(locator *QXmlLocator))
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectSkippedEntity(f func(name string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectStartDocument(f func() bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectStartElement(...)
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectStartPrefixMapping(f func(prefix string, uri string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DestroyQXmlContentHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DestroyQXmlContentHandlerDefault()
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectCharacters()
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlContentHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectEndDocument()
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectEndElement()
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectEndPrefixMapping()
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectErrorString()
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectIgnorableWhitespace()
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectProcessingInstruction()
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectSetDocumentLocator()
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectSkippedEntity()
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectStartDocument()
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectStartElement()
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectStartPrefixMapping()
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) EndDocument() bool
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) EndElement(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) EndPrefixMapping(prefix string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ErrorString() string
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) IgnorableWhitespace(ch string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ProcessingInstruction(target string, data string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) QXmlContentHandler_PTR() *QXmlContentHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) SetDocumentLocator(locator QXmlLocator_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) SkippedEntity(name string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) StartDocument() bool
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) StartElement(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string, atts QXmlAttributes_ITF) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) StartPrefixMapping(prefix string, uri string) bool
- type QXmlContentHandler_ITF
- type QXmlDTDHandler
- func (n *QXmlDTDHandler) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlDTDHandler(f func())
- func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) ConnectErrorString(f func() string)
- func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) ConnectNotationDecl(f func(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) ConnectUnparsedEntityDecl(...)
- func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) DestroyQXmlDTDHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) DestroyQXmlDTDHandlerDefault()
- func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlDTDHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) DisconnectErrorString()
- func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) DisconnectNotationDecl()
- func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) DisconnectUnparsedEntityDecl()
- func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) ErrorString() string
- func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) NotationDecl(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) QXmlDTDHandler_PTR() *QXmlDTDHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) UnparsedEntityDecl(name string, publicId string, systemId string, notationName string) bool
- type QXmlDTDHandler_ITF
- type QXmlDeclHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) AttributeDecl(eName string, aName string, ty string, valueDefault string, value string) bool
- func (n *QXmlDeclHandler) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) ConnectAttributeDecl(...)
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlDeclHandler(f func())
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) ConnectErrorString(f func() string)
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) ConnectExternalEntityDecl(f func(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) ConnectInternalEntityDecl(f func(name string, value string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) DestroyQXmlDeclHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) DestroyQXmlDeclHandlerDefault()
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) DisconnectAttributeDecl()
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlDeclHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) DisconnectErrorString()
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) DisconnectExternalEntityDecl()
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) DisconnectInternalEntityDecl()
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) ErrorString() string
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) ExternalEntityDecl(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) InternalEntityDecl(name string, value string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) QXmlDeclHandler_PTR() *QXmlDeclHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- type QXmlDeclHandler_ITF
- type QXmlDefaultHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) AttributeDecl(eName string, aName string, ty string, valueDefault string, value string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) AttributeDeclDefault(eName string, aName string, ty string, valueDefault string, value string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) Characters(ch string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) CharactersDefault(ch string) bool
- func (n *QXmlDefaultHandler) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) Comment(ch string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) CommentDefault(ch string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectAttributeDecl(...)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectCharacters(f func(ch string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectComment(f func(ch string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlDefaultHandler(f func())
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndCDATA(f func() bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndDTD(f func() bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndDocument(f func() bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndElement(f func(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndEntity(f func(name string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndPrefixMapping(f func(prefix string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectError(f func(exception *QXmlParseException) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectErrorString(f func() string)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectExternalEntityDecl(f func(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectFatalError(f func(exception *QXmlParseException) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectIgnorableWhitespace(f func(ch string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectInternalEntityDecl(f func(name string, value string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectNotationDecl(f func(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectProcessingInstruction(f func(target string, data string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectSetDocumentLocator(f func(locator *QXmlLocator))
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectSkippedEntity(f func(name string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartCDATA(f func() bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartDTD(f func(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartDocument(f func() bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartElement(...)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartEntity(f func(name string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartPrefixMapping(f func(prefix string, uri string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectUnparsedEntityDecl(...)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectWarning(f func(exception *QXmlParseException) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DestroyQXmlDefaultHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DestroyQXmlDefaultHandlerDefault()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectAttributeDecl()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectCharacters()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectComment()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlDefaultHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndCDATA()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndDTD()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndDocument()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndElement()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndEntity()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndPrefixMapping()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectError()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectErrorString()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectExternalEntityDecl()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectFatalError()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectIgnorableWhitespace()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectInternalEntityDecl()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectNotationDecl()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectProcessingInstruction()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectSetDocumentLocator()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectSkippedEntity()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartCDATA()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartDTD()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartDocument()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartElement()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartEntity()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartPrefixMapping()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectUnparsedEntityDecl()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectWarning()
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndCDATA() bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndCDATADefault() bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndDTD() bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndDTDDefault() bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndDocument() bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndDocumentDefault() bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndElement(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndElementDefault(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndEntity(name string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndEntityDefault(name string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndPrefixMapping(prefix string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndPrefixMappingDefault(prefix string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) Error(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ErrorDefault(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ErrorString() string
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ErrorStringDefault() string
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ExternalEntityDecl(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ExternalEntityDeclDefault(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) FatalError(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) FatalErrorDefault(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) IgnorableWhitespace(ch string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) IgnorableWhitespaceDefault(ch string) bool
- func (n *QXmlDefaultHandler) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) InternalEntityDecl(name string, value string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) InternalEntityDeclDefault(name string, value string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) NotationDecl(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) NotationDeclDefault(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ProcessingInstruction(target string, data string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ProcessingInstructionDefault(target string, data string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) QXmlDefaultHandler_PTR() *QXmlDefaultHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) SetDocumentLocator(locator QXmlLocator_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) SetDocumentLocatorDefault(locator QXmlLocator_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) SkippedEntity(name string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) SkippedEntityDefault(name string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartCDATA() bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartCDATADefault() bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartDTD(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartDTDDefault(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartDocument() bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartDocumentDefault() bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartElement(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string, atts QXmlAttributes_ITF) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartElementDefault(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string, atts QXmlAttributes_ITF) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartEntity(name string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartEntityDefault(name string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartPrefixMapping(prefix string, uri string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartPrefixMappingDefault(prefix string, uri string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) UnparsedEntityDecl(name string, publicId string, systemId string, notationName string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) UnparsedEntityDeclDefault(name string, publicId string, systemId string, notationName string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) Warning(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) WarningDefault(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
- type QXmlDefaultHandler_ITF
- type QXmlEntityResolver
- func (n *QXmlEntityResolver) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) ConnectDestroyQXmlEntityResolver(f func())
- func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) ConnectErrorString(f func() string)
- func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) DestroyQXmlEntityResolver()
- func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) DestroyQXmlEntityResolverDefault()
- func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) DisconnectDestroyQXmlEntityResolver()
- func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) DisconnectErrorString()
- func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) ErrorString() string
- func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) QXmlEntityResolver_PTR() *QXmlEntityResolver
- func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- type QXmlEntityResolver_ITF
- type QXmlErrorHandler
- func (n *QXmlErrorHandler) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlErrorHandler(f func())
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) ConnectError(f func(exception *QXmlParseException) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) ConnectErrorString(f func() string)
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) ConnectFatalError(f func(exception *QXmlParseException) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) ConnectWarning(f func(exception *QXmlParseException) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) DestroyQXmlErrorHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) DestroyQXmlErrorHandlerDefault()
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlErrorHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) DisconnectError()
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) DisconnectErrorString()
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) DisconnectFatalError()
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) DisconnectWarning()
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) Error(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) ErrorString() string
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) FatalError(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) QXmlErrorHandler_PTR() *QXmlErrorHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) Warning(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
- type QXmlErrorHandler_ITF
- type QXmlInputSource
- func (n *QXmlInputSource) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ConnectData(f func() string)
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ConnectDestroyQXmlInputSource(f func())
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ConnectFetchData(f func())
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ConnectFromRawData(f func(data *core.QByteArray, beginning bool) string)
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ConnectNext(f func() *core.QChar)
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ConnectReset(f func())
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ConnectSetData(f func(dat string))
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ConnectSetData2(f func(dat *core.QByteArray))
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) Data() string
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DataDefault() string
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DestroyQXmlInputSource()
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DestroyQXmlInputSourceDefault()
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DisconnectData()
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DisconnectDestroyQXmlInputSource()
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DisconnectFetchData()
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DisconnectFromRawData()
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DisconnectNext()
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DisconnectReset()
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DisconnectSetData()
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DisconnectSetData2()
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) FetchData()
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) FetchDataDefault()
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) FromRawData(data core.QByteArray_ITF, beginning bool) string
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) FromRawDataDefault(data core.QByteArray_ITF, beginning bool) string
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) Next() *core.QChar
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) NextDefault() *core.QChar
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) QXmlInputSource_PTR() *QXmlInputSource
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) Reset()
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ResetDefault()
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) SetData(dat string)
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) SetData2(dat core.QByteArray_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) SetData2Default(dat core.QByteArray_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) SetDataDefault(dat string)
- func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- type QXmlInputSource_ITF
- type QXmlLexicalHandler
- func (n *QXmlLexicalHandler) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) Comment(ch string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectComment(f func(ch string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlLexicalHandler(f func())
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectEndCDATA(f func() bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectEndDTD(f func() bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectEndEntity(f func(name string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectErrorString(f func() string)
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectStartCDATA(f func() bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectStartDTD(f func(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectStartEntity(f func(name string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DestroyQXmlLexicalHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DestroyQXmlLexicalHandlerDefault()
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectComment()
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlLexicalHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectEndCDATA()
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectEndDTD()
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectEndEntity()
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectErrorString()
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectStartCDATA()
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectStartDTD()
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectStartEntity()
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) EndCDATA() bool
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) EndDTD() bool
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) EndEntity(name string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ErrorString() string
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) QXmlLexicalHandler_PTR() *QXmlLexicalHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) StartCDATA() bool
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) StartDTD(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) StartEntity(name string) bool
- type QXmlLexicalHandler_ITF
- type QXmlLocator
- func (n *QXmlLocator) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QXmlLocator) ColumnNumber() int
- func (ptr *QXmlLocator) ConnectColumnNumber(f func() int)
- func (ptr *QXmlLocator) ConnectDestroyQXmlLocator(f func())
- func (ptr *QXmlLocator) ConnectLineNumber(f func() int)
- func (ptr *QXmlLocator) DestroyQXmlLocator()
- func (ptr *QXmlLocator) DestroyQXmlLocatorDefault()
- func (ptr *QXmlLocator) DisconnectColumnNumber()
- func (ptr *QXmlLocator) DisconnectDestroyQXmlLocator()
- func (ptr *QXmlLocator) DisconnectLineNumber()
- func (ptr *QXmlLocator) LineNumber() int
- func (ptr *QXmlLocator) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QXmlLocator) QXmlLocator_PTR() *QXmlLocator
- func (ptr *QXmlLocator) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- type QXmlLocator_ITF
- type QXmlNamespaceSupport
- func (n *QXmlNamespaceSupport) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) DestroyQXmlNamespaceSupport()
- func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) PopContext()
- func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) Prefix(uri string) string
- func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) Prefixes() []string
- func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) Prefixes2(uri string) []string
- func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) ProcessName(qname string, isAttribute bool, nsuri string, localname string)
- func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) PushContext()
- func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) QXmlNamespaceSupport_PTR() *QXmlNamespaceSupport
- func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) Reset()
- func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) SetPrefix(pre string, uri string)
- func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) SplitName(qname string, prefix string, localname string)
- func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) Uri(prefix string) string
- type QXmlNamespaceSupport_ITF
- type QXmlParseException
- func (n *QXmlParseException) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QXmlParseException) ColumnNumber() int
- func (ptr *QXmlParseException) DestroyQXmlParseException()
- func (ptr *QXmlParseException) LineNumber() int
- func (ptr *QXmlParseException) Message() string
- func (ptr *QXmlParseException) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QXmlParseException) PublicId() string
- func (ptr *QXmlParseException) QXmlParseException_PTR() *QXmlParseException
- func (ptr *QXmlParseException) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QXmlParseException) SystemId() string
- type QXmlParseException_ITF
- type QXmlReader
- func (n *QXmlReader) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectContentHandler(f func() *QXmlContentHandler)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectDTDHandler(f func() *QXmlDTDHandler)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectDeclHandler(f func() *QXmlDeclHandler)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectDestroyQXmlReader(f func())
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectEntityResolver(f func() *QXmlEntityResolver)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectErrorHandler(f func() *QXmlErrorHandler)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectFeature(f func(name string, ok *bool) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectHasFeature(f func(name string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectHasProperty(f func(name string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectLexicalHandler(f func() *QXmlLexicalHandler)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectProperty(f func(name string, ok *bool) unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectSetContentHandler(f func(handler *QXmlContentHandler))
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectSetDTDHandler(f func(handler *QXmlDTDHandler))
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectSetDeclHandler(f func(handler *QXmlDeclHandler))
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectSetEntityResolver(f func(handler *QXmlEntityResolver))
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectSetErrorHandler(f func(handler *QXmlErrorHandler))
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectSetFeature(f func(name string, value bool))
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectSetLexicalHandler(f func(handler *QXmlLexicalHandler))
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectSetProperty(f func(name string, value unsafe.Pointer))
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ContentHandler() *QXmlContentHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DTDHandler() *QXmlDTDHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DeclHandler() *QXmlDeclHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DestroyQXmlReader()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DestroyQXmlReaderDefault()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectContentHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectDTDHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectDeclHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectDestroyQXmlReader()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectEntityResolver()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectErrorHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectFeature()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectHasFeature()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectHasProperty()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectLexicalHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectProperty()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectSetContentHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectSetDTDHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectSetDeclHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectSetEntityResolver()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectSetErrorHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectSetFeature()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectSetLexicalHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectSetProperty()
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) EntityResolver() *QXmlEntityResolver
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) ErrorHandler() *QXmlErrorHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) Feature(name string, ok *bool) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) HasFeature(name string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) HasProperty(name string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) LexicalHandler() *QXmlLexicalHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) Property(name string, ok *bool) unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) QXmlReader_PTR() *QXmlReader
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetContentHandler(handler QXmlContentHandler_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetDTDHandler(handler QXmlDTDHandler_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetDeclHandler(handler QXmlDeclHandler_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetEntityResolver(handler QXmlEntityResolver_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetErrorHandler(handler QXmlErrorHandler_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetFeature(name string, value bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetLexicalHandler(handler QXmlLexicalHandler_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetProperty(name string, value unsafe.Pointer)
- type QXmlReader_ITF
- type QXmlSimpleReader
- func (n *QXmlSimpleReader) ClassNameInternalF() string
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectContentHandler(f func() *QXmlContentHandler)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectDTDHandler(f func() *QXmlDTDHandler)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectDeclHandler(f func() *QXmlDeclHandler)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectDestroyQXmlSimpleReader(f func())
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectEntityResolver(f func() *QXmlEntityResolver)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectErrorHandler(f func() *QXmlErrorHandler)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectFeature(f func(name string, ok *bool) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectHasFeature(f func(name string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectHasProperty(f func(name string) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectLexicalHandler(f func() *QXmlLexicalHandler)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectParse(f func(input *QXmlInputSource) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectParse2(f func(input *QXmlInputSource) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectParse3(f func(input *QXmlInputSource, incremental bool) bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectParseContinue(f func() bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectProperty(f func(name string, ok *bool) unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetContentHandler(f func(handler *QXmlContentHandler))
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetDTDHandler(f func(handler *QXmlDTDHandler))
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetDeclHandler(f func(handler *QXmlDeclHandler))
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetEntityResolver(f func(handler *QXmlEntityResolver))
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetErrorHandler(f func(handler *QXmlErrorHandler))
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetFeature(f func(name string, enable bool))
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetLexicalHandler(f func(handler *QXmlLexicalHandler))
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetProperty(f func(name string, value unsafe.Pointer))
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ContentHandler() *QXmlContentHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ContentHandlerDefault() *QXmlContentHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DTDHandler() *QXmlDTDHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DTDHandlerDefault() *QXmlDTDHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DeclHandler() *QXmlDeclHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DeclHandlerDefault() *QXmlDeclHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DestroyQXmlSimpleReader()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DestroyQXmlSimpleReaderDefault()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectContentHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectDTDHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectDeclHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectDestroyQXmlSimpleReader()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectEntityResolver()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectErrorHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectFeature()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectHasFeature()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectHasProperty()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectLexicalHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectParse()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectParse2()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectParse3()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectParseContinue()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectProperty()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetContentHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetDTDHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetDeclHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetEntityResolver()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetErrorHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetFeature()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetLexicalHandler()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetProperty()
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) EntityResolver() *QXmlEntityResolver
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) EntityResolverDefault() *QXmlEntityResolver
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ErrorHandler() *QXmlErrorHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ErrorHandlerDefault() *QXmlErrorHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) Feature(name string, ok *bool) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) FeatureDefault(name string, ok *bool) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) HasFeature(name string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) HasFeatureDefault(name string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) HasProperty(name string) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) HasPropertyDefault(name string) bool
- func (n *QXmlSimpleReader) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) LexicalHandler() *QXmlLexicalHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) LexicalHandlerDefault() *QXmlLexicalHandler
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) Parse(input QXmlInputSource_ITF) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) Parse2(input QXmlInputSource_ITF) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) Parse2Default(input QXmlInputSource_ITF) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) Parse3(input QXmlInputSource_ITF, incremental bool) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) Parse3Default(input QXmlInputSource_ITF, incremental bool) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ParseContinue() bool
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ParseContinueDefault() bool
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ParseDefault(input QXmlInputSource_ITF) bool
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) Property(name string, ok *bool) unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) PropertyDefault(name string, ok *bool) unsafe.Pointer
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) QXmlSimpleReader_PTR() *QXmlSimpleReader
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetContentHandler(handler QXmlContentHandler_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetContentHandlerDefault(handler QXmlContentHandler_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetDTDHandler(handler QXmlDTDHandler_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetDTDHandlerDefault(handler QXmlDTDHandler_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetDeclHandler(handler QXmlDeclHandler_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetDeclHandlerDefault(handler QXmlDeclHandler_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetEntityResolver(handler QXmlEntityResolver_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetEntityResolverDefault(handler QXmlEntityResolver_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetErrorHandler(handler QXmlErrorHandler_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetErrorHandlerDefault(handler QXmlErrorHandler_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetFeature(name string, enable bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetFeatureDefault(name string, enable bool)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetLexicalHandler(handler QXmlLexicalHandler_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetLexicalHandlerDefault(handler QXmlLexicalHandler_ITF)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetProperty(name string, value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetPropertyDefault(name string, value unsafe.Pointer)
- type QXmlSimpleReader_ITF
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func PointerFromQDomAttr ¶
func PointerFromQDomAttr(ptr QDomAttr_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQDomCDATASection ¶
func PointerFromQDomCDATASection(ptr QDomCDATASection_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQDomCharacterData ¶
func PointerFromQDomCharacterData(ptr QDomCharacterData_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQDomComment ¶
func PointerFromQDomComment(ptr QDomComment_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQDomDocument ¶
func PointerFromQDomDocument(ptr QDomDocument_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQDomDocumentFragment ¶
func PointerFromQDomDocumentFragment(ptr QDomDocumentFragment_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQDomDocumentType ¶
func PointerFromQDomDocumentType(ptr QDomDocumentType_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQDomElement ¶
func PointerFromQDomElement(ptr QDomElement_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQDomEntity ¶
func PointerFromQDomEntity(ptr QDomEntity_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQDomEntityReference ¶
func PointerFromQDomEntityReference(ptr QDomEntityReference_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQDomImplementation ¶
func PointerFromQDomImplementation(ptr QDomImplementation_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQDomNamedNodeMap ¶
func PointerFromQDomNamedNodeMap(ptr QDomNamedNodeMap_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQDomNode ¶
func PointerFromQDomNode(ptr QDomNode_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQDomNodeList ¶
func PointerFromQDomNodeList(ptr QDomNodeList_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQDomNotation ¶
func PointerFromQDomNotation(ptr QDomNotation_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQDomProcessingInstruction ¶
func PointerFromQDomProcessingInstruction(ptr QDomProcessingInstruction_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQDomText ¶
func PointerFromQDomText(ptr QDomText_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQXmlAttributes ¶
func PointerFromQXmlAttributes(ptr QXmlAttributes_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQXmlContentHandler ¶
func PointerFromQXmlContentHandler(ptr QXmlContentHandler_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQXmlDTDHandler ¶
func PointerFromQXmlDTDHandler(ptr QXmlDTDHandler_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQXmlDeclHandler ¶
func PointerFromQXmlDeclHandler(ptr QXmlDeclHandler_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQXmlDefaultHandler ¶
func PointerFromQXmlDefaultHandler(ptr QXmlDefaultHandler_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQXmlEntityResolver ¶
func PointerFromQXmlEntityResolver(ptr QXmlEntityResolver_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQXmlErrorHandler ¶
func PointerFromQXmlErrorHandler(ptr QXmlErrorHandler_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQXmlInputSource ¶
func PointerFromQXmlInputSource(ptr QXmlInputSource_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQXmlLexicalHandler ¶
func PointerFromQXmlLexicalHandler(ptr QXmlLexicalHandler_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQXmlLocator ¶
func PointerFromQXmlLocator(ptr QXmlLocator_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQXmlNamespaceSupport ¶
func PointerFromQXmlNamespaceSupport(ptr QXmlNamespaceSupport_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQXmlParseException ¶
func PointerFromQXmlParseException(ptr QXmlParseException_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQXmlReader ¶
func PointerFromQXmlReader(ptr QXmlReader_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func PointerFromQXmlSimpleReader ¶
func PointerFromQXmlSimpleReader(ptr QXmlSimpleReader_ITF) unsafe.Pointer
func QDomImplementation_SetInvalidDataPolicy ¶
func QDomImplementation_SetInvalidDataPolicy(policy QDomImplementation__InvalidDataPolicy)
Types ¶
type QDomAttr ¶
type QDomAttr struct {
func NewQDomAttr ¶
func NewQDomAttr() *QDomAttr
func NewQDomAttr2 ¶
func NewQDomAttr2(x QDomAttr_ITF) *QDomAttr
func NewQDomAttrFromPointer ¶
func (*QDomAttr) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (*QDomAttr) DestroyQDomAttr ¶
func (ptr *QDomAttr) DestroyQDomAttr()
func (*QDomAttr) InitFromInternal ¶
func (*QDomAttr) OwnerElement ¶
func (ptr *QDomAttr) OwnerElement() *QDomElement
func (*QDomAttr) QDomAttr_PTR ¶
func (*QDomAttr) SetPointer ¶
type QDomAttr_ITF ¶
type QDomAttr_ITF interface { QDomNode_ITF QDomAttr_PTR() *QDomAttr }
type QDomCDATASection ¶
type QDomCDATASection struct {
func NewQDomCDATASection ¶
func NewQDomCDATASection() *QDomCDATASection
func NewQDomCDATASection2 ¶
func NewQDomCDATASection2(x QDomCDATASection_ITF) *QDomCDATASection
func NewQDomCDATASectionFromPointer ¶
func NewQDomCDATASectionFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QDomCDATASection)
func (*QDomCDATASection) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QDomCDATASection) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QDomCDATASection) DestroyQDomCDATASection ¶
func (ptr *QDomCDATASection) DestroyQDomCDATASection()
func (*QDomCDATASection) InitFromInternal ¶
func (n *QDomCDATASection) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
func (*QDomCDATASection) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomCDATASection) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDomCDATASection) QDomCDATASection_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QDomCDATASection) QDomCDATASection_PTR() *QDomCDATASection
func (*QDomCDATASection) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomCDATASection) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
type QDomCDATASection_ITF ¶
type QDomCDATASection_ITF interface { QDomText_ITF QDomCDATASection_PTR() *QDomCDATASection }
type QDomCharacterData ¶
type QDomCharacterData struct {
func NewQDomCharacterData ¶
func NewQDomCharacterData() *QDomCharacterData
func NewQDomCharacterData2 ¶
func NewQDomCharacterData2(x QDomCharacterData_ITF) *QDomCharacterData
func NewQDomCharacterDataFromPointer ¶
func NewQDomCharacterDataFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QDomCharacterData)
func (*QDomCharacterData) AppendData ¶
func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) AppendData(arg string)
func (*QDomCharacterData) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QDomCharacterData) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QDomCharacterData) Data ¶
func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) Data() string
func (*QDomCharacterData) DeleteData ¶
func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) DeleteData(offset uint, count uint)
func (*QDomCharacterData) DestroyQDomCharacterData ¶
func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) DestroyQDomCharacterData()
func (*QDomCharacterData) InitFromInternal ¶
func (n *QDomCharacterData) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
func (*QDomCharacterData) InsertData ¶
func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) InsertData(offset uint, arg string)
func (*QDomCharacterData) Length ¶
func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) Length() int
func (*QDomCharacterData) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDomCharacterData) QDomCharacterData_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) QDomCharacterData_PTR() *QDomCharacterData
func (*QDomCharacterData) ReplaceData ¶
func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) ReplaceData(offset uint, count uint, arg string)
func (*QDomCharacterData) SetData ¶
func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) SetData(v string)
func (*QDomCharacterData) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QDomCharacterData) SubstringData ¶
func (ptr *QDomCharacterData) SubstringData(offset uint, count uint) string
type QDomCharacterData_ITF ¶
type QDomCharacterData_ITF interface { QDomNode_ITF QDomCharacterData_PTR() *QDomCharacterData }
type QDomComment ¶
type QDomComment struct {
func NewQDomComment ¶
func NewQDomComment() *QDomComment
func NewQDomComment2 ¶
func NewQDomComment2(x QDomComment_ITF) *QDomComment
func NewQDomCommentFromPointer ¶
func NewQDomCommentFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QDomComment)
func (*QDomComment) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QDomComment) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QDomComment) DestroyQDomComment ¶
func (ptr *QDomComment) DestroyQDomComment()
func (*QDomComment) InitFromInternal ¶
func (n *QDomComment) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
func (*QDomComment) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomComment) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDomComment) QDomComment_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QDomComment) QDomComment_PTR() *QDomComment
func (*QDomComment) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomComment) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
type QDomComment_ITF ¶
type QDomComment_ITF interface { QDomCharacterData_ITF QDomComment_PTR() *QDomComment }
type QDomDocument ¶
type QDomDocument struct {
func NewQDomDocument ¶
func NewQDomDocument() *QDomDocument
func NewQDomDocument2 ¶
func NewQDomDocument2(name string) *QDomDocument
func NewQDomDocument3 ¶
func NewQDomDocument3(doctype QDomDocumentType_ITF) *QDomDocument
func NewQDomDocument4 ¶
func NewQDomDocument4(x QDomDocument_ITF) *QDomDocument
func NewQDomDocumentFromPointer ¶
func NewQDomDocumentFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QDomDocument)
func (*QDomDocument) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QDomDocument) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QDomDocument) CreateAttribute ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateAttribute(name string) *QDomAttr
func (*QDomDocument) CreateAttributeNS ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateAttributeNS(nsURI string, qName string) *QDomAttr
func (*QDomDocument) CreateCDATASection ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateCDATASection(value string) *QDomCDATASection
func (*QDomDocument) CreateComment ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateComment(value string) *QDomComment
func (*QDomDocument) CreateDocumentFragment ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateDocumentFragment() *QDomDocumentFragment
func (*QDomDocument) CreateElement ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateElement(tagName string) *QDomElement
func (*QDomDocument) CreateElementNS ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateElementNS(nsURI string, qName string) *QDomElement
func (*QDomDocument) CreateEntityReference ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateEntityReference(name string) *QDomEntityReference
func (*QDomDocument) CreateProcessingInstruction ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateProcessingInstruction(target string, data string) *QDomProcessingInstruction
func (*QDomDocument) CreateTextNode ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) CreateTextNode(value string) *QDomText
func (*QDomDocument) DestroyQDomDocument ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) DestroyQDomDocument()
func (*QDomDocument) Doctype ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) Doctype() *QDomDocumentType
func (*QDomDocument) DocumentElement ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) DocumentElement() *QDomElement
func (*QDomDocument) ElementById ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) ElementById(elementId string) *QDomElement
func (*QDomDocument) ElementsByTagName ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) ElementsByTagName(tagname string) *QDomNodeList
func (*QDomDocument) ElementsByTagNameNS ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) ElementsByTagNameNS(nsURI string, localName string) *QDomNodeList
func (*QDomDocument) Implementation ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) Implementation() *QDomImplementation
func (*QDomDocument) ImportNode ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) ImportNode(importedNode QDomNode_ITF, deep bool) *QDomNode
func (*QDomDocument) InitFromInternal ¶
func (n *QDomDocument) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
func (*QDomDocument) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDomDocument) QDomDocument_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) QDomDocument_PTR() *QDomDocument
func (*QDomDocument) SetContent ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) SetContent(data core.QByteArray_ITF, namespaceProcessing bool, errorMsg string, errorLine int, errorColumn int) bool
func (*QDomDocument) SetContent2 ¶
func (*QDomDocument) SetContent3 ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) SetContent3(dev core.QIODevice_ITF, namespaceProcessing bool, errorMsg string, errorLine int, errorColumn int) bool
func (*QDomDocument) SetContent4 ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) SetContent4(source QXmlInputSource_ITF, namespaceProcessing bool, errorMsg string, errorLine int, errorColumn int) bool
func (*QDomDocument) SetContent5 ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) SetContent5(buffer core.QByteArray_ITF, errorMsg string, errorLine int, errorColumn int) bool
func (*QDomDocument) SetContent6 ¶
func (*QDomDocument) SetContent7 ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) SetContent7(dev core.QIODevice_ITF, errorMsg string, errorLine int, errorColumn int) bool
func (*QDomDocument) SetContent8 ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) SetContent8(source QXmlInputSource_ITF, reader QXmlReader_ITF, errorMsg string, errorLine int, errorColumn int) bool
func (*QDomDocument) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QDomDocument) ToByteArray ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) ToByteArray(indent int) *core.QByteArray
func (*QDomDocument) ToString ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocument) ToString(indent int) string
type QDomDocumentFragment ¶
type QDomDocumentFragment struct {
func NewQDomDocumentFragment ¶
func NewQDomDocumentFragment() *QDomDocumentFragment
func NewQDomDocumentFragment2 ¶
func NewQDomDocumentFragment2(x QDomDocumentFragment_ITF) *QDomDocumentFragment
func NewQDomDocumentFragmentFromPointer ¶
func NewQDomDocumentFragmentFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QDomDocumentFragment)
func (*QDomDocumentFragment) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QDomDocumentFragment) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QDomDocumentFragment) DestroyQDomDocumentFragment ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocumentFragment) DestroyQDomDocumentFragment()
func (*QDomDocumentFragment) InitFromInternal ¶
func (n *QDomDocumentFragment) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
func (*QDomDocumentFragment) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocumentFragment) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDomDocumentFragment) QDomDocumentFragment_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocumentFragment) QDomDocumentFragment_PTR() *QDomDocumentFragment
func (*QDomDocumentFragment) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocumentFragment) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
type QDomDocumentFragment_ITF ¶
type QDomDocumentFragment_ITF interface { QDomNode_ITF QDomDocumentFragment_PTR() *QDomDocumentFragment }
type QDomDocumentType ¶
type QDomDocumentType struct {
func NewQDomDocumentType ¶
func NewQDomDocumentType() *QDomDocumentType
func NewQDomDocumentType2 ¶
func NewQDomDocumentType2(n QDomDocumentType_ITF) *QDomDocumentType
func NewQDomDocumentTypeFromPointer ¶
func NewQDomDocumentTypeFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QDomDocumentType)
func (*QDomDocumentType) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QDomDocumentType) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QDomDocumentType) DestroyQDomDocumentType ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) DestroyQDomDocumentType()
func (*QDomDocumentType) Entities ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) Entities() *QDomNamedNodeMap
func (*QDomDocumentType) InitFromInternal ¶
func (n *QDomDocumentType) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
func (*QDomDocumentType) InternalSubset ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) InternalSubset() string
func (*QDomDocumentType) Name ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) Name() string
func (*QDomDocumentType) Notations ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) Notations() *QDomNamedNodeMap
func (*QDomDocumentType) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDomDocumentType) PublicId ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) PublicId() string
func (*QDomDocumentType) QDomDocumentType_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) QDomDocumentType_PTR() *QDomDocumentType
func (*QDomDocumentType) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QDomDocumentType) SystemId ¶
func (ptr *QDomDocumentType) SystemId() string
type QDomDocumentType_ITF ¶
type QDomDocumentType_ITF interface { QDomNode_ITF QDomDocumentType_PTR() *QDomDocumentType }
type QDomDocument_ITF ¶
type QDomDocument_ITF interface { QDomNode_ITF QDomDocument_PTR() *QDomDocument }
type QDomElement ¶
type QDomElement struct {
func NewQDomElement ¶
func NewQDomElement() *QDomElement
func NewQDomElement2 ¶
func NewQDomElement2(x QDomElement_ITF) *QDomElement
func NewQDomElementFromPointer ¶
func NewQDomElementFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QDomElement)
func (*QDomElement) Attribute ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) Attribute(name string, defValue string) string
func (*QDomElement) AttributeNS ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) AttributeNS(nsURI string, localName string, defValue string) string
func (*QDomElement) AttributeNode ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) AttributeNode(name string) *QDomAttr
func (*QDomElement) AttributeNodeNS ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) AttributeNodeNS(nsURI string, localName string) *QDomAttr
func (*QDomElement) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QDomElement) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QDomElement) DestroyQDomElement ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) DestroyQDomElement()
func (*QDomElement) ElementsByTagName ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) ElementsByTagName(tagname string) *QDomNodeList
func (*QDomElement) ElementsByTagNameNS ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) ElementsByTagNameNS(nsURI string, localName string) *QDomNodeList
func (*QDomElement) HasAttribute ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) HasAttribute(name string) bool
func (*QDomElement) HasAttributeNS ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) HasAttributeNS(nsURI string, localName string) bool
func (*QDomElement) InitFromInternal ¶
func (n *QDomElement) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
func (*QDomElement) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDomElement) QDomElement_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) QDomElement_PTR() *QDomElement
func (*QDomElement) RemoveAttribute ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) RemoveAttribute(name string)
func (*QDomElement) RemoveAttributeNS ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) RemoveAttributeNS(nsURI string, localName string)
func (*QDomElement) RemoveAttributeNode ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) RemoveAttributeNode(oldAttr QDomAttr_ITF) *QDomAttr
func (*QDomElement) SetAttribute ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttribute(name string, value string)
func (*QDomElement) SetAttribute2 ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttribute2(name string, value int64)
func (*QDomElement) SetAttribute3 ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttribute3(name string, value uint64)
func (*QDomElement) SetAttribute4 ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttribute4(name string, value int)
func (*QDomElement) SetAttribute5 ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttribute5(name string, value uint)
func (*QDomElement) SetAttribute6 ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttribute6(name string, value float32)
func (*QDomElement) SetAttribute7 ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttribute7(name string, value float64)
func (*QDomElement) SetAttributeNS ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttributeNS(nsURI string, qName string, value string)
func (*QDomElement) SetAttributeNS2 ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttributeNS2(nsURI string, qName string, value int)
func (*QDomElement) SetAttributeNS3 ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttributeNS3(nsURI string, qName string, value uint)
func (*QDomElement) SetAttributeNS4 ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttributeNS4(nsURI string, qName string, value int64)
func (*QDomElement) SetAttributeNS5 ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttributeNS5(nsURI string, qName string, value uint64)
func (*QDomElement) SetAttributeNS6 ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttributeNS6(nsURI string, qName string, value float64)
func (*QDomElement) SetAttributeNode ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttributeNode(newAttr QDomAttr_ITF) *QDomAttr
func (*QDomElement) SetAttributeNodeNS ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) SetAttributeNodeNS(newAttr QDomAttr_ITF) *QDomAttr
func (*QDomElement) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QDomElement) SetTagName ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) SetTagName(name string)
func (*QDomElement) TagName ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) TagName() string
func (*QDomElement) Text ¶
func (ptr *QDomElement) Text() string
type QDomElement_ITF ¶
type QDomElement_ITF interface { QDomNode_ITF QDomElement_PTR() *QDomElement }
type QDomEntity ¶
type QDomEntity struct {
func NewQDomEntity ¶
func NewQDomEntity() *QDomEntity
func NewQDomEntity2 ¶
func NewQDomEntity2(x QDomEntity_ITF) *QDomEntity
func NewQDomEntityFromPointer ¶
func NewQDomEntityFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QDomEntity)
func (*QDomEntity) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QDomEntity) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QDomEntity) DestroyQDomEntity ¶
func (ptr *QDomEntity) DestroyQDomEntity()
func (*QDomEntity) InitFromInternal ¶
func (n *QDomEntity) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
func (*QDomEntity) NotationName ¶
func (ptr *QDomEntity) NotationName() string
func (*QDomEntity) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomEntity) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDomEntity) PublicId ¶
func (ptr *QDomEntity) PublicId() string
func (*QDomEntity) QDomEntity_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QDomEntity) QDomEntity_PTR() *QDomEntity
func (*QDomEntity) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomEntity) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QDomEntity) SystemId ¶
func (ptr *QDomEntity) SystemId() string
type QDomEntityReference ¶
type QDomEntityReference struct {
func NewQDomEntityReference ¶
func NewQDomEntityReference() *QDomEntityReference
func NewQDomEntityReference2 ¶
func NewQDomEntityReference2(x QDomEntityReference_ITF) *QDomEntityReference
func NewQDomEntityReferenceFromPointer ¶
func NewQDomEntityReferenceFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QDomEntityReference)
func (*QDomEntityReference) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QDomEntityReference) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QDomEntityReference) DestroyQDomEntityReference ¶
func (ptr *QDomEntityReference) DestroyQDomEntityReference()
func (*QDomEntityReference) InitFromInternal ¶
func (n *QDomEntityReference) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
func (*QDomEntityReference) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomEntityReference) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDomEntityReference) QDomEntityReference_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QDomEntityReference) QDomEntityReference_PTR() *QDomEntityReference
func (*QDomEntityReference) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomEntityReference) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
type QDomEntityReference_ITF ¶
type QDomEntityReference_ITF interface { QDomNode_ITF QDomEntityReference_PTR() *QDomEntityReference }
type QDomEntity_ITF ¶
type QDomEntity_ITF interface { QDomNode_ITF QDomEntity_PTR() *QDomEntity }
type QDomImplementation ¶
func NewQDomImplementation ¶
func NewQDomImplementation() *QDomImplementation
func NewQDomImplementation2 ¶
func NewQDomImplementation2(x QDomImplementation_ITF) *QDomImplementation
func NewQDomImplementationFromPointer ¶
func NewQDomImplementationFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QDomImplementation)
func (*QDomImplementation) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QDomImplementation) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QDomImplementation) CreateDocument ¶
func (ptr *QDomImplementation) CreateDocument(nsURI string, qName string, doctype QDomDocumentType_ITF) *QDomDocument
func (*QDomImplementation) CreateDocumentType ¶
func (ptr *QDomImplementation) CreateDocumentType(qName string, publicId string, systemId string) *QDomDocumentType
func (*QDomImplementation) DestroyQDomImplementation ¶
func (ptr *QDomImplementation) DestroyQDomImplementation()
func (*QDomImplementation) HasFeature ¶
func (ptr *QDomImplementation) HasFeature(feature string, version string) bool
func (*QDomImplementation) InvalidDataPolicy ¶
func (ptr *QDomImplementation) InvalidDataPolicy() QDomImplementation__InvalidDataPolicy
func (*QDomImplementation) IsNull ¶
func (ptr *QDomImplementation) IsNull() bool
func (*QDomImplementation) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomImplementation) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDomImplementation) QDomImplementation_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QDomImplementation) QDomImplementation_PTR() *QDomImplementation
func (*QDomImplementation) SetInvalidDataPolicy ¶
func (ptr *QDomImplementation) SetInvalidDataPolicy(policy QDomImplementation__InvalidDataPolicy)
func (*QDomImplementation) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomImplementation) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
type QDomImplementation_ITF ¶
type QDomImplementation_ITF interface {
QDomImplementation_PTR() *QDomImplementation
type QDomImplementation__InvalidDataPolicy ¶
type QDomImplementation__InvalidDataPolicy int64
const ( QDomImplementation__AcceptInvalidChars QDomImplementation__InvalidDataPolicy = QDomImplementation__InvalidDataPolicy(0) QDomImplementation__DropInvalidChars QDomImplementation__InvalidDataPolicy = QDomImplementation__InvalidDataPolicy(1) QDomImplementation__ReturnNullNode QDomImplementation__InvalidDataPolicy = QDomImplementation__InvalidDataPolicy(2) )
func QDomImplementation_InvalidDataPolicy ¶
func QDomImplementation_InvalidDataPolicy() QDomImplementation__InvalidDataPolicy
type QDomNamedNodeMap ¶
func NewQDomNamedNodeMap ¶
func NewQDomNamedNodeMap() *QDomNamedNodeMap
func NewQDomNamedNodeMap2 ¶
func NewQDomNamedNodeMap2(n QDomNamedNodeMap_ITF) *QDomNamedNodeMap
func NewQDomNamedNodeMapFromPointer ¶
func NewQDomNamedNodeMapFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QDomNamedNodeMap)
func (*QDomNamedNodeMap) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QDomNamedNodeMap) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QDomNamedNodeMap) Contains ¶
func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) Contains(name string) bool
func (*QDomNamedNodeMap) Count ¶
func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) Count() int
func (*QDomNamedNodeMap) DestroyQDomNamedNodeMap ¶
func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) DestroyQDomNamedNodeMap()
func (*QDomNamedNodeMap) IsEmpty ¶
func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) IsEmpty() bool
func (*QDomNamedNodeMap) Item ¶
func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) Item(index int) *QDomNode
func (*QDomNamedNodeMap) Length ¶
func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) Length() int
func (*QDomNamedNodeMap) NamedItem ¶
func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) NamedItem(name string) *QDomNode
func (*QDomNamedNodeMap) NamedItemNS ¶
func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) NamedItemNS(nsURI string, localName string) *QDomNode
func (*QDomNamedNodeMap) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDomNamedNodeMap) QDomNamedNodeMap_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) QDomNamedNodeMap_PTR() *QDomNamedNodeMap
func (*QDomNamedNodeMap) RemoveNamedItem ¶
func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) RemoveNamedItem(name string) *QDomNode
func (*QDomNamedNodeMap) RemoveNamedItemNS ¶
func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) RemoveNamedItemNS(nsURI string, localName string) *QDomNode
func (*QDomNamedNodeMap) SetNamedItem ¶
func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) SetNamedItem(newNode QDomNode_ITF) *QDomNode
func (*QDomNamedNodeMap) SetNamedItemNS ¶
func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) SetNamedItemNS(newNode QDomNode_ITF) *QDomNode
func (*QDomNamedNodeMap) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QDomNamedNodeMap) Size ¶
func (ptr *QDomNamedNodeMap) Size() int
type QDomNamedNodeMap_ITF ¶
type QDomNamedNodeMap_ITF interface {
QDomNamedNodeMap_PTR() *QDomNamedNodeMap
type QDomNode ¶
func NewQDomNode ¶
func NewQDomNode() *QDomNode
func NewQDomNode2 ¶
func NewQDomNode2(n QDomNode_ITF) *QDomNode
func NewQDomNodeFromPointer ¶
func (*QDomNode) AppendChild ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) AppendChild(newChild QDomNode_ITF) *QDomNode
func (*QDomNode) ChildNodes ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) ChildNodes() *QDomNodeList
func (*QDomNode) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (*QDomNode) ColumnNumber ¶
func (*QDomNode) DestroyQDomNode ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) DestroyQDomNode()
func (*QDomNode) FirstChild ¶
func (*QDomNode) FirstChildElement ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) FirstChildElement(tagName string) *QDomElement
func (*QDomNode) HasAttributes ¶
func (*QDomNode) HasChildNodes ¶
func (*QDomNode) InsertAfter ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) InsertAfter(newChild QDomNode_ITF, refChild QDomNode_ITF) *QDomNode
func (*QDomNode) InsertBefore ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) InsertBefore(newChild QDomNode_ITF, refChild QDomNode_ITF) *QDomNode
func (*QDomNode) IsCDATASection ¶
func (*QDomNode) IsCharacterData ¶
func (*QDomNode) IsDocument ¶
func (*QDomNode) IsDocumentFragment ¶
func (*QDomNode) IsDocumentType ¶
func (*QDomNode) IsEntityReference ¶
func (*QDomNode) IsNotation ¶
func (*QDomNode) IsProcessingInstruction ¶
func (*QDomNode) IsSupported ¶
func (*QDomNode) LastChildElement ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) LastChildElement(tagName string) *QDomElement
func (*QDomNode) LineNumber ¶
func (*QDomNode) NamespaceURI ¶
func (*QDomNode) NextSibling ¶
func (*QDomNode) NextSiblingElement ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) NextSiblingElement(tagName string) *QDomElement
func (*QDomNode) NodeType ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) NodeType() QDomNode__NodeType
func (*QDomNode) OwnerDocument ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) OwnerDocument() *QDomDocument
func (*QDomNode) ParentNode ¶
func (*QDomNode) PreviousSibling ¶
func (*QDomNode) PreviousSiblingElement ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) PreviousSiblingElement(tagName string) *QDomElement
func (*QDomNode) QDomNode_PTR ¶
func (*QDomNode) RemoveChild ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) RemoveChild(oldChild QDomNode_ITF) *QDomNode
func (*QDomNode) ReplaceChild ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) ReplaceChild(newChild QDomNode_ITF, oldChild QDomNode_ITF) *QDomNode
func (*QDomNode) Save ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) Save(stream core.QTextStream_ITF, indent int, encodingPolicy QDomNode__EncodingPolicy)
func (*QDomNode) SetNodeValue ¶
func (*QDomNode) SetPointer ¶
func (*QDomNode) ToCDATASection ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) ToCDATASection() *QDomCDATASection
func (*QDomNode) ToCharacterData ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) ToCharacterData() *QDomCharacterData
func (*QDomNode) ToComment ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) ToComment() *QDomComment
func (*QDomNode) ToDocument ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) ToDocument() *QDomDocument
func (*QDomNode) ToDocumentFragment ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) ToDocumentFragment() *QDomDocumentFragment
func (*QDomNode) ToDocumentType ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) ToDocumentType() *QDomDocumentType
func (*QDomNode) ToElement ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) ToElement() *QDomElement
func (*QDomNode) ToEntity ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) ToEntity() *QDomEntity
func (*QDomNode) ToEntityReference ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) ToEntityReference() *QDomEntityReference
func (*QDomNode) ToNotation ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) ToNotation() *QDomNotation
func (*QDomNode) ToProcessingInstruction ¶
func (ptr *QDomNode) ToProcessingInstruction() *QDomProcessingInstruction
type QDomNodeList ¶
func NewQDomNodeList ¶
func NewQDomNodeList() *QDomNodeList
func NewQDomNodeList2 ¶
func NewQDomNodeList2(n QDomNodeList_ITF) *QDomNodeList
func NewQDomNodeListFromPointer ¶
func NewQDomNodeListFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QDomNodeList)
func (*QDomNodeList) At ¶
func (ptr *QDomNodeList) At(index int) *QDomNode
func (*QDomNodeList) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QDomNodeList) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QDomNodeList) Count ¶
func (ptr *QDomNodeList) Count() int
func (*QDomNodeList) DestroyQDomNodeList ¶
func (ptr *QDomNodeList) DestroyQDomNodeList()
func (*QDomNodeList) IsEmpty ¶
func (ptr *QDomNodeList) IsEmpty() bool
func (*QDomNodeList) Item ¶
func (ptr *QDomNodeList) Item(index int) *QDomNode
func (*QDomNodeList) Length ¶
func (ptr *QDomNodeList) Length() int
func (*QDomNodeList) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomNodeList) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDomNodeList) QDomNodeList_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QDomNodeList) QDomNodeList_PTR() *QDomNodeList
func (*QDomNodeList) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomNodeList) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QDomNodeList) Size ¶
func (ptr *QDomNodeList) Size() int
type QDomNodeList_ITF ¶
type QDomNodeList_ITF interface {
QDomNodeList_PTR() *QDomNodeList
type QDomNode_ITF ¶
type QDomNode_ITF interface {
QDomNode_PTR() *QDomNode
type QDomNode__EncodingPolicy ¶
type QDomNode__EncodingPolicy int64
const ( QDomNode__EncodingFromDocument QDomNode__EncodingPolicy = QDomNode__EncodingPolicy(1) QDomNode__EncodingFromTextStream QDomNode__EncodingPolicy = QDomNode__EncodingPolicy(2) )
type QDomNode__NodeType ¶
type QDomNode__NodeType int64
const ( QDomNode__ElementNode QDomNode__NodeType = QDomNode__NodeType(1) QDomNode__AttributeNode QDomNode__NodeType = QDomNode__NodeType(2) QDomNode__TextNode QDomNode__NodeType = QDomNode__NodeType(3) QDomNode__CDATASectionNode QDomNode__NodeType = QDomNode__NodeType(4) QDomNode__EntityReferenceNode QDomNode__NodeType = QDomNode__NodeType(5) QDomNode__EntityNode QDomNode__NodeType = QDomNode__NodeType(6) QDomNode__ProcessingInstructionNode QDomNode__NodeType = QDomNode__NodeType(7) QDomNode__CommentNode QDomNode__NodeType = QDomNode__NodeType(8) QDomNode__DocumentNode QDomNode__NodeType = QDomNode__NodeType(9) QDomNode__DocumentTypeNode QDomNode__NodeType = QDomNode__NodeType(10) QDomNode__DocumentFragmentNode QDomNode__NodeType = QDomNode__NodeType(11) QDomNode__NotationNode QDomNode__NodeType = QDomNode__NodeType(12) QDomNode__BaseNode QDomNode__NodeType = QDomNode__NodeType(21) QDomNode__CharacterDataNode QDomNode__NodeType = QDomNode__NodeType(22) )
type QDomNotation ¶
type QDomNotation struct {
func NewQDomNotation ¶
func NewQDomNotation() *QDomNotation
func NewQDomNotation2 ¶
func NewQDomNotation2(x QDomNotation_ITF) *QDomNotation
func NewQDomNotationFromPointer ¶
func NewQDomNotationFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QDomNotation)
func (*QDomNotation) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QDomNotation) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QDomNotation) DestroyQDomNotation ¶
func (ptr *QDomNotation) DestroyQDomNotation()
func (*QDomNotation) InitFromInternal ¶
func (n *QDomNotation) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
func (*QDomNotation) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomNotation) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDomNotation) PublicId ¶
func (ptr *QDomNotation) PublicId() string
func (*QDomNotation) QDomNotation_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QDomNotation) QDomNotation_PTR() *QDomNotation
func (*QDomNotation) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomNotation) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QDomNotation) SystemId ¶
func (ptr *QDomNotation) SystemId() string
type QDomNotation_ITF ¶
type QDomNotation_ITF interface { QDomNode_ITF QDomNotation_PTR() *QDomNotation }
type QDomProcessingInstruction ¶
type QDomProcessingInstruction struct {
func NewQDomProcessingInstruction ¶
func NewQDomProcessingInstruction() *QDomProcessingInstruction
func NewQDomProcessingInstruction2 ¶
func NewQDomProcessingInstruction2(x QDomProcessingInstruction_ITF) *QDomProcessingInstruction
func NewQDomProcessingInstructionFromPointer ¶
func NewQDomProcessingInstructionFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QDomProcessingInstruction)
func (*QDomProcessingInstruction) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QDomProcessingInstruction) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QDomProcessingInstruction) Data ¶
func (ptr *QDomProcessingInstruction) Data() string
func (*QDomProcessingInstruction) DestroyQDomProcessingInstruction ¶
func (ptr *QDomProcessingInstruction) DestroyQDomProcessingInstruction()
func (*QDomProcessingInstruction) InitFromInternal ¶
func (n *QDomProcessingInstruction) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
func (*QDomProcessingInstruction) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomProcessingInstruction) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDomProcessingInstruction) QDomProcessingInstruction_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QDomProcessingInstruction) QDomProcessingInstruction_PTR() *QDomProcessingInstruction
func (*QDomProcessingInstruction) SetData ¶
func (ptr *QDomProcessingInstruction) SetData(d string)
func (*QDomProcessingInstruction) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QDomProcessingInstruction) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QDomProcessingInstruction) Target ¶
func (ptr *QDomProcessingInstruction) Target() string
type QDomProcessingInstruction_ITF ¶
type QDomProcessingInstruction_ITF interface { QDomNode_ITF QDomProcessingInstruction_PTR() *QDomProcessingInstruction }
type QDomText ¶
type QDomText struct {
func NewQDomText ¶
func NewQDomText() *QDomText
func NewQDomText2 ¶
func NewQDomText2(x QDomText_ITF) *QDomText
func NewQDomTextFromPointer ¶
func (*QDomText) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (*QDomText) DestroyQDomText ¶
func (ptr *QDomText) DestroyQDomText()
func (*QDomText) InitFromInternal ¶
func (*QDomText) QDomText_PTR ¶
func (*QDomText) SetPointer ¶
type QDomText_ITF ¶
type QDomText_ITF interface { QDomCharacterData_ITF QDomText_PTR() *QDomText }
type QXmlAttributes ¶
func NewQXmlAttributes ¶
func NewQXmlAttributes() *QXmlAttributes
func NewQXmlAttributesFromPointer ¶
func NewQXmlAttributesFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QXmlAttributes)
func (*QXmlAttributes) Append ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Append(qName string, uri string, localPart string, value string)
func (*QXmlAttributes) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QXmlAttributes) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QXmlAttributes) Clear ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Clear()
func (*QXmlAttributes) ConnectDestroyQXmlAttributes ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) ConnectDestroyQXmlAttributes(f func())
func (*QXmlAttributes) Count ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Count() int
func (*QXmlAttributes) DestroyQXmlAttributes ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) DestroyQXmlAttributes()
func (*QXmlAttributes) DestroyQXmlAttributesDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) DestroyQXmlAttributesDefault()
func (*QXmlAttributes) DisconnectDestroyQXmlAttributes ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) DisconnectDestroyQXmlAttributes()
func (*QXmlAttributes) Index ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Index(qName string) int
func (*QXmlAttributes) Index2 ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Index2(qName core.QLatin1String_ITF) int
func (*QXmlAttributes) Length ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Length() int
func (*QXmlAttributes) LocalName ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) LocalName(index int) string
func (*QXmlAttributes) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QXmlAttributes) QName ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) QName(index int) string
func (*QXmlAttributes) QXmlAttributes_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) QXmlAttributes_PTR() *QXmlAttributes
func (*QXmlAttributes) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QXmlAttributes) Swap ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Swap(other QXmlAttributes_ITF)
func (*QXmlAttributes) Type ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Type(index int) string
func (*QXmlAttributes) Type2 ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Type2(qName string) string
func (*QXmlAttributes) Type3 ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Type3(uri string, localName string) string
func (*QXmlAttributes) Uri ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Uri(index int) string
func (*QXmlAttributes) Value ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Value(index int) string
func (*QXmlAttributes) Value2 ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Value2(qName string) string
func (*QXmlAttributes) Value3 ¶
func (ptr *QXmlAttributes) Value3(qName core.QLatin1String_ITF) string
type QXmlAttributes_ITF ¶
type QXmlAttributes_ITF interface {
QXmlAttributes_PTR() *QXmlAttributes
type QXmlContentHandler ¶
func NewQXmlContentHandlerFromPointer ¶
func NewQXmlContentHandlerFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QXmlContentHandler)
func (*QXmlContentHandler) Characters ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) Characters(ch string) bool
func (*QXmlContentHandler) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QXmlContentHandler) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QXmlContentHandler) ConnectCharacters ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectCharacters(f func(ch string) bool)
func (*QXmlContentHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlContentHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlContentHandler(f func())
func (*QXmlContentHandler) ConnectEndDocument ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectEndDocument(f func() bool)
func (*QXmlContentHandler) ConnectEndElement ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectEndElement(f func(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string) bool)
func (*QXmlContentHandler) ConnectEndPrefixMapping ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectEndPrefixMapping(f func(prefix string) bool)
func (*QXmlContentHandler) ConnectErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectErrorString(f func() string)
func (*QXmlContentHandler) ConnectIgnorableWhitespace ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectIgnorableWhitespace(f func(ch string) bool)
func (*QXmlContentHandler) ConnectProcessingInstruction ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectProcessingInstruction(f func(target string, data string) bool)
func (*QXmlContentHandler) ConnectSetDocumentLocator ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectSetDocumentLocator(f func(locator *QXmlLocator))
func (*QXmlContentHandler) ConnectSkippedEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectSkippedEntity(f func(name string) bool)
func (*QXmlContentHandler) ConnectStartDocument ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectStartDocument(f func() bool)
func (*QXmlContentHandler) ConnectStartElement ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectStartElement(f func(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string, atts *QXmlAttributes) bool)
func (*QXmlContentHandler) ConnectStartPrefixMapping ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ConnectStartPrefixMapping(f func(prefix string, uri string) bool)
func (*QXmlContentHandler) DestroyQXmlContentHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DestroyQXmlContentHandler()
func (*QXmlContentHandler) DestroyQXmlContentHandlerDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DestroyQXmlContentHandlerDefault()
func (*QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectCharacters ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectCharacters()
func (*QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlContentHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlContentHandler()
func (*QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectEndDocument ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectEndDocument()
func (*QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectEndElement ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectEndElement()
func (*QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectEndPrefixMapping ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectEndPrefixMapping()
func (*QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectErrorString()
func (*QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectIgnorableWhitespace ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectIgnorableWhitespace()
func (*QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectProcessingInstruction ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectProcessingInstruction()
func (*QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectSetDocumentLocator ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectSetDocumentLocator()
func (*QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectSkippedEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectSkippedEntity()
func (*QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectStartDocument ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectStartDocument()
func (*QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectStartElement ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectStartElement()
func (*QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectStartPrefixMapping ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) DisconnectStartPrefixMapping()
func (*QXmlContentHandler) EndDocument ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) EndDocument() bool
func (*QXmlContentHandler) EndElement ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) EndElement(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string) bool
func (*QXmlContentHandler) EndPrefixMapping ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) EndPrefixMapping(prefix string) bool
func (*QXmlContentHandler) ErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ErrorString() string
func (*QXmlContentHandler) IgnorableWhitespace ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) IgnorableWhitespace(ch string) bool
func (*QXmlContentHandler) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QXmlContentHandler) ProcessingInstruction ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) ProcessingInstruction(target string, data string) bool
func (*QXmlContentHandler) QXmlContentHandler_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) QXmlContentHandler_PTR() *QXmlContentHandler
func (*QXmlContentHandler) SetDocumentLocator ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) SetDocumentLocator(locator QXmlLocator_ITF)
func (*QXmlContentHandler) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QXmlContentHandler) SkippedEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) SkippedEntity(name string) bool
func (*QXmlContentHandler) StartDocument ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) StartDocument() bool
func (*QXmlContentHandler) StartElement ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) StartElement(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string, atts QXmlAttributes_ITF) bool
func (*QXmlContentHandler) StartPrefixMapping ¶
func (ptr *QXmlContentHandler) StartPrefixMapping(prefix string, uri string) bool
type QXmlContentHandler_ITF ¶
type QXmlContentHandler_ITF interface {
QXmlContentHandler_PTR() *QXmlContentHandler
type QXmlDTDHandler ¶
func NewQXmlDTDHandlerFromPointer ¶
func NewQXmlDTDHandlerFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QXmlDTDHandler)
func (*QXmlDTDHandler) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QXmlDTDHandler) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QXmlDTDHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlDTDHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlDTDHandler(f func())
func (*QXmlDTDHandler) ConnectErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) ConnectErrorString(f func() string)
func (*QXmlDTDHandler) ConnectNotationDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) ConnectNotationDecl(f func(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool)
func (*QXmlDTDHandler) ConnectUnparsedEntityDecl ¶
func (*QXmlDTDHandler) DestroyQXmlDTDHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) DestroyQXmlDTDHandler()
func (*QXmlDTDHandler) DestroyQXmlDTDHandlerDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) DestroyQXmlDTDHandlerDefault()
func (*QXmlDTDHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlDTDHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlDTDHandler()
func (*QXmlDTDHandler) DisconnectErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) DisconnectErrorString()
func (*QXmlDTDHandler) DisconnectNotationDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) DisconnectNotationDecl()
func (*QXmlDTDHandler) DisconnectUnparsedEntityDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) DisconnectUnparsedEntityDecl()
func (*QXmlDTDHandler) ErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) ErrorString() string
func (*QXmlDTDHandler) NotationDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) NotationDecl(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
func (*QXmlDTDHandler) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QXmlDTDHandler) QXmlDTDHandler_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) QXmlDTDHandler_PTR() *QXmlDTDHandler
func (*QXmlDTDHandler) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDTDHandler) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QXmlDTDHandler) UnparsedEntityDecl ¶
type QXmlDTDHandler_ITF ¶
type QXmlDTDHandler_ITF interface {
QXmlDTDHandler_PTR() *QXmlDTDHandler
type QXmlDeclHandler ¶
func NewQXmlDeclHandlerFromPointer ¶
func NewQXmlDeclHandlerFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QXmlDeclHandler)
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) AttributeDecl ¶
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QXmlDeclHandler) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) ConnectAttributeDecl ¶
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlDeclHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlDeclHandler(f func())
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) ConnectErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) ConnectErrorString(f func() string)
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) ConnectExternalEntityDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) ConnectExternalEntityDecl(f func(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool)
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) ConnectInternalEntityDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) ConnectInternalEntityDecl(f func(name string, value string) bool)
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) DestroyQXmlDeclHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) DestroyQXmlDeclHandler()
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) DestroyQXmlDeclHandlerDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) DestroyQXmlDeclHandlerDefault()
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) DisconnectAttributeDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) DisconnectAttributeDecl()
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlDeclHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlDeclHandler()
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) DisconnectErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) DisconnectErrorString()
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) DisconnectExternalEntityDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) DisconnectExternalEntityDecl()
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) DisconnectInternalEntityDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) DisconnectInternalEntityDecl()
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) ErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) ErrorString() string
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) ExternalEntityDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) ExternalEntityDecl(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) InternalEntityDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) InternalEntityDecl(name string, value string) bool
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) QXmlDeclHandler_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) QXmlDeclHandler_PTR() *QXmlDeclHandler
func (*QXmlDeclHandler) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDeclHandler) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
type QXmlDeclHandler_ITF ¶
type QXmlDeclHandler_ITF interface {
QXmlDeclHandler_PTR() *QXmlDeclHandler
type QXmlDefaultHandler ¶
type QXmlDefaultHandler struct { QXmlContentHandler QXmlErrorHandler QXmlDTDHandler QXmlEntityResolver QXmlLexicalHandler QXmlDeclHandler }
func NewQXmlDefaultHandler ¶
func NewQXmlDefaultHandler() *QXmlDefaultHandler
func NewQXmlDefaultHandlerFromPointer ¶
func NewQXmlDefaultHandlerFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QXmlDefaultHandler)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) AttributeDecl ¶
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) AttributeDeclDefault ¶
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) Characters ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) Characters(ch string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) CharactersDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) CharactersDefault(ch string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QXmlDefaultHandler) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) Comment ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) Comment(ch string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) CommentDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) CommentDefault(ch string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectAttributeDecl ¶
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectCharacters ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectCharacters(f func(ch string) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectComment ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectComment(f func(ch string) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlDefaultHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlDefaultHandler(f func())
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndCDATA ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndCDATA(f func() bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndDTD ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndDTD(f func() bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndDocument ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndDocument(f func() bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndElement ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndElement(f func(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndEntity(f func(name string) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndPrefixMapping ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectEndPrefixMapping(f func(prefix string) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectError ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectError(f func(exception *QXmlParseException) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectErrorString(f func() string)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectExternalEntityDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectExternalEntityDecl(f func(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectFatalError ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectFatalError(f func(exception *QXmlParseException) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectIgnorableWhitespace ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectIgnorableWhitespace(f func(ch string) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectInternalEntityDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectInternalEntityDecl(f func(name string, value string) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectNotationDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectNotationDecl(f func(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectProcessingInstruction ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectProcessingInstruction(f func(target string, data string) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectSetDocumentLocator ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectSetDocumentLocator(f func(locator *QXmlLocator))
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectSkippedEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectSkippedEntity(f func(name string) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartCDATA ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartCDATA(f func() bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartDTD ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartDTD(f func(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartDocument ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartDocument(f func() bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartElement ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartElement(f func(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string, atts *QXmlAttributes) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartEntity(f func(name string) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartPrefixMapping ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectStartPrefixMapping(f func(prefix string, uri string) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectUnparsedEntityDecl ¶
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectWarning ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ConnectWarning(f func(exception *QXmlParseException) bool)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DestroyQXmlDefaultHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DestroyQXmlDefaultHandler()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DestroyQXmlDefaultHandlerDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DestroyQXmlDefaultHandlerDefault()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectAttributeDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectAttributeDecl()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectCharacters ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectCharacters()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectComment ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectComment()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlDefaultHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlDefaultHandler()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndCDATA ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndCDATA()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndDTD ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndDTD()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndDocument ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndDocument()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndElement ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndElement()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndEntity()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndPrefixMapping ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectEndPrefixMapping()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectError ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectError()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectErrorString()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectExternalEntityDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectExternalEntityDecl()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectFatalError ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectFatalError()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectIgnorableWhitespace ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectIgnorableWhitespace()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectInternalEntityDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectInternalEntityDecl()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectNotationDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectNotationDecl()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectProcessingInstruction ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectProcessingInstruction()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectSetDocumentLocator ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectSetDocumentLocator()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectSkippedEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectSkippedEntity()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartCDATA ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartCDATA()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartDTD ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartDTD()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartDocument ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartDocument()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartElement ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartElement()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartEntity()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartPrefixMapping ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectStartPrefixMapping()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectUnparsedEntityDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectUnparsedEntityDecl()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectWarning ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) DisconnectWarning()
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) EndCDATA ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndCDATA() bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) EndCDATADefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndCDATADefault() bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) EndDTD ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndDTD() bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) EndDTDDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndDTDDefault() bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) EndDocument ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndDocument() bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) EndDocumentDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndDocumentDefault() bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) EndElement ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndElement(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) EndElementDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndElementDefault(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) EndEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndEntity(name string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) EndEntityDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndEntityDefault(name string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) EndPrefixMapping ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndPrefixMapping(prefix string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) EndPrefixMappingDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) EndPrefixMappingDefault(prefix string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) Error ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) Error(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ErrorDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ErrorDefault(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ErrorString() string
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ErrorStringDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ErrorStringDefault() string
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ExternalEntityDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ExternalEntityDecl(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ExternalEntityDeclDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ExternalEntityDeclDefault(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) FatalError ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) FatalError(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) FatalErrorDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) FatalErrorDefault(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) IgnorableWhitespace ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) IgnorableWhitespace(ch string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) IgnorableWhitespaceDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) IgnorableWhitespaceDefault(ch string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) InitFromInternal ¶
func (n *QXmlDefaultHandler) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) InternalEntityDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) InternalEntityDecl(name string, value string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) InternalEntityDeclDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) InternalEntityDeclDefault(name string, value string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) NotationDecl ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) NotationDecl(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) NotationDeclDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) NotationDeclDefault(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ProcessingInstruction ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ProcessingInstruction(target string, data string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) ProcessingInstructionDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) ProcessingInstructionDefault(target string, data string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) QXmlDefaultHandler_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) QXmlDefaultHandler_PTR() *QXmlDefaultHandler
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) SetDocumentLocator ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) SetDocumentLocator(locator QXmlLocator_ITF)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) SetDocumentLocatorDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) SetDocumentLocatorDefault(locator QXmlLocator_ITF)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) SkippedEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) SkippedEntity(name string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) SkippedEntityDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) SkippedEntityDefault(name string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) StartCDATA ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartCDATA() bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) StartCDATADefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartCDATADefault() bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) StartDTD ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartDTD(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) StartDTDDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartDTDDefault(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) StartDocument ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartDocument() bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) StartDocumentDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartDocumentDefault() bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) StartElement ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartElement(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string, atts QXmlAttributes_ITF) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) StartElementDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartElementDefault(namespaceURI string, localName string, qName string, atts QXmlAttributes_ITF) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) StartEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartEntity(name string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) StartEntityDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartEntityDefault(name string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) StartPrefixMapping ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartPrefixMapping(prefix string, uri string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) StartPrefixMappingDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) StartPrefixMappingDefault(prefix string, uri string) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) UnparsedEntityDecl ¶
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) UnparsedEntityDeclDefault ¶
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) Warning ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) Warning(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
func (*QXmlDefaultHandler) WarningDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlDefaultHandler) WarningDefault(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
type QXmlDefaultHandler_ITF ¶
type QXmlDefaultHandler_ITF interface { QXmlContentHandler_ITF QXmlErrorHandler_ITF QXmlDTDHandler_ITF QXmlEntityResolver_ITF QXmlLexicalHandler_ITF QXmlDeclHandler_ITF QXmlDefaultHandler_PTR() *QXmlDefaultHandler }
type QXmlEntityResolver ¶
func NewQXmlEntityResolverFromPointer ¶
func NewQXmlEntityResolverFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QXmlEntityResolver)
func (*QXmlEntityResolver) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QXmlEntityResolver) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QXmlEntityResolver) ConnectDestroyQXmlEntityResolver ¶
func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) ConnectDestroyQXmlEntityResolver(f func())
func (*QXmlEntityResolver) ConnectErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) ConnectErrorString(f func() string)
func (*QXmlEntityResolver) DestroyQXmlEntityResolver ¶
func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) DestroyQXmlEntityResolver()
func (*QXmlEntityResolver) DestroyQXmlEntityResolverDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) DestroyQXmlEntityResolverDefault()
func (*QXmlEntityResolver) DisconnectDestroyQXmlEntityResolver ¶
func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) DisconnectDestroyQXmlEntityResolver()
func (*QXmlEntityResolver) DisconnectErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) DisconnectErrorString()
func (*QXmlEntityResolver) ErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) ErrorString() string
func (*QXmlEntityResolver) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QXmlEntityResolver) QXmlEntityResolver_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) QXmlEntityResolver_PTR() *QXmlEntityResolver
func (*QXmlEntityResolver) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlEntityResolver) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
type QXmlEntityResolver_ITF ¶
type QXmlEntityResolver_ITF interface {
QXmlEntityResolver_PTR() *QXmlEntityResolver
type QXmlErrorHandler ¶
func NewQXmlErrorHandlerFromPointer ¶
func NewQXmlErrorHandlerFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QXmlErrorHandler)
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QXmlErrorHandler) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlErrorHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlErrorHandler(f func())
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) ConnectError ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) ConnectError(f func(exception *QXmlParseException) bool)
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) ConnectErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) ConnectErrorString(f func() string)
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) ConnectFatalError ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) ConnectFatalError(f func(exception *QXmlParseException) bool)
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) ConnectWarning ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) ConnectWarning(f func(exception *QXmlParseException) bool)
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) DestroyQXmlErrorHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) DestroyQXmlErrorHandler()
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) DestroyQXmlErrorHandlerDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) DestroyQXmlErrorHandlerDefault()
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlErrorHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlErrorHandler()
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) DisconnectError ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) DisconnectError()
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) DisconnectErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) DisconnectErrorString()
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) DisconnectFatalError ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) DisconnectFatalError()
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) DisconnectWarning ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) DisconnectWarning()
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) Error ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) Error(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) ErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) ErrorString() string
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) FatalError ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) FatalError(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) QXmlErrorHandler_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) QXmlErrorHandler_PTR() *QXmlErrorHandler
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QXmlErrorHandler) Warning ¶
func (ptr *QXmlErrorHandler) Warning(exception QXmlParseException_ITF) bool
type QXmlErrorHandler_ITF ¶
type QXmlErrorHandler_ITF interface {
QXmlErrorHandler_PTR() *QXmlErrorHandler
type QXmlInputSource ¶
func NewQXmlInputSource ¶
func NewQXmlInputSource() *QXmlInputSource
func NewQXmlInputSource2 ¶
func NewQXmlInputSource2(dev core.QIODevice_ITF) *QXmlInputSource
func NewQXmlInputSourceFromPointer ¶
func NewQXmlInputSourceFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QXmlInputSource)
func (*QXmlInputSource) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QXmlInputSource) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QXmlInputSource) ConnectData ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ConnectData(f func() string)
func (*QXmlInputSource) ConnectDestroyQXmlInputSource ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ConnectDestroyQXmlInputSource(f func())
func (*QXmlInputSource) ConnectFetchData ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ConnectFetchData(f func())
func (*QXmlInputSource) ConnectFromRawData ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ConnectFromRawData(f func(data *core.QByteArray, beginning bool) string)
func (*QXmlInputSource) ConnectNext ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ConnectNext(f func() *core.QChar)
func (*QXmlInputSource) ConnectReset ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ConnectReset(f func())
func (*QXmlInputSource) ConnectSetData ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ConnectSetData(f func(dat string))
func (*QXmlInputSource) ConnectSetData2 ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ConnectSetData2(f func(dat *core.QByteArray))
func (*QXmlInputSource) Data ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) Data() string
func (*QXmlInputSource) DataDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DataDefault() string
func (*QXmlInputSource) DestroyQXmlInputSource ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DestroyQXmlInputSource()
func (*QXmlInputSource) DestroyQXmlInputSourceDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DestroyQXmlInputSourceDefault()
func (*QXmlInputSource) DisconnectData ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DisconnectData()
func (*QXmlInputSource) DisconnectDestroyQXmlInputSource ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DisconnectDestroyQXmlInputSource()
func (*QXmlInputSource) DisconnectFetchData ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DisconnectFetchData()
func (*QXmlInputSource) DisconnectFromRawData ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DisconnectFromRawData()
func (*QXmlInputSource) DisconnectNext ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DisconnectNext()
func (*QXmlInputSource) DisconnectReset ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DisconnectReset()
func (*QXmlInputSource) DisconnectSetData ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DisconnectSetData()
func (*QXmlInputSource) DisconnectSetData2 ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) DisconnectSetData2()
func (*QXmlInputSource) FetchData ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) FetchData()
func (*QXmlInputSource) FetchDataDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) FetchDataDefault()
func (*QXmlInputSource) FromRawData ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) FromRawData(data core.QByteArray_ITF, beginning bool) string
func (*QXmlInputSource) FromRawDataDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) FromRawDataDefault(data core.QByteArray_ITF, beginning bool) string
func (*QXmlInputSource) Next ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) Next() *core.QChar
func (*QXmlInputSource) NextDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) NextDefault() *core.QChar
func (*QXmlInputSource) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QXmlInputSource) QXmlInputSource_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) QXmlInputSource_PTR() *QXmlInputSource
func (*QXmlInputSource) Reset ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) Reset()
func (*QXmlInputSource) ResetDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) ResetDefault()
func (*QXmlInputSource) SetData ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) SetData(dat string)
func (*QXmlInputSource) SetData2 ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) SetData2(dat core.QByteArray_ITF)
func (*QXmlInputSource) SetData2Default ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) SetData2Default(dat core.QByteArray_ITF)
func (*QXmlInputSource) SetDataDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) SetDataDefault(dat string)
func (*QXmlInputSource) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlInputSource) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
type QXmlInputSource_ITF ¶
type QXmlInputSource_ITF interface {
QXmlInputSource_PTR() *QXmlInputSource
type QXmlLexicalHandler ¶
func NewQXmlLexicalHandlerFromPointer ¶
func NewQXmlLexicalHandlerFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QXmlLexicalHandler)
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QXmlLexicalHandler) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) Comment ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) Comment(ch string) bool
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectComment ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectComment(f func(ch string) bool)
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlLexicalHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectDestroyQXmlLexicalHandler(f func())
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectEndCDATA ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectEndCDATA(f func() bool)
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectEndDTD ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectEndDTD(f func() bool)
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectEndEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectEndEntity(f func(name string) bool)
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectErrorString(f func() string)
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectStartCDATA ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectStartCDATA(f func() bool)
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectStartDTD ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectStartDTD(f func(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool)
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectStartEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ConnectStartEntity(f func(name string) bool)
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) DestroyQXmlLexicalHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DestroyQXmlLexicalHandler()
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) DestroyQXmlLexicalHandlerDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DestroyQXmlLexicalHandlerDefault()
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectComment ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectComment()
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlLexicalHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectDestroyQXmlLexicalHandler()
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectEndCDATA ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectEndCDATA()
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectEndDTD ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectEndDTD()
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectEndEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectEndEntity()
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectErrorString()
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectStartCDATA ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectStartCDATA()
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectStartDTD ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectStartDTD()
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectStartEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) DisconnectStartEntity()
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) EndCDATA ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) EndCDATA() bool
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) EndDTD ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) EndDTD() bool
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) EndEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) EndEntity(name string) bool
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) ErrorString ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) ErrorString() string
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) QXmlLexicalHandler_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) QXmlLexicalHandler_PTR() *QXmlLexicalHandler
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) StartCDATA ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) StartCDATA() bool
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) StartDTD ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) StartDTD(name string, publicId string, systemId string) bool
func (*QXmlLexicalHandler) StartEntity ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLexicalHandler) StartEntity(name string) bool
type QXmlLexicalHandler_ITF ¶
type QXmlLexicalHandler_ITF interface {
QXmlLexicalHandler_PTR() *QXmlLexicalHandler
type QXmlLocator ¶
func NewQXmlLocator ¶
func NewQXmlLocator() *QXmlLocator
func NewQXmlLocatorFromPointer ¶
func NewQXmlLocatorFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QXmlLocator)
func (*QXmlLocator) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QXmlLocator) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QXmlLocator) ColumnNumber ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLocator) ColumnNumber() int
func (*QXmlLocator) ConnectColumnNumber ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLocator) ConnectColumnNumber(f func() int)
func (*QXmlLocator) ConnectDestroyQXmlLocator ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLocator) ConnectDestroyQXmlLocator(f func())
func (*QXmlLocator) ConnectLineNumber ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLocator) ConnectLineNumber(f func() int)
func (*QXmlLocator) DestroyQXmlLocator ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLocator) DestroyQXmlLocator()
func (*QXmlLocator) DestroyQXmlLocatorDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLocator) DestroyQXmlLocatorDefault()
func (*QXmlLocator) DisconnectColumnNumber ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLocator) DisconnectColumnNumber()
func (*QXmlLocator) DisconnectDestroyQXmlLocator ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLocator) DisconnectDestroyQXmlLocator()
func (*QXmlLocator) DisconnectLineNumber ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLocator) DisconnectLineNumber()
func (*QXmlLocator) LineNumber ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLocator) LineNumber() int
func (*QXmlLocator) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLocator) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QXmlLocator) QXmlLocator_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLocator) QXmlLocator_PTR() *QXmlLocator
func (*QXmlLocator) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlLocator) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
type QXmlLocator_ITF ¶
type QXmlLocator_ITF interface {
QXmlLocator_PTR() *QXmlLocator
type QXmlNamespaceSupport ¶
func NewQXmlNamespaceSupport ¶
func NewQXmlNamespaceSupport() *QXmlNamespaceSupport
func NewQXmlNamespaceSupportFromPointer ¶
func NewQXmlNamespaceSupportFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QXmlNamespaceSupport)
func (*QXmlNamespaceSupport) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QXmlNamespaceSupport) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QXmlNamespaceSupport) DestroyQXmlNamespaceSupport ¶
func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) DestroyQXmlNamespaceSupport()
func (*QXmlNamespaceSupport) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QXmlNamespaceSupport) PopContext ¶
func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) PopContext()
func (*QXmlNamespaceSupport) Prefix ¶
func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) Prefix(uri string) string
func (*QXmlNamespaceSupport) Prefixes ¶
func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) Prefixes() []string
func (*QXmlNamespaceSupport) Prefixes2 ¶
func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) Prefixes2(uri string) []string
func (*QXmlNamespaceSupport) ProcessName ¶
func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) ProcessName(qname string, isAttribute bool, nsuri string, localname string)
func (*QXmlNamespaceSupport) PushContext ¶
func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) PushContext()
func (*QXmlNamespaceSupport) QXmlNamespaceSupport_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) QXmlNamespaceSupport_PTR() *QXmlNamespaceSupport
func (*QXmlNamespaceSupport) Reset ¶
func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) Reset()
func (*QXmlNamespaceSupport) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QXmlNamespaceSupport) SetPrefix ¶
func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) SetPrefix(pre string, uri string)
func (*QXmlNamespaceSupport) SplitName ¶
func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) SplitName(qname string, prefix string, localname string)
func (*QXmlNamespaceSupport) Uri ¶
func (ptr *QXmlNamespaceSupport) Uri(prefix string) string
type QXmlNamespaceSupport_ITF ¶
type QXmlNamespaceSupport_ITF interface {
QXmlNamespaceSupport_PTR() *QXmlNamespaceSupport
type QXmlParseException ¶
func NewQXmlParseException ¶
func NewQXmlParseException2 ¶
func NewQXmlParseException2(other QXmlParseException_ITF) *QXmlParseException
func NewQXmlParseExceptionFromPointer ¶
func NewQXmlParseExceptionFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QXmlParseException)
func (*QXmlParseException) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QXmlParseException) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QXmlParseException) ColumnNumber ¶
func (ptr *QXmlParseException) ColumnNumber() int
func (*QXmlParseException) DestroyQXmlParseException ¶
func (ptr *QXmlParseException) DestroyQXmlParseException()
func (*QXmlParseException) LineNumber ¶
func (ptr *QXmlParseException) LineNumber() int
func (*QXmlParseException) Message ¶
func (ptr *QXmlParseException) Message() string
func (*QXmlParseException) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlParseException) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QXmlParseException) PublicId ¶
func (ptr *QXmlParseException) PublicId() string
func (*QXmlParseException) QXmlParseException_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QXmlParseException) QXmlParseException_PTR() *QXmlParseException
func (*QXmlParseException) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlParseException) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QXmlParseException) SystemId ¶
func (ptr *QXmlParseException) SystemId() string
type QXmlParseException_ITF ¶
type QXmlParseException_ITF interface {
QXmlParseException_PTR() *QXmlParseException
type QXmlReader ¶
func NewQXmlReaderFromPointer ¶
func NewQXmlReaderFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QXmlReader)
func (*QXmlReader) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QXmlReader) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectContentHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectContentHandler(f func() *QXmlContentHandler)
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectDTDHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectDTDHandler(f func() *QXmlDTDHandler)
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectDeclHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectDeclHandler(f func() *QXmlDeclHandler)
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectDestroyQXmlReader ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectDestroyQXmlReader(f func())
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectEntityResolver ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectEntityResolver(f func() *QXmlEntityResolver)
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectErrorHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectErrorHandler(f func() *QXmlErrorHandler)
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectFeature ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectFeature(f func(name string, ok *bool) bool)
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectHasFeature ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectHasFeature(f func(name string) bool)
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectHasProperty ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectHasProperty(f func(name string) bool)
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectLexicalHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectLexicalHandler(f func() *QXmlLexicalHandler)
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectProperty ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectProperty(f func(name string, ok *bool) unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectSetContentHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectSetContentHandler(f func(handler *QXmlContentHandler))
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectSetDTDHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectSetDTDHandler(f func(handler *QXmlDTDHandler))
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectSetDeclHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectSetDeclHandler(f func(handler *QXmlDeclHandler))
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectSetEntityResolver ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectSetEntityResolver(f func(handler *QXmlEntityResolver))
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectSetErrorHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectSetErrorHandler(f func(handler *QXmlErrorHandler))
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectSetFeature ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectSetFeature(f func(name string, value bool))
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectSetLexicalHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectSetLexicalHandler(f func(handler *QXmlLexicalHandler))
func (*QXmlReader) ConnectSetProperty ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ConnectSetProperty(f func(name string, value unsafe.Pointer))
func (*QXmlReader) ContentHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ContentHandler() *QXmlContentHandler
func (*QXmlReader) DTDHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DTDHandler() *QXmlDTDHandler
func (*QXmlReader) DeclHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DeclHandler() *QXmlDeclHandler
func (*QXmlReader) DestroyQXmlReader ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DestroyQXmlReader()
func (*QXmlReader) DestroyQXmlReaderDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DestroyQXmlReaderDefault()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectContentHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectContentHandler()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectDTDHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectDTDHandler()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectDeclHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectDeclHandler()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectDestroyQXmlReader ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectDestroyQXmlReader()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectEntityResolver ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectEntityResolver()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectErrorHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectErrorHandler()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectFeature ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectFeature()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectHasFeature ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectHasFeature()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectHasProperty ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectHasProperty()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectLexicalHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectLexicalHandler()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectProperty ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectProperty()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectSetContentHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectSetContentHandler()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectSetDTDHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectSetDTDHandler()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectSetDeclHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectSetDeclHandler()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectSetEntityResolver ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectSetEntityResolver()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectSetErrorHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectSetErrorHandler()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectSetFeature ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectSetFeature()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectSetLexicalHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectSetLexicalHandler()
func (*QXmlReader) DisconnectSetProperty ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) DisconnectSetProperty()
func (*QXmlReader) EntityResolver ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) EntityResolver() *QXmlEntityResolver
func (*QXmlReader) ErrorHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) ErrorHandler() *QXmlErrorHandler
func (*QXmlReader) HasFeature ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) HasFeature(name string) bool
func (*QXmlReader) HasProperty ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) HasProperty(name string) bool
func (*QXmlReader) LexicalHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) LexicalHandler() *QXmlLexicalHandler
func (*QXmlReader) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QXmlReader) QXmlReader_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) QXmlReader_PTR() *QXmlReader
func (*QXmlReader) SetContentHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetContentHandler(handler QXmlContentHandler_ITF)
func (*QXmlReader) SetDTDHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetDTDHandler(handler QXmlDTDHandler_ITF)
func (*QXmlReader) SetDeclHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetDeclHandler(handler QXmlDeclHandler_ITF)
func (*QXmlReader) SetEntityResolver ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetEntityResolver(handler QXmlEntityResolver_ITF)
func (*QXmlReader) SetErrorHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetErrorHandler(handler QXmlErrorHandler_ITF)
func (*QXmlReader) SetFeature ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetFeature(name string, value bool)
func (*QXmlReader) SetLexicalHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetLexicalHandler(handler QXmlLexicalHandler_ITF)
func (*QXmlReader) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QXmlReader) SetProperty ¶
func (ptr *QXmlReader) SetProperty(name string, value unsafe.Pointer)
type QXmlReader_ITF ¶
type QXmlReader_ITF interface {
QXmlReader_PTR() *QXmlReader
type QXmlSimpleReader ¶
type QXmlSimpleReader struct {
func NewQXmlSimpleReader ¶
func NewQXmlSimpleReader() *QXmlSimpleReader
func NewQXmlSimpleReaderFromPointer ¶
func NewQXmlSimpleReaderFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (n *QXmlSimpleReader)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ClassNameInternalF ¶
func (n *QXmlSimpleReader) ClassNameInternalF() string
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectContentHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectContentHandler(f func() *QXmlContentHandler)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectDTDHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectDTDHandler(f func() *QXmlDTDHandler)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectDeclHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectDeclHandler(f func() *QXmlDeclHandler)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectDestroyQXmlSimpleReader ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectDestroyQXmlSimpleReader(f func())
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectEntityResolver ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectEntityResolver(f func() *QXmlEntityResolver)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectErrorHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectErrorHandler(f func() *QXmlErrorHandler)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectFeature ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectFeature(f func(name string, ok *bool) bool)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectHasFeature ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectHasFeature(f func(name string) bool)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectHasProperty ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectHasProperty(f func(name string) bool)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectLexicalHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectLexicalHandler(f func() *QXmlLexicalHandler)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectParse ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectParse(f func(input *QXmlInputSource) bool)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectParse2 ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectParse2(f func(input *QXmlInputSource) bool)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectParse3 ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectParse3(f func(input *QXmlInputSource, incremental bool) bool)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectParseContinue ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectParseContinue(f func() bool)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectProperty ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectProperty(f func(name string, ok *bool) unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetContentHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetContentHandler(f func(handler *QXmlContentHandler))
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetDTDHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetDTDHandler(f func(handler *QXmlDTDHandler))
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetDeclHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetDeclHandler(f func(handler *QXmlDeclHandler))
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetEntityResolver ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetEntityResolver(f func(handler *QXmlEntityResolver))
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetErrorHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetErrorHandler(f func(handler *QXmlErrorHandler))
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetFeature ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetFeature(f func(name string, enable bool))
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetLexicalHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetLexicalHandler(f func(handler *QXmlLexicalHandler))
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetProperty ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ConnectSetProperty(f func(name string, value unsafe.Pointer))
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ContentHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ContentHandler() *QXmlContentHandler
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ContentHandlerDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ContentHandlerDefault() *QXmlContentHandler
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DTDHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DTDHandler() *QXmlDTDHandler
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DTDHandlerDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DTDHandlerDefault() *QXmlDTDHandler
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DeclHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DeclHandler() *QXmlDeclHandler
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DeclHandlerDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DeclHandlerDefault() *QXmlDeclHandler
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DestroyQXmlSimpleReader ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DestroyQXmlSimpleReader()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DestroyQXmlSimpleReaderDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DestroyQXmlSimpleReaderDefault()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectContentHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectContentHandler()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectDTDHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectDTDHandler()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectDeclHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectDeclHandler()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectDestroyQXmlSimpleReader ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectDestroyQXmlSimpleReader()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectEntityResolver ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectEntityResolver()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectErrorHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectErrorHandler()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectFeature ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectFeature()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectHasFeature ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectHasFeature()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectHasProperty ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectHasProperty()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectLexicalHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectLexicalHandler()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectParse ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectParse()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectParse2 ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectParse2()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectParse3 ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectParse3()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectParseContinue ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectParseContinue()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectProperty ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectProperty()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetContentHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetContentHandler()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetDTDHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetDTDHandler()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetDeclHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetDeclHandler()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetEntityResolver ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetEntityResolver()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetErrorHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetErrorHandler()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetFeature ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetFeature()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetLexicalHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetLexicalHandler()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetProperty ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) DisconnectSetProperty()
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) EntityResolver ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) EntityResolver() *QXmlEntityResolver
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) EntityResolverDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) EntityResolverDefault() *QXmlEntityResolver
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ErrorHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ErrorHandler() *QXmlErrorHandler
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ErrorHandlerDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ErrorHandlerDefault() *QXmlErrorHandler
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) FeatureDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) FeatureDefault(name string, ok *bool) bool
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) HasFeature ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) HasFeature(name string) bool
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) HasFeatureDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) HasFeatureDefault(name string) bool
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) HasProperty ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) HasProperty(name string) bool
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) HasPropertyDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) HasPropertyDefault(name string) bool
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) InitFromInternal ¶
func (n *QXmlSimpleReader) InitFromInternal(ptr uintptr, name string)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) LexicalHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) LexicalHandler() *QXmlLexicalHandler
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) LexicalHandlerDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) LexicalHandlerDefault() *QXmlLexicalHandler
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) Parse ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) Parse(input QXmlInputSource_ITF) bool
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) Parse2 ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) Parse2(input QXmlInputSource_ITF) bool
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) Parse2Default ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) Parse2Default(input QXmlInputSource_ITF) bool
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) Parse3 ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) Parse3(input QXmlInputSource_ITF, incremental bool) bool
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) Parse3Default ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) Parse3Default(input QXmlInputSource_ITF, incremental bool) bool
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ParseContinue ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ParseContinue() bool
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ParseContinueDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ParseContinueDefault() bool
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) ParseDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) ParseDefault(input QXmlInputSource_ITF) bool
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) Pointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) Property ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) Property(name string, ok *bool) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) PropertyDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) PropertyDefault(name string, ok *bool) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) QXmlSimpleReader_PTR ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) QXmlSimpleReader_PTR() *QXmlSimpleReader
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) SetContentHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetContentHandler(handler QXmlContentHandler_ITF)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) SetContentHandlerDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetContentHandlerDefault(handler QXmlContentHandler_ITF)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) SetDTDHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetDTDHandler(handler QXmlDTDHandler_ITF)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) SetDTDHandlerDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetDTDHandlerDefault(handler QXmlDTDHandler_ITF)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) SetDeclHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetDeclHandler(handler QXmlDeclHandler_ITF)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) SetDeclHandlerDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetDeclHandlerDefault(handler QXmlDeclHandler_ITF)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) SetEntityResolver ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetEntityResolver(handler QXmlEntityResolver_ITF)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) SetEntityResolverDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetEntityResolverDefault(handler QXmlEntityResolver_ITF)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) SetErrorHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetErrorHandler(handler QXmlErrorHandler_ITF)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) SetErrorHandlerDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetErrorHandlerDefault(handler QXmlErrorHandler_ITF)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) SetFeature ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetFeature(name string, enable bool)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) SetFeatureDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetFeatureDefault(name string, enable bool)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) SetLexicalHandler ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetLexicalHandler(handler QXmlLexicalHandler_ITF)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) SetLexicalHandlerDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetLexicalHandlerDefault(handler QXmlLexicalHandler_ITF)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) SetPointer ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) SetProperty ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetProperty(name string, value unsafe.Pointer)
func (*QXmlSimpleReader) SetPropertyDefault ¶
func (ptr *QXmlSimpleReader) SetPropertyDefault(name string, value unsafe.Pointer)
type QXmlSimpleReader_ITF ¶
type QXmlSimpleReader_ITF interface { QXmlReader_ITF QXmlSimpleReader_PTR() *QXmlSimpleReader }
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