Overview ¶
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Index ¶
- func ExpectDecoder(a op.Authorizer)
- func ExpectEncoder(a op.Authorizer)
- func ExpectInvalidClientID(s op.Storage)
- func ExpectSigner(a op.Authorizer, t *testing.T)
- func ExpectSigningKey(s op.Storage)
- func ExpectSigningKeyInvalid(s op.Storage)
- func ExpectStorage(a op.Authorizer, t *testing.T)
- func ExpectValidClientID(s op.Storage)
- func ExpectVerifier(a op.Authorizer, t *testing.T)
- func NewAuthorizer(t *testing.T) op.Authorizer
- func NewAuthorizerExpectValid(t *testing.T, wantErr bool) op.Authorizer
- func NewClient(t *testing.T) op.Client
- func NewClientExpectAny(t *testing.T, appType op.ApplicationType) op.Client
- func NewClientWithConfig(t *testing.T, uri []string, appType op.ApplicationType, ...) op.Client
- func NewMockStorageAny(t *testing.T) op.Storage
- func NewMockStorageExpectInvalidClientID(t *testing.T) op.Storage
- func NewMockStorageExpectValidClientID(t *testing.T) op.Storage
- func NewMockStorageSigningKey(t *testing.T) op.Storage
- func NewMockStorageSigningKeyInvalid(t *testing.T) op.Storage
- func NewStorage(t *testing.T) op.Storage
- type ConfClient
- func (c *ConfClient) AccessTokenLifetime() time.Duration
- func (c *ConfClient) AccessTokenType() op.AccessTokenType
- func (c *ConfClient) AllowedScopes() []string
- func (c *ConfClient) ApplicationType() op.ApplicationType
- func (c *ConfClient) AuthMethod() oidc.AuthMethod
- func (c *ConfClient) ClockSkew() time.Duration
- func (c *ConfClient) DevMode() bool
- func (c *ConfClient) GetID() string
- func (c *ConfClient) GrantTypes() []oidc.GrantType
- func (c *ConfClient) IDTokenLifetime() time.Duration
- func (c *ConfClient) IDTokenUserinfoClaimsAssertion() bool
- func (c *ConfClient) IsScopeAllowed(scope string) bool
- func (c *ConfClient) LoginURL(id string) string
- func (c *ConfClient) PostLogoutRedirectURIs() []string
- func (c *ConfClient) RedirectURIs() []string
- func (c *ConfClient) ResponseTypes() []oidc.ResponseType
- func (c *ConfClient) RestrictAdditionalAccessTokenScopes() func(scopes []string) []string
- func (c *ConfClient) RestrictAdditionalIdTokenScopes() func(scopes []string) []string
- type MockAuthorizer
- func (m *MockAuthorizer) Crypto() op.Crypto
- func (m *MockAuthorizer) Decoder() http.Decoder
- func (m *MockAuthorizer) EXPECT() *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder
- func (m *MockAuthorizer) Encoder() http.Encoder
- func (m *MockAuthorizer) IDTokenHintVerifier() op.IDTokenHintVerifier
- func (m *MockAuthorizer) Issuer() string
- func (m *MockAuthorizer) RequestObjectSupported() bool
- func (m *MockAuthorizer) Signer() op.Signer
- func (m *MockAuthorizer) Storage() op.Storage
- type MockAuthorizerMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Crypto() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Decoder() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Encoder() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) IDTokenHintVerifier() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Issuer() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) RequestObjectSupported() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Signer() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Storage() *gomock.Call
- type MockClient
- func (m *MockClient) AccessTokenType() op.AccessTokenType
- func (m *MockClient) ApplicationType() op.ApplicationType
- func (m *MockClient) AuthMethod() oidc.AuthMethod
- func (m *MockClient) ClockSkew() time.Duration
- func (m *MockClient) DevMode() bool
- func (m *MockClient) EXPECT() *MockClientMockRecorder
- func (m *MockClient) GetID() string
- func (m *MockClient) GrantTypes() []oidc.GrantType
- func (m *MockClient) IDTokenLifetime() time.Duration
- func (m *MockClient) IDTokenUserinfoClaimsAssertion() bool
- func (m *MockClient) IsScopeAllowed(arg0 string) bool
- func (m *MockClient) LoginURL(arg0 string) string
- func (m *MockClient) PostLogoutRedirectURIs() []string
- func (m *MockClient) RedirectURIs() []string
- func (m *MockClient) ResponseTypes() []oidc.ResponseType
- func (m *MockClient) RestrictAdditionalAccessTokenScopes() func([]string) []string
- func (m *MockClient) RestrictAdditionalIdTokenScopes() func([]string) []string
- type MockClientMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) AccessTokenType() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ApplicationType() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) AuthMethod() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ClockSkew() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) DevMode() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GetID() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GrantTypes() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) IDTokenLifetime() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) IDTokenUserinfoClaimsAssertion() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) IsScopeAllowed(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) LoginURL(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) PostLogoutRedirectURIs() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) RedirectURIs() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ResponseTypes() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) RestrictAdditionalAccessTokenScopes() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) RestrictAdditionalIdTokenScopes() *gomock.Call
- type MockConfiguration
- func (m *MockConfiguration) AuthMethodPostSupported() bool
- func (m *MockConfiguration) AuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported() bool
- func (m *MockConfiguration) AuthorizationEndpoint() op.Endpoint
- func (m *MockConfiguration) CodeMethodS256Supported() bool
- func (m *MockConfiguration) EXPECT() *MockConfigurationMockRecorder
- func (m *MockConfiguration) EndSessionEndpoint() op.Endpoint
- func (m *MockConfiguration) GrantTypeClientCredentialsSupported() bool
- func (m *MockConfiguration) GrantTypeJWTAuthorizationSupported() bool
- func (m *MockConfiguration) GrantTypeRefreshTokenSupported() bool
- func (m *MockConfiguration) GrantTypeTokenExchangeSupported() bool
- func (m *MockConfiguration) IntrospectionAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported() bool
- func (m *MockConfiguration) IntrospectionEndpoint() op.Endpoint
- func (m *MockConfiguration) IntrospectionEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported() []string
- func (m *MockConfiguration) Issuer() string
- func (m *MockConfiguration) KeysEndpoint() op.Endpoint
- func (m *MockConfiguration) RequestObjectSigningAlgorithmsSupported() []string
- func (m *MockConfiguration) RequestObjectSupported() bool
- func (m *MockConfiguration) RevocationAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported() bool
- func (m *MockConfiguration) RevocationEndpoint() op.Endpoint
- func (m *MockConfiguration) RevocationEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported() []string
- func (m *MockConfiguration) SupportedUILocales() []language.Tag
- func (m *MockConfiguration) TokenEndpoint() op.Endpoint
- func (m *MockConfiguration) TokenEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported() []string
- func (m *MockConfiguration) UserinfoEndpoint() op.Endpoint
- type MockConfigurationMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) AuthMethodPostSupported() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) AuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) AuthorizationEndpoint() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) CodeMethodS256Supported() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) EndSessionEndpoint() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) GrantTypeClientCredentialsSupported() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) GrantTypeJWTAuthorizationSupported() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) GrantTypeRefreshTokenSupported() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) GrantTypeTokenExchangeSupported() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) IntrospectionAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) IntrospectionEndpoint() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) IntrospectionEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) Issuer() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) KeysEndpoint() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) RequestObjectSigningAlgorithmsSupported() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) RequestObjectSupported() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) RevocationAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) RevocationEndpoint() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) RevocationEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) SupportedUILocales() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) TokenEndpoint() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) TokenEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) UserinfoEndpoint() *gomock.Call
- type MockKeyProvider
- type MockKeyProviderMockRecorder
- type MockSigner
- type MockSignerMockRecorder
- type MockStorage
- func (m *MockStorage) AuthRequestByCode(arg0 context.Context, arg1 string) (op.AuthRequest, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) AuthRequestByID(arg0 context.Context, arg1 string) (op.AuthRequest, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) AuthorizeClientIDSecret(arg0 context.Context, arg1, arg2 string) error
- func (m *MockStorage) CreateAccessAndRefreshTokens(arg0 context.Context, arg1 op.TokenRequest, arg2 string) (string, string, time.Time, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) CreateAccessToken(arg0 context.Context, arg1 op.TokenRequest) (string, time.Time, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) CreateAuthRequest(arg0 context.Context, arg1 *oidc.AuthRequest, arg2 string) (op.AuthRequest, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) DeleteAuthRequest(arg0 context.Context, arg1 string) error
- func (m *MockStorage) EXPECT() *MockStorageMockRecorder
- func (m *MockStorage) GetClientByClientID(arg0 context.Context, arg1 string) (op.Client, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) GetKeyByIDAndUserID(arg0 context.Context, arg1, arg2 string) (*jose.JSONWebKey, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) GetKeySet(arg0 context.Context) (*jose.JSONWebKeySet, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) GetPrivateClaimsFromScopes(arg0 context.Context, arg1, arg2 string, arg3 []string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) GetSigningKey(arg0 context.Context, arg1 chan<- jose.SigningKey)
- func (m *MockStorage) Health(arg0 context.Context) error
- func (m *MockStorage) RevokeToken(arg0 context.Context, arg1, arg2, arg3 string) *oidc.Error
- func (m *MockStorage) SaveAuthCode(arg0 context.Context, arg1, arg2 string) error
- func (m *MockStorage) SetIntrospectionFromToken(arg0 context.Context, arg1 oidc.IntrospectionResponse, arg2, arg3, arg4 string) error
- func (m *MockStorage) SetUserinfoFromScopes(arg0 context.Context, arg1 oidc.UserInfoSetter, arg2, arg3 string, ...) error
- func (m *MockStorage) SetUserinfoFromToken(arg0 context.Context, arg1 oidc.UserInfoSetter, arg2, arg3, arg4 string) error
- func (m *MockStorage) TerminateSession(arg0 context.Context, arg1, arg2 string) error
- func (m *MockStorage) TokenRequestByRefreshToken(arg0 context.Context, arg1 string) (op.RefreshTokenRequest, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) ValidateJWTProfileScopes(arg0 context.Context, arg1 string, arg2 []string) ([]string, error)
- type MockStorageMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) AuthRequestByCode(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) AuthRequestByID(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) AuthorizeClientIDSecret(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) CreateAccessAndRefreshTokens(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) CreateAccessToken(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) CreateAuthRequest(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) DeleteAuthRequest(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) GetClientByClientID(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) GetKeyByIDAndUserID(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) GetKeySet(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) GetPrivateClaimsFromScopes(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) GetSigningKey(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) Health(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) RevokeToken(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) SaveAuthCode(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) SetIntrospectionFromToken(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) SetUserinfoFromScopes(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) SetUserinfoFromToken(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) TerminateSession(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) TokenRequestByRefreshToken(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) ValidateJWTProfileScopes(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type Sig
- type Verifier
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func ExpectDecoder ¶
func ExpectDecoder(a op.Authorizer)
func ExpectEncoder ¶
func ExpectEncoder(a op.Authorizer)
func ExpectInvalidClientID ¶
func ExpectSigner ¶
func ExpectSigner(a op.Authorizer, t *testing.T)
func ExpectSigningKey ¶
func ExpectSigningKeyInvalid ¶
func ExpectStorage ¶
func ExpectStorage(a op.Authorizer, t *testing.T)
func ExpectValidClientID ¶
func ExpectVerifier ¶
func ExpectVerifier(a op.Authorizer, t *testing.T)
func NewAuthorizer ¶
func NewAuthorizer(t *testing.T) op.Authorizer
func NewAuthorizerExpectValid ¶
func NewAuthorizerExpectValid(t *testing.T, wantErr bool) op.Authorizer
func NewClientExpectAny ¶
func NewClientWithConfig ¶
func NewClientWithConfig(t *testing.T, uri []string, appType op.ApplicationType, responseTypes []oidc.ResponseType, devMode bool) op.Client
Types ¶
type ConfClient ¶
type ConfClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ConfClient) AccessTokenLifetime ¶
func (c *ConfClient) AccessTokenLifetime() time.Duration
func (*ConfClient) AccessTokenType ¶
func (c *ConfClient) AccessTokenType() op.AccessTokenType
func (*ConfClient) AllowedScopes ¶
func (c *ConfClient) AllowedScopes() []string
func (*ConfClient) ApplicationType ¶
func (c *ConfClient) ApplicationType() op.ApplicationType
func (*ConfClient) AuthMethod ¶
func (c *ConfClient) AuthMethod() oidc.AuthMethod
func (*ConfClient) ClockSkew ¶
func (c *ConfClient) ClockSkew() time.Duration
func (*ConfClient) DevMode ¶
func (c *ConfClient) DevMode() bool
func (*ConfClient) GetID ¶
func (c *ConfClient) GetID() string
func (*ConfClient) GrantTypes ¶
func (c *ConfClient) GrantTypes() []oidc.GrantType
func (*ConfClient) IDTokenLifetime ¶
func (c *ConfClient) IDTokenLifetime() time.Duration
func (*ConfClient) IDTokenUserinfoClaimsAssertion ¶
func (c *ConfClient) IDTokenUserinfoClaimsAssertion() bool
func (*ConfClient) IsScopeAllowed ¶
func (c *ConfClient) IsScopeAllowed(scope string) bool
func (*ConfClient) LoginURL ¶
func (c *ConfClient) LoginURL(id string) string
func (*ConfClient) PostLogoutRedirectURIs ¶
func (c *ConfClient) PostLogoutRedirectURIs() []string
func (*ConfClient) RedirectURIs ¶
func (c *ConfClient) RedirectURIs() []string
func (*ConfClient) ResponseTypes ¶
func (c *ConfClient) ResponseTypes() []oidc.ResponseType
func (*ConfClient) RestrictAdditionalAccessTokenScopes ¶
func (c *ConfClient) RestrictAdditionalAccessTokenScopes() func(scopes []string) []string
func (*ConfClient) RestrictAdditionalIdTokenScopes ¶
func (c *ConfClient) RestrictAdditionalIdTokenScopes() func(scopes []string) []string
type MockAuthorizer ¶
type MockAuthorizer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockAuthorizer is a mock of Authorizer interface.
func NewMockAuthorizer ¶
func NewMockAuthorizer(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockAuthorizer
NewMockAuthorizer creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockAuthorizer) Crypto ¶
func (m *MockAuthorizer) Crypto() op.Crypto
Crypto mocks base method.
func (*MockAuthorizer) Decoder ¶
func (m *MockAuthorizer) Decoder() http.Decoder
Decoder mocks base method.
func (*MockAuthorizer) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockAuthorizer) EXPECT() *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockAuthorizer) Encoder ¶
func (m *MockAuthorizer) Encoder() http.Encoder
Encoder mocks base method.
func (*MockAuthorizer) IDTokenHintVerifier ¶
func (m *MockAuthorizer) IDTokenHintVerifier() op.IDTokenHintVerifier
IDTokenHintVerifier mocks base method.
func (*MockAuthorizer) RequestObjectSupported ¶
func (m *MockAuthorizer) RequestObjectSupported() bool
RequestObjectSupported mocks base method.
func (*MockAuthorizer) Signer ¶
func (m *MockAuthorizer) Signer() op.Signer
Signer mocks base method.
func (*MockAuthorizer) Storage ¶
func (m *MockAuthorizer) Storage() op.Storage
Storage mocks base method.
type MockAuthorizerMockRecorder ¶
type MockAuthorizerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockAuthorizerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockAuthorizer.
func (*MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Crypto ¶
func (mr *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Crypto() *gomock.Call
Crypto indicates an expected call of Crypto.
func (*MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Decoder ¶
func (mr *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Decoder() *gomock.Call
Decoder indicates an expected call of Decoder.
func (*MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Encoder ¶
func (mr *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Encoder() *gomock.Call
Encoder indicates an expected call of Encoder.
func (*MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) IDTokenHintVerifier ¶
func (mr *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) IDTokenHintVerifier() *gomock.Call
IDTokenHintVerifier indicates an expected call of IDTokenHintVerifier.
func (*MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Issuer ¶
func (mr *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Issuer() *gomock.Call
Issuer indicates an expected call of Issuer.
func (*MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) RequestObjectSupported ¶
func (mr *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) RequestObjectSupported() *gomock.Call
RequestObjectSupported indicates an expected call of RequestObjectSupported.
func (*MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Signer ¶
func (mr *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Signer() *gomock.Call
Signer indicates an expected call of Signer.
func (*MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Storage ¶
func (mr *MockAuthorizerMockRecorder) Storage() *gomock.Call
Storage indicates an expected call of Storage.
type MockClient ¶
type MockClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockClient is a mock of Client interface.
func NewMockClient ¶
func NewMockClient(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockClient
NewMockClient creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockClient) AccessTokenType ¶
func (m *MockClient) AccessTokenType() op.AccessTokenType
AccessTokenType mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) ApplicationType ¶
func (m *MockClient) ApplicationType() op.ApplicationType
ApplicationType mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) AuthMethod ¶
func (m *MockClient) AuthMethod() oidc.AuthMethod
AuthMethod mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) ClockSkew ¶
func (m *MockClient) ClockSkew() time.Duration
ClockSkew mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockClient) EXPECT() *MockClientMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockClient) GrantTypes ¶
func (m *MockClient) GrantTypes() []oidc.GrantType
GrantTypes mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) IDTokenLifetime ¶
func (m *MockClient) IDTokenLifetime() time.Duration
IDTokenLifetime mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) IDTokenUserinfoClaimsAssertion ¶
func (m *MockClient) IDTokenUserinfoClaimsAssertion() bool
IDTokenUserinfoClaimsAssertion mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) IsScopeAllowed ¶
func (m *MockClient) IsScopeAllowed(arg0 string) bool
IsScopeAllowed mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) LoginURL ¶
func (m *MockClient) LoginURL(arg0 string) string
LoginURL mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) PostLogoutRedirectURIs ¶
func (m *MockClient) PostLogoutRedirectURIs() []string
PostLogoutRedirectURIs mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) RedirectURIs ¶
func (m *MockClient) RedirectURIs() []string
RedirectURIs mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) ResponseTypes ¶
func (m *MockClient) ResponseTypes() []oidc.ResponseType
ResponseTypes mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) RestrictAdditionalAccessTokenScopes ¶
func (m *MockClient) RestrictAdditionalAccessTokenScopes() func([]string) []string
RestrictAdditionalAccessTokenScopes mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) RestrictAdditionalIdTokenScopes ¶
func (m *MockClient) RestrictAdditionalIdTokenScopes() func([]string) []string
RestrictAdditionalIdTokenScopes mocks base method.
type MockClientMockRecorder ¶
type MockClientMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockClientMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockClient.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) AccessTokenType ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) AccessTokenType() *gomock.Call
AccessTokenType indicates an expected call of AccessTokenType.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) ApplicationType ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ApplicationType() *gomock.Call
ApplicationType indicates an expected call of ApplicationType.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) AuthMethod ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) AuthMethod() *gomock.Call
AuthMethod indicates an expected call of AuthMethod.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) ClockSkew ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ClockSkew() *gomock.Call
ClockSkew indicates an expected call of ClockSkew.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) DevMode ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) DevMode() *gomock.Call
DevMode indicates an expected call of DevMode.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) GetID ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GetID() *gomock.Call
GetID indicates an expected call of GetID.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) GrantTypes ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GrantTypes() *gomock.Call
GrantTypes indicates an expected call of GrantTypes.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) IDTokenLifetime ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) IDTokenLifetime() *gomock.Call
IDTokenLifetime indicates an expected call of IDTokenLifetime.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) IDTokenUserinfoClaimsAssertion ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) IDTokenUserinfoClaimsAssertion() *gomock.Call
IDTokenUserinfoClaimsAssertion indicates an expected call of IDTokenUserinfoClaimsAssertion.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) IsScopeAllowed ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) IsScopeAllowed(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsScopeAllowed indicates an expected call of IsScopeAllowed.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) LoginURL ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) LoginURL(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
LoginURL indicates an expected call of LoginURL.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) PostLogoutRedirectURIs ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) PostLogoutRedirectURIs() *gomock.Call
PostLogoutRedirectURIs indicates an expected call of PostLogoutRedirectURIs.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) RedirectURIs ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) RedirectURIs() *gomock.Call
RedirectURIs indicates an expected call of RedirectURIs.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) ResponseTypes ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ResponseTypes() *gomock.Call
ResponseTypes indicates an expected call of ResponseTypes.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) RestrictAdditionalAccessTokenScopes ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) RestrictAdditionalAccessTokenScopes() *gomock.Call
RestrictAdditionalAccessTokenScopes indicates an expected call of RestrictAdditionalAccessTokenScopes.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) RestrictAdditionalIdTokenScopes ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) RestrictAdditionalIdTokenScopes() *gomock.Call
RestrictAdditionalIdTokenScopes indicates an expected call of RestrictAdditionalIdTokenScopes.
type MockConfiguration ¶
type MockConfiguration struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockConfiguration is a mock of Configuration interface.
func NewMockConfiguration ¶
func NewMockConfiguration(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockConfiguration
NewMockConfiguration creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockConfiguration) AuthMethodPostSupported ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) AuthMethodPostSupported() bool
AuthMethodPostSupported mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) AuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) AuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported() bool
AuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) AuthorizationEndpoint ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) AuthorizationEndpoint() op.Endpoint
AuthorizationEndpoint mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) CodeMethodS256Supported ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) CodeMethodS256Supported() bool
CodeMethodS256Supported mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) EXPECT() *MockConfigurationMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockConfiguration) EndSessionEndpoint ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) EndSessionEndpoint() op.Endpoint
EndSessionEndpoint mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) GrantTypeClientCredentialsSupported ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) GrantTypeClientCredentialsSupported() bool
GrantTypeClientCredentialsSupported mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) GrantTypeJWTAuthorizationSupported ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) GrantTypeJWTAuthorizationSupported() bool
GrantTypeJWTAuthorizationSupported mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) GrantTypeRefreshTokenSupported ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) GrantTypeRefreshTokenSupported() bool
GrantTypeRefreshTokenSupported mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) GrantTypeTokenExchangeSupported ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) GrantTypeTokenExchangeSupported() bool
GrantTypeTokenExchangeSupported mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) IntrospectionAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) IntrospectionAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported() bool
IntrospectionAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) IntrospectionEndpoint ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) IntrospectionEndpoint() op.Endpoint
IntrospectionEndpoint mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) IntrospectionEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) IntrospectionEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported() []string
IntrospectionEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) Issuer ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) Issuer() string
Issuer mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) KeysEndpoint ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) KeysEndpoint() op.Endpoint
KeysEndpoint mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) RequestObjectSigningAlgorithmsSupported ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) RequestObjectSigningAlgorithmsSupported() []string
RequestObjectSigningAlgorithmsSupported mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) RequestObjectSupported ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) RequestObjectSupported() bool
RequestObjectSupported mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) RevocationAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) RevocationAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported() bool
RevocationAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) RevocationEndpoint ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) RevocationEndpoint() op.Endpoint
RevocationEndpoint mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) RevocationEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) RevocationEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported() []string
RevocationEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) SupportedUILocales ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) SupportedUILocales() []language.Tag
SupportedUILocales mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) TokenEndpoint ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) TokenEndpoint() op.Endpoint
TokenEndpoint mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) TokenEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) TokenEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported() []string
TokenEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported mocks base method.
func (*MockConfiguration) UserinfoEndpoint ¶
func (m *MockConfiguration) UserinfoEndpoint() op.Endpoint
UserinfoEndpoint mocks base method.
type MockConfigurationMockRecorder ¶
type MockConfigurationMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockConfigurationMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockConfiguration.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) AuthMethodPostSupported ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) AuthMethodPostSupported() *gomock.Call
AuthMethodPostSupported indicates an expected call of AuthMethodPostSupported.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) AuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) AuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported() *gomock.Call
AuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported indicates an expected call of AuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) AuthorizationEndpoint ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) AuthorizationEndpoint() *gomock.Call
AuthorizationEndpoint indicates an expected call of AuthorizationEndpoint.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) CodeMethodS256Supported ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) CodeMethodS256Supported() *gomock.Call
CodeMethodS256Supported indicates an expected call of CodeMethodS256Supported.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) EndSessionEndpoint ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) EndSessionEndpoint() *gomock.Call
EndSessionEndpoint indicates an expected call of EndSessionEndpoint.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) GrantTypeClientCredentialsSupported ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) GrantTypeClientCredentialsSupported() *gomock.Call
GrantTypeClientCredentialsSupported indicates an expected call of GrantTypeClientCredentialsSupported.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) GrantTypeJWTAuthorizationSupported ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) GrantTypeJWTAuthorizationSupported() *gomock.Call
GrantTypeJWTAuthorizationSupported indicates an expected call of GrantTypeJWTAuthorizationSupported.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) GrantTypeRefreshTokenSupported ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) GrantTypeRefreshTokenSupported() *gomock.Call
GrantTypeRefreshTokenSupported indicates an expected call of GrantTypeRefreshTokenSupported.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) GrantTypeTokenExchangeSupported ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) GrantTypeTokenExchangeSupported() *gomock.Call
GrantTypeTokenExchangeSupported indicates an expected call of GrantTypeTokenExchangeSupported.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) IntrospectionAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) IntrospectionAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported() *gomock.Call
IntrospectionAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported indicates an expected call of IntrospectionAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) IntrospectionEndpoint ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) IntrospectionEndpoint() *gomock.Call
IntrospectionEndpoint indicates an expected call of IntrospectionEndpoint.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) IntrospectionEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) IntrospectionEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported() *gomock.Call
IntrospectionEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported indicates an expected call of IntrospectionEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) Issuer ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) Issuer() *gomock.Call
Issuer indicates an expected call of Issuer.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) KeysEndpoint ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) KeysEndpoint() *gomock.Call
KeysEndpoint indicates an expected call of KeysEndpoint.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) RequestObjectSigningAlgorithmsSupported ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) RequestObjectSigningAlgorithmsSupported() *gomock.Call
RequestObjectSigningAlgorithmsSupported indicates an expected call of RequestObjectSigningAlgorithmsSupported.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) RequestObjectSupported ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) RequestObjectSupported() *gomock.Call
RequestObjectSupported indicates an expected call of RequestObjectSupported.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) RevocationAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) RevocationAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported() *gomock.Call
RevocationAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported indicates an expected call of RevocationAuthMethodPrivateKeyJWTSupported.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) RevocationEndpoint ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) RevocationEndpoint() *gomock.Call
RevocationEndpoint indicates an expected call of RevocationEndpoint.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) RevocationEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) RevocationEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported() *gomock.Call
RevocationEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported indicates an expected call of RevocationEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) SupportedUILocales ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) SupportedUILocales() *gomock.Call
SupportedUILocales indicates an expected call of SupportedUILocales.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) TokenEndpoint ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) TokenEndpoint() *gomock.Call
TokenEndpoint indicates an expected call of TokenEndpoint.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) TokenEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) TokenEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported() *gomock.Call
TokenEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported indicates an expected call of TokenEndpointSigningAlgorithmsSupported.
func (*MockConfigurationMockRecorder) UserinfoEndpoint ¶
func (mr *MockConfigurationMockRecorder) UserinfoEndpoint() *gomock.Call
UserinfoEndpoint indicates an expected call of UserinfoEndpoint.
type MockKeyProvider ¶
type MockKeyProvider struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockKeyProvider is a mock of KeyProvider interface.
func NewMockKeyProvider ¶
func NewMockKeyProvider(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockKeyProvider
NewMockKeyProvider creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockKeyProvider) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockKeyProvider) EXPECT() *MockKeyProviderMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockKeyProvider) GetKeySet ¶
func (m *MockKeyProvider) GetKeySet(arg0 context.Context) (*jose.JSONWebKeySet, error)
GetKeySet mocks base method.
type MockKeyProviderMockRecorder ¶
type MockKeyProviderMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockKeyProviderMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockKeyProvider.
func (*MockKeyProviderMockRecorder) GetKeySet ¶
func (mr *MockKeyProviderMockRecorder) GetKeySet(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetKeySet indicates an expected call of GetKeySet.
type MockSigner ¶
type MockSigner struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockSigner is a mock of Signer interface.
func NewMockSigner ¶
func NewMockSigner(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockSigner
NewMockSigner creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockSigner) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockSigner) EXPECT() *MockSignerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockSigner) Health ¶
func (m *MockSigner) Health(arg0 context.Context) error
Health mocks base method.
func (*MockSigner) SignatureAlgorithm ¶
func (m *MockSigner) SignatureAlgorithm() jose.SignatureAlgorithm
SignatureAlgorithm mocks base method.
type MockSignerMockRecorder ¶
type MockSignerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockSignerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockSigner.
func (*MockSignerMockRecorder) Health ¶
func (mr *MockSignerMockRecorder) Health(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Health indicates an expected call of Health.
func (*MockSignerMockRecorder) SignatureAlgorithm ¶
func (mr *MockSignerMockRecorder) SignatureAlgorithm() *gomock.Call
SignatureAlgorithm indicates an expected call of SignatureAlgorithm.
func (*MockSignerMockRecorder) Signer ¶
func (mr *MockSignerMockRecorder) Signer() *gomock.Call
Signer indicates an expected call of Signer.
type MockStorage ¶
type MockStorage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockStorage is a mock of Storage interface.
func NewMockStorage ¶
func NewMockStorage(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockStorage
NewMockStorage creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockStorage) AuthRequestByCode ¶
func (m *MockStorage) AuthRequestByCode(arg0 context.Context, arg1 string) (op.AuthRequest, error)
AuthRequestByCode mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) AuthRequestByID ¶
func (m *MockStorage) AuthRequestByID(arg0 context.Context, arg1 string) (op.AuthRequest, error)
AuthRequestByID mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) AuthorizeClientIDSecret ¶
func (m *MockStorage) AuthorizeClientIDSecret(arg0 context.Context, arg1, arg2 string) error
AuthorizeClientIDSecret mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) CreateAccessAndRefreshTokens ¶
func (m *MockStorage) CreateAccessAndRefreshTokens(arg0 context.Context, arg1 op.TokenRequest, arg2 string) (string, string, time.Time, error)
CreateAccessAndRefreshTokens mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) CreateAccessToken ¶
func (m *MockStorage) CreateAccessToken(arg0 context.Context, arg1 op.TokenRequest) (string, time.Time, error)
CreateAccessToken mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) CreateAuthRequest ¶
func (m *MockStorage) CreateAuthRequest(arg0 context.Context, arg1 *oidc.AuthRequest, arg2 string) (op.AuthRequest, error)
CreateAuthRequest mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) DeleteAuthRequest ¶
func (m *MockStorage) DeleteAuthRequest(arg0 context.Context, arg1 string) error
DeleteAuthRequest mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockStorage) EXPECT() *MockStorageMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockStorage) GetClientByClientID ¶
GetClientByClientID mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) GetKeyByIDAndUserID ¶
func (m *MockStorage) GetKeyByIDAndUserID(arg0 context.Context, arg1, arg2 string) (*jose.JSONWebKey, error)
GetKeyByIDAndUserID mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) GetKeySet ¶
func (m *MockStorage) GetKeySet(arg0 context.Context) (*jose.JSONWebKeySet, error)
GetKeySet mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) GetPrivateClaimsFromScopes ¶
func (m *MockStorage) GetPrivateClaimsFromScopes(arg0 context.Context, arg1, arg2 string, arg3 []string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
GetPrivateClaimsFromScopes mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) GetSigningKey ¶
func (m *MockStorage) GetSigningKey(arg0 context.Context, arg1 chan<- jose.SigningKey)
GetSigningKey mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) Health ¶
func (m *MockStorage) Health(arg0 context.Context) error
Health mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) RevokeToken ¶
RevokeToken mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) SaveAuthCode ¶
func (m *MockStorage) SaveAuthCode(arg0 context.Context, arg1, arg2 string) error
SaveAuthCode mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) SetIntrospectionFromToken ¶
func (m *MockStorage) SetIntrospectionFromToken(arg0 context.Context, arg1 oidc.IntrospectionResponse, arg2, arg3, arg4 string) error
SetIntrospectionFromToken mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) SetUserinfoFromScopes ¶
func (m *MockStorage) SetUserinfoFromScopes(arg0 context.Context, arg1 oidc.UserInfoSetter, arg2, arg3 string, arg4 []string) error
SetUserinfoFromScopes mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) SetUserinfoFromToken ¶
func (m *MockStorage) SetUserinfoFromToken(arg0 context.Context, arg1 oidc.UserInfoSetter, arg2, arg3, arg4 string) error
SetUserinfoFromToken mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) TerminateSession ¶
func (m *MockStorage) TerminateSession(arg0 context.Context, arg1, arg2 string) error
TerminateSession mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) TokenRequestByRefreshToken ¶
func (m *MockStorage) TokenRequestByRefreshToken(arg0 context.Context, arg1 string) (op.RefreshTokenRequest, error)
TokenRequestByRefreshToken mocks base method.
func (*MockStorage) ValidateJWTProfileScopes ¶
func (m *MockStorage) ValidateJWTProfileScopes(arg0 context.Context, arg1 string, arg2 []string) ([]string, error)
ValidateJWTProfileScopes mocks base method.
type MockStorageMockRecorder ¶
type MockStorageMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockStorageMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockStorage.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) AuthRequestByCode ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) AuthRequestByCode(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
AuthRequestByCode indicates an expected call of AuthRequestByCode.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) AuthRequestByID ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) AuthRequestByID(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
AuthRequestByID indicates an expected call of AuthRequestByID.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) AuthorizeClientIDSecret ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) AuthorizeClientIDSecret(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call
AuthorizeClientIDSecret indicates an expected call of AuthorizeClientIDSecret.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) CreateAccessAndRefreshTokens ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) CreateAccessAndRefreshTokens(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call
CreateAccessAndRefreshTokens indicates an expected call of CreateAccessAndRefreshTokens.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) CreateAccessToken ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) CreateAccessToken(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
CreateAccessToken indicates an expected call of CreateAccessToken.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) CreateAuthRequest ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) CreateAuthRequest(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call
CreateAuthRequest indicates an expected call of CreateAuthRequest.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) DeleteAuthRequest ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) DeleteAuthRequest(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
DeleteAuthRequest indicates an expected call of DeleteAuthRequest.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) GetClientByClientID ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) GetClientByClientID(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetClientByClientID indicates an expected call of GetClientByClientID.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) GetKeyByIDAndUserID ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) GetKeyByIDAndUserID(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetKeyByIDAndUserID indicates an expected call of GetKeyByIDAndUserID.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) GetKeySet ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) GetKeySet(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetKeySet indicates an expected call of GetKeySet.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) GetPrivateClaimsFromScopes ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) GetPrivateClaimsFromScopes(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetPrivateClaimsFromScopes indicates an expected call of GetPrivateClaimsFromScopes.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) GetSigningKey ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) GetSigningKey(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetSigningKey indicates an expected call of GetSigningKey.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) Health ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) Health(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Health indicates an expected call of Health.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) RevokeToken ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) RevokeToken(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 interface{}) *gomock.Call
RevokeToken indicates an expected call of RevokeToken.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) SaveAuthCode ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) SaveAuthCode(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SaveAuthCode indicates an expected call of SaveAuthCode.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) SetIntrospectionFromToken ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) SetIntrospectionFromToken(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIntrospectionFromToken indicates an expected call of SetIntrospectionFromToken.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) SetUserinfoFromScopes ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) SetUserinfoFromScopes(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetUserinfoFromScopes indicates an expected call of SetUserinfoFromScopes.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) SetUserinfoFromToken ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) SetUserinfoFromToken(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetUserinfoFromToken indicates an expected call of SetUserinfoFromToken.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) TerminateSession ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) TerminateSession(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call
TerminateSession indicates an expected call of TerminateSession.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) TokenRequestByRefreshToken ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) TokenRequestByRefreshToken(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
TokenRequestByRefreshToken indicates an expected call of TokenRequestByRefreshToken.
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) ValidateJWTProfileScopes ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) ValidateJWTProfileScopes(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call
ValidateJWTProfileScopes indicates an expected call of ValidateJWTProfileScopes.
type Sig ¶
type Sig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Sig) SignatureAlgorithm ¶
func (s *Sig) SignatureAlgorithm() jose.SignatureAlgorithm