Path | Synopsis |
Package fuse enables writing FUSE file systems on Linux, OS X, and FreeBSD.
Package fuse enables writing FUSE file systems on Linux, OS X, and FreeBSD. |
Package bench contains benchmarks.
Package bench contains benchmarks. |
Hellofs implements a simple "hello world" file system.
Hellofs implements a simple "hello world" file system. |
Package syscallx provides wrappers that make syscalls on various platforms more interoperable.
Package syscallx provides wrappers that make syscalls on various platforms more interoperable. |
The uuid package generates and inspects UUIDs.
The uuid package generates and inspects UUIDs. |
Package blowfish implements Bruce Schneier's Blowfish encryption algorithm.
Package blowfish implements Bruce Schneier's Blowfish encryption algorithm. |
Package sha3 implements the SHA-3 fixed-output-length hash functions and the SHAKE variable-output-length hash functions defined by FIPS-202.
Package sha3 implements the SHA-3 fixed-output-length hash functions and the SHAKE variable-output-length hash functions defined by FIPS-202. |
Package proto converts data structures to and from the wire format of protocol buffers.
Package proto converts data structures to and from the wire format of protocol buffers. |
Package proto converts data structures to and from the wire format of protocol buffers.
Package proto converts data structures to and from the wire format of protocol buffers. |
Package ratelimiter implements the Leaky Bucket ratelimiting algorithm with memcached and in-memory backends.
Package ratelimiter implements the Leaky Bucket ratelimiting algorithm with memcached and in-memory backends. |
Package inflect provides an inflector.
Package inflect provides an inflector. |
Package languages provides language rules to use with the inflect package.
Package languages provides language rules to use with the inflect package. |
Package types contains common types useful to the inflect package.
Package types contains common types useful to the inflect package. |
Package backoff implements backoff algorithms for retrying operations.
Package backoff implements backoff algorithms for retrying operations. |
goamz - Go packages to interact with the Amazon Web Services.
goamz - Go packages to interact with the Amazon Web Services. |
Package humanize converts boring ugly numbers to human-friendly strings.
Package humanize converts boring ugly numbers to human-friendly strings. |
Package atomicfile provides the ability to write a file with an eventual rename on Close.
Package atomicfile provides the ability to write a file with an eventual rename on Close. |
Package stack provides utilities to capture and pass around stack traces.
Package stack provides utilities to capture and pass around stack traces. |
Package stackerr provides a way to augment errors with one or more stack traces to allow for easier debugging.
Package stackerr provides a way to augment errors with one or more stack traces to allow for easier debugging. |
Package nat implements NAT handling facilities
Package nat implements NAT handling facilities |
A simple client for connecting and interacting with redis.
A simple client for connecting and interacting with redis. |
This package provides an easy to use interface for creating and parsing messages encoded in the REdis Serialization Protocol (RESP).
This package provides an easy to use interface for creating and parsing messages encoded in the REdis Serialization Protocol (RESP). |
Package context stores values shared during a request lifetime.
Package context stores values shared during a request lifetime. |
Package gorilla/mux implements a request router and dispatcher.
Package gorilla/mux implements a request router and dispatcher. |
package ucat provides an implementation of netcat using the go utp package.
package ucat provides an implementation of netcat using the go utp package. |
This package provides a simple LRU cache.
This package provides a simple LRU cache. |
Package fsnotify implements file system notification.
Package fsnotify implements file system notification. |
goupnp is an implementation of a client for various UPnP services.
goupnp is an implementation of a client for various UPnP services. |
Client for UPnP Device Control Protocol Internet Gateway Device v1.
Client for UPnP Device Control Protocol Internet Gateway Device v1. |
Client for UPnP Device Control Protocol Internet Gateway Device v2.
Client for UPnP Device Control Protocol Internet Gateway Device v2. |
Serves as examples of using the goupnp library.
Serves as examples of using the goupnp library. |
go-update allows a program to update itself by replacing its executable file with a new version.
go-update allows a program to update itself by replacing its executable file with a new version. |
Package base58 provides base58-check encoding.
Package base58 provides base58-check encoding. |
package ctxgroup provides the ContextGroup, a hybrid between the context.Context and sync.WaitGroup, which models process trees.
package ctxgroup provides the ContextGroup, a hybrid between the context.Context and sync.WaitGroup, which models process trees. |
Package keytransform introduces a Datastore Shim that transforms keys before passing them to its child.
Package keytransform introduces a Datastore Shim that transforms keys before passing them to its child. |
Package namespace introduces a namespace Datastore Shim, which basically mounts the entire child datastore under a prefix.
Package namespace introduces a namespace Datastore Shim, which basically mounts the entire child datastore under a prefix. |
package fuseversion simply exposes the version of FUSE installed in the user's machine.
package fuseversion simply exposes the version of FUSE installed in the user's machine. |
Package isdomain package allows users to check whether strings represent domain names.
Package isdomain package allows users to check whether strings represent domain names. |
Package logging implements a logging infrastructure for Go.
Package logging implements a logging infrastructure for Go. |
Package mpool provides a sync.Pool equivalent that buckets incoming requests to one of 32 sub-pools, one for each power of 2, 0-32.
Package mpool provides a sync.Pool equivalent that buckets incoming requests to one of 32 sub-pools, one for each power of 2, 0-32. |
Package multiaddr provides an implementation of the Multiaddr network address format.
Package multiaddr provides an implementation of the Multiaddr network address format. |
Package manet provides Multiaddr specific versions of common functions in stdlib's net package.
Package manet provides Multiaddr specific versions of common functions in stdlib's net package. |
Package peerstream is a peer-to-peer networking library that multiplexes connections to many hosts.
Package peerstream is a peer-to-peer networking library that multiplexes connections to many hosts. |
+build darwin freebsd dragonfly netbsd openbsd linux
+build darwin freebsd dragonfly netbsd openbsd linux |
package sockaddrnet provides conversions between net.Addr and syscall.Sockaddr
package sockaddrnet provides conversions between net.Addr and syscall.Sockaddr |
Package temperrcatcher provides a TempErrCatcher object, which implements simple error-retrying functionality.
Package temperrcatcher provides a TempErrCatcher object, which implements simple error-retrying functionality. |
Package goprocess introduces a Process abstraction that allows simple organization, and orchestration of work.
Package goprocess introduces a Process abstraction that allows simple organization, and orchestration of work. |
Package periodic is part of
Package periodic is part of |
Package ratelimit is part of
Package ratelimit is part of |
Extensions to the standard "os" package.
Extensions to the standard "os" package. |
Package binarydist implements binary diff and patch as described on
Package binarydist implements binary diff and patch as described on |
Package pubsub implements a simple multi-topic pub-sub library.
Package pubsub implements a simple multi-topic pub-sub library. |
Package leveldb provides implementation of LevelDB key/value database.
Package leveldb provides implementation of LevelDB key/value database. |
Package cache provides interface and implementation of a cache algorithms.
Package cache provides interface and implementation of a cache algorithms. |
Package comparer provides interface and implementation for ordering sets of data.
Package comparer provides interface and implementation for ordering sets of data. |
Package errors provides common error types used throughout leveldb.
Package errors provides common error types used throughout leveldb. |
Package filter provides interface and implementation of probabilistic data structure.
Package filter provides interface and implementation of probabilistic data structure. |
Package iterator provides interface and implementation to traverse over contents of a database.
Package iterator provides interface and implementation to traverse over contents of a database. |
Package journal reads and writes sequences of journals.
Package journal reads and writes sequences of journals. |
Package memdb provides in-memory key/value database implementation.
Package memdb provides in-memory key/value database implementation. |
Package opt provides sets of options used by LevelDB.
Package opt provides sets of options used by LevelDB. |
Package storage provides storage abstraction for LevelDB.
Package storage provides storage abstraction for LevelDB. |
Package table allows read and write sorted key/value.
Package table allows read and write sorted key/value. |
Package util provides utilities used throughout leveldb.
Package util provides utilities used throughout leveldb. |
Package snappy implements the snappy block-based compression format.
Package snappy implements the snappy block-based compression format. |
Package context defines the Context type, which carries deadlines, cancelation signals, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes.
Package context defines the Context type, which carries deadlines, cancelation signals, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes. |
Package fsnotify provides a platform-independent interface for file system notifications.
Package fsnotify provides a platform-independent interface for file system notifications. |
Package lumberjack provides a rolling logger.
Package lumberjack provides a rolling logger. |
The tomb package offers a conventional API for clean goroutine termination.
The tomb package offers a conventional API for clean goroutine termination. |
package blocks contains the lowest level of ipfs data structures, the raw block with a checksum.
package blocks contains the lowest level of ipfs data structures, the raw block with a checksum. |
package blockstore implements a thin wrapper over a datastore, giving a clean interface for Getting and Putting block objects.
package blockstore implements a thin wrapper over a datastore, giving a clean interface for Getting and Putting block objects. |
package bloom implements a simple bloom filter.
package bloom implements a simple bloom filter. |
package set contains various different types of 'BlockSet's
package set contains various different types of 'BlockSet's |
package blockservice implements a BlockService interface that provides a single GetBlock/AddBlock interface that seamlessly retrieves data either locally or from a remote peer through the exchange.
package blockservice implements a BlockService interface that provides a single GetBlock/AddBlock interface that seamlessly retrieves data either locally or from a remote peer through the exchange. |
TODO FIXME name me
TODO FIXME name me |
cmd/ipfs implements the primary CLI binary for ipfs
cmd/ipfs implements the primary CLI binary for ipfs |
package main provides an implementation of netcat using the secio package.
package main provides an implementation of netcat using the secio package. |
package core implements the IpfsNode object and methods for constructing and properly setting it up.
package core implements the IpfsNode object and methods for constructing and properly setting it up. |
Package incfusever is only here to prevent go src tools (like godep) from thinking fuseversion is not a required package.
Package incfusever is only here to prevent go src tools (like godep) from thinking fuseversion is not a required package. |
package diagnostics implements a network diagnostics service that allows a request to traverse the network and gather information on every node connected to it.
package diagnostics implements a network diagnostics service that allows a request to traverse the network and gather information on every node connected to it. |
Package diagnostics_pb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package diagnostics_pb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
package exchange defines the IPFS Exchange interface
package exchange defines the IPFS Exchange interface |
package bitswap implements the IPFS Exchange interface with the BitSwap bilateral exchange protocol.
package bitswap implements the IPFS Exchange interface with the BitSwap bilateral exchange protocol. |
package decision implements the decision engine for the bitswap service.
package decision implements the decision engine for the bitswap service. |
Package bitswap_message_pb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package bitswap_message_pb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
package wantlist implements an object for bitswap that contains the keys that a given peer wants.
package wantlist implements an object for bitswap that contains the keys that a given peer wants. |
package offline implements an object that implements the exchange interface but returns nil values to every request.
package offline implements an object that implements the exchange interface but returns nil values to every request. |
package fuse/ipns implements a fuse filesystem that interfaces with ipns, the naming system for ipfs.
package fuse/ipns implements a fuse filesystem that interfaces with ipns, the naming system for ipfs. |
package mount provides a simple abstraction around a mount point
package mount provides a simple abstraction around a mount point |
package fuse/readonly implements a fuse filesystem to access files stored inside of ipfs.
package fuse/readonly implements a fuse filesystem to access files stored inside of ipfs. |
package importer implements utilities used to create ipfs DAGs from files and readers
package importer implements utilities used to create ipfs DAGs from files and readers |
package chunk implements streaming block splitters
package chunk implements streaming block splitters |
package merkledag implements the ipfs Merkle DAG datastructures.
package merkledag implements the ipfs Merkle DAG datastructures. |
Package merkledag_pb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package merkledag_pb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package traverse provides merkledag traversal functions
Package traverse provides merkledag traversal functions |
package namesys implements various functionality for the ipns naming system.
package namesys implements various functionality for the ipns naming system. |
Package namesys_pb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package namesys_pb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
package crypto implements various cryptographic utilities used by ipfs.
package crypto implements various cryptographic utilities used by ipfs. |
Package crypto_pb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package crypto_pb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
package secio handles establishing secure communication between two peers.
package secio handles establishing secure communication between two peers. |
Package spipe_pb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package spipe_pb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package mocknet provides a mock net.Network to test with.
Package mocknet provides a mock net.Network to test with. |
package swarm implements a connection muxer with a pair of channels to synchronize all network communication.
package swarm implements a connection muxer with a pair of channels to synchronize all network communication. |
package peer implements an object used to represent peers in the ipfs network.
package peer implements an object used to represent peers in the ipfs network. |
Package addr provides utility functions to handle peer addresses.
Package addr provides utility functions to handle peer addresses. |
Package identify_pb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package identify_pb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package reconnect tests connect -> disconnect -> reconnect works
Package reconnect tests connect -> disconnect -> reconnect works |
package path implements utilities for resolving paths within ipfs.
package path implements utilities for resolving paths within ipfs. |
package pin implemnts structures and methods to keep track of which objects a user wants to keep stored locally.
package pin implemnts structures and methods to keep track of which objects a user wants to keep stored locally. |
package config implements the ipfs config file datastructures and utilities.
package config implements the ipfs config file datastructures and utilities. |
package fsrepo
package fsrepo |
package routing defines the interface for a routing system used by ipfs.
package routing defines the interface for a routing system used by ipfs. |
Package dht implements a distributed hash table that satisfies the ipfs routing interface.
Package dht implements a distributed hash table that satisfies the ipfs routing interface. |
Package dht_pb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package dht_pb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
package kbucket implements a kademlia 'k-bucket' routing table.
package kbucket implements a kademlia 'k-bucket' routing table. |
Package mock provides a virtual routing server.
Package mock provides a virtual routing server. |
package http implements an http server that serves static content from ipfs
package http implements an http server that serves static content from ipfs |
package randomdep is here to introduce a dependency in random for godep to function properly.
package randomdep is here to introduce a dependency in random for godep to function properly. |
Package notifier provides a simple notification dispatcher meant to be embedded in larger structres who wish to allow clients to sign up for event notifications.
Package notifier provides a simple notification dispatcher meant to be embedded in larger structres who wish to allow clients to sign up for event notifications. |
Package format implements a data format for files in the ipfs filesystem It is not the only format in ipfs, but it is the one that the filesystem assumes
Package format implements a data format for files in the ipfs filesystem It is not the only format in ipfs, but it is the one that the filesystem assumes |
package unixfs/io implements convenience objects for working with the ipfs unixfs data format.
package unixfs/io implements convenience objects for working with the ipfs unixfs data format. |
Package unixfs_pb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package unixfs_pb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
package util implements various utility functions used within ipfs that do not currently have a better place to live.
package util implements various utility functions used within ipfs that do not currently have a better place to live. |
package debugerror provides ways to augment errors with additional information to allow for easier debugging.
package debugerror provides ways to augment errors with additional information to allow for easier debugging. |
Package loggables includes a bunch of transaltor functions for commonplace/stdlib objects.
Package loggables includes a bunch of transaltor functions for commonplace/stdlib objects. |
Package ci implements some helper functions to use during tests.
Package ci implements some helper functions to use during tests. |
Package jenkins implements some helper functions to use during tests.
Package jenkins implements some helper functions to use during tests. |
Package travis implements some helper functions to use during tests.
Package travis implements some helper functions to use during tests. |
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