Migrate IRISHub to v1.0.0 from v0.16.3
1. Export genesis file
Stop irishub v0.16.3 daemon and use irishub v0.16.3 to export mainnet state genesis with --for-zero-height
at the upgrade block height
iris export --home [v0.16.3_node_home] --height [upgrade-height] --for-zero-height
2. Migrate genesis file
Migrate the exported genesis.json with irishub v1.0.0
iris migrate genesis.json --chain-id irishub-1 > genesis_v1.0.0.json
Check if md5 is correct
md5sum genesis_v1.0.0.json
3. Initialize new node
Initialize the new node with irishub v1.0.0
iris init [moniker] --home [v1.0.0_node_home]
4. Migrate privkey file
Migrate privkey file with irishub v1.0.0
go run migrate/scripts/privValUpgrade.go [v0.16.3_node_home]/config/priv_validator.json [v1.0.0_node_home]/config/priv_validator_key.json [v1.0.0_node_home]/data/priv_validator_state.json
5. Migrate node key file
Migrate node key file with irishub v1.0.0
cp [v0.16.3_node_home]/config/node_key.json [v1.0.0_node_home]/config/node_key.json
6. Copy migrated genesis file
Copy genesis_v1.0.0.json to new node home
cp genesis_v1.0.0.json [v1.0.0_node_home]/config/genesis.json
7. Config new node
Configure minimum-gas-prices
in [v1.0.0_node_home]/config/app.toml
# The minimum gas prices a validator is willing to accept for processing a
# transaction. A transaction's fees must meet the minimum of any denomination
# specified in this config (e.g. 0.25token1;0.0001token2).
minimum-gas-prices = "0.2uiris"
Copy persistent_peers
in [v0.16.3_node_home]/config/config.toml
to [v1.0.0_node_home]/config/config.toml
# Comma separated list of nodes to keep persistent connections to
persistent_peers = ""
And configure other fields refer to [v0.16.3_node_home]/config/config.toml
8. Start new node
Start new node with irishub v1.0.0
iris unsafe-reset-all --home [v1.0.0_node_home]
iris start --home [v1.0.0_node_home]