
v2.1.0-rc15 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 13, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 18 Imported by: 4




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var (
	// Default contains the default genesis config
	Default = defaultConfig()


func SetGenesisTimestamp

func SetGenesisTimestamp(ts int64)

SetGenesisTimestamp sets the genesis timestamp

func Timestamp

func Timestamp() int64

Timestamp returns the genesis timestamp

func WithGenesisContext

func WithGenesisContext(ctx context.Context, g Genesis) context.Context

WithGenesisContext attachs genesis into context


type Account

type Account struct {
	// InitBalanceMap is the address and initial balance mapping before the first block.
	InitBalanceMap map[string]string `yaml:"initBalances"`
	// ReplayDeployerWhitelist is the whitelist address for unprotected (pre-EIP155) transaction
	ReplayDeployerWhitelist []string `yaml:"replayDeployerWhitelist"`

Account contains the configs for account protocol

func (*Account) InitBalances

func (a *Account) InitBalances() ([]address.Address, []*big.Int)

InitBalances returns the address that have initial balances and the corresponding amounts. The i-th amount is the i-th address' balance.

func (*Account) IsDeployerWhitelisted

func (a *Account) IsDeployerWhitelisted(deployer address.Address) bool

IsDeployerWhitelisted returns if the replay deployer is whitelisted

type Blockchain

type Blockchain struct {
	// Timestamp is the timestamp of the genesis block
	Timestamp int64
	// BlockGasLimit is the total gas limit could be consumed in a block
	BlockGasLimit uint64 `yaml:"blockGasLimit"`
	// TsunamiBlockGasLimit is the block gas limit starting Tsunami height (raised to 50M by default)
	TsunamiBlockGasLimit uint64 `yaml:"tsunamiBlockGasLimit"`
	// ActionGasLimit is the per action gas limit cap
	ActionGasLimit uint64 `yaml:"actionGasLimit"`
	// BlockInterval is the interval between two blocks
	BlockInterval time.Duration `yaml:"blockInterval"`
	// NumSubEpochs is the number of sub epochs in one epoch of block production
	NumSubEpochs uint64 `yaml:"numSubEpochs"`
	// DardanellesNumSubEpochs is the number of sub epochs starts from dardanelles height in one epoch of block production
	DardanellesNumSubEpochs uint64 `yaml:"dardanellesNumSubEpochs"`
	// NumDelegates is the number of delegates that participate into one epoch of block production
	NumDelegates uint64 `yaml:"numDelegates"`
	// NumCandidateDelegates is the number of candidate delegates, who may be selected as a delegate via roll dpos
	NumCandidateDelegates uint64 `yaml:"numCandidateDelegates"`
	// TimeBasedRotation is the flag to enable rotating delegates' time slots on a block height
	TimeBasedRotation bool `yaml:"timeBasedRotation"`
	// MinBlocksForBlobRetention is the minimum number of blocks for blob retention
	MinBlocksForBlobRetention uint64 `yaml:"minBlocksForBlobRetention"`
	// PacificBlockHeight is the start height of using the logic of Pacific version
	// TODO: PacificBlockHeight is not added into protobuf definition for backward compatibility
	PacificBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"pacificHeight"`
	// AleutianBlockHeight is the start height of adding bloom filter of all events into block header
	AleutianBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"aleutianHeight"`
	// BeringBlockHeight is the start height of evm upgrade
	BeringBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"beringHeight"`
	// CookBlockHeight is the start height of native staking
	CookBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"cookHeight"`
	// DardanellesBlockHeight is the start height of 5s block internal
	DardanellesBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"dardanellesHeight"`
	// DaytonaBlockHeight is the height to fix low gas for read native staking contract
	DaytonaBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"daytonaBlockHeight"`
	// EasterBlockHeight is the start height of probation for slashing
	EasterBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"easterHeight"`
	// FbkMigrationBlockHeight is the start height for fairbank migration
	FbkMigrationBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"fbkMigrationHeight"`
	// FairbankBlockHeight is the start height to switch to native staking V2
	FairbankBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"fairbankHeight"`
	// GreenlandBlockHeight is the start height of storing latest 720 block meta and rewarding/staking bucket pool
	GreenlandBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"greenlandHeight"`
	// HawaiiBlockHeight is the start height to
	// 1. fix GetBlockHash in EVM
	// 2. add revert message to log
	// 3. fix change to same candidate in staking protocol
	// 4. fix sorted map in StateDBAdapter
	// 5. use pending nonce in EVM
	HawaiiBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"hawaiiHeight"`
	// IcelandBlockHeight is the start height to support chainID opcode and EVM Istanbul
	IcelandBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"icelandHeight"`
	// JutlandBlockHeight is the start height to
	// 1. report more EVM error codes
	// 2. enable the opCall fix
	JutlandBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"jutlandHeight"`
	// KamchatkaBlockHeight is the start height to
	// 1. fix EVM snapshot order
	// 2. extend foundation bonus
	KamchatkaBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"kamchatkaHeight"`
	// LordHoweBlockHeight is the start height to
	// 1. recover the smart contracts affected by snapshot order
	// 2. clear snapshots in Revert()
	LordHoweBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"lordHoweHeight"`
	// MidwayBlockHeight is the start height to
	// 1. allow correct and default ChainID
	// 2. fix GetHashFunc in EVM
	// 3. correct tx/log index for transaction receipt and EVM log
	// 4. revert logs upon tx reversion in EVM
	MidwayBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"midwayHeight"`
	// NewfoundlandBlockHeight is the start height to
	// 1. use correct chainID
	// 2. check legacy address
	// 3. enable web3 staking transaction
	NewfoundlandBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"newfoundlandHeight"`
	// OkhotskBlockHeight is the start height to
	// 1. enable London EVM
	// 2. create zero-nonce account
	// 3. fix gas and nonce update
	// 4. fix unproductive delegates in staking protocol
	OkhotskBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"okhotskHeight"`
	// PalauBlockHeight is the the start height to
	// 1. enable rewarding action via web3
	// 2. broadcast node info into the p2p network
	PalauBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"palauHeight"`
	// QuebecBlockHeight is the start height to
	// 1. enforce using correct chainID only
	// 2. enable IIP-13 liquidity staking
	// 3. valiate system action layout
	QuebecBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"quebecHeight"`
	// RedseaBlockHeight is the start height to
	// 1. upgrade go-ethereum to Bellatrix release
	// 2. correct weighted votes for contract staking bucket
	RedseaBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"redseaHeight"`
	// SumatraBlockHeight is the start height to enable Shanghai EVM
	SumatraBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"sumatraHeight"`
	// TsunamiBlockHeight is the start height to
	// 1. enable delegate endorsement
	// 2. raise block gas limit to 50M
	TsunamiBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"tsunamiHeight"`
	// UpernavikBlockHeight is the start height to
	// 1. enable new NFT staking contract
	// 2. migrate native staking bucket to NFT staking
	// 3. delegate ownership transfer
	// 4. send EVM transaction in general container format
	// 5. generate transaction log for SelfDestruct() call in EVM
	// 6. add address in claim reward action
	UpernavikBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"upernavikHeight"`
	// VanuatuBlockHeight is the start height to
	// 1. enable Cancun EVM
	// 2. enable dynamic fee tx
	VanuatuBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"vanuatuHeight"`
	// ToBeEnabledBlockHeight is a fake height that acts as a gating factor for WIP features
	// upon next release, change IsToBeEnabled() to IsNextHeight() for features to be released
	ToBeEnabledBlockHeight uint64 `yaml:"toBeEnabledHeight"`

Blockchain contains blockchain level configs

func (*Blockchain) BlockGasLimitByHeight

func (g *Blockchain) BlockGasLimitByHeight(height uint64) uint64

func (*Blockchain) IsAleutian

func (g *Blockchain) IsAleutian(height uint64) bool

IsAleutian checks whether height is equal to or larger than aleutian height

func (*Blockchain) IsBering

func (g *Blockchain) IsBering(height uint64) bool

IsBering checks whether height is equal to or larger than bering height

func (*Blockchain) IsCook

func (g *Blockchain) IsCook(height uint64) bool

IsCook checks whether height is equal to or larger than cook height

func (*Blockchain) IsDardanelles

func (g *Blockchain) IsDardanelles(height uint64) bool

IsDardanelles checks whether height is equal to or larger than dardanelles height

func (*Blockchain) IsDaytona

func (g *Blockchain) IsDaytona(height uint64) bool

IsDaytona checks whether height is equal to or larger than daytona height

func (*Blockchain) IsEaster

func (g *Blockchain) IsEaster(height uint64) bool

IsEaster checks whether height is equal to or larger than easter height

func (*Blockchain) IsFairbank

func (g *Blockchain) IsFairbank(height uint64) bool

IsFairbank checks whether height is equal to or larger than fairbank height

func (*Blockchain) IsFbkMigration

func (g *Blockchain) IsFbkMigration(height uint64) bool

IsFbkMigration checks whether height is equal to or larger than fbk migration height

func (*Blockchain) IsGreenland

func (g *Blockchain) IsGreenland(height uint64) bool

IsGreenland checks whether height is equal to or larger than greenland height

func (*Blockchain) IsHawaii

func (g *Blockchain) IsHawaii(height uint64) bool

IsHawaii checks whether height is equal to or larger than hawaii height

func (*Blockchain) IsIceland

func (g *Blockchain) IsIceland(height uint64) bool

IsIceland checks whether height is equal to or larger than iceland height

func (*Blockchain) IsJutland

func (g *Blockchain) IsJutland(height uint64) bool

IsJutland checks whether height is equal to or larger than jutland height

func (*Blockchain) IsKamchatka

func (g *Blockchain) IsKamchatka(height uint64) bool

IsKamchatka checks whether height is equal to or larger than kamchatka height

func (*Blockchain) IsLordHowe

func (g *Blockchain) IsLordHowe(height uint64) bool

IsLordHowe checks whether height is equal to or larger than lordHowe height

func (*Blockchain) IsMidway

func (g *Blockchain) IsMidway(height uint64) bool

IsMidway checks whether height is equal to or larger than midway height

func (*Blockchain) IsNewfoundland

func (g *Blockchain) IsNewfoundland(height uint64) bool

IsNewfoundland checks whether height is equal to or larger than newfoundland height

func (*Blockchain) IsOkhotsk

func (g *Blockchain) IsOkhotsk(height uint64) bool

IsOkhotsk checks whether height is equal to or larger than okhotsk height

func (*Blockchain) IsPacific

func (g *Blockchain) IsPacific(height uint64) bool

IsPacific checks whether height is equal to or larger than pacific height

func (*Blockchain) IsPalau

func (g *Blockchain) IsPalau(height uint64) bool

IsPalau checks whether height is equal to or larger than palau height

func (*Blockchain) IsQuebec

func (g *Blockchain) IsQuebec(height uint64) bool

IsQuebec checks whether height is equal to or larger than quebec height

func (*Blockchain) IsRedsea

func (g *Blockchain) IsRedsea(height uint64) bool

IsRedsea checks whether height is equal to or larger than redsea height

func (*Blockchain) IsSumatra

func (g *Blockchain) IsSumatra(height uint64) bool

IsSumatra checks whether height is equal to or larger than sumatra height

func (*Blockchain) IsToBeEnabled

func (g *Blockchain) IsToBeEnabled(height uint64) bool

IsToBeEnabled checks whether height is equal to or larger than toBeEnabled height

func (*Blockchain) IsTsunami

func (g *Blockchain) IsTsunami(height uint64) bool

IsTsunami checks whether height is equal to or larger than tsunami height

func (*Blockchain) IsUpernavik

func (g *Blockchain) IsUpernavik(height uint64) bool

IsUpernavik checks whether height is equal to or larger than upernavik height

func (*Blockchain) IsVanuatu

func (g *Blockchain) IsVanuatu(height uint64) bool

IsVanuatu checks whether height is equal to or larger than vanuatu height

type BootstrapCandidate

type BootstrapCandidate struct {
	OwnerAddress      string `yaml:"ownerAddress"`
	OperatorAddress   string `yaml:"operatorAddress"`
	RewardAddress     string `yaml:"rewardAddress"`
	Name              string `yaml:"name"`
	SelfStakingTokens string `yaml:"selfStakingTokens"`

BootstrapCandidate is the candidate data need to be provided to bootstrap candidate.

type Delegate

type Delegate struct {
	// OperatorAddrStr is the address who will operate the node
	OperatorAddrStr string `yaml:"operatorAddr"`
	// RewardAddrStr is the address who will get the reward when operator produces blocks
	RewardAddrStr string `yaml:"rewardAddr"`
	// VotesStr is the score for the operator to rank and weight for rewardee to split epoch reward
	VotesStr string `yaml:"votes"`

Delegate defines a delegate with address and votes

func (*Delegate) OperatorAddr

func (d *Delegate) OperatorAddr() address.Address

OperatorAddr is the address of operator

func (*Delegate) RewardAddr

func (d *Delegate) RewardAddr() address.Address

RewardAddr is the address of rewardee, which is allowed to be nil

func (*Delegate) Votes

func (d *Delegate) Votes() *big.Int

Votes returns the votes

type Genesis

type Genesis struct {
	Blockchain `yaml:"blockchain"`
	Account    `yaml:"account"`
	Poll       `yaml:"poll"`
	Rewarding  `yaml:"rewarding"`
	Staking    `yaml:"staking"`

Genesis is the root level of genesis config. Genesis config is the network-wide blockchain config. All the nodes participating into the same network should use EXACTLY SAME genesis config.

func ExtractGenesisContext

func ExtractGenesisContext(ctx context.Context) (Genesis, bool)

ExtractGenesisContext extracts genesis from context if available

func MustExtractGenesisContext

func MustExtractGenesisContext(ctx context.Context) Genesis

MustExtractGenesisContext extracts genesis from context if available, else panic

func New

func New(genesisPath string) (Genesis, error)

New constructs a genesis config. It loads the default values, and could be overwritten by values defined in the yaml config files

func TestDefault

func TestDefault() Genesis

TestDefault is the default genesis config for testing

func (*Genesis) Hash

func (g *Genesis) Hash() hash.Hash256

Hash is the hash of genesis config

type Poll

type Poll struct {
	// PollMode is different based on chain type or poll input data source
	PollMode string `yaml:"pollMode"`
	// EnableGravityChainVoting is a flag whether read voting from gravity chain
	EnableGravityChainVoting bool `yaml:"enableGravityChainVoting"`
	// GravityChainStartHeight is the height in gravity chain where the init poll result stored
	GravityChainStartHeight uint64 `yaml:"gravityChainStartHeight"`
	// GravityChainCeilingHeight is the height in gravity chain where the poll is no longer needed
	GravityChainCeilingHeight uint64 `yaml:"gravityChainCeilingHeight"`
	// GravityChainHeightInterval the height interval on gravity chain to pull delegate information
	GravityChainHeightInterval uint64 `yaml:"gravityChainHeightInterval"`
	// RegisterContractAddress is the address of register contract
	RegisterContractAddress string `yaml:"registerContractAddress"`
	// StakingContractAddress is the address of staking contract
	StakingContractAddress string `yaml:"stakingContractAddress"`
	// NativeStakingContractAddress is the address of native staking contract
	NativeStakingContractAddress string `yaml:"nativeStakingContractAddress"`
	// NativeStakingContractCode is the code of native staking contract
	NativeStakingContractCode string `yaml:"nativeStakingContractCode"`
	// ConsortiumCommitteeCode is the code of consortiumCommittee contract
	ConsortiumCommitteeContractCode string `yaml:"consortiumCommitteeContractCode"`
	// VoteThreshold is the vote threshold amount in decimal string format
	VoteThreshold string `yaml:"voteThreshold"`
	// ScoreThreshold is the score threshold amount in decimal string format
	ScoreThreshold string `yaml:"scoreThreshold"`
	// SelfStakingThreshold is self-staking vote threshold amount in decimal string format
	SelfStakingThreshold string `yaml:"selfStakingThreshold"`
	// Delegates is a list of delegates with votes
	Delegates []Delegate `yaml:"delegates"`
	// ProbationEpochPeriod is a duration of probation after delegate's productivity is lower than threshold
	ProbationEpochPeriod uint64 `yaml:"probationEpochPeriod"`
	// ProbationIntensityRate is a intensity rate of probation range from [0, 100], where 100 is hard-probation
	ProbationIntensityRate uint32 `yaml:"probationIntensityRate"`
	// UnproductiveDelegateMaxCacheSize is a max cache size of upd which is stored into state DB (probationEpochPeriod <= UnproductiveDelegateMaxCacheSize)
	UnproductiveDelegateMaxCacheSize uint64 `yaml:"unproductiveDelegateMaxCacheSize"`
	// SystemStakingContractAddress is the address of system staking contract
	SystemStakingContractAddress string `yaml:"systemStakingContractAddress"`
	// SystemStakingContractHeight is the height of system staking contract
	SystemStakingContractHeight uint64 `yaml:"systemStakingContractHeight"`
	// deprecated
	SystemSGDContractAddress string `yaml:"systemSGDContractAddress"`
	// deprecated
	SystemSGDContractHeight uint64 `yaml:"systemSGDContractHeight"`
	// SystemStakingContractV2Address is the address of system staking contract
	SystemStakingContractV2Address string `yaml:"systemStakingContractV2Address"`
	// SystemStakingContractV2Height is the height of system staking contract
	SystemStakingContractV2Height uint64 `yaml:"systemStakingContractV2Height"`

Poll contains the configs for poll protocol

type RegistrationConsts

type RegistrationConsts struct {
	Fee          string `yaml:"fee"`
	MinSelfStake string `yaml:"minSelfStake"`

RegistrationConsts contains the configs for candidate registration

type Rewarding

type Rewarding struct {
	// InitBalanceStr is the initial balance of the rewarding protocol in decimal string format
	InitBalanceStr string `yaml:"initBalance"`
	// BlockReward is the block reward amount in decimal string format
	BlockRewardStr string `yaml:"blockReward"`
	// DardanellesBlockReward is the block reward amount starts from dardanelles height in decimal string format
	DardanellesBlockRewardStr string `yaml:"dardanellesBlockReward"`
	// EpochReward is the epoch reward amount in decimal string format
	EpochRewardStr string `yaml:"epochReward"`
	// AleutianEpochRewardStr is the epoch reward amount in decimal string format after aleutian fork
	AleutianEpochRewardStr string `yaml:"aleutianEpochReward"`
	// NumDelegatesForEpochReward is the number of top candidates that will share a epoch reward
	NumDelegatesForEpochReward uint64 `yaml:"numDelegatesForEpochReward"`
	// ExemptAddrStrsFromEpochReward is the list of addresses in encoded string format that exempt from epoch reward
	ExemptAddrStrsFromEpochReward []string `yaml:"exemptAddrsFromEpochReward"`
	// FoundationBonusStr is the bootstrap bonus in decimal string format
	FoundationBonusStr string `yaml:"foundationBonus"`
	// NumDelegatesForFoundationBonus is the number of top candidate that will get the bootstrap bonus
	NumDelegatesForFoundationBonus uint64 `yaml:"numDelegatesForFoundationBonus"`
	// FoundationBonusLastEpoch is the last epoch number that bootstrap bonus will be granted
	FoundationBonusLastEpoch uint64 `yaml:"foundationBonusLastEpoch"`
	// FoundationBonusP2StartEpoch is the start epoch number for part 2 foundation bonus
	FoundationBonusP2StartEpoch uint64 `yaml:"foundationBonusP2StartEpoch"`
	// FoundationBonusP2EndEpoch is the end epoch number for part 2 foundation bonus
	FoundationBonusP2EndEpoch uint64 `yaml:"foundationBonusP2EndEpoch"`
	// ProductivityThreshold is the percentage number that a delegate's productivity needs to reach not to get probation
	ProductivityThreshold uint64 `yaml:"productivityThreshold"`

Rewarding contains the configs for rewarding protocol

func (*Rewarding) AleutianEpochReward

func (r *Rewarding) AleutianEpochReward() *big.Int

AleutianEpochReward returns the epoch reward amount after Aleutian fork

func (*Rewarding) BlockReward

func (r *Rewarding) BlockReward() *big.Int

BlockReward returns the block reward amount

func (*Rewarding) DardanellesBlockReward

func (r *Rewarding) DardanellesBlockReward() *big.Int

DardanellesBlockReward returns the block reward amount after dardanelles fork

func (*Rewarding) EpochReward

func (r *Rewarding) EpochReward() *big.Int

EpochReward returns the epoch reward amount

func (*Rewarding) ExemptAddrsFromEpochReward

func (r *Rewarding) ExemptAddrsFromEpochReward() []address.Address

ExemptAddrsFromEpochReward returns the list of addresses that exempt from epoch reward

func (*Rewarding) FoundationBonus

func (r *Rewarding) FoundationBonus() *big.Int

FoundationBonus returns the bootstrap bonus amount rewarded per epoch

func (*Rewarding) InitBalance

func (r *Rewarding) InitBalance() *big.Int

InitBalance returns the init balance of the rewarding fund

type Staking

type Staking struct {
	VoteWeightCalConsts              VoteWeightCalConsts  `yaml:"voteWeightCalConsts"`
	RegistrationConsts               RegistrationConsts   `yaml:"registrationConsts"`
	WithdrawWaitingPeriod            time.Duration        `yaml:"withdrawWaitingPeriod"`
	MinStakeAmount                   string               `yaml:"minStakeAmount"`
	BootstrapCandidates              []BootstrapCandidate `yaml:"bootstrapCandidates"`
	EndorsementWithdrawWaitingBlocks uint64               `yaml:"endorsementWithdrawWaitingBlocks"`

Staking contains the configs for staking protocol

type VoteWeightCalConsts

type VoteWeightCalConsts struct {
	DurationLg float64 `yaml:"durationLg"`
	AutoStake  float64 `yaml:"autoStake"`
	SelfStake  float64 `yaml:"selfStake"`

VoteWeightCalConsts contains the configs for calculating vote weight

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