Path | Synopsis |
Read a generic "framed" packet consisting of a header and a This is used for both TLS Records and TLS Handshake Messages
Read a generic "framed" packet consisting of a header and a This is used for both TLS Records and TLS Handshake Messages |
Package badger implements an embeddable, simple and fast key-value database, written in pure Go.
Package badger implements an embeddable, simple and fast key-value database, written in pure Go. |
Package gostream allows to replace the standard net stack in Go with [LibP2P]( streams.
Package gostream allows to replace the standard net stack in Go with [LibP2P]( streams. |
Package p2phttp allows to serve HTTP endpoints and make HTTP requests through LibP2P ( using Go's standard "http" and "net" stacks.
Package p2phttp allows to serve HTTP endpoints and make HTTP requests through LibP2P ( using Go's standard "http" and "net" stacks. |
package bitswap implements the IPFS exchange interface with the BitSwap bilateral exchange protocol.
package bitswap implements the IPFS exchange interface with the BitSwap bilateral exchange protocol. |
package decision implements the decision engine for the bitswap service.
package decision implements the decision engine for the bitswap service. |
Package wantlist implements an object for bitswap that contains the keys that a given peer wants.
Package wantlist implements an object for bitswap that contains the keys that a given peer wants. |
Package blocks contains the lowest level of IPLD data structures.
Package blocks contains the lowest level of IPLD data structures. |
package blockservice implements a BlockService interface that provides a single GetBlock/AddBlock interface that seamlessly retrieves data either locally or from a remote peer through the exchange.
package blockservice implements a BlockService interface that provides a single GetBlock/AddBlock interface that seamlessly retrieves data either locally or from a remote peer through the exchange. |
Package cid implements the Content-IDentifiers specification ( in Go.
Package cid implements the Content-IDentifiers specification ( in Go. |
Package autobatch provides a go-datastore implementation that automatically batches together writes by holding puts in memory until a certain threshold is met.
Package autobatch provides a go-datastore implementation that automatically batches together writes by holding puts in memory until a certain threshold is met. |
Package delayed wraps a datastore allowing to artificially delay all operations.
Package delayed wraps a datastore allowing to artificially delay all operations. |
Package fs is a simple Datastore implementation that stores keys as directories and files, mirroring the key.
Package fs is a simple Datastore implementation that stores keys as directories and files, mirroring the key. |
Package failstore implements a datastore which can produce custom failures on operations by calling a user-provided error function.
Package failstore implements a datastore which can produce custom failures on operations by calling a user-provided error function. |
Package keytransform introduces a Datastore Shim that transforms keys before passing them to its child.
Package keytransform introduces a Datastore Shim that transforms keys before passing them to its child. |
Package mount provides a Datastore that has other Datastores mounted at various key prefixes and is threadsafe
Package mount provides a Datastore that has other Datastores mounted at various key prefixes and is threadsafe |
Package namespace introduces a namespace Datastore Shim, which basically mounts the entire child datastore under a prefix.
Package namespace introduces a namespace Datastore Shim, which basically mounts the entire child datastore under a prefix. |
Package retrystore provides a datastore wrapper which allows to retry operations.
Package retrystore provides a datastore wrapper which allows to retry operations. |
Package flatfs is a Datastore implementation that stores all objects in a two-level directory structure in the local file system, regardless of the hierarchy of the keys.
Package flatfs is a Datastore implementation that stores all objects in a two-level directory structure in the local file system, regardless of the hierarchy of the keys. |
Package measure provides a Datastore wrapper that records metrics using
Package measure provides a Datastore wrapper that records metrics using |
Package blockstore implements a thin wrapper over a datastore, giving a clean interface for Getting and Putting block objects.
Package blockstore implements a thin wrapper over a datastore, giving a clean interface for Getting and Putting block objects. |
Package blocksutil provides utility functions for working with Blocks.
Package blocksutil provides utility functions for working with Blocks. |
Package chunk implements streaming block splitters.
Package chunk implements streaming block splitters. |
Package cmds helps building both standalone and client-server applications.
Package cmds helps building both standalone and client-server applications. |
package config implements the ipfs config file datastructures and utilities.
package config implements the ipfs config file datastructures and utilities. |
Package dshelp provides utilities for parsing and creating datastore keys used by go-ipfs
Package dshelp provides utilities for parsing and creating datastore keys used by go-ipfs |
Package exchange defines the IPFS exchange interface
Package exchange defines the IPFS exchange interface |
package offline implements an object that implements the exchange interface but returns nil values to every request.
package offline implements an object that implements the exchange interface but returns nil values to every request. |
Package posinfo wraps offset information used by ipfs filestore nodes
Package posinfo wraps offset information used by ipfs filestore nodes |
Package pq implements a priority queue.
Package pq implements a priority queue. |
Package mockrouting provides a virtual routing server.
Package mockrouting provides a virtual routing server. |
Package nilrouting implements a routing client that does nothing.
Package nilrouting implements a routing client that does nothing. |
Package offline implements IpfsRouting with a client which is only able to perform offline operations.
Package offline implements IpfsRouting with a client which is only able to perform offline operations. |
Package util implements various utility functions used within ipfs that do not currently have a better place to live.
Package util implements various utility functions used within ipfs that do not currently have a better place to live. |
Package log is the logging library used by IPFS (
Package log is the logging library used by IPFS ( |
Package merkledag implements the IPFS Merkle DAG data structures.
Package merkledag implements the IPFS Merkle DAG data structures. |
Package traverse provides merkledag traversal functions
Package traverse provides merkledag traversal functions |
Package path contains utilities to work with ipfs paths.
Package path contains utilities to work with ipfs paths. |
Package resolver implements utilities for resolving paths within ipfs.
Package resolver implements utilities for resolving paths within ipfs. |
Package unixfs implements a data format for files in the IPFS filesystem It is not the only format in ipfs, but it is the one that the filesystem assumes
Package unixfs implements a data format for files in the IPFS filesystem It is not the only format in ipfs, but it is the one that the filesystem assumes |
Package hamt implements a Hash Array Mapped Trie over ipfs merkledag nodes.
Package hamt implements a Hash Array Mapped Trie over ipfs merkledag nodes. |
Package importer implements utilities used to create IPFS DAGs from files and readers.
Package importer implements utilities used to create IPFS DAGs from files and readers. |
Package balanced provides methods to build balanced DAGs, which are generalistic DAGs in which all leaves (nodes representing chunks of data) are at the same distance from the root.
Package balanced provides methods to build balanced DAGs, which are generalistic DAGs in which all leaves (nodes representing chunks of data) are at the same distance from the root. |
Package trickle allows to build trickle DAGs.
Package trickle allows to build trickle DAGs. |
Package io implements convenience objects for working with the ipfs unixfs data format.
Package io implements convenience objects for working with the ipfs unixfs data format. |
Package mod provides DAG modification utilities to, for example, insert additional nodes in a unixfs DAG or truncate them.
Package mod provides DAG modification utilities to, for example, insert additional nodes in a unixfs DAG or truncate them. |
Package iface defines IPFS Core API which is a set of interfaces used to interact with IPFS nodes.
Package iface defines IPFS Core API which is a set of interfaces used to interact with IPFS nodes. |
Package isdomain package allows users to check whether strings represent domain names.
Package isdomain package allows users to check whether strings represent domain names. |
Package goprocess introduces a Process abstraction that allows simple organization, and orchestration of work.
Package goprocess introduces a Process abstraction that allows simple organization, and orchestration of work. |
Package periodic is part of
Package periodic is part of |
Package ratelimit is part of
Package ratelimit is part of |
Package pool provides a sync.Pool equivalent that buckets incoming requests to one of 32 sub-pools, one for each power of 2, 0-32.
Package pool provides a sync.Pool equivalent that buckets incoming requests to one of 32 sub-pools, one for each power of 2, 0-32. |
Package crypto implements various cryptographic utilities used by ipfs.
Package crypto implements various cryptographic utilities used by ipfs. |
Package dht implements a distributed hash table that satisfies the ipfs routing interface.
Package dht implements a distributed hash table that satisfies the ipfs routing interface. |
package kbucket implements a kademlia 'k-bucket' routing table.
package kbucket implements a kademlia 'k-bucket' routing table. |
Package loggables includes a bunch of transaltor functions for commonplace/stdlib objects.
Package loggables includes a bunch of transaltor functions for commonplace/stdlib objects. |
Package peer implements an object used to represent peers in the ipfs network.
Package peer implements an object used to represent peers in the ipfs network. |
Package addr provides utility functions to handle peer addresses.
Package addr provides utility functions to handle peer addresses. |
The pubsub package provides facilities for the Publish/Subscribe pattern of message propagation, also known as overlay multicast.
The pubsub package provides facilities for the Publish/Subscribe pattern of message propagation, also known as overlay multicast. |
package routing defines the interface for a routing system used by ipfs.
package routing defines the interface for a routing system used by ipfs. |
Package secio is used to encrypt `go-libp2p-conn` connections.
Package secio is used to encrypt `go-libp2p-conn` connections. |
The relay package contains host implementations that automatically advertise relay addresses when the presence of NAT is detected.
The relay package contains host implementations that automatically advertise relay addresses when the presence of NAT is detected. |
Package mocknet provides a mock net.Network to test with.
Package mocknet provides a mock net.Network to test with. |
Package reconnect tests connect -> disconnect -> reconnect works
Package reconnect tests connect -> disconnect -> reconnect works |
Package reuseport provides Listen and Dial functions that set socket options in order to be able to reuse ports.
Package reuseport provides Listen and Dial functions that set socket options in order to be able to reuse ports. |
Package ci implements some helper functions to use during tests.
Package ci implements some helper functions to use during tests. |
Package travis implements some helper functions to use during tests.
Package travis implements some helper functions to use during tests. |
Package websocket implements a websocket based transport for go-libp2p.
Package websocket implements a websocket based transport for go-libp2p. |
Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
Package mocks is a generated GoMock package. |
Package mockackhandler is a generated GoMock package.
Package mockackhandler is a generated GoMock package. |
Package mockcrypto is a generated GoMock package.
Package mockcrypto is a generated GoMock package. |
Package multiaddr provides an implementation of the Multiaddr network address format.
Package multiaddr provides an implementation of the Multiaddr network address format. |
Package manet provides Multiaddr specific versions of common functions in stdlib's net package.
Package manet provides Multiaddr specific versions of common functions in stdlib's net package. |
Package multihash is the Go implementation of, or self-describing hashes.
Package multihash is the Go implementation of, or self-describing hashes. |
Package opts helps to write commands which may take multihash options.
Package opts helps to write commands which may take multihash options. |
Package multistream implements a simple stream router for the multistream-select protocoli.
Package multistream implements a simple stream router for the multistream-select protocoli. |
Package base32 implements base32 encoding as specified by RFC 4648.
Package base32 implements base32 encoding as specified by RFC 4648. |
CBOR is IETF RFC 7049, the "Concise Binary Object Representation" In can be thought of as "binary JSON" but is a superset and somewhat richer representation than JSON.
CBOR is IETF RFC 7049, the "Concise Binary Object Representation" In can be thought of as "binary JSON" but is a superset and somewhat richer representation than JSON. |
Package chunker implements Content Defined Chunking (CDC) based on a rolling Rabin Checksum.
Package chunker implements Content Defined Chunking (CDC) based on a rolling Rabin Checksum. |
Package notifier provides a simple notification dispatcher meant to be embedded in larger structres who wish to allow clients to sign up for event notifications.
Package notifier provides a simple notification dispatcher meant to be embedded in larger structres who wish to allow clients to sign up for event notifications. |
Package goprocess introduces a Process abstraction that allows simple organization, and orchestration of work.
Package goprocess introduces a Process abstraction that allows simple organization, and orchestration of work. |
Package periodic is part of
Package periodic is part of |
Package ratelimit is part of
Package ratelimit is part of |
package multistream implements a peerstream transport using go-multistream to select the underlying stream muxer
package multistream implements a peerstream transport using go-multistream to select the underlying stream muxer |
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.