Opens a new window with list of versions in this module.
Published: Mar 11, 2018
License: Apache-2.0
Opens a new window with license information.
Imports: 5
Opens a new window with list of imports.
Imported by: 0
Opens a new window with list of known importers.
func Assert(tb testing.TB, condition bool, msg string, v ...interface{})
func Contains(tb testing.TB, exp interface{}, slice []string)
func Equals(tb testing.TB, exp, act interface{})
func ErrEquals(tb testing.TB, exp string, act error)
func Ok(tb testing.TB, err error)
Assert fails the test if the condition is false.
Contains fails the test if the slice doesn't contain the expected element
func Equals(tb testing.TB, exp, act interface{})
Equals fails the test if exp is not equal to act.
ErrEquals fails the test if act is nil or act.Error() != exp
Ok fails the test if an err is not nil.
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