5km Run Scrapper
This is a small program for downloading all the publicly available data from the Bulgarian's 5kmrun website: http://5km.5kmrun.bg/
The output would be file 5km-stats.csv
with the following structure:
4,Георги Станоилов (Junior),1,4,Южен Парк,2013-04-13,27m34s,78,10.88,5m30s
7,Любка Георгиева -Пелева,0,41,Южен Парк,2013-10-26,36m14s,119,8.28,7m14s
7,Любка Георгиева -Пелева,0,41,Южен Парк,2013-05-19,46m32s,70,6.45,9m18s
where every line is a one particular run for a participant.
You can grab a binary from the release page.
From Source
As usual, just
go get github.com/ironsmile/fivekmscraper
Just run the binary. From time time you would be asked whether a name is a male or a female. Answer with "f" or "m".