The aes subsystem allows you to manage AES256 keyfiles and perform
encryption and decryption.
The aes commands provide tools to manage Geneos AES256 key files as
documented in the Secure
section of the manuals.
In addition to the functionality built-in to Geneos as described in the
Gateway documentation these encoded password can also be included in
configuration files so that plain text passwords and other credentials
are not visible to users.
geneos aes new [-k KEYFILE] [-I] [TYPE] [NAME]
Create a new keyfile. With no arguments a new keyfile printed on
STDOUT. If the import option (-I) is given then the keyfile is
copied to the component keyfile directory (e.g.
gateway/gateway_shared/keyfiles) with a name made of the CRC32
checksum of the file and an .aes extension. The file is also copied
to remote hosts and all matching instances have their keyfile
parameters set to use this file. Any instances with an existing
keyfile setting have that moved to prevkeyfile.
geneos aes ls [-c] [-j [-i]] [TYPE] [NAME]
List configured keyfiles in Geneos instances. The CRC32 column is
provided as a visual aid to human users to identify common keyfiles.
Note: If a keyfile is configured then the component - currently only
Gateways - are started with the keyfile on the command line. This may
cause start-up issues if the keyfile has just been added or changed
and your Gateway is earlier than GA5.14.0 or there is an existing
cache/ directory in the Gateway working directory. To resolve this
you may have to remove the cache/ directory (use the geneos clean
command with the -F full-clean option) or start the Gateway with a
-skip-cache option which can be set with geneos set -k options=-skip-cache and so on.
Encode a plain text PASSWORD or SOURCE using the keyfile given or the
keyfiles configured for all matching instances or the user's default
keyfile. If instances share the same keyfile then the same output will
be generated for each. If neither a string or a source path is given
then the user is prompted to enter a password. The SOURCE can be a
local file or a URL. The -e option set the output to be in
"expandable" form, which includes the path to the keyfile used, ready
for copying directly into configuration files that support
ExpandString() values.
Decode the ExpandString format STRING (with embedded keyfile path) or
the encoded PASSWORD or the SOURCE using the provided keyfile (or
previous keyfile) or using the keyfiles for matching instances or the
user's default keyfile. The first valid UTF-8 decoded text is output
and further processing stops. The encoded text can be prefixed with
the Geneos +encs+ text, which will be removed if present. The SOURCE
can be a local file or a URL.