Overview ¶
Package 'solo' is a development tool to write unit tests for IOTA Smart Contracts (ISC).
A development tool ¶
The package is intended for developers of smart contracts as well as contributors to the development of the ISC and the Wasp node itself.
Normally, the smart contract is developed and tested in the 'solo' environment before trying it out on the network of Wasp nodes. Running and testing the smart contract on 'solo' does not require to run the Wasp nodes nor committee of nodes: just ordinary 'go test' environment.
Native environment ¶
'solo' shares the same code of Virtual Machine with the Wasp node. This guarantees that smart contract programs can later be deployed on chains which are run by the network of Wasp nodes without any modifications.
The 'solo' environment uses in-memory UTXO ledger to validate and store transactions. The UTXODB mocks the Shimmer UTXO ledger, it uses same value transaction structure, colored tokens, signature schemes as well as transaction and signature validation as in the Value Tangle of Shimmer. The only difference with the Value Tangle is that UTXODB provides full synchronicity of ledger updates.
The virtual state (key/value database) in 'solo' is an in-memory database. It provides exactly the same interface of access to it as the database of the Wasp node.
Writing smart contracts ¶
The smart contracts are usually written in Rust using Rust libraries provided in the 'wasplib' repository at Rust code is compiled into the WebAssembly (Wasm) binary. The Wasm binary is uploaded by 'solo' onto the chain and then loaded into the VM and executed.
Another option to write and run ISC smart contracts is to use the native Go environment of the Wasp node and 'Sandbox' interface, provided by the Wasp for the VM: the "hardcoded" mode. The latter approach is not normally used to develop apps, however is used for the 4 builtin contracts which constitutes the core of the ISC chains. The approach to write "hardcoded" smart contracts may also be very useful for the development and debugging of the smart contract logic in IDE such as GoLand, before writing it as a Rust/Wasm smart contract.
Example test ¶
The following example deploys chain and retrieves basic info from the deployed chain. It is expected 4 core contracts deployed on it by default and the test prints them.
func TestSolo1(t *testing.T) { env := solo.New(t, false, false) chain := env.NewChain(nil, "ex1") chainInfo, coreContracts := chain.GetInfo() // calls view root::GetInfo require.EqualValues(t, 4, len(coreContracts)) // 4 core contracts deployed by default t.Logf("chainID: %s", chainInfo.ChainID) t.Logf("chain owner ID: %s", chainInfo.ChainOwnerID) for hname, rec := range coreContracts { t.Logf(" Core contract '%s': %s", rec.Name, isc.NewContractID(chain.ChainID, hname)) } }
will produce the following output:
=== RUN TestSolo1 34:37.415 INFO TestSolo1 solo/solo.go:153 deploying new chain 'ex1' 34:37.419 INFO TestSolo1.ex1 vmcontext/runreq.go:177 eventlog -> '[req] [0]Ei4d6oUbcgSPnmpTupeLaTNoNf1hRu8ZfZfmw2KFKzZm: Ok' 34:37.420 INFO TestSolo1.ex1 solo/run.go:75 state transition #0 --> #1. Requests in the block: 1. Posted: 0 34:37.420 INFO TestSolo1 solo/clock.go:44 ClockStep: logical clock advanced by 1ms 34:37.420 INFO TestSolo1.ex1 solo/solo.go:233 chain 'ex1' deployed. Chain ID: aEbE2vX6jrGhQ3AKHCPmQmn2qa11CpCRzaEgtVJRAje3 34:37.420 INFO TestSolo1.ex1 solo/req.go:145 callView: root::getChainInfo solo_test.go:18: chainID: aEbE2vX6jrGhQ3AKHCPmQmn2qa11CpCRzaEgtVJRAje3 solo_test.go:19: chain owner ID: A/UrYEv4Yh7WU1M29cKq73tb2CUx8EYXfJt6JZn5srw19U solo_test.go:21: Core contract 'accounts': aEbE2vX6jrGhQ3AKHCPmQmn2qa11CpCRzaEgtVJRAje3::3c4b5e02 solo_test.go:21: Core contract 'blob': aEbE2vX6jrGhQ3AKHCPmQmn2qa11CpCRzaEgtVJRAje3::fd91bc63 solo_test.go:21: Core contract 'root': aEbE2vX6jrGhQ3AKHCPmQmn2qa11CpCRzaEgtVJRAje3::cebf5908 solo_test.go:21: Core contract 'eventlog': aEbE2vX6jrGhQ3AKHCPmQmn2qa11CpCRzaEgtVJRAje3::661aa7d8 --- PASS: TestSolo1 (0.01s)
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CheckLedger(v isc.SchemaVersion, store kv.KVStoreReader, checkpoint string)
- func EVMCallDataFromArtifacts(t require.TestingT, abiJSON string, bytecode []byte, args ...interface{}) (abi.ABI, []byte)
- func EthereumAccountByIndex(i int) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, common.Address)
- func ISCRequestFromCallParams(ch *Chain, req *CallParams, keyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair) (isc.Request, error)
- func NewEthereumAccount() (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, common.Address)
- type CallParams
- func (r *CallParams) AddAllowance(allowance *isc.Assets) *CallParams
- func (r *CallParams) AddAllowanceBaseTokens(amount uint64) *CallParams
- func (r *CallParams) AddAllowanceNFTs(nfts ...iotago.NFTID) *CallParams
- func (r *CallParams) AddAllowanceNativeTokens(nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID, amount interface{}) *CallParams
- func (r *CallParams) AddAllowanceNativeTokensVect(nativeTokens ...*iotago.NativeToken) *CallParams
- func (r *CallParams) AddBaseTokens(amount uint64) *CallParams
- func (r *CallParams) AddFungibleTokens(assets *isc.Assets) *CallParams
- func (r *CallParams) AddNativeTokens(nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID, amount interface{}) *CallParams
- func (r *CallParams) AddNativeTokensVect(nativeTokens ...*iotago.NativeToken) *CallParams
- func (r *CallParams) GasBudget() uint64
- func (r *CallParams) NewRequestImpersonatedOffLedger(ch *Chain, address *iotago.Ed25519Address) isc.OffLedgerRequest
- func (r *CallParams) NewRequestOffLedger(ch *Chain, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) isc.OffLedgerRequest
- func (r *CallParams) WithAllowance(allowance *isc.Assets) *CallParams
- func (r *CallParams) WithFungibleTokens(assets *isc.Assets) *CallParams
- func (r *CallParams) WithGasBudget(gasBudget uint64) *CallParams
- func (r *CallParams) WithMaxAffordableGasBudget() *CallParams
- func (r *CallParams) WithNFT(nft *isc.NFT) *CallParams
- func (r *CallParams) WithNonce(nonce uint64) *CallParams
- func (r *CallParams) WithSender(sender iotago.Address) *CallParams
- type Chain
- func (ch *Chain) AddAllowedStateController(addr iotago.Address, keyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair) error
- func (ch *Chain) AddMigration(m migrations.Migration)
- func (ch *Chain) AssertControlAddresses()
- func (ch *Chain) AssertL2BaseTokens(agentID isc.AgentID, bal uint64)
- func (ch *Chain) AssertL2NativeTokens(agentID isc.AgentID, nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID, bal interface{})
- func (ch *Chain) AssertL2TotalBaseTokens(bal uint64)
- func (ch *Chain) AssertL2TotalNativeTokens(nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID, bal interface{})
- func (*Chain) AttachToRequestProcessed(func(isc.RequestID)) context.CancelFunc
- func (*Chain) AwaitRequestProcessed(ctx context.Context, requestID isc.RequestID, confirmed bool) <-chan *blocklog.RequestReceipt
- func (ch *Chain) CallView(scName, funName string, params ...interface{}) (dict.Dict, error)
- func (ch *Chain) CallViewAtState(chainState state.State, scName, funName string, params ...interface{}) (dict.Dict, error)
- func (ch *Chain) CallViewByHname(hContract, hFunction isc.Hname, params ...interface{}) (dict.Dict, error)
- func (ch *Chain) CheckAccountLedger()
- func (ch *Chain) CheckChain()
- func (*Chain) ConfigUpdated(accessNodes []*cryptolib.PublicKey)
- func (ch *Chain) ContractAgentID(name string) isc.AgentID
- func (ch *Chain) DeployContract(user *cryptolib.KeyPair, name string, programHash hashing.HashValue, ...) error
- func (ch *Chain) DeployEVMContract(creator *ecdsa.PrivateKey, abiJSON string, bytecode []byte, value *big.Int, ...) (common.Address, abi.ABI)
- func (ch *Chain) DeployWasmContract(keyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair, name, fname string, params ...interface{}) error
- func (ch *Chain) DepositAssetsToL2(assets *isc.Assets, user cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) error
- func (ch *Chain) DepositBaseTokensToL2(amount uint64, user cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) error
- func (ch *Chain) DepositNFT(nft *isc.NFT, to isc.AgentID, owner cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) error
- func (ch *Chain) DestroyFoundry(sn uint32, user cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) error
- func (ch *Chain) DestroyTokensOnL1(nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID, amount interface{}, ...) error
- func (ch *Chain) DestroyTokensOnL2(nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID, amount interface{}, ...) error
- func (ch *Chain) DumpAccounts() string
- func (ch *Chain) EVM() *jsonrpc.EVMChain
- func (ch *Chain) EnqueueAliasOutput(_ *isc.AliasOutputWithID)
- func (ch *Chain) EnqueueDismissChain(_ string)
- func (ch *Chain) EstimateGasOffLedger(req *CallParams, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) (dict.Dict, *blocklog.RequestReceipt, error)
- func (ch *Chain) EstimateGasOnLedger(req *CallParams, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) (dict.Dict, *blocklog.RequestReceipt, error)
- func (ch *Chain) EstimateNeededStorageDeposit(req *CallParams, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) uint64
- func (ch *Chain) EthereumAccountByIndexWithL2Funds(i int, baseTokens ...uint64) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, common.Address)
- func (ch *Chain) FindContract(scName string) (*root.ContractRecord, error)
- func (ch *Chain) GetAllowedStateControllerAddresses() []iotago.Address
- func (ch *Chain) GetAnchorOutputFromL1() *isc.AliasOutputWithID
- func (ch *Chain) GetBlobInfo(blobHash hashing.HashValue) (map[string]uint32, bool)
- func (ch *Chain) GetBlockInfo(blockIndex ...uint32) (*blocklog.BlockInfo, error)
- func (ch *Chain) GetBlockProof(blockIndex uint32) (*blocklog.BlockInfo, *trie.MerkleProof, error)
- func (ch *Chain) GetCandidateNodes() []*governance.AccessNodeInfo
- func (ch *Chain) GetChainMetrics() *metrics.ChainMetrics
- func (ch *Chain) GetChainNodes() []peering.PeerStatusProvider
- func (ch *Chain) GetCommitteeInfo() *chain.CommitteeInfo
- func (*Chain) GetConsensusPipeMetrics() chain.ConsensusPipeMetrics
- func (*Chain) GetConsensusWorkflowStatus() chain.ConsensusWorkflowStatus
- func (ch *Chain) GetContractStateCommitment(hn isc.Hname) ([]byte, error)
- func (ch *Chain) GetControlAddresses() *isc.ControlAddresses
- func (ch *Chain) GetErrorMessageFormat(code isc.VMErrorCode) (string, error)
- func (ch *Chain) GetEventsForBlock(blockIndex uint32) ([]*isc.Event, error)
- func (ch *Chain) GetEventsForContract(name string) ([]*isc.Event, error)
- func (ch *Chain) GetEventsForRequest(reqID isc.RequestID) ([]*isc.Event, error)
- func (ch *Chain) GetFoundryOutput(sn uint32) (*iotago.FoundryOutput, error)
- func (ch *Chain) GetGasFeePolicy() *gas.FeePolicy
- func (ch *Chain) GetGasLimits() *gas.Limits
- func (ch *Chain) GetInfo() (isc.ChainID, isc.AgentID, map[isc.Hname]*root.ContractRecord)
- func (ch *Chain) GetL1Commitment() *state.L1Commitment
- func (ch *Chain) GetL2FundsFromFaucet(agentID isc.AgentID, baseTokens ...uint64)
- func (ch *Chain) GetLatestBlockInfo() *blocklog.BlockInfo
- func (ch *Chain) GetMempoolContents() io.Reader
- func (ch *Chain) GetMerkleProof(scHname isc.Hname, key []byte) *trie.MerkleProof
- func (ch *Chain) GetMerkleProofRaw(key []byte) *trie.MerkleProof
- func (ch *Chain) GetNativeTokenIDByFoundrySN(sn uint32) (iotago.NativeTokenID, error)
- func (ch *Chain) GetOnChainTokenIDs() []iotago.NativeTokenID
- func (ch *Chain) GetRequestIDsForBlock(blockIndex uint32) []isc.RequestID
- func (ch *Chain) GetRequestReceipt(reqID isc.RequestID) (*blocklog.RequestReceipt, error)
- func (ch *Chain) GetRequestReceiptsForBlock(blockIndex ...uint32) []*blocklog.RequestReceipt
- func (ch *Chain) GetRequestReceiptsForBlockRange(fromBlockIndex, toBlockIndex uint32) []*blocklog.RequestReceipt
- func (ch *Chain) GetRequestReceiptsForBlockRangeAsStrings(fromBlockIndex, toBlockIndex uint32) []string
- func (ch *Chain) GetRootCommitment() trie.Hash
- func (*Chain) GetTimeData() time.Time
- func (ch *Chain) GetWasmBinary(progHash hashing.HashValue) ([]byte, error)
- func (ch *Chain) GrantDeployPermission(keyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair, deployerAgentID isc.AgentID) error
- func (ch *Chain) HasL2NFT(agentID isc.AgentID, nftID *iotago.NFTID) bool
- func (ch *Chain) ID() isc.ChainID
- func (ch *Chain) IsRequestProcessed(reqID isc.RequestID) bool
- func (ch *Chain) L1L2Funds(addr iotago.Address) *L1L2AddressAssets
- func (ch *Chain) L2Accounts() []isc.AgentID
- func (ch *Chain) L2Assets(agentID isc.AgentID) *isc.Assets
- func (ch *Chain) L2AssetsAtStateIndex(agentID isc.AgentID, stateIndex uint32) *isc.Assets
- func (ch *Chain) L2BaseTokens(agentID isc.AgentID) uint64
- func (ch *Chain) L2BaseTokensAtStateIndex(agentID isc.AgentID, stateIndex uint32) uint64
- func (ch *Chain) L2CommonAccountAssets() *isc.Assets
- func (ch *Chain) L2CommonAccountBaseTokens() uint64
- func (ch *Chain) L2CommonAccountNativeTokens(nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID) *big.Int
- func (ch *Chain) L2Ledger() map[string]*isc.Assets
- func (ch *Chain) L2LedgerString() string
- func (ch *Chain) L2NFTs(agentID isc.AgentID) []iotago.NFTID
- func (ch *Chain) L2NativeTokens(agentID isc.AgentID, nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID) *big.Int
- func (ch *Chain) L2TotalAssets() *isc.Assets
- func (ch *Chain) L2TotalBaseTokens() uint64
- func (ch *Chain) LastReceipt() *isc.Receipt
- func (ch *Chain) LatestAliasOutput(freshness chain.StateFreshness) (*isc.AliasOutputWithID, error)
- func (ch *Chain) LatestBlock() state.Block
- func (ch *Chain) LatestBlockIndex() uint32
- func (ch *Chain) LatestState(freshness chain.StateFreshness) (state.State, error)
- func (ch *Chain) Log() *logger.Logger
- func (ch *Chain) MintTokens(foundry, amount interface{}, user cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) error
- func (ch *Chain) MustDepositBaseTokensToL2(amount uint64, user cryptolib.VariantKeyPair)
- func (ch *Chain) MustDepositNFT(nft *isc.NFT, to isc.AgentID, owner cryptolib.VariantKeyPair)
- func (ch *Chain) NewEthereumAccountWithL2Funds(baseTokens ...uint64) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, common.Address)
- func (ch *Chain) NewNativeTokenParams(maxSupply interface{}) *newNativeTokenParams
- func (ch *Chain) Nonce(agentID isc.AgentID) uint64
- func (ch *Chain) PostEthereumTransaction(tx *types.Transaction) (dict.Dict, error)
- func (ch *Chain) PostRequestOffLedger(req *CallParams, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) (dict.Dict, error)
- func (ch *Chain) PostRequestSync(req *CallParams, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) (dict.Dict, error)
- func (ch *Chain) PostRequestSyncExt(req *CallParams, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) (*iotago.Transaction, *blocklog.RequestReceipt, dict.Dict, error)
- func (ch *Chain) PostRequestSyncTx(req *CallParams, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) (*iotago.Transaction, dict.Dict, error)
- func (ch *Chain) Processors() *processors.Cache
- func (*Chain) ReceiveOffLedgerRequest(request isc.OffLedgerRequest, sender *cryptolib.PublicKey) error
- func (ch *Chain) RemoveAllowedStateController(addr iotago.Address, keyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair) error
- func (ch *Chain) RequestFromParamsToLedger(req *CallParams, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) (*iotago.Transaction, isc.RequestID, error)
- func (ch *Chain) ResolveError(e *isc.UnresolvedVMError) (*isc.VMError, error)
- func (ch *Chain) ResolveVMError(e *isc.UnresolvedVMError) *isc.VMError
- func (ch *Chain) RevokeDeployPermission(keyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair, deployerAgentID isc.AgentID) error
- func (ch *Chain) RotateStateController(newStateAddr iotago.Address, newStateKeyPair, ownerKeyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair) error
- func (ch *Chain) RunOffLedgerRequest(r isc.Request) (dict.Dict, error)
- func (ch *Chain) RunOffLedgerRequests(reqs []isc.Request) []*vm.RequestResult
- func (ch *Chain) RunRequestsSync(reqs []isc.Request, trace string) (results []*vm.RequestResult)
- func (ch *Chain) SendFromL1ToL2Account(totalBaseTokens uint64, toSend *isc.Assets, target isc.AgentID, ...) error
- func (ch *Chain) SendFromL1ToL2AccountBaseTokens(totalBaseTokens, baseTokensSend uint64, target isc.AgentID, ...) error
- func (ch *Chain) SendFromL2ToL2Account(transfer *isc.Assets, target isc.AgentID, user cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) error
- func (ch *Chain) SendFromL2ToL2AccountBaseTokens(baseTokens uint64, target isc.AgentID, user cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) error
- func (ch *Chain) SendFromL2ToL2AccountNativeTokens(id iotago.NativeTokenID, target isc.AgentID, amount interface{}, ...) error
- func (*Chain) ServersUpdated(serverNodes []*cryptolib.PublicKey)
- func (ch *Chain) SetGasFeePolicy(user *cryptolib.KeyPair, fp *gas.FeePolicy)
- func (ch *Chain) SetGasLimits(user *cryptolib.KeyPair, gl *gas.Limits)
- func (ch *Chain) Store() indexedstore.IndexedStore
- func (ch *Chain) String() string
- func (ch *Chain) TransferAllowanceTo(allowance *isc.Assets, targetAccount isc.AgentID, ...) error
- func (ch *Chain) UploadBlob(user *cryptolib.KeyPair, params ...interface{}) (ret hashing.HashValue, err error)
- func (ch *Chain) UploadBlobFromFile(keyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair, fileName, fieldName string, params ...interface{}) (hashing.HashValue, error)
- func (ch *Chain) UploadWasm(keyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair, binaryCode []byte) (ret hashing.HashValue, err error)
- func (ch *Chain) UploadWasmFromFile(keyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair, fileName string) (hashing.HashValue, error)
- func (ch *Chain) WaitForRequestsMark()
- func (ch *Chain) WaitForRequestsThrough(numReq int, maxWait ...time.Duration) bool
- func (ch *Chain) WaitUntil(p func() bool, maxWait ...time.Duration) bool
- func (ch *Chain) WaitUntilMempoolIsEmpty(timeout ...time.Duration) bool
- func (ch *Chain) Withdraw(assets *isc.Assets, user cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) error
- type ChainSnapshot
- type Context
- type InitOptions
- type L1L2AddressAssets
- type Mempool
- type MempoolInfo
- type NFTMintedInfo
- type Snapshot
- type Solo
- func (env *Solo) AddRequestsToMempool(ch *Chain, reqs []isc.Request)
- func (env *Solo) AddToLedger(tx *iotago.Transaction) error
- func (env *Solo) AdvanceClockBy(step time.Duration)
- func (env *Solo) AssertL1BaseTokens(addr iotago.Address, expected uint64)
- func (env *Solo) AssertL1NativeTokens(addr iotago.Address, nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID, expected interface{})
- func (env *Solo) EnqueueRequests(tx *iotago.Transaction)
- func (env *Solo) GetChainByName(name string) *Chain
- func (env *Solo) GetFundsFromFaucet(target iotago.Address, amount ...uint64) (*iotago.Transaction, error)
- func (env *Solo) GetUnspentOutputs(addr iotago.Address) (iotago.OutputSet, iotago.OutputIDs)
- func (env *Solo) GlobalTime() time.Time
- func (env *Solo) HasL1NFT(addr iotago.Address, id *iotago.NFTID) bool
- func (env *Solo) IterateChainLatestStates(prefix kv.Key, f func(chainID *isc.ChainID, k []byte, v []byte))
- func (env *Solo) IterateChainTrieDBs(f func(chainID *isc.ChainID, k []byte, v []byte))
- func (env *Solo) L1Assets(addr iotago.Address) *isc.Assets
- func (env *Solo) L1BaseTokens(addr iotago.Address) uint64
- func (env *Solo) L1Ledger() *utxodb.UtxoDB
- func (env *Solo) L1NFTs(addr iotago.Address) map[iotago.OutputID]*iotago.NFTOutput
- func (env *Solo) L1NativeTokens(addr iotago.Address, nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID) *big.Int
- func (env *Solo) LoadSnapshot(fname string) *Snapshot
- func (env *Solo) MintNFTL1(issuer *cryptolib.KeyPair, target iotago.Address, immutableMetadata []byte) (*isc.NFT, *NFTMintedInfo, error)
- func (env *Solo) MintNFTsL1(issuer *cryptolib.KeyPair, target iotago.Address, ...) ([]*isc.NFT, []*NFTMintedInfo, error)
- func (env *Solo) NewChain(depositFundsForOriginator ...bool) *Chain
- func (env *Solo) NewChainExt(chainOriginator *cryptolib.KeyPair, initBaseTokens uint64, name string, ...) (*Chain, *iotago.Transaction)
- func (env *Solo) NewKeyPair(seedOpt ...*cryptolib.Seed) (*cryptolib.KeyPair, iotago.Address)
- func (env *Solo) NewKeyPairFromIndex(index int) *cryptolib.KeyPair
- func (env *Solo) NewKeyPairWithFunds(seed ...*cryptolib.Seed) (*cryptolib.KeyPair, iotago.Address)
- func (env *Solo) NewSeedFromIndex(index int) *cryptolib.Seed
- func (env *Solo) Publisher() *publisher.Publisher
- func (env *Solo) RequestsForChain(tx *iotago.Transaction, chainID isc.ChainID) ([]isc.Request, error)
- func (env *Solo) RestoreSnapshot(snapshot *Snapshot)
- func (env *Solo) SaveSnapshot(snapshot *Snapshot, fname string)
- func (env *Solo) SendL1(targetAddress iotago.Address, assets *isc.Assets, wallet *cryptolib.KeyPair)
- func (env *Solo) SyncLog()
- func (env *Solo) TakeSnapshot() *Snapshot
- func (env *Solo) UnspentOutputs(addr iotago.Address) (iotago.OutputSet, iotago.OutputIDs)
- func (env *Solo) WithNativeContract(c *coreutil.ContractProcessor) *Solo
Constants ¶
const ( DestroyTokensGasBudgetBaseTokens = 1 * isc.Million SendToL2AccountGasBudgetBaseTokens = 1 * isc.Million DestroyFoundryGasBudgetBaseTokens = 1 * isc.Million TransferAllowanceToGasBudgetBaseTokens = 1 * isc.Million )
CreateFoundryGasBudgetBaseTokens always takes 100000 base tokens as gas budget and ftokens for the call
const (
MaxRequestsInBlock = 100
Variables ¶
var EthereumAccounts [10]*ecdsa.PrivateKey
Functions ¶
func CheckLedger ¶ added in v1.0.3
func CheckLedger(v isc.SchemaVersion, store kv.KVStoreReader, checkpoint string)
only used in internal tests and solo
func EVMCallDataFromArtifacts ¶ added in v1.0.3
func EthereumAccountByIndex ¶ added in v1.0.3
func EthereumAccountByIndex(i int) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, common.Address)
func ISCRequestFromCallParams ¶ added in v1.0.3
func ISCRequestFromCallParams(ch *Chain, req *CallParams, keyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair) (isc.Request, error)
Warning: if the same `req` is passed in different occasions, the resulting request will have different IDs (because the ledger state is different)
func NewEthereumAccount ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewEthereumAccount() (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, common.Address)
Types ¶
type CallParams ¶
type CallParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func CallParamsFromDict ¶ added in v1.0.3
func CallParamsFromDict(scName, funName string, par dict.Dict) *CallParams
func CallParamsFromDictByHname ¶ added in v1.0.3
func CallParamsFromDictByHname(hContract, hFunction isc.Hname, par dict.Dict) *CallParams
func NewCallParams ¶
func NewCallParams(scName, funName string, params ...interface{}) *CallParams
NewCallParams creates structure which wraps in one object call parameters, used in PostRequestSync and callViewFull calls:
- 'scName' is a name of the target smart contract
- 'funName' is a name of the target entry point (the function) of the smart contract program
- 'params' is either a dict.Dict, or a sequence of pairs 'paramName', 'paramValue' which constitute call parameters The 'paramName' must be a string and 'paramValue' must different types (encoded based on type)
With the WithTransfers the CallParams structure may be complemented with attached ftokens sent together with the request
func (*CallParams) AddAllowance ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (r *CallParams) AddAllowance(allowance *isc.Assets) *CallParams
func (*CallParams) AddAllowanceBaseTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (r *CallParams) AddAllowanceBaseTokens(amount uint64) *CallParams
func (*CallParams) AddAllowanceNFTs ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (r *CallParams) AddAllowanceNFTs(nfts ...iotago.NFTID) *CallParams
func (*CallParams) AddAllowanceNativeTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (r *CallParams) AddAllowanceNativeTokens(nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID, amount interface{}) *CallParams
func (*CallParams) AddAllowanceNativeTokensVect ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (r *CallParams) AddAllowanceNativeTokensVect(nativeTokens ...*iotago.NativeToken) *CallParams
func (*CallParams) AddBaseTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (r *CallParams) AddBaseTokens(amount uint64) *CallParams
func (*CallParams) AddFungibleTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (r *CallParams) AddFungibleTokens(assets *isc.Assets) *CallParams
func (*CallParams) AddNativeTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (r *CallParams) AddNativeTokens(nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID, amount interface{}) *CallParams
func (*CallParams) AddNativeTokensVect ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (r *CallParams) AddNativeTokensVect(nativeTokens ...*iotago.NativeToken) *CallParams
func (*CallParams) GasBudget ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (r *CallParams) GasBudget() uint64
func (*CallParams) NewRequestImpersonatedOffLedger ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (r *CallParams) NewRequestImpersonatedOffLedger(ch *Chain, address *iotago.Ed25519Address) isc.OffLedgerRequest
func (*CallParams) NewRequestOffLedger ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (r *CallParams) NewRequestOffLedger(ch *Chain, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) isc.OffLedgerRequest
NewRequestOffLedger creates off-ledger request from parameters
func (*CallParams) WithAllowance ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (r *CallParams) WithAllowance(allowance *isc.Assets) *CallParams
func (*CallParams) WithFungibleTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (r *CallParams) WithFungibleTokens(assets *isc.Assets) *CallParams
func (*CallParams) WithGasBudget ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (r *CallParams) WithGasBudget(gasBudget uint64) *CallParams
func (*CallParams) WithMaxAffordableGasBudget ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (r *CallParams) WithMaxAffordableGasBudget() *CallParams
func (*CallParams) WithNFT ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (r *CallParams) WithNFT(nft *isc.NFT) *CallParams
Adds an nft to be sent (only applicable when the call is made via on-ledger request)
func (*CallParams) WithNonce ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (r *CallParams) WithNonce(nonce uint64) *CallParams
func (*CallParams) WithSender ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (r *CallParams) WithSender(sender iotago.Address) *CallParams
type Chain ¶
type Chain struct { StateControllerAddress iotago.Address OriginatorAddress iotago.Address OriginatorAgentID isc.AgentID // Env is a pointer to the global structure of the 'solo' test Env *Solo RequestsBlock uint32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Chain represents state of individual chain. There may be several parallel instances of the chain in the 'solo' test
func (*Chain) AddAllowedStateController ¶ added in v0.2.0
AddAllowedStateController adds the address to the allowed state controlled address list
func (*Chain) AddMigration ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (ch *Chain) AddMigration(m migrations.Migration)
func (*Chain) AssertControlAddresses ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) AssertControlAddresses()
func (*Chain) AssertL2BaseTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Chain) AssertL2NativeTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) AssertL2NativeTokens(agentID isc.AgentID, nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID, bal interface{})
func (*Chain) AssertL2TotalBaseTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Chain) AssertL2TotalNativeTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) AssertL2TotalNativeTokens(nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID, bal interface{})
func (*Chain) AttachToRequestProcessed ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (*Chain) AttachToRequestProcessed(func(isc.RequestID)) context.CancelFunc
AttachToRequestProcessed implements chain.Chain
func (*Chain) AwaitRequestProcessed ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Chain) AwaitRequestProcessed(ctx context.Context, requestID isc.RequestID, confirmed bool) <-chan *blocklog.RequestReceipt
AwaitRequestProcessed implements chain.Chain
func (*Chain) CallView ¶
CallView calls the view entry point of the smart contract. The call params should be either a dict.Dict, or pairs of ('paramName', 'paramValue') where 'paramName' is a string and 'paramValue' must be of type accepted by the 'codec' package
func (*Chain) CallViewAtState ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Chain) CallViewByHname ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Chain) CheckAccountLedger ¶
func (ch *Chain) CheckAccountLedger()
CheckAccountLedger check integrity of the on-chain ledger. Sum of all accounts must be equal to total ftokens
func (*Chain) CheckChain ¶
func (ch *Chain) CheckChain()
CheckChain checks fundamental integrity of the chain
func (*Chain) ConfigUpdated ¶ added in v1.0.3
ConfigUpdated implements chain.Chain
func (*Chain) ContractAgentID ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (*Chain) DeployContract ¶
func (ch *Chain) DeployContract(user *cryptolib.KeyPair, name string, programHash hashing.HashValue, params ...interface{}) error
DeployContract deploys contract with the given name by its 'programHash'. 'sigScheme' represents the private key of the creator (nil defaults to chain originator). The 'creator' becomes an immutable property of the contract instance. The parameter 'programHash' can be one of the following:
- it is and ID of the blob stored on the chain in the format of Wasm binary
- it can be a hash (ID) of the example smart contract ("hardcoded"). The "hardcoded" smart contract must be made available with the call examples.AddProcessor
func (*Chain) DeployEVMContract ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (ch *Chain) DeployEVMContract(creator *ecdsa.PrivateKey, abiJSON string, bytecode []byte, value *big.Int, args ...interface{}) (common.Address, abi.ABI)
DeployEVMContract deploys an evm contract on the chain
func (*Chain) DeployWasmContract ¶
func (ch *Chain) DeployWasmContract(keyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair, name, fname string, params ...interface{}) error
DeployWasmContract is syntactic sugar for uploading Wasm binary from file and deploying the smart contract in one call
func (*Chain) DepositAssetsToL2 ¶ added in v0.3.0
DepositAssetsToL2 deposits ftokens on user's on-chain account, if user is nil, then chain owner is assigned
func (*Chain) DepositBaseTokensToL2 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) DepositBaseTokensToL2(amount uint64, user cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) error
DepositBaseTokensToL2 deposits ftokens on user's on-chain account
func (*Chain) DepositNFT ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Chain) DestroyFoundry ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) DestroyFoundry(sn uint32, user cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) error
func (*Chain) DestroyTokensOnL1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) DestroyTokensOnL1(nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID, amount interface{}, user cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) error
DestroyTokensOnL1 sends tokens as ftokens and destroys in the same transaction
func (*Chain) DestroyTokensOnL2 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) DestroyTokensOnL2(nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID, amount interface{}, user cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) error
DestroyTokensOnL2 destroys tokens (identified by foundry SN) on user's on-chain account
func (*Chain) DumpAccounts ¶
DumpAccounts dumps all account balances into the human-readable string
func (*Chain) EnqueueAliasOutput ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) EnqueueAliasOutput(_ *isc.AliasOutputWithID)
func (*Chain) EnqueueDismissChain ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Chain) EstimateGasOffLedger ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) EstimateGasOffLedger(req *CallParams, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) (dict.Dict, *blocklog.RequestReceipt, error)
EstimateGasOffLedger executes the given on-ledger request without committing any changes in the ledger. It returns the amount of gas consumed. WARNING: Gas estimation is just an "estimate", there is no guarantees that the real call will bear the same cost, due to the turing-completeness of smart contracts
func (*Chain) EstimateGasOnLedger ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) EstimateGasOnLedger(req *CallParams, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) (dict.Dict, *blocklog.RequestReceipt, error)
EstimateGasOnLedger executes the given on-ledger request without committing any changes in the ledger. It returns the amount of gas consumed. WARNING: Gas estimation is just an "estimate", there is no guarantees that the real call will bear the same cost, due to the turing-completeness of smart contracts TODO only a senderAddr, not a keyPair should be necessary to estimate (it definitely shouldn't fallback to the chain originator)
func (*Chain) EstimateNeededStorageDeposit ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) EstimateNeededStorageDeposit(req *CallParams, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) uint64
EstimateNeededStorageDeposit estimates the amount of base tokens that will be needed to add to the request (if any) in order to cover for the storage deposit.
func (*Chain) EthereumAccountByIndexWithL2Funds ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Chain) FindContract ¶
func (ch *Chain) FindContract(scName string) (*root.ContractRecord, error)
FindContract is a view call to the 'root' smart contract on the chain. It returns blobCache record of the deployed smart contract with the given name
func (*Chain) GetAllowedStateControllerAddresses ¶ added in v0.2.0
AddAllowedStateController adds the address to the allowed state controlled address list
func (*Chain) GetAnchorOutputFromL1 ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (ch *Chain) GetAnchorOutputFromL1() *isc.AliasOutputWithID
func (*Chain) GetBlobInfo ¶
GetBlobInfo return info about blob with the given hash with existence flag The blob information is returned as a map of pairs 'blobFieldName': 'fieldDataLength'
func (*Chain) GetBlockInfo ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetBlockInfo return BlockInfo for the particular block index in the chain
func (*Chain) GetBlockProof ¶ added in v0.3.0
GetBlockProof returns Merkle proof of the key in the state
func (*Chain) GetCandidateNodes ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) GetCandidateNodes() []*governance.AccessNodeInfo
func (*Chain) GetChainMetrics ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (ch *Chain) GetChainMetrics() *metrics.ChainMetrics
GetChainMetrics implements chain.Chain
func (*Chain) GetChainNodes ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) GetChainNodes() []peering.PeerStatusProvider
func (*Chain) GetCommitteeInfo ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) GetCommitteeInfo() *chain.CommitteeInfo
func (*Chain) GetConsensusPipeMetrics ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (*Chain) GetConsensusPipeMetrics() chain.ConsensusPipeMetrics
GetConsensusPipeMetrics implements chain.Chain
func (*Chain) GetConsensusWorkflowStatus ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (*Chain) GetConsensusWorkflowStatus() chain.ConsensusWorkflowStatus
GetConsensusWorkflowStatus implements chain.Chain
func (*Chain) GetContractStateCommitment ¶ added in v0.3.0
GetContractStateCommitment returns commitment to the state of the specific contract, if possible
func (*Chain) GetControlAddresses ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (ch *Chain) GetControlAddresses() *isc.ControlAddresses
func (*Chain) GetErrorMessageFormat ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) GetErrorMessageFormat(code isc.VMErrorCode) (string, error)
func (*Chain) GetEventsForBlock ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetEventsForBlock calls the view in the 'blocklog' core smart contract to retrieve events for a given block.
func (*Chain) GetEventsForContract ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetEventsForContract calls the view in the 'blocklog' core smart contract to retrieve events for a given smart contract.
func (*Chain) GetEventsForRequest ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetEventsForRequest calls the view in the 'blocklog' core smart contract to retrieve events for a given request.
func (*Chain) GetFoundryOutput ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) GetFoundryOutput(sn uint32) (*iotago.FoundryOutput, error)
func (*Chain) GetGasFeePolicy ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Chain) GetGasLimits ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Chain) GetInfo ¶
GetInfo return main parameters of the chain:
- chainID
- agentID of the chain owner
- blobCache of contract deployed on the chain in the form of map 'contract hname': 'contract record'
func (*Chain) GetL1Commitment ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) GetL1Commitment() *state.L1Commitment
GetL1Commitment returns state commitment taken from the anchor output
func (*Chain) GetL2FundsFromFaucet ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Chain) GetLatestBlockInfo ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetLatestBlockInfo return BlockInfo for the latest block in the chain
func (*Chain) GetMempoolContents ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Chain) GetMerkleProof ¶ added in v0.3.0
GetMerkleProof return the merkle proof of the key in the smart contract. Assumes Merkle model is used
func (*Chain) GetMerkleProofRaw ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) GetMerkleProofRaw(key []byte) *trie.MerkleProof
GetMerkleProofRaw returns Merkle proof of the key in the state
func (*Chain) GetNativeTokenIDByFoundrySN ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) GetNativeTokenIDByFoundrySN(sn uint32) (iotago.NativeTokenID, error)
func (*Chain) GetOnChainTokenIDs ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) GetOnChainTokenIDs() []iotago.NativeTokenID
func (*Chain) GetRequestIDsForBlock ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetRequestIDsForBlock returns the list of requestIDs settled in a particular block
func (*Chain) GetRequestReceipt ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetRequestReceipt gets the log records for a particular request, the block index and request index in the block
func (*Chain) GetRequestReceiptsForBlock ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (ch *Chain) GetRequestReceiptsForBlock(blockIndex ...uint32) []*blocklog.RequestReceipt
GetRequestReceiptsForBlock returns all request log records for a particular block
func (*Chain) GetRequestReceiptsForBlockRange ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (ch *Chain) GetRequestReceiptsForBlockRange(fromBlockIndex, toBlockIndex uint32) []*blocklog.RequestReceipt
GetRequestReceiptsForBlockRange returns all request log records for range of blocks, inclusively. Upper bound is 'latest block' is set to 0
func (*Chain) GetRequestReceiptsForBlockRangeAsStrings ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (*Chain) GetRootCommitment ¶ added in v0.3.0
GetRootCommitment returns the root commitment of the latest state index
func (*Chain) GetTimeData ¶ added in v0.3.7
GetTimeData implements chain.Chain
func (*Chain) GetWasmBinary ¶
GetWasmBinary retrieves program binary in the format of Wasm blob from the chain by hash.
func (*Chain) GrantDeployPermission ¶
func (ch *Chain) GrantDeployPermission(keyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair, deployerAgentID isc.AgentID) error
GrantDeployPermission gives permission to the specified agentID to deploy SCs into the chain
func (*Chain) IsRequestProcessed ¶ added in v0.2.0
IsRequestProcessed checks if the request is booked on the chain as processed
func (*Chain) L1L2Funds ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) L1L2Funds(addr iotago.Address) *L1L2AddressAssets
func (*Chain) L2Accounts ¶ added in v0.3.0
L2Accounts returns all accounts on the chain with non-zero balances
func (*Chain) L2Assets ¶ added in v0.3.0
L2Assets return all tokens contained in the on-chain account controlled by the 'agentID'
func (*Chain) L2AssetsAtStateIndex ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Chain) L2BaseTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Chain) L2BaseTokensAtStateIndex ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Chain) L2CommonAccountAssets ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Chain) L2CommonAccountBaseTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Chain) L2CommonAccountNativeTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) L2CommonAccountNativeTokens(nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID) *big.Int
func (*Chain) L2LedgerString ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Chain) L2NativeTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Chain) L2TotalAssets ¶ added in v0.3.0
L2TotalAssets return total sum of ftokens contained in the on-chain accounts
func (*Chain) L2TotalBaseTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
L2TotalBaseTokens return total sum of base tokens in L2 (all accounts)
func (*Chain) LastReceipt ¶ added in v0.3.0
LastReceipt returns the receipt for the latest request processed by the chain, will return nil if the last block is empty
func (*Chain) LatestAliasOutput ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (ch *Chain) LatestAliasOutput(freshness chain.StateFreshness) (*isc.AliasOutputWithID, error)
LatestAliasOutput implements chain.Chain
func (*Chain) LatestBlock ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Chain) LatestBlockIndex ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Chain) LatestState ¶ added in v1.0.3
LatestState implements chain.Chain
func (*Chain) MintTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) MintTokens(foundry, amount interface{}, user cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) error
func (*Chain) MustDepositBaseTokensToL2 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) MustDepositBaseTokensToL2(amount uint64, user cryptolib.VariantKeyPair)
func (*Chain) MustDepositNFT ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Chain) NewEthereumAccountWithL2Funds ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Chain) NewNativeTokenParams ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (ch *Chain) NewNativeTokenParams(maxSupply interface{}) *newNativeTokenParams
func (*Chain) PostEthereumTransaction ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Chain) PostRequestOffLedger ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (ch *Chain) PostRequestOffLedger(req *CallParams, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) (dict.Dict, error)
func (*Chain) PostRequestSync ¶
func (ch *Chain) PostRequestSync(req *CallParams, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) (dict.Dict, error)
PostRequestSync posts a request synchronously sent by the test program to the smart contract on the same or another chain:
- creates a request transaction with the request block on it. The sigScheme is used to sign the inputs of the transaction or OriginatorKeyPair is used if parameter is nil
- adds request transaction to UTXODB
- runs the request in the VM. It results in new updated virtual state and a new transaction which anchors the state.
- adds the resulting transaction to UTXODB
- posts requests, contained in the resulting transaction to backlog queues of respective chains
- returns the result of the call to the smart contract's entry point
Note that in real network of Wasp nodes (the committee) posting the transaction is completely asynchronous, i.e. result of the call is not available to the originator of the post.
Unlike the real Wasp environment, the 'solo' environment makes PostRequestSync a synchronous call. It makes it possible step-by-step debug of the smart contract logic. The call should be used only from the main thread (goroutine)
func (*Chain) PostRequestSyncExt ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) PostRequestSyncExt(req *CallParams, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) (*iotago.Transaction, *blocklog.RequestReceipt, dict.Dict, error)
func (*Chain) PostRequestSyncTx ¶
func (ch *Chain) PostRequestSyncTx(req *CallParams, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) (*iotago.Transaction, dict.Dict, error)
func (*Chain) Processors ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) Processors() *processors.Cache
func (*Chain) ReceiveOffLedgerRequest ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Chain) ReceiveOffLedgerRequest(request isc.OffLedgerRequest, sender *cryptolib.PublicKey) error
ReceiveOffLedgerRequest implements chain.Chain
func (*Chain) RemoveAllowedStateController ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (ch *Chain) RemoveAllowedStateController(addr iotago.Address, keyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair) error
AddAllowedStateController adds the address to the allowed state controlled address list
func (*Chain) RequestFromParamsToLedger ¶
func (ch *Chain) RequestFromParamsToLedger(req *CallParams, keyPair cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) (*iotago.Transaction, isc.RequestID, error)
RequestFromParamsToLedger creates transaction with one request based on parameters and sigScheme Then it adds it to the ledger, atomically. Locking on the mutex is needed to prevent mess when several goroutines work on the same address
func (*Chain) ResolveError ¶ added in v0.3.7
ResolveError implements chain.Chain
func (*Chain) ResolveVMError ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) ResolveVMError(e *isc.UnresolvedVMError) *isc.VMError
func (*Chain) RevokeDeployPermission ¶
func (ch *Chain) RevokeDeployPermission(keyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair, deployerAgentID isc.AgentID) error
RevokeDeployPermission removes permission of the specified agentID to deploy SCs into the chain
func (*Chain) RotateStateController ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (ch *Chain) RotateStateController(newStateAddr iotago.Address, newStateKeyPair, ownerKeyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair) error
RotateStateController rotates the chain to the new controller address. We assume self-governed chain here. Mostly use for the testing of committee rotation logic, otherwise not much needed for smart contract testing
func (*Chain) RunOffLedgerRequest ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Chain) RunOffLedgerRequests ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) RunOffLedgerRequests(reqs []isc.Request) []*vm.RequestResult
func (*Chain) RunRequestsSync ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Chain) SendFromL1ToL2Account ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) SendFromL1ToL2Account(totalBaseTokens uint64, toSend *isc.Assets, target isc.AgentID, user cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) error
SendFromL1ToL2Account sends ftokens from L1 address to the target account on L2 Sender pays the gas fee
func (*Chain) SendFromL1ToL2AccountBaseTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Chain) SendFromL2ToL2Account ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) SendFromL2ToL2Account(transfer *isc.Assets, target isc.AgentID, user cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) error
SendFromL2ToL2Account moves ftokens on L2 from user's account to the target
func (*Chain) SendFromL2ToL2AccountBaseTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Chain) SendFromL2ToL2AccountNativeTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) SendFromL2ToL2AccountNativeTokens(id iotago.NativeTokenID, target isc.AgentID, amount interface{}, user cryptolib.VariantKeyPair) error
func (*Chain) ServersUpdated ¶ added in v1.0.3
ServersUpdated implements chain.Chain
func (*Chain) SetGasFeePolicy ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Chain) SetGasLimits ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Chain) Store ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (ch *Chain) Store() indexedstore.IndexedStore
Store implements chain.Chain
func (*Chain) TransferAllowanceTo ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) TransferAllowanceTo( allowance *isc.Assets, targetAccount isc.AgentID, wallet cryptolib.VariantKeyPair, nft ...*isc.NFT, ) error
TransferAllowanceTo sends an on-ledger request to transfer funds to target account (sends extra base tokens to the sender account to cover gas)
func (*Chain) UploadBlob ¶
func (ch *Chain) UploadBlob(user *cryptolib.KeyPair, params ...interface{}) (ret hashing.HashValue, err error)
UploadBlob calls core 'blob' smart contract blob.FuncStoreBlob entry point to upload blob data to the chain. It returns hash of the blob, the unique identifier of it. The parameters must be either a dict.Dict, or a sequence of pairs 'fieldName': 'fieldValue' Requires at least 2 x gasFeeEstimate to be on sender's L2 account
func (*Chain) UploadBlobFromFile ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ch *Chain) UploadBlobFromFile(keyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair, fileName, fieldName string, params ...interface{}) (hashing.HashValue, error)
UploadBlobFromFile uploads blob from file data in the specified blob field plus optional other fields
func (*Chain) UploadWasm ¶
func (ch *Chain) UploadWasm(keyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair, binaryCode []byte) (ret hashing.HashValue, err error)
UploadWasm is a syntactic sugar of the UploadBlob used to upload Wasm binary to the chain.
parameter 'binaryCode' is the binary of Wasm smart contract program
The blob for the Wasm binary used fixed field names which are statically known by the 'root' smart contract which is responsible for the deployment of contracts on the chain
func (*Chain) UploadWasmFromFile ¶
func (ch *Chain) UploadWasmFromFile(keyPair *cryptolib.KeyPair, fileName string) (hashing.HashValue, error)
UploadWasmFromFile is a syntactic sugar to upload file content as blob data to the chain
func (*Chain) WaitForRequestsMark ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (ch *Chain) WaitForRequestsMark()
WaitForRequestsMark marks the amount of requests processed until now This allows the WaitForRequestsThrough() function to wait for the specified of number of requests after the mark point.
func (*Chain) WaitForRequestsThrough ¶ added in v0.2.0
WaitForRequestsThrough waits until the specified number of requests have been processed since the last call to WaitForRequestsMark()
func (*Chain) WaitUntil ¶ added in v0.2.3
WaitUntil waits until the condition specified by the given predicate yields true
func (*Chain) WaitUntilMempoolIsEmpty ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ChainSnapshot ¶ added in v1.0.3
type InitOptions ¶ added in v0.3.0
type InitOptions struct { AutoAdjustStorageDeposit bool Debug bool PrintStackTrace bool GasBurnLogEnabled bool Seed cryptolib.Seed Log *logger.Logger }
func DefaultInitOptions ¶ added in v1.0.3
func DefaultInitOptions() *InitOptions
type L1L2AddressAssets ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*L1L2AddressAssets) String ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (a *L1L2AddressAssets) String() string
type MempoolInfo ¶ added in v1.0.3
type NFTMintedInfo ¶ added in v0.3.0
type Snapshot ¶ added in v1.0.3
type Snapshot struct { UtxoDB *utxodb.UtxoDBState Chains []*ChainSnapshot }
type Solo ¶
type Solo struct { // instance of the test T Context // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Solo is a structure which contains global parameters of the test: one per test instance
func New ¶
func New(t Context, initOptions ...*InitOptions) *Solo
New creates an instance of the Solo environment If solo is used for unit testing, 't' should be the *testing.T instance; otherwise it can be either nil or an instance created with NewTestContext.
func (*Solo) AddRequestsToMempool ¶ added in v1.0.3
AddRequestsToMempool adds all the requests to the chain mempool,
func (*Solo) AddToLedger ¶
func (env *Solo) AddToLedger(tx *iotago.Transaction) error
AddToLedger adds (synchronously confirms) transaction to the UTXODB ledger. Return error if it is invalid or double spend
func (*Solo) AdvanceClockBy ¶
AdvanceClockBy advances logical clock by time step
func (*Solo) AssertL1BaseTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Solo) AssertL1NativeTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (env *Solo) AssertL1NativeTokens(addr iotago.Address, nativeTokenID iotago.NativeTokenID, expected interface{})
func (*Solo) EnqueueRequests ¶
func (env *Solo) EnqueueRequests(tx *iotago.Transaction)
EnqueueRequests adds requests contained in the transaction to mempools of respective target chains
func (*Solo) GetChainByName ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Solo) GetFundsFromFaucet ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Solo) GetUnspentOutputs ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Solo) GlobalTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
GlobalTime return current logical clock time on the 'solo' instance
func (*Solo) IterateChainLatestStates ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Solo) IterateChainTrieDBs ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Solo) L1Assets ¶ added in v0.3.0
L1Assets returns all ftokens of the address contained in the UTXODB ledger
func (*Solo) L1BaseTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Solo) L1NativeTokens ¶ added in v0.3.0
L1NativeTokens returns number of native tokens contained in the given address on the UTXODB ledger
func (*Solo) LoadSnapshot ¶ added in v1.0.3
LoadSnapshot loads a snapshot previously saved with SaveSnapshot
func (*Solo) MintNFTL1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (env *Solo) MintNFTL1(issuer *cryptolib.KeyPair, target iotago.Address, immutableMetadata []byte) (*isc.NFT, *NFTMintedInfo, error)
MintNFTL1 mints a single NFT with the `issuer` account and sends it to a `target` account. Base tokens in the NFT output are sent to the minimum storage deposit and are taken from the issuer account.
func (*Solo) MintNFTsL1 ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (env *Solo) MintNFTsL1(issuer *cryptolib.KeyPair, target iotago.Address, collectionOutputID *iotago.OutputID, immutableMetadata [][]byte) ([]*isc.NFT, []*NFTMintedInfo, error)
MintNFTsL1 mints len(immutableMetadata) NFTs with the `issuer` account and sends them to a `target` account.
If collectionOutputID is not nil, it must be an outputID of an NFTOutput owned by the issuer. All minted NFTs will belong to the given collection. See:
Base tokens in the NFT outputs are sent to the minimum storage deposit and are taken from the issuer account.
func (*Solo) NewChainExt ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (env *Solo) NewChainExt( chainOriginator *cryptolib.KeyPair, initBaseTokens uint64, name string, originParams ...dict.Dict, ) (*Chain, *iotago.Transaction)
NewChainExt returns also origin and init transactions. Used for core testing
If 'chainOriginator' is nil, new one is generated and utxodb.FundsFromFaucetAmount (many) base tokens are loaded from the UTXODB faucet. ValidatorFeeTarget will be set to OriginatorAgentID, and can be changed after initialization. To deploy a chain instance the following steps are performed:
- chain signature scheme (private key), chain address and chain ID are created
- empty virtual state is initialized
- origin transaction is created by the originator and added to the UTXODB
- 'init' request transaction to the 'root' contract is created and added to UTXODB
- backlog processing threads (goroutines) are started
- VM processor cache is initialized
- 'init' request is run by the VM. The 'root' contracts deploys the rest of the core contracts:
Upon return, the chain is fully functional to process requests
func (*Solo) NewKeyPair ¶ added in v0.2.0
NewSignatureSchemeAndPubKey generates new ed25519 signature scheme Returns signature scheme interface and public key in binary form
func (*Solo) NewKeyPairFromIndex ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Solo) NewKeyPairWithFunds ¶ added in v0.2.0
NewSignatureSchemeWithFundsAndPubKey generates new ed25519 signature scheme and requests some tokens from the UTXODB faucet. The amount of tokens is equal to utxodb.FundsFromFaucetAmount (=1000Mi) base tokens Returns signature scheme interface and public key in binary form
func (*Solo) NewSeedFromIndex ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (*Solo) RequestsForChain ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (env *Solo) RequestsForChain(tx *iotago.Transaction, chainID isc.ChainID) ([]isc.Request, error)
RequestsForChain parses the transaction and returns all requests contained in it which have chainID as the target
func (*Solo) RestoreSnapshot ¶ added in v1.0.3
LoadSnapshot restores the Solo environment from the given snapshot
func (*Solo) SaveSnapshot ¶ added in v1.0.3
SaveSnapshot saves the given snapshot to a file
func (*Solo) SendL1 ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (env *Solo) SendL1(targetAddress iotago.Address, assets *isc.Assets, wallet *cryptolib.KeyPair)
SendL1 sends base or native tokens to another L1 address
func (*Solo) TakeSnapshot ¶ added in v1.0.3
SaveSnapshot generates a snapshot of the Solo environment
func (*Solo) UnspentOutputs ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Solo) WithNativeContract ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (env *Solo) WithNativeContract(c *coreutil.ContractProcessor) *Solo
WithNativeContract registers a native contract so that it may be deployed