Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
@author: taco @Date: 2023/10/27 @Time: 10:29
@author: taco @Date: 2023/10/27 @Time: 11:07
Index ¶
- type Article
- type Auth
- type Captcha
- type CloudC
- type Config
- func (c *Config) WithAccessKeyId(AccessKeyId string) *Config
- func (c *Config) WithAccessKeySecret(AccessKeySecret string) *Config
- func (c *Config) WithAutoRefreshToken(AutoRefreshToken bool) *Config
- func (c *Config) WithAutoRetry(isAutoRetry bool) *Config
- func (c *Config) WithDebug(Debug bool) *Config
- func (c *Config) WithMaxRetryTimes(MaxRetryTimes int) *Config
- func (c *Config) WithTimeout(Timeout time.Duration) *Config
- type Ems
- type Iot
- type Oss
- type Push
- type Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) AddTenant(in *tenant.EditTenantParams) (*tenant.AddTenantResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) ArticleAddArticle(in *article.EditArticleParams) (*article.ArticleAddResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) ArticleAddLabel(in *article.AddLabelParams) (*article.LabelInfoResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) ArticleArticleInfo(in *article.ArticleInfoParams) (*article.ArticleInfoResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) ArticleCheckStatus() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) ArticleDeleteArticle(in *article.DeleteParams) (*article.ArticleOkResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) ArticleDeleteLabel(in *article.DeleteParams) (*article.ArticleOkResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) ArticleEditArticle(in *article.EditArticleParams) (*article.ArticleOkResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) ArticleLabelInfo(in *article.LabelInfoParams) (*article.LabelInfoResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) ArticleListArticle(in *article.ListArticleParams) (*article.ArticleListResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) ArticleListLabel(in *article.ListLabelParams) (*article.LabelListResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) ArticleReviewArticle(in *article.ReviewArticleParams) (*article.ArticleOkResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) ArticleUpdateLabel(in *article.UpdateLabelParams) (*article.ArticleOkResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) AuthFail(err error)
- func (c *Sdk) AuthLogin() (*Sdk, error)
- func (c *Sdk) AuthPing() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) AuthRefresh() (*Sdk, error)
- func (c *Sdk) AuthSuccess()
- func (c *Sdk) AutoAuth() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) AutoRefresh() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) CaptchaCheckStatus() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) CaptchaGenerate() (*captcha.CaptchaResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CaptchaLoadCloudConfig() (*Sdk, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCCaptchaConfigGet(in *cloudc.ConfigGetParams) (*cloudc.CaptchaConfigGetResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCCaptchaConfigGetAll() (*cloudc.CaptchaConfigGetAllResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCCaptchaConfigSet(in *cloudc.CaptchaConfigSetParams) (*cloudc.ConfigResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCCheckStatus() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCEmsConfigGet(in *cloudc.ConfigGetParams) (*cloudc.EmsConfigGetResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCEmsConfigGetAll() (*cloudc.EmsConfigGetAllResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCEmsConfigSet(in *cloudc.EmsConfigSetParams) (*cloudc.ConfigResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCOssConfigGet(in *cloudc.ConfigGetParams) (*cloudc.OssConfigGetResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCOssConfigGetAll() (*cloudc.OssConfigGetAllResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCOssConfigSet(in *cloudc.OssConfigSetParams) (*cloudc.ConfigResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCPushConfigGet(in *cloudc.ConfigGetParams) (*cloudc.PushConfigGetResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCPushConfigGetAll() (*cloudc.PushConfigGetAllResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCPushConfigSet(in *cloudc.PushConfigSetParams) (*cloudc.ConfigResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCSlsConfigGet(in *cloudc.ConfigGetParams) (*cloudc.SlsConfigGetResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCSlsConfigGetAll() (*cloudc.SlsConfigGetAllResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCSlsConfigSet(in *cloudc.SlsConfigSetParams) (*cloudc.ConfigResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCSmsConfigGet(in *cloudc.ConfigGetParams) (*cloudc.SmsConfigGetResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCSmsConfigGetAll() (*cloudc.SmsConfigGetAllResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCSmsConfigSet(in *cloudc.SmsConfigSetParams) (*cloudc.ConfigResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCSystemConfigGet(in *cloudc.ConfigGetParams) (*cloudc.SystemConfigGetResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCSystemConfigGetAll() (*cloudc.SystemConfigGetAllResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCSystemConfigSet(in *cloudc.SystemConfigSetParams) (*cloudc.ConfigResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCWechatConfigGet(in *cloudc.ConfigGetParams) (*cloudc.WechatConfigGetResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCWechatConfigGetAll() (*cloudc.WechatConfigGetAllResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) CloudCWechatConfigSet(in *cloudc.WechatConfigSetParams) (*cloudc.ConfigResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) DeleteTenant(in *tenant.DeleteTenantParams) (*tenant.TenantResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) EditTenant(in *tenant.EditTenantParams) (*tenant.TenantResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) EmsCheckStatus() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) EmsLoadCloudConfig() (*Sdk, error)
- func (c *Sdk) EmsSendEms(RecipientEmail []string, cc []*ems.Cc, Subject, SendType, SendBody string) (*ems.EmsResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) InitArticle() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) InitAuth() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) InitCaptcha() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) InitCloudC() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) InitEms() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) InitIot() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) InitOss() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) InitPush() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) InitSls() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) InitSms() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) InitSubTenant() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) InitWechat() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) IotCheckStatus() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) IotHomeCreate(in *iot.CreateHomeReq) (*iot.Response, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotHomeDelete(in *iot.DeleteReq) (*iot.Response, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotHomeDeleteIds(in *iot.DeleteIdsReq) (*iot.Response, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotHomeQuery(in *iot.QueryReq) (*iot.QueryHomeResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotHomeQueryList(in *iot.QueryHomeListReq) (*iot.QueryHomeListResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotHomeUpdate(in *iot.UpdateHomeReq) (*iot.Response, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotHomeUpdateStatus(in *iot.UpdateStatusReq) (*iot.Response, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotMemberCreate(in *iot.CreateMemberReq) (*iot.Response, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotMemberDelete(in *iot.DeleteReq) (*iot.Response, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotMemberDeleteIds(in *iot.DeleteIdsReq) (*iot.Response, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotMemberQuery(in *iot.QueryReq) (*iot.QueryMemberResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotMemberQueryList(in *iot.QueryMemberListReq) (*iot.QueryMemberListResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotMemberUpdate(in *iot.UpdateMemberReq) (*iot.Response, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotMemberUpdateStatus(in *iot.UpdateStatusReq) (*iot.Response, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotRoomCreate(in *iot.CreateRoomReq) (*iot.Response, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotRoomDelete(in *iot.DeleteReq) (*iot.Response, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotRoomDeleteIds(in *iot.DeleteIdsReq) (*iot.Response, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotRoomQuery(in *iot.QueryReq) (*iot.QueryRoomResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotRoomQueryList(in *iot.QueryRoomListReq) (*iot.QueryRoomListResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotRoomUpdate(in *iot.UpdateRoomReq) (*iot.Response, error)
- func (c *Sdk) IotRoomUpdateStatus(in *iot.UpdateStatusReq) (*iot.Response, error)
- func (c *Sdk) NewSlsLogMsg(s *TemplateLog) *sls.Log
- func (c *Sdk) OssCheckStatus() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) OssGenerateUploadSign(Filename, UploadDir, CallBack string, IsCallBack bool) (*oss.GenerateUploadSignParamsResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) OssLoadCloudConfig() (*Sdk, error)
- func (c *Sdk) PushCheckStatus() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) PushHuaweiPush(in *push.AndroidPushReq) (*push.PushResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) PushIosPush(in *push.IosPushReq) (*push.PushResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) PushXiaomiPush(in *push.AndroidPushReq) (*push.PushResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) PwdTenant(in *tenant.EditTenantParams) (*tenant.TenantResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) SlsCheckStatus() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) SlsLoadCloudConfig() (*Sdk, error)
- func (c *Sdk) SlsSendLog(log *sls.Log, sourceIp string) error
- func (c *Sdk) SmsCheckStatus() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) SmsLoadCloudConfig() (*Sdk, error)
- func (c *Sdk) SmsSendSms(phone string, args ...any) (*sms.SmsResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) SonyCtx() context.Context
- func (c *Sdk) SubTenantCheckStatus() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) TenantInfo(in *tenant.TenantInfoParams) (*tenant.TenantInfoResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) TenantList(in *tenant.TenantListParams) (*tenant.TenantListResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) WechatCheckStatus() *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) WechatCode2Token(in *wechat.CodeReq) (*wechat.CodeResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) WechatLoadCloudConfig() (*Sdk, error)
- func (c *Sdk) WechatOfficialAccountAccessToken(in *wechat.OaKeyReq) (*wechat.OaAccessTokenResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) WechatRefreshUserToken(in *wechat.RefreshReq) (*wechat.RefreshResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) WechatUserToken2UserInfo(in *wechat.TokenReq) (*wechat.UserInfoResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) WechatWebAutoRedirectWechat(in *wechat.WebAutoRedirectReq) (*wechat.WebAutoRedirectResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) WechatWebRedirectWechat(in *wechat.WebRedirectReq) (*wechat.WebRedirectResp, error)
- func (c *Sdk) WithConfig(config *Config) *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) WithContext(ctx context.Context) context.Context
- func (c *Sdk) WithDeadline(Deadline int64) *Sdk
- func (c *Sdk) WithRequestId(requestId string) *Sdk
- type Sls
- type Sms
- type SubTenant
- type Syncer
- type TemplateLog
- type Wechat
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Article ¶
type Article struct { article.ArticleRpcServiceClient Num int64 Status int Retry int }
func NewArticle ¶
func NewArticle(RpcClientConf *zrpc.RpcClientConf) *Article
type Auth ¶
type Auth struct { shield.ShieldServiceClient Num int64 Timeout time.Duration }
func NewAuth ¶
func NewAuth(RpcClientConf *zrpc.RpcClientConf) *Auth
func (*Auth) RequestLogin ¶
func (c *Auth) RequestLogin(AccessKeyId, AccessKeySecret string) (*shield.AuthApiResp, error)
func (*Auth) RequestRefresh ¶
func (c *Auth) RequestRefresh(AccessKeyId, RefreshToken string) (*shield.RefreshTokenResp, error)
type Captcha ¶
type Captcha struct { captcha.CaptchaRpcServiceClient Num int64 Status int Retry int Configs map[string]*cloudc.ModelCaptchaConfig UsingConfig *cloudc.ModelCaptchaConfig }
func NewCaptcha ¶
func NewCaptcha(RpcClientConf *zrpc.RpcClientConf) *Captcha
func (*Captcha) GetAllConfigs ¶
func (s *Captcha) GetAllConfigs() map[string]*cloudc.ModelCaptchaConfig
type CloudC ¶
type CloudC struct { cloudc.CloudCServiceClient Num int64 Status int Retry int }
func NewCloudC ¶
func NewCloudC(RpcClientConf *zrpc.RpcClientConf) *CloudC
type Config ¶
type Config struct { AutoRetry bool `default:"false"` MaxRetryTimes int `default:"3"` Debug bool `default:"false"` Timeout time.Duration `default:"5000"` AutoRefreshToken bool `default:"true"` AccessKeyId string AccessKeySecret string RpcClientConf *zrpc.RpcClientConf }
func DefaultConfig ¶
func (*Config) WithAccessKeyId ¶
func (*Config) WithAccessKeySecret ¶
func (*Config) WithAutoRefreshToken ¶
func (*Config) WithAutoRetry ¶
func (*Config) WithMaxRetryTimes ¶
type Ems ¶
type Ems struct { ems.EmsRpcServiceClient Num int64 Status int Retry int Configs map[string]*cloudc.ModelEmsConfig UsingConfig *cloudc.ModelEmsConfig }
func NewEms ¶
func NewEms(RpcClientConf *zrpc.RpcClientConf) *Ems
func (*Ems) GetAllConfigs ¶
func (s *Ems) GetAllConfigs() map[string]*cloudc.ModelEmsConfig
type Iot ¶ added in v0.0.11
type Iot struct { iot.IotServiceClient Num int64 Status int Retry int }
func NewIot ¶ added in v0.0.10
func NewIot(RpcClientConf *zrpc.RpcClientConf) *Iot
type Oss ¶
type Oss struct { oss.OssRpcServiceClient Num int64 Status int Retry int Configs map[string]*cloudc.ModelOssConfig UsingConfig *cloudc.ModelOssConfig }
func NewOss ¶
func NewOss(RpcClientConf *zrpc.RpcClientConf) *Oss
func (*Oss) GetAllConfigs ¶
func (s *Oss) GetAllConfigs() map[string]*cloudc.ModelOssConfig
type Push ¶ added in v0.0.7
type Push struct { push.PushRpcServiceClient Num int64 Status int Retry int }
func NewPush ¶ added in v0.0.7
func NewPush(RpcClientConf *zrpc.RpcClientConf) *Push
type Sdk ¶
type Sdk struct { Config *Config Status int AccessToken string AccessTokenExpires int64 RefreshToken string RefreshTokenExpires int64 RetryTimes int Deadline int64 Context context.Context Auth *Auth Article *Article SubTenant *SubTenant CloudC *CloudC Ems *Ems Oss *Oss Sms *Sms Wechat *Wechat Captcha *Captcha Push *Push Iot *Iot Sls *Sls Syncer *Syncer }
func (*Sdk) AddTenant ¶
func (c *Sdk) AddTenant(in *tenant.EditTenantParams) (*tenant.AddTenantResp, error)
func (*Sdk) ArticleAddArticle ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (c *Sdk) ArticleAddArticle(in *article.EditArticleParams) (*article.ArticleAddResp, error)
func (*Sdk) ArticleAddLabel ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (c *Sdk) ArticleAddLabel(in *article.AddLabelParams) (*article.LabelInfoResp, error)
func (*Sdk) ArticleArticleInfo ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (c *Sdk) ArticleArticleInfo(in *article.ArticleInfoParams) (*article.ArticleInfoResp, error)
func (*Sdk) ArticleCheckStatus ¶
func (*Sdk) ArticleDeleteArticle ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (c *Sdk) ArticleDeleteArticle(in *article.DeleteParams) (*article.ArticleOkResp, error)
func (*Sdk) ArticleDeleteLabel ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (c *Sdk) ArticleDeleteLabel(in *article.DeleteParams) (*article.ArticleOkResp, error)
func (*Sdk) ArticleEditArticle ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (c *Sdk) ArticleEditArticle(in *article.EditArticleParams) (*article.ArticleOkResp, error)
func (*Sdk) ArticleLabelInfo ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (c *Sdk) ArticleLabelInfo(in *article.LabelInfoParams) (*article.LabelInfoResp, error)
func (*Sdk) ArticleListArticle ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (c *Sdk) ArticleListArticle(in *article.ListArticleParams) (*article.ArticleListResp, error)
func (*Sdk) ArticleListLabel ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (c *Sdk) ArticleListLabel(in *article.ListLabelParams) (*article.LabelListResp, error)
func (*Sdk) ArticleReviewArticle ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (c *Sdk) ArticleReviewArticle(in *article.ReviewArticleParams) (*article.ArticleOkResp, error)
func (*Sdk) ArticleUpdateLabel ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (c *Sdk) ArticleUpdateLabel(in *article.UpdateLabelParams) (*article.ArticleOkResp, error)
func (*Sdk) AuthRefresh ¶
func (*Sdk) AuthSuccess ¶
func (c *Sdk) AuthSuccess()
func (*Sdk) AutoRefresh ¶
func (*Sdk) CaptchaCheckStatus ¶
func (*Sdk) CaptchaGenerate ¶
func (c *Sdk) CaptchaGenerate() (*captcha.CaptchaResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CaptchaLoadCloudConfig ¶
func (*Sdk) CloudCCaptchaConfigGet ¶
func (c *Sdk) CloudCCaptchaConfigGet(in *cloudc.ConfigGetParams) (*cloudc.CaptchaConfigGetResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCCaptchaConfigGetAll ¶
func (c *Sdk) CloudCCaptchaConfigGetAll() (*cloudc.CaptchaConfigGetAllResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCCaptchaConfigSet ¶
func (c *Sdk) CloudCCaptchaConfigSet(in *cloudc.CaptchaConfigSetParams) (*cloudc.ConfigResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCCheckStatus ¶
func (*Sdk) CloudCEmsConfigGet ¶
func (c *Sdk) CloudCEmsConfigGet(in *cloudc.ConfigGetParams) (*cloudc.EmsConfigGetResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCEmsConfigGetAll ¶
func (c *Sdk) CloudCEmsConfigGetAll() (*cloudc.EmsConfigGetAllResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCEmsConfigSet ¶
func (c *Sdk) CloudCEmsConfigSet(in *cloudc.EmsConfigSetParams) (*cloudc.ConfigResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCOssConfigGet ¶
func (c *Sdk) CloudCOssConfigGet(in *cloudc.ConfigGetParams) (*cloudc.OssConfigGetResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCOssConfigGetAll ¶
func (c *Sdk) CloudCOssConfigGetAll() (*cloudc.OssConfigGetAllResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCOssConfigSet ¶
func (c *Sdk) CloudCOssConfigSet(in *cloudc.OssConfigSetParams) (*cloudc.ConfigResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCPushConfigGet ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (c *Sdk) CloudCPushConfigGet(in *cloudc.ConfigGetParams) (*cloudc.PushConfigGetResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCPushConfigGetAll ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (c *Sdk) CloudCPushConfigGetAll() (*cloudc.PushConfigGetAllResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCPushConfigSet ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (c *Sdk) CloudCPushConfigSet(in *cloudc.PushConfigSetParams) (*cloudc.ConfigResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCSlsConfigGet ¶ added in v0.0.12
func (c *Sdk) CloudCSlsConfigGet(in *cloudc.ConfigGetParams) (*cloudc.SlsConfigGetResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCSlsConfigGetAll ¶ added in v0.0.12
func (c *Sdk) CloudCSlsConfigGetAll() (*cloudc.SlsConfigGetAllResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCSlsConfigSet ¶ added in v0.0.12
func (c *Sdk) CloudCSlsConfigSet(in *cloudc.SlsConfigSetParams) (*cloudc.ConfigResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCSmsConfigGet ¶
func (c *Sdk) CloudCSmsConfigGet(in *cloudc.ConfigGetParams) (*cloudc.SmsConfigGetResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCSmsConfigGetAll ¶
func (c *Sdk) CloudCSmsConfigGetAll() (*cloudc.SmsConfigGetAllResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCSmsConfigSet ¶
func (c *Sdk) CloudCSmsConfigSet(in *cloudc.SmsConfigSetParams) (*cloudc.ConfigResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCSystemConfigGet ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (c *Sdk) CloudCSystemConfigGet(in *cloudc.ConfigGetParams) (*cloudc.SystemConfigGetResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCSystemConfigGetAll ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (c *Sdk) CloudCSystemConfigGetAll() (*cloudc.SystemConfigGetAllResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCSystemConfigSet ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (c *Sdk) CloudCSystemConfigSet(in *cloudc.SystemConfigSetParams) (*cloudc.ConfigResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCWechatConfigGet ¶
func (c *Sdk) CloudCWechatConfigGet(in *cloudc.ConfigGetParams) (*cloudc.WechatConfigGetResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCWechatConfigGetAll ¶
func (c *Sdk) CloudCWechatConfigGetAll() (*cloudc.WechatConfigGetAllResp, error)
func (*Sdk) CloudCWechatConfigSet ¶
func (c *Sdk) CloudCWechatConfigSet(in *cloudc.WechatConfigSetParams) (*cloudc.ConfigResp, error)
func (*Sdk) DeleteTenant ¶
func (c *Sdk) DeleteTenant(in *tenant.DeleteTenantParams) (*tenant.TenantResp, error)
func (*Sdk) EditTenant ¶
func (c *Sdk) EditTenant(in *tenant.EditTenantParams) (*tenant.TenantResp, error)
func (*Sdk) EmsCheckStatus ¶
func (*Sdk) EmsLoadCloudConfig ¶
func (*Sdk) EmsSendEms ¶
func (*Sdk) InitArticle ¶
func (*Sdk) InitCaptcha ¶
func (*Sdk) InitCloudC ¶
func (*Sdk) InitSubTenant ¶
func (*Sdk) InitWechat ¶
func (*Sdk) IotCheckStatus ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) IotHomeCreate ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (*Sdk) IotHomeDelete ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (*Sdk) IotHomeDeleteIds ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) IotHomeQuery ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) IotHomeQueryList ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (c *Sdk) IotHomeQueryList(in *iot.QueryHomeListReq) (*iot.QueryHomeListResp, error)
func (*Sdk) IotHomeUpdate ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) IotHomeUpdateStatus ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) IotMemberCreate ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) IotMemberDelete ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) IotMemberDeleteIds ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) IotMemberQuery ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) IotMemberQueryList ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (c *Sdk) IotMemberQueryList(in *iot.QueryMemberListReq) (*iot.QueryMemberListResp, error)
func (*Sdk) IotMemberUpdate ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) IotMemberUpdateStatus ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) IotRoomCreate ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) IotRoomDelete ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) IotRoomDeleteIds ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) IotRoomQuery ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) IotRoomQueryList ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (c *Sdk) IotRoomQueryList(in *iot.QueryRoomListReq) (*iot.QueryRoomListResp, error)
func (*Sdk) IotRoomUpdate ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) IotRoomUpdateStatus ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) NewSlsLogMsg ¶ added in v0.0.12
func (c *Sdk) NewSlsLogMsg(s *TemplateLog) *sls.Log
func (*Sdk) OssCheckStatus ¶
func (*Sdk) OssGenerateUploadSign ¶
func (*Sdk) OssLoadCloudConfig ¶
func (*Sdk) PushCheckStatus ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (*Sdk) PushHuaweiPush ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (*Sdk) PushIosPush ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (*Sdk) PushXiaomiPush ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (*Sdk) PwdTenant ¶
func (c *Sdk) PwdTenant(in *tenant.EditTenantParams) (*tenant.TenantResp, error)
func (*Sdk) SlsCheckStatus ¶ added in v0.0.12
func (*Sdk) SlsLoadCloudConfig ¶ added in v0.0.12
func (*Sdk) SlsSendLog ¶ added in v0.0.12
func (*Sdk) SmsCheckStatus ¶
func (*Sdk) SmsLoadCloudConfig ¶
func (*Sdk) SubTenantCheckStatus ¶
func (*Sdk) TenantInfo ¶
func (c *Sdk) TenantInfo(in *tenant.TenantInfoParams) (*tenant.TenantInfoResp, error)
func (*Sdk) TenantList ¶
func (c *Sdk) TenantList(in *tenant.TenantListParams) (*tenant.TenantListResp, error)
func (*Sdk) WechatCheckStatus ¶
func (*Sdk) WechatCode2Token ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (*Sdk) WechatLoadCloudConfig ¶
func (*Sdk) WechatOfficialAccountAccessToken ¶
func (*Sdk) WechatRefreshUserToken ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (c *Sdk) WechatRefreshUserToken(in *wechat.RefreshReq) (*wechat.RefreshResp, error)
func (*Sdk) WechatUserToken2UserInfo ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (*Sdk) WechatWebAutoRedirectWechat ¶
func (c *Sdk) WechatWebAutoRedirectWechat(in *wechat.WebAutoRedirectReq) (*wechat.WebAutoRedirectResp, error)
func (*Sdk) WechatWebRedirectWechat ¶
func (c *Sdk) WechatWebRedirectWechat(in *wechat.WebRedirectReq) (*wechat.WebRedirectResp, error)
func (*Sdk) WithConfig ¶
func (*Sdk) WithDeadline ¶ added in v0.0.11
func (*Sdk) WithRequestId ¶ added in v0.0.12
note: 添加将requestID继承到下个服务的能力
type Sls ¶ added in v0.0.12
type Sls struct { Producer *producer.Producer Num int64 Status int Retry int Configs map[string]*cloudc.ModelSlsConfig UsingConfig *cloudc.ModelSlsConfig }
func (*Sls) GetAllConfigs ¶ added in v0.0.12
func (s *Sls) GetAllConfigs() map[string]*cloudc.ModelSlsConfig
type Sms ¶
type Sms struct { sms.SmsRpcServiceClient Num int64 Status int Retry int Configs map[string]*cloudc.ModelSmsConfig UsingConfig *cloudc.ModelSmsConfig }
func NewSms ¶
func NewSms(RpcClientConf *zrpc.RpcClientConf) *Sms
func (*Sms) GetAllConfigs ¶
func (s *Sms) GetAllConfigs() map[string]*cloudc.ModelSmsConfig
type SubTenant ¶
type SubTenant struct { tenant.TenantRpcServiceClient Num int64 Status int Retry int }
func NewSubTenant ¶
func NewSubTenant(RpcClientConf *zrpc.RpcClientConf) *SubTenant
type Syncer ¶ added in v0.0.12
type Syncer struct { syncer.SyncerRpcServiceClient Num int64 Status int Retry int Configs map[string]*cloudc.ModelOssConfig UsingConfig *cloudc.ModelOssConfig }
func NewScyner ¶ added in v0.0.12
func NewScyner(RpcClientConf *zrpc.RpcClientConf) *Syncer
type TemplateLog ¶ added in v0.0.12
type TemplateLog struct { AppName string `json:"app_name"` AppPlatform string `json:"app_platform"` RequestId string `json:"requestId"` Time string `json:"time"` Path string `json:"path"` Method string `json:"method"` Body string `json:"body"` Message string `json:"message"` UserId string `json:"user_id"` UniqueId string `json:"unique_id"` }
type Wechat ¶
type Wechat struct { wechat.WechatRpcServiceClient Num int64 Status int Retry int Configs map[string]*cloudc.ModelWechatConfig UsingConfig *cloudc.ModelWechatConfig }
func NewWechat ¶
func NewWechat(RpcClientConf *zrpc.RpcClientConf) *Wechat
func (*Wechat) GetAllConfigs ¶
func (s *Wechat) GetAllConfigs() map[string]*cloudc.ModelWechatConfig
Source Files ¶
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