A Kubernetes API Server custom metrics adapter for Ingress Nginx.
This provides http request rate statistics in a format that can be used by the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to scale a deployment. It uses the prometheus metrics endpoint provided by the ingress controller. This is the case even if you are not using prometheus.
Setting it up
Enable custom VTS metrics for prometheus
First you need to turn on the custom VTS metrics for prometheus, thusly:
You should also do the rather opaque step "Customize ingress".
Run the custom metrics server
There are some manifests in this repository in custom-metrics.yaml that will get you going. This should be packaged for helm really.
There are some options for the custom metrics server that you should consider:
Sample averaging
--average-samples int
The number of samples to consider for a moving average estimate (default 1)
This provides an estimated exponential smoothing, averaging over the number of samples specified.
Discovery interval
--discovery-interval duration
Interval at which to refresh API discovery information (default 20s)
This is how frequently the ingress pods are consulted for their current totals.
--label string
The label for the ingress pods (default "ingress-nginx")
So it can find the ingress pods.
Metrics path
--metrics-path string
The path on the metrics port (default "/metrics")
Metrics port
--metrics-port string
The port on the pods that delivers prometheus style metrics (default "10254")
Getting metrics
You can query the custom metrics api yourself to check the values with:
kubectl get --raw "/apis/" | jq
replace NAMESPACE and SERVICE with the namespace and service names respectively.
Setting up an HPA
Here is an example HPA manifest using the custom metrics:
apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
name: myapp
namespace: default
maxReplicas: 20
minReplicas: 2
kind: Deployment
name: myapp
- type: Object
kind: Service
name: myapp
metricName: ingress_requests_per_second
targetValue: 20