Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddFunc(f func(ctx ScFuncContext)) []func(ctx ScFuncContext)
- func AddView(v func(ctx ScViewContext)) []func(ctx ScViewContext)
- func CallFunc(objID int32, keyID Key32, params []byte) []byte
- func Clear(objID int32)
- func Exists(objID int32, keyID Key32, typeID int32) bool
- func FuncError(ctx ScFuncContext)
- func GetBytes(objID int32, keyID Key32, typeID int32) []byte
- func GetLength(objID int32) int32
- func GetObjectID(objID int32, keyID Key32, typeID int32) int32
- func Log(text string)
- func OnCall(index int32)
- func Panic(text string)
- func SetBytes(objID int32, keyID Key32, typeID int32, value []byte)
- func Trace(text string)
- func ViewError(ctx ScViewContext)
- type BytesDecoder
- func (d *BytesDecoder) Address() ScAddress
- func (d *BytesDecoder) AgentID() ScAgentID
- func (d *BytesDecoder) Bytes() []byte
- func (d *BytesDecoder) ChainID() ScChainID
- func (d *BytesDecoder) Close()
- func (d *BytesDecoder) Color() ScColor
- func (d *BytesDecoder) Hash() ScHash
- func (d *BytesDecoder) Hname() ScHname
- func (d *BytesDecoder) Int16() int16
- func (d *BytesDecoder) Int32() int32
- func (d *BytesDecoder) Int64() int64
- func (d *BytesDecoder) RequestID() ScRequestID
- func (d *BytesDecoder) String() string
- type BytesEncoder
- func (e *BytesEncoder) Address(value ScAddress) *BytesEncoder
- func (e *BytesEncoder) AgentID(value ScAgentID) *BytesEncoder
- func (e *BytesEncoder) Bytes(value []byte) *BytesEncoder
- func (e *BytesEncoder) ChainID(value ScChainID) *BytesEncoder
- func (e *BytesEncoder) Color(value ScColor) *BytesEncoder
- func (e *BytesEncoder) Data() []byte
- func (e *BytesEncoder) Hash(value ScHash) *BytesEncoder
- func (e *BytesEncoder) Hname(value ScHname) *BytesEncoder
- func (e *BytesEncoder) Int16(value int16) *BytesEncoder
- func (e *BytesEncoder) Int32(value int32) *BytesEncoder
- func (e *BytesEncoder) Int64(value int64) *BytesEncoder
- func (e *BytesEncoder) RequestID(value ScRequestID) *BytesEncoder
- func (e *BytesEncoder) String(value string) *BytesEncoder
- type InitHost
- func (h InitHost) AddFunc(f func(ctx ScFuncContext)) []func(ctx ScFuncContext)
- func (h InitHost) AddView(v func(ctx ScViewContext)) []func(ctx ScViewContext)
- func (h InitHost) CallFunc(objID, keyID int32, params []byte) []byte
- func (h InitHost) Exists(objID, keyID, typeID int32) bool
- func (h InitHost) GetBytes(objID, keyID, typeID int32) []byte
- func (h InitHost) GetKeyIDFromBytes(bytes []byte) int32
- func (h InitHost) GetKeyIDFromString(key string) int32
- func (h InitHost) GetObjectID(objID, keyID, typeID int32) int32
- func (h InitHost) SetBytes(objID, keyID, typeID int32, value []byte)
- type Key
- type Key32
- type MapKey
- type ScAddress
- type ScAgentID
- type ScBalances
- type ScBaseContext
- func (ctx ScBaseContext) AccountID() ScAgentID
- func (ctx ScBaseContext) Balances() ScBalances
- func (ctx ScBaseContext) ChainID() ScChainID
- func (ctx ScBaseContext) ChainOwnerID() ScAgentID
- func (ctx ScBaseContext) Contract() ScHname
- func (ctx ScBaseContext) ContractCreator() ScAgentID
- func (ctx ScBaseContext) Log(text string)
- func (ctx ScBaseContext) Panic(text string)
- func (ctx ScBaseContext) Params() ScImmutableMap
- func (ctx ScBaseContext) Require(cond bool, msg string)
- func (ctx ScBaseContext) Results() ScMutableMap
- func (ctx ScBaseContext) Timestamp() int64
- func (ctx ScBaseContext) Trace(text string)
- func (ctx ScBaseContext) Utility() ScUtility
- type ScChainID
- type ScColor
- type ScExports
- type ScFunc
- func (f *ScFunc) Call()
- func (f *ScFunc) Delay(seconds int32) *ScFunc
- func (f *ScFunc) OfContract(hContract ScHname) *ScFunc
- func (f *ScFunc) Post()
- func (f *ScFunc) PostToChain(chainID ScChainID)
- func (f *ScFunc) Transfer(transfer ScTransfers) *ScFunc
- func (f *ScFunc) TransferIotas(amount int64) *ScFunc
- type ScFuncCallContext
- type ScFuncContext
- func (ctx ScFuncContext) Call(hContract, hFunction ScHname, params *ScMutableMap, transfer *ScTransfers) ScImmutableMap
- func (ctx ScFuncContext) CallSelf(hFunction ScHname, params *ScMutableMap, transfer *ScTransfers) ScImmutableMap
- func (ctx ScFuncContext) Caller() ScAgentID
- func (ctx ScFuncContext) Deploy(programHash ScHash, name, description string, params *ScMutableMap)
- func (ctx ScFuncContext) Event(text string)
- func (ctx ScFuncContext) Host() ScHost
- func (ctx ScFuncContext) Incoming() ScBalances
- func (ctx ScFuncContext) InitFuncCallContext()
- func (ctx ScFuncContext) InitViewCallContext()
- func (ctx ScFuncContext) Minted() ScBalances
- func (ctx ScFuncContext) Post(chainID ScChainID, hContract, hFunction ScHname, params *ScMutableMap, ...)
- func (ctx ScFuncContext) PostSelf(hFunction ScHname, params *ScMutableMap, transfer ScTransfers, delay int32)
- func (ctx ScFuncContext) RequestID() ScRequestID
- func (ctx ScFuncContext) State() ScMutableMap
- func (ctx ScFuncContext) TransferToAddress(address ScAddress, transfer ScTransfers)
- type ScHash
- type ScHname
- type ScHost
- type ScImmutableAddress
- type ScImmutableAddressArray
- type ScImmutableAgentID
- type ScImmutableAgentIDArray
- type ScImmutableBytes
- type ScImmutableBytesArray
- type ScImmutableChainID
- type ScImmutableChainIDArray
- type ScImmutableColor
- type ScImmutableColorArray
- type ScImmutableHash
- type ScImmutableHashArray
- type ScImmutableHname
- type ScImmutableHnameArray
- type ScImmutableInt16
- type ScImmutableInt16Array
- type ScImmutableInt32
- type ScImmutableInt32Array
- type ScImmutableInt64
- type ScImmutableInt64Array
- type ScImmutableMap
- func (o ScImmutableMap) CallFunc(keyID Key32, params []byte) []byte
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetAddress(key MapKey) ScImmutableAddress
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetAddressArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableAddressArray
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetAgentID(key MapKey) ScImmutableAgentID
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetAgentIDArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableAgentIDArray
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetBytes(key MapKey) ScImmutableBytes
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetBytesArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableBytesArray
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetChainID(key MapKey) ScImmutableChainID
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetChainIDArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableChainIDArray
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetColor(key MapKey) ScImmutableColor
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetColorArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableColorArray
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetHash(key MapKey) ScImmutableHash
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetHashArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableHashArray
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetHname(key MapKey) ScImmutableHname
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetHnameArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableHnameArray
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetInt16(key MapKey) ScImmutableInt16
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetInt16Array(key MapKey) ScImmutableInt16Array
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetInt32(key MapKey) ScImmutableInt32
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetInt32Array(key MapKey) ScImmutableInt32Array
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetInt64(key MapKey) ScImmutableInt64
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetInt64Array(key MapKey) ScImmutableInt64Array
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetMap(key MapKey) ScImmutableMap
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetMapArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableMapArray
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetRequestID(key MapKey) ScImmutableRequestID
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetRequestIDArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableRequestIDArray
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetString(key MapKey) ScImmutableString
- func (o ScImmutableMap) GetStringArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableStringArray
- func (o ScImmutableMap) MapID() int32
- type ScImmutableMapArray
- type ScImmutableRequestID
- type ScImmutableRequestIDArray
- type ScImmutableString
- type ScImmutableStringArray
- type ScInitFunc
- type ScMutableAddress
- type ScMutableAddressArray
- type ScMutableAgentID
- type ScMutableAgentIDArray
- type ScMutableBytes
- type ScMutableBytesArray
- type ScMutableChainID
- type ScMutableChainIDArray
- type ScMutableColor
- type ScMutableColorArray
- type ScMutableHash
- type ScMutableHashArray
- type ScMutableHname
- type ScMutableHnameArray
- type ScMutableInt16
- type ScMutableInt16Array
- type ScMutableInt32
- type ScMutableInt32Array
- type ScMutableInt64
- type ScMutableInt64Array
- type ScMutableMap
- func (o ScMutableMap) CallFunc(keyID Key32, params []byte) []byte
- func (o ScMutableMap) Clear()
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetAddress(key MapKey) ScMutableAddress
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetAddressArray(key MapKey) ScMutableAddressArray
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetAgentID(key MapKey) ScMutableAgentID
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetAgentIDArray(key MapKey) ScMutableAgentIDArray
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetBytes(key MapKey) ScMutableBytes
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetBytesArray(key MapKey) ScMutableBytesArray
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetChainID(key MapKey) ScMutableChainID
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetChainIDArray(key MapKey) ScMutableChainIDArray
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetColor(key MapKey) ScMutableColor
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetColorArray(key MapKey) ScMutableColorArray
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetHash(key MapKey) ScMutableHash
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetHashArray(key MapKey) ScMutableHashArray
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetHname(key MapKey) ScMutableHname
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetHnameArray(key MapKey) ScMutableHnameArray
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetInt16(key MapKey) ScMutableInt16
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetInt16Array(key MapKey) ScMutableInt16Array
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetInt32(key MapKey) ScMutableInt32
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetInt32Array(key MapKey) ScMutableInt32Array
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetInt64(key MapKey) ScMutableInt64
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetInt64Array(key MapKey) ScMutableInt64Array
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetMap(key MapKey) ScMutableMap
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetMapArray(key MapKey) ScMutableMapArray
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetRequestID(key MapKey) ScMutableRequestID
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetRequestIDArray(key MapKey) ScMutableRequestIDArray
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetString(key MapKey) ScMutableString
- func (o ScMutableMap) GetStringArray(key MapKey) ScMutableStringArray
- func (o ScMutableMap) Immutable() ScImmutableMap
- func (o ScMutableMap) MapID() int32
- type ScMutableMapArray
- type ScMutableRequestID
- type ScMutableRequestIDArray
- type ScMutableString
- type ScMutableStringArray
- type ScRequestID
- type ScTransfers
- type ScUtility
- func (ctx ScUtility) Base58Decode(value string) []byte
- func (ctx ScUtility) Base58Encode(value []byte) string
- func (ctx ScUtility) BlsAddressFromPubKey(pubKey []byte) ScAddress
- func (ctx ScUtility) BlsAggregateSignatures(pubKeys, sigs [][]byte) ([]byte, []byte)
- func (ctx ScUtility) BlsValidSignature(data, pubKey, signature []byte) bool
- func (ctx ScUtility) Ed25519AddressFromPubKey(pubKey []byte) ScAddress
- func (ctx ScUtility) Ed25519ValidSignature(data, pubKey, signature []byte) bool
- func (ctx ScUtility) HashBlake2b(value []byte) ScHash
- func (ctx ScUtility) HashSha3(value []byte) ScHash
- func (ctx ScUtility) Hname(value string) ScHname
- func (ctx ScUtility) Random(max int64) int64
- func (ctx ScUtility) String(value int64) string
- type ScView
- type ScViewCallContext
- type ScViewContext
Constants ¶
const ( // all TYPE_* values should exactly match the counterpart OBJTYPE_* values on the host! TYPE_ARRAY int32 = 0x20 TYPE_ARRAY16 int32 = 0x30 TYPE_CALL int32 = 0x40 TYPE_ADDRESS int32 = 1 TYPE_AGENT_ID int32 = 2 TYPE_BYTES int32 = 3 TYPE_CHAIN_ID int32 = 4 TYPE_COLOR int32 = 5 TYPE_HASH int32 = 6 TYPE_HNAME int32 = 7 TYPE_INT16 int32 = 8 TYPE_INT32 int32 = 9 TYPE_INT64 int32 = 10 TYPE_MAP int32 = 11 TYPE_REQUEST_ID int32 = 12 TYPE_STRING int32 = 13 OBJ_ID_NULL int32 = 0 OBJ_ID_ROOT int32 = 1 OBJ_ID_STATE int32 = 2 OBJ_ID_PARAMS int32 = 3 OBJ_ID_RESULTS int32 = 4 )
const ( KeyAccountID = Key32(-1) KeyAddress = Key32(-2) KeyBalances = Key32(-3) KeyBase58Decode = Key32(-4) KeyBase58Encode = Key32(-5) KeyBlsAddress = Key32(-6) KeyBlsAggregate = Key32(-7) KeyBlsValid = Key32(-8) KeyCall = Key32(-9) KeyCaller = Key32(-10) KeyChainID = Key32(-11) KeyChainOwnerID = Key32(-12) KeyColor = Key32(-13) KeyContract = Key32(-14) KeyContractCreator = Key32(-15) KeyDeploy = Key32(-16) KeyEd25519Address = Key32(-17) KeyEd25519Valid = Key32(-18) KeyEvent = Key32(-19) KeyExports = Key32(-20) KeyHashBlake2b = Key32(-21) KeyHashSha3 = Key32(-22) KeyHname = Key32(-23) KeyIncoming = Key32(-24) KeyLength = Key32(-25) KeyLog = Key32(-26) KeyMaps = Key32(-27) KeyMinted = Key32(-28) KeyName = Key32(-29) KeyPanic = Key32(-30) KeyParams = Key32(-31) KeyPost = Key32(-32) KeyRandom = Key32(-33) KeyRequestID = Key32(-34) KeyResults = Key32(-35) KeyReturn = Key32(-36) KeyState = Key32(-37) KeyTimestamp = Key32(-38) KeyTrace = Key32(-39) KeyTransfers = Key32(-40) KeyUtility = Key32(-41) KeyValid = Key32(-42) KeyZzzzzzz = Key32(-43) )
Variables ¶
var ( IOTA = ScColor{} MINT = ScColor{} )
var Root = ScMutableMap{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var TypeSizes = [...]uint8{0, 33, 37, 0, 33, 32, 32, 4, 2, 4, 8, 0, 34, 0}
Functions ¶
func AddFunc ¶
func AddFunc(f func(ctx ScFuncContext)) []func(ctx ScFuncContext)
func AddView ¶
func AddView(v func(ctx ScViewContext)) []func(ctx ScViewContext)
func FuncError ¶
func FuncError(ctx ScFuncContext)
func ViewError ¶
func ViewError(ctx ScViewContext)
Types ¶
type BytesDecoder ¶
type BytesDecoder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBytesDecoder ¶
func NewBytesDecoder(data []byte) *BytesDecoder
func (*BytesDecoder) Address ¶
func (d *BytesDecoder) Address() ScAddress
func (*BytesDecoder) AgentID ¶
func (d *BytesDecoder) AgentID() ScAgentID
func (*BytesDecoder) Bytes ¶
func (d *BytesDecoder) Bytes() []byte
func (*BytesDecoder) ChainID ¶
func (d *BytesDecoder) ChainID() ScChainID
func (*BytesDecoder) Close ¶
func (d *BytesDecoder) Close()
func (*BytesDecoder) Color ¶
func (d *BytesDecoder) Color() ScColor
func (*BytesDecoder) Hash ¶
func (d *BytesDecoder) Hash() ScHash
func (*BytesDecoder) Hname ¶
func (d *BytesDecoder) Hname() ScHname
func (*BytesDecoder) Int16 ¶
func (d *BytesDecoder) Int16() int16
func (*BytesDecoder) Int32 ¶
func (d *BytesDecoder) Int32() int32
func (*BytesDecoder) Int64 ¶
func (d *BytesDecoder) Int64() int64
func (*BytesDecoder) RequestID ¶
func (d *BytesDecoder) RequestID() ScRequestID
func (*BytesDecoder) String ¶
func (d *BytesDecoder) String() string
type BytesEncoder ¶
type BytesEncoder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBytesEncoder ¶
func NewBytesEncoder() *BytesEncoder
func (*BytesEncoder) Address ¶
func (e *BytesEncoder) Address(value ScAddress) *BytesEncoder
func (*BytesEncoder) AgentID ¶
func (e *BytesEncoder) AgentID(value ScAgentID) *BytesEncoder
func (*BytesEncoder) Bytes ¶
func (e *BytesEncoder) Bytes(value []byte) *BytesEncoder
func (*BytesEncoder) ChainID ¶
func (e *BytesEncoder) ChainID(value ScChainID) *BytesEncoder
func (*BytesEncoder) Color ¶
func (e *BytesEncoder) Color(value ScColor) *BytesEncoder
func (*BytesEncoder) Data ¶
func (e *BytesEncoder) Data() []byte
func (*BytesEncoder) Hash ¶
func (e *BytesEncoder) Hash(value ScHash) *BytesEncoder
func (*BytesEncoder) Hname ¶
func (e *BytesEncoder) Hname(value ScHname) *BytesEncoder
func (*BytesEncoder) Int16 ¶
func (e *BytesEncoder) Int16(value int16) *BytesEncoder
func (*BytesEncoder) Int32 ¶
func (e *BytesEncoder) Int32(value int32) *BytesEncoder
func (*BytesEncoder) Int64 ¶
func (e *BytesEncoder) Int64(value int64) *BytesEncoder
func (*BytesEncoder) RequestID ¶
func (e *BytesEncoder) RequestID(value ScRequestID) *BytesEncoder
func (*BytesEncoder) String ¶
func (e *BytesEncoder) String(value string) *BytesEncoder
type InitHost ¶
type InitHost struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewInitHost ¶
func NewInitHost() *InitHost
func (InitHost) AddFunc ¶
func (h InitHost) AddFunc(f func(ctx ScFuncContext)) []func(ctx ScFuncContext)
func (InitHost) AddView ¶
func (h InitHost) AddView(v func(ctx ScViewContext)) []func(ctx ScViewContext)
func (InitHost) GetKeyIDFromBytes ¶
func (InitHost) GetKeyIDFromString ¶
func (InitHost) GetObjectID ¶
type ScAddress ¶
type ScAddress struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScAddressFromBytes ¶
type ScAgentID ¶
type ScAgentID struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScAgentID ¶
func NewScAgentIDFromBytes ¶
type ScBalances ¶
type ScBalances struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
used to retrieve any information that is related to colored token balances
func (ScBalances) Balance ¶
func (ctx ScBalances) Balance(color ScColor) int64
retrieve the balance for the specified token color
func (ScBalances) Colors ¶
func (ctx ScBalances) Colors() ScImmutableColorArray
retrieve a list of all token colors that have a non-zero balance
type ScBaseContext ¶
type ScBaseContext struct{}
shared interface part of ScFuncContext and ScViewContext
func (ScBaseContext) AccountID ¶
func (ctx ScBaseContext) AccountID() ScAgentID
retrieve the agent id of this contract account
func (ScBaseContext) Balances ¶
func (ctx ScBaseContext) Balances() ScBalances
access the current balances for all token colors
func (ScBaseContext) ChainID ¶
func (ctx ScBaseContext) ChainID() ScChainID
retrieve the chain id of the chain this contract lives on
func (ScBaseContext) ChainOwnerID ¶
func (ctx ScBaseContext) ChainOwnerID() ScAgentID
retrieve the agent id of the owner of the chain this contract lives on
func (ScBaseContext) Contract ¶
func (ctx ScBaseContext) Contract() ScHname
retrieve the hname of this contract
func (ScBaseContext) ContractCreator ¶
func (ctx ScBaseContext) ContractCreator() ScAgentID
retrieve the agent id of the creator of this contract
func (ScBaseContext) Log ¶
func (ctx ScBaseContext) Log(text string)
logs informational text message
func (ScBaseContext) Panic ¶
func (ctx ScBaseContext) Panic(text string)
logs error text message and then panics
func (ScBaseContext) Params ¶
func (ctx ScBaseContext) Params() ScImmutableMap
retrieve parameters passed to the smart contract function that was called
func (ScBaseContext) Require ¶
func (ctx ScBaseContext) Require(cond bool, msg string)
panics if condition is not satisfied
func (ScBaseContext) Results ¶
func (ctx ScBaseContext) Results() ScMutableMap
any results returned by the smart contract function call are returned here
func (ScBaseContext) Timestamp ¶
func (ctx ScBaseContext) Timestamp() int64
deterministic time stamp fixed at the moment of calling the smart contract
func (ScBaseContext) Trace ¶
func (ctx ScBaseContext) Trace(text string)
logs debugging trace text message
func (ScBaseContext) Utility ¶
func (ctx ScBaseContext) Utility() ScUtility
access diverse utility functions
type ScChainID ¶
type ScChainID struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScChainIDFromBytes ¶
type ScColor ¶
type ScColor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScColorFromBytes ¶
func NewScColorFromRequestID ¶
func NewScColorFromRequestID(requestID ScRequestID) ScColor
type ScExports ¶
type ScExports struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScExports ¶
func NewScExports() ScExports
func (ScExports) AddFunc ¶
func (ctx ScExports) AddFunc(name string, f func(ctx ScFuncContext))
func (ScExports) AddView ¶
func (ctx ScExports) AddView(name string, v func(ctx ScViewContext))
type ScFunc ¶
type ScFunc struct { ScView // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewScFunc ¶
func NewScFunc(ctx ScFuncCallContext, hContract, hFunction ScHname) *ScFunc
func (*ScFunc) OfContract ¶
func (*ScFunc) PostToChain ¶
func (*ScFunc) Transfer ¶
func (f *ScFunc) Transfer(transfer ScTransfers) *ScFunc
func (*ScFunc) TransferIotas ¶
type ScFuncCallContext ¶
type ScFuncCallContext interface {
type ScFuncContext ¶
type ScFuncContext struct {
smart contract interface with mutable access to state
func (ScFuncContext) Call ¶
func (ctx ScFuncContext) Call(hContract, hFunction ScHname, params *ScMutableMap, transfer *ScTransfers) ScImmutableMap
calls a smart contract function
func (ScFuncContext) CallSelf ¶
func (ctx ScFuncContext) CallSelf(hFunction ScHname, params *ScMutableMap, transfer *ScTransfers) ScImmutableMap
calls a smart contract function on the current contract
func (ScFuncContext) Caller ¶
func (ctx ScFuncContext) Caller() ScAgentID
retrieve the agent id of the caller of the smart contract
func (ScFuncContext) Deploy ¶
func (ctx ScFuncContext) Deploy(programHash ScHash, name, description string, params *ScMutableMap)
deploys a smart contract
func (ScFuncContext) Event ¶
func (ctx ScFuncContext) Event(text string)
signals an event on the node that external entities can subscribe to
func (ScFuncContext) Host ¶
func (ctx ScFuncContext) Host() ScHost
func (ScFuncContext) Incoming ¶
func (ctx ScFuncContext) Incoming() ScBalances
access the incoming balances for all token colors
func (ScFuncContext) InitFuncCallContext ¶
func (ctx ScFuncContext) InitFuncCallContext()
func (ScFuncContext) InitViewCallContext ¶
func (ctx ScFuncContext) InitViewCallContext()
func (ScFuncContext) Minted ¶
func (ctx ScFuncContext) Minted() ScBalances
retrieve the tokens that were minted in this transaction
func (ScFuncContext) Post ¶
func (ctx ScFuncContext) Post(chainID ScChainID, hContract, hFunction ScHname, params *ScMutableMap, transfer ScTransfers, delay int32)
(delayed) posts a smart contract function
func (ScFuncContext) PostSelf ¶
func (ctx ScFuncContext) PostSelf(hFunction ScHname, params *ScMutableMap, transfer ScTransfers, delay int32)
func (ScFuncContext) RequestID ¶
func (ctx ScFuncContext) RequestID() ScRequestID
retrieve the request id of this transaction
func (ScFuncContext) State ¶
func (ctx ScFuncContext) State() ScMutableMap
access to mutable state storage
func (ScFuncContext) TransferToAddress ¶
func (ctx ScFuncContext) TransferToAddress(address ScAddress, transfer ScTransfers)
transfer colored token amounts to the specified Tangle ledger address
type ScHash ¶
type ScHash struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScHashFromBytes ¶
type ScHost ¶
type ScHost interface { AddFunc(f func(ctx ScFuncContext)) []func(ctx ScFuncContext) AddView(v func(ctx ScViewContext)) []func(ctx ScViewContext) CallFunc(objID, keyID int32, params []byte) []byte Exists(objID, keyID, typeID int32) bool GetBytes(objID, keyID, typeID int32) []byte GetKeyIDFromBytes(bytes []byte) int32 GetKeyIDFromString(key string) int32 GetObjectID(objID, keyID, typeID int32) int32 SetBytes(objID, keyID, typeID int32, value []byte) }
func ConnectHost ¶
type ScImmutableAddress ¶
type ScImmutableAddress struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScImmutableAddress ¶
func NewScImmutableAddress(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScImmutableAddress
func (ScImmutableAddress) Exists ¶
func (o ScImmutableAddress) Exists() bool
func (ScImmutableAddress) String ¶
func (o ScImmutableAddress) String() string
func (ScImmutableAddress) Value ¶
func (o ScImmutableAddress) Value() ScAddress
type ScImmutableAddressArray ¶
type ScImmutableAddressArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScImmutableAddressArray) GetAddress ¶
func (o ScImmutableAddressArray) GetAddress(index int32) ScImmutableAddress
func (ScImmutableAddressArray) Length ¶
func (o ScImmutableAddressArray) Length() int32
type ScImmutableAgentID ¶
type ScImmutableAgentID struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScImmutableAgentID ¶
func NewScImmutableAgentID(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScImmutableAgentID
func (ScImmutableAgentID) Exists ¶
func (o ScImmutableAgentID) Exists() bool
func (ScImmutableAgentID) String ¶
func (o ScImmutableAgentID) String() string
func (ScImmutableAgentID) Value ¶
func (o ScImmutableAgentID) Value() ScAgentID
type ScImmutableAgentIDArray ¶
type ScImmutableAgentIDArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScImmutableAgentIDArray) GetAgentID ¶
func (o ScImmutableAgentIDArray) GetAgentID(index int32) ScImmutableAgentID
func (ScImmutableAgentIDArray) Length ¶
func (o ScImmutableAgentIDArray) Length() int32
type ScImmutableBytes ¶
type ScImmutableBytes struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScImmutableBytes ¶
func NewScImmutableBytes(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScImmutableBytes
func (ScImmutableBytes) Exists ¶
func (o ScImmutableBytes) Exists() bool
func (ScImmutableBytes) String ¶
func (o ScImmutableBytes) String() string
func (ScImmutableBytes) Value ¶
func (o ScImmutableBytes) Value() []byte
type ScImmutableBytesArray ¶
type ScImmutableBytesArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScImmutableBytesArray) GetBytes ¶
func (o ScImmutableBytesArray) GetBytes(index int32) ScImmutableBytes
func (ScImmutableBytesArray) Length ¶
func (o ScImmutableBytesArray) Length() int32
type ScImmutableChainID ¶
type ScImmutableChainID struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScImmutableChainID ¶
func NewScImmutableChainID(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScImmutableChainID
func (ScImmutableChainID) Exists ¶
func (o ScImmutableChainID) Exists() bool
func (ScImmutableChainID) String ¶
func (o ScImmutableChainID) String() string
func (ScImmutableChainID) Value ¶
func (o ScImmutableChainID) Value() ScChainID
type ScImmutableChainIDArray ¶
type ScImmutableChainIDArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScImmutableChainIDArray) GetChainID ¶
func (o ScImmutableChainIDArray) GetChainID(index int32) ScImmutableChainID
func (ScImmutableChainIDArray) Length ¶
func (o ScImmutableChainIDArray) Length() int32
type ScImmutableColor ¶
type ScImmutableColor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScImmutableColor ¶
func NewScImmutableColor(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScImmutableColor
func (ScImmutableColor) Exists ¶
func (o ScImmutableColor) Exists() bool
func (ScImmutableColor) String ¶
func (o ScImmutableColor) String() string
func (ScImmutableColor) Value ¶
func (o ScImmutableColor) Value() ScColor
type ScImmutableColorArray ¶
type ScImmutableColorArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScImmutableColorArray) GetColor ¶
func (o ScImmutableColorArray) GetColor(index int32) ScImmutableColor
func (ScImmutableColorArray) Length ¶
func (o ScImmutableColorArray) Length() int32
type ScImmutableHash ¶
type ScImmutableHash struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScImmutableHash ¶
func NewScImmutableHash(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScImmutableHash
func (ScImmutableHash) Exists ¶
func (o ScImmutableHash) Exists() bool
func (ScImmutableHash) String ¶
func (o ScImmutableHash) String() string
func (ScImmutableHash) Value ¶
func (o ScImmutableHash) Value() ScHash
type ScImmutableHashArray ¶
type ScImmutableHashArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScImmutableHashArray) GetHash ¶
func (o ScImmutableHashArray) GetHash(index int32) ScImmutableHash
func (ScImmutableHashArray) Length ¶
func (o ScImmutableHashArray) Length() int32
type ScImmutableHname ¶
type ScImmutableHname struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScImmutableHname ¶
func NewScImmutableHname(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScImmutableHname
func (ScImmutableHname) Exists ¶
func (o ScImmutableHname) Exists() bool
func (ScImmutableHname) String ¶
func (o ScImmutableHname) String() string
func (ScImmutableHname) Value ¶
func (o ScImmutableHname) Value() ScHname
type ScImmutableHnameArray ¶
type ScImmutableHnameArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScImmutableHnameArray) GetHname ¶
func (o ScImmutableHnameArray) GetHname(index int32) ScImmutableHname
func (ScImmutableHnameArray) Length ¶
func (o ScImmutableHnameArray) Length() int32
type ScImmutableInt16 ¶
type ScImmutableInt16 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScImmutableInt16 ¶
func NewScImmutableInt16(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScImmutableInt16
func (ScImmutableInt16) Exists ¶
func (o ScImmutableInt16) Exists() bool
func (ScImmutableInt16) String ¶
func (o ScImmutableInt16) String() string
func (ScImmutableInt16) Value ¶
func (o ScImmutableInt16) Value() int16
type ScImmutableInt16Array ¶
type ScImmutableInt16Array struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScImmutableInt16Array) GetInt16 ¶
func (o ScImmutableInt16Array) GetInt16(index int32) ScImmutableInt16
func (ScImmutableInt16Array) Length ¶
func (o ScImmutableInt16Array) Length() int32
type ScImmutableInt32 ¶
type ScImmutableInt32 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScImmutableInt32 ¶
func NewScImmutableInt32(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScImmutableInt32
func (ScImmutableInt32) Exists ¶
func (o ScImmutableInt32) Exists() bool
func (ScImmutableInt32) String ¶
func (o ScImmutableInt32) String() string
func (ScImmutableInt32) Value ¶
func (o ScImmutableInt32) Value() int32
type ScImmutableInt32Array ¶
type ScImmutableInt32Array struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScImmutableInt32Array) GetInt32 ¶
func (o ScImmutableInt32Array) GetInt32(index int32) ScImmutableInt32
func (ScImmutableInt32Array) Length ¶
func (o ScImmutableInt32Array) Length() int32
type ScImmutableInt64 ¶
type ScImmutableInt64 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScImmutableInt64 ¶
func NewScImmutableInt64(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScImmutableInt64
func (ScImmutableInt64) Exists ¶
func (o ScImmutableInt64) Exists() bool
func (ScImmutableInt64) String ¶
func (o ScImmutableInt64) String() string
func (ScImmutableInt64) Value ¶
func (o ScImmutableInt64) Value() int64
type ScImmutableInt64Array ¶
type ScImmutableInt64Array struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScImmutableInt64Array) GetInt64 ¶
func (o ScImmutableInt64Array) GetInt64(index int32) ScImmutableInt64
func (ScImmutableInt64Array) Length ¶
func (o ScImmutableInt64Array) Length() int32
type ScImmutableMap ¶
type ScImmutableMap struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScImmutableMap) CallFunc ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) CallFunc(keyID Key32, params []byte) []byte
func (ScImmutableMap) GetAddress ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetAddress(key MapKey) ScImmutableAddress
func (ScImmutableMap) GetAddressArray ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetAddressArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableAddressArray
func (ScImmutableMap) GetAgentID ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetAgentID(key MapKey) ScImmutableAgentID
func (ScImmutableMap) GetAgentIDArray ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetAgentIDArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableAgentIDArray
func (ScImmutableMap) GetBytes ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetBytes(key MapKey) ScImmutableBytes
func (ScImmutableMap) GetBytesArray ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetBytesArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableBytesArray
func (ScImmutableMap) GetChainID ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetChainID(key MapKey) ScImmutableChainID
func (ScImmutableMap) GetChainIDArray ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetChainIDArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableChainIDArray
func (ScImmutableMap) GetColor ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetColor(key MapKey) ScImmutableColor
func (ScImmutableMap) GetColorArray ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetColorArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableColorArray
func (ScImmutableMap) GetHash ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetHash(key MapKey) ScImmutableHash
func (ScImmutableMap) GetHashArray ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetHashArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableHashArray
func (ScImmutableMap) GetHname ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetHname(key MapKey) ScImmutableHname
func (ScImmutableMap) GetHnameArray ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetHnameArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableHnameArray
func (ScImmutableMap) GetInt16 ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetInt16(key MapKey) ScImmutableInt16
func (ScImmutableMap) GetInt16Array ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetInt16Array(key MapKey) ScImmutableInt16Array
func (ScImmutableMap) GetInt32 ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetInt32(key MapKey) ScImmutableInt32
func (ScImmutableMap) GetInt32Array ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetInt32Array(key MapKey) ScImmutableInt32Array
func (ScImmutableMap) GetInt64 ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetInt64(key MapKey) ScImmutableInt64
func (ScImmutableMap) GetInt64Array ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetInt64Array(key MapKey) ScImmutableInt64Array
func (ScImmutableMap) GetMap ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetMap(key MapKey) ScImmutableMap
func (ScImmutableMap) GetMapArray ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetMapArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableMapArray
func (ScImmutableMap) GetRequestID ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetRequestID(key MapKey) ScImmutableRequestID
func (ScImmutableMap) GetRequestIDArray ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetRequestIDArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableRequestIDArray
func (ScImmutableMap) GetString ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetString(key MapKey) ScImmutableString
func (ScImmutableMap) GetStringArray ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) GetStringArray(key MapKey) ScImmutableStringArray
func (ScImmutableMap) MapID ¶
func (o ScImmutableMap) MapID() int32
type ScImmutableMapArray ¶
type ScImmutableMapArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScImmutableMapArray) GetMap ¶
func (o ScImmutableMapArray) GetMap(index int32) ScImmutableMap
func (ScImmutableMapArray) Length ¶
func (o ScImmutableMapArray) Length() int32
type ScImmutableRequestID ¶
type ScImmutableRequestID struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScImmutableRequestID ¶
func NewScImmutableRequestID(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScImmutableRequestID
func (ScImmutableRequestID) Exists ¶
func (o ScImmutableRequestID) Exists() bool
func (ScImmutableRequestID) String ¶
func (o ScImmutableRequestID) String() string
func (ScImmutableRequestID) Value ¶
func (o ScImmutableRequestID) Value() ScRequestID
type ScImmutableRequestIDArray ¶
type ScImmutableRequestIDArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScImmutableRequestIDArray) GetRequestID ¶
func (o ScImmutableRequestIDArray) GetRequestID(index int32) ScImmutableRequestID
func (ScImmutableRequestIDArray) Length ¶
func (o ScImmutableRequestIDArray) Length() int32
type ScImmutableString ¶
type ScImmutableString struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScImmutableString ¶
func NewScImmutableString(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScImmutableString
func (ScImmutableString) Exists ¶
func (o ScImmutableString) Exists() bool
func (ScImmutableString) String ¶
func (o ScImmutableString) String() string
func (ScImmutableString) Value ¶
func (o ScImmutableString) Value() string
type ScImmutableStringArray ¶
type ScImmutableStringArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScImmutableStringArray) GetString ¶
func (o ScImmutableStringArray) GetString(index int32) ScImmutableString
func (ScImmutableStringArray) Length ¶
func (o ScImmutableStringArray) Length() int32
type ScInitFunc ¶
type ScInitFunc struct { ScView // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewScInitFunc ¶
func NewScInitFunc(ctx ScFuncCallContext, hContract, hFunction ScHname, keys []Key, indexes []Key32) *ScInitFunc
func (*ScInitFunc) Call ¶
func (f *ScInitFunc) Call()
func (*ScInitFunc) OfContract ¶
func (f *ScInitFunc) OfContract(hContract ScHname) *ScInitFunc
func (*ScInitFunc) Params ¶
func (f *ScInitFunc) Params() []interface{}
type ScMutableAddress ¶
type ScMutableAddress struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScMutableAddress ¶
func NewScMutableAddress(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScMutableAddress
func (ScMutableAddress) Exists ¶
func (o ScMutableAddress) Exists() bool
func (ScMutableAddress) SetValue ¶
func (o ScMutableAddress) SetValue(value ScAddress)
func (ScMutableAddress) String ¶
func (o ScMutableAddress) String() string
func (ScMutableAddress) Value ¶
func (o ScMutableAddress) Value() ScAddress
type ScMutableAddressArray ¶
type ScMutableAddressArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScMutableAddressArray) Clear ¶
func (o ScMutableAddressArray) Clear()
func (ScMutableAddressArray) GetAddress ¶
func (o ScMutableAddressArray) GetAddress(index int32) ScMutableAddress
func (ScMutableAddressArray) Immutable ¶
func (o ScMutableAddressArray) Immutable() ScImmutableAddressArray
func (ScMutableAddressArray) Length ¶
func (o ScMutableAddressArray) Length() int32
type ScMutableAgentID ¶
type ScMutableAgentID struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScMutableAgentID ¶
func NewScMutableAgentID(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScMutableAgentID
func (ScMutableAgentID) Exists ¶
func (o ScMutableAgentID) Exists() bool
func (ScMutableAgentID) SetValue ¶
func (o ScMutableAgentID) SetValue(value ScAgentID)
func (ScMutableAgentID) String ¶
func (o ScMutableAgentID) String() string
func (ScMutableAgentID) Value ¶
func (o ScMutableAgentID) Value() ScAgentID
type ScMutableAgentIDArray ¶
type ScMutableAgentIDArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScMutableAgentIDArray) Clear ¶
func (o ScMutableAgentIDArray) Clear()
func (ScMutableAgentIDArray) GetAgentID ¶
func (o ScMutableAgentIDArray) GetAgentID(index int32) ScMutableAgentID
func (ScMutableAgentIDArray) Immutable ¶
func (o ScMutableAgentIDArray) Immutable() ScImmutableAgentIDArray
func (ScMutableAgentIDArray) Length ¶
func (o ScMutableAgentIDArray) Length() int32
type ScMutableBytes ¶
type ScMutableBytes struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScMutableBytes ¶
func NewScMutableBytes(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScMutableBytes
func (ScMutableBytes) Exists ¶
func (o ScMutableBytes) Exists() bool
func (ScMutableBytes) SetValue ¶
func (o ScMutableBytes) SetValue(value []byte)
func (ScMutableBytes) String ¶
func (o ScMutableBytes) String() string
func (ScMutableBytes) Value ¶
func (o ScMutableBytes) Value() []byte
type ScMutableBytesArray ¶
type ScMutableBytesArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScMutableBytesArray) Clear ¶
func (o ScMutableBytesArray) Clear()
func (ScMutableBytesArray) GetBytes ¶
func (o ScMutableBytesArray) GetBytes(index int32) ScMutableBytes
func (ScMutableBytesArray) Immutable ¶
func (o ScMutableBytesArray) Immutable() ScImmutableBytesArray
func (ScMutableBytesArray) Length ¶
func (o ScMutableBytesArray) Length() int32
type ScMutableChainID ¶
type ScMutableChainID struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScMutableChainID ¶
func NewScMutableChainID(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScMutableChainID
func (ScMutableChainID) Exists ¶
func (o ScMutableChainID) Exists() bool
func (ScMutableChainID) SetValue ¶
func (o ScMutableChainID) SetValue(value ScChainID)
func (ScMutableChainID) String ¶
func (o ScMutableChainID) String() string
func (ScMutableChainID) Value ¶
func (o ScMutableChainID) Value() ScChainID
type ScMutableChainIDArray ¶
type ScMutableChainIDArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScMutableChainIDArray) Clear ¶
func (o ScMutableChainIDArray) Clear()
func (ScMutableChainIDArray) GetChainID ¶
func (o ScMutableChainIDArray) GetChainID(index int32) ScMutableChainID
func (ScMutableChainIDArray) Immutable ¶
func (o ScMutableChainIDArray) Immutable() ScImmutableChainIDArray
func (ScMutableChainIDArray) Length ¶
func (o ScMutableChainIDArray) Length() int32
type ScMutableColor ¶
type ScMutableColor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScMutableColor ¶
func NewScMutableColor(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScMutableColor
func (ScMutableColor) Exists ¶
func (o ScMutableColor) Exists() bool
func (ScMutableColor) SetValue ¶
func (o ScMutableColor) SetValue(value ScColor)
func (ScMutableColor) String ¶
func (o ScMutableColor) String() string
func (ScMutableColor) Value ¶
func (o ScMutableColor) Value() ScColor
type ScMutableColorArray ¶
type ScMutableColorArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScMutableColorArray) Clear ¶
func (o ScMutableColorArray) Clear()
func (ScMutableColorArray) GetColor ¶
func (o ScMutableColorArray) GetColor(index int32) ScMutableColor
func (ScMutableColorArray) Immutable ¶
func (o ScMutableColorArray) Immutable() ScImmutableColorArray
func (ScMutableColorArray) Length ¶
func (o ScMutableColorArray) Length() int32
type ScMutableHash ¶
type ScMutableHash struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScMutableHash ¶
func NewScMutableHash(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScMutableHash
func (ScMutableHash) Exists ¶
func (o ScMutableHash) Exists() bool
func (ScMutableHash) SetValue ¶
func (o ScMutableHash) SetValue(value ScHash)
func (ScMutableHash) String ¶
func (o ScMutableHash) String() string
func (ScMutableHash) Value ¶
func (o ScMutableHash) Value() ScHash
type ScMutableHashArray ¶
type ScMutableHashArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScMutableHashArray) Clear ¶
func (o ScMutableHashArray) Clear()
func (ScMutableHashArray) GetHash ¶
func (o ScMutableHashArray) GetHash(index int32) ScMutableHash
func (ScMutableHashArray) Immutable ¶
func (o ScMutableHashArray) Immutable() ScImmutableHashArray
func (ScMutableHashArray) Length ¶
func (o ScMutableHashArray) Length() int32
type ScMutableHname ¶
type ScMutableHname struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScMutableHname ¶
func NewScMutableHname(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScMutableHname
func (ScMutableHname) Exists ¶
func (o ScMutableHname) Exists() bool
func (ScMutableHname) SetValue ¶
func (o ScMutableHname) SetValue(value ScHname)
func (ScMutableHname) String ¶
func (o ScMutableHname) String() string
func (ScMutableHname) Value ¶
func (o ScMutableHname) Value() ScHname
type ScMutableHnameArray ¶
type ScMutableHnameArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScMutableHnameArray) Clear ¶
func (o ScMutableHnameArray) Clear()
func (ScMutableHnameArray) GetHname ¶
func (o ScMutableHnameArray) GetHname(index int32) ScMutableHname
func (ScMutableHnameArray) Immutable ¶
func (o ScMutableHnameArray) Immutable() ScImmutableHnameArray
func (ScMutableHnameArray) Length ¶
func (o ScMutableHnameArray) Length() int32
type ScMutableInt16 ¶
type ScMutableInt16 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScMutableInt16 ¶
func NewScMutableInt16(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScMutableInt16
func (ScMutableInt16) Exists ¶
func (o ScMutableInt16) Exists() bool
func (ScMutableInt16) SetValue ¶
func (o ScMutableInt16) SetValue(value int16)
func (ScMutableInt16) String ¶
func (o ScMutableInt16) String() string
func (ScMutableInt16) Value ¶
func (o ScMutableInt16) Value() int16
type ScMutableInt16Array ¶
type ScMutableInt16Array struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScMutableInt16Array) Clear ¶
func (o ScMutableInt16Array) Clear()
func (ScMutableInt16Array) GetInt16 ¶
func (o ScMutableInt16Array) GetInt16(index int32) ScMutableInt16
func (ScMutableInt16Array) Immutable ¶
func (o ScMutableInt16Array) Immutable() ScImmutableInt16Array
func (ScMutableInt16Array) Length ¶
func (o ScMutableInt16Array) Length() int32
type ScMutableInt32 ¶
type ScMutableInt32 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScMutableInt32 ¶
func NewScMutableInt32(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScMutableInt32
func (ScMutableInt32) Exists ¶
func (o ScMutableInt32) Exists() bool
func (ScMutableInt32) SetValue ¶
func (o ScMutableInt32) SetValue(value int32)
func (ScMutableInt32) String ¶
func (o ScMutableInt32) String() string
func (ScMutableInt32) Value ¶
func (o ScMutableInt32) Value() int32
type ScMutableInt32Array ¶
type ScMutableInt32Array struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScMutableInt32Array) Clear ¶
func (o ScMutableInt32Array) Clear()
func (ScMutableInt32Array) GetInt32 ¶
func (o ScMutableInt32Array) GetInt32(index int32) ScMutableInt32
func (ScMutableInt32Array) Immutable ¶
func (o ScMutableInt32Array) Immutable() ScImmutableInt32Array
func (ScMutableInt32Array) Length ¶
func (o ScMutableInt32Array) Length() int32
type ScMutableInt64 ¶
type ScMutableInt64 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScMutableInt64 ¶
func NewScMutableInt64(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScMutableInt64
func (ScMutableInt64) Exists ¶
func (o ScMutableInt64) Exists() bool
func (ScMutableInt64) SetValue ¶
func (o ScMutableInt64) SetValue(value int64)
func (ScMutableInt64) String ¶
func (o ScMutableInt64) String() string
func (ScMutableInt64) Value ¶
func (o ScMutableInt64) Value() int64
type ScMutableInt64Array ¶
type ScMutableInt64Array struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScMutableInt64Array) Clear ¶
func (o ScMutableInt64Array) Clear()
func (ScMutableInt64Array) GetInt64 ¶
func (o ScMutableInt64Array) GetInt64(index int32) ScMutableInt64
func (ScMutableInt64Array) Immutable ¶
func (o ScMutableInt64Array) Immutable() ScImmutableInt64Array
func (ScMutableInt64Array) Length ¶
func (o ScMutableInt64Array) Length() int32
type ScMutableMap ¶
type ScMutableMap struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScMutableMap ¶
func NewScMutableMap() *ScMutableMap
func (ScMutableMap) Clear ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) Clear()
func (ScMutableMap) GetAddress ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetAddress(key MapKey) ScMutableAddress
func (ScMutableMap) GetAddressArray ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetAddressArray(key MapKey) ScMutableAddressArray
func (ScMutableMap) GetAgentID ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetAgentID(key MapKey) ScMutableAgentID
func (ScMutableMap) GetAgentIDArray ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetAgentIDArray(key MapKey) ScMutableAgentIDArray
func (ScMutableMap) GetBytes ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetBytes(key MapKey) ScMutableBytes
func (ScMutableMap) GetBytesArray ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetBytesArray(key MapKey) ScMutableBytesArray
func (ScMutableMap) GetChainID ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetChainID(key MapKey) ScMutableChainID
func (ScMutableMap) GetChainIDArray ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetChainIDArray(key MapKey) ScMutableChainIDArray
func (ScMutableMap) GetColor ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetColor(key MapKey) ScMutableColor
func (ScMutableMap) GetColorArray ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetColorArray(key MapKey) ScMutableColorArray
func (ScMutableMap) GetHash ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetHash(key MapKey) ScMutableHash
func (ScMutableMap) GetHashArray ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetHashArray(key MapKey) ScMutableHashArray
func (ScMutableMap) GetHname ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetHname(key MapKey) ScMutableHname
func (ScMutableMap) GetHnameArray ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetHnameArray(key MapKey) ScMutableHnameArray
func (ScMutableMap) GetInt16 ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetInt16(key MapKey) ScMutableInt16
func (ScMutableMap) GetInt16Array ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetInt16Array(key MapKey) ScMutableInt16Array
func (ScMutableMap) GetInt32 ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetInt32(key MapKey) ScMutableInt32
func (ScMutableMap) GetInt32Array ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetInt32Array(key MapKey) ScMutableInt32Array
func (ScMutableMap) GetInt64 ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetInt64(key MapKey) ScMutableInt64
func (ScMutableMap) GetInt64Array ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetInt64Array(key MapKey) ScMutableInt64Array
func (ScMutableMap) GetMap ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetMap(key MapKey) ScMutableMap
func (ScMutableMap) GetMapArray ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetMapArray(key MapKey) ScMutableMapArray
func (ScMutableMap) GetRequestID ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetRequestID(key MapKey) ScMutableRequestID
func (ScMutableMap) GetRequestIDArray ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetRequestIDArray(key MapKey) ScMutableRequestIDArray
func (ScMutableMap) GetString ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetString(key MapKey) ScMutableString
func (ScMutableMap) GetStringArray ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) GetStringArray(key MapKey) ScMutableStringArray
func (ScMutableMap) Immutable ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) Immutable() ScImmutableMap
func (ScMutableMap) MapID ¶
func (o ScMutableMap) MapID() int32
type ScMutableMapArray ¶
type ScMutableMapArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScMutableMapArray) Clear ¶
func (o ScMutableMapArray) Clear()
func (ScMutableMapArray) GetMap ¶
func (o ScMutableMapArray) GetMap(index int32) ScMutableMap
func (ScMutableMapArray) Immutable ¶
func (o ScMutableMapArray) Immutable() ScImmutableMapArray
func (ScMutableMapArray) Length ¶
func (o ScMutableMapArray) Length() int32
type ScMutableRequestID ¶
type ScMutableRequestID struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScMutableRequestID ¶
func NewScMutableRequestID(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScMutableRequestID
func (ScMutableRequestID) Exists ¶
func (o ScMutableRequestID) Exists() bool
func (ScMutableRequestID) SetValue ¶
func (o ScMutableRequestID) SetValue(value ScRequestID)
func (ScMutableRequestID) String ¶
func (o ScMutableRequestID) String() string
func (ScMutableRequestID) Value ¶
func (o ScMutableRequestID) Value() ScRequestID
type ScMutableRequestIDArray ¶
type ScMutableRequestIDArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScMutableRequestIDArray) Clear ¶
func (o ScMutableRequestIDArray) Clear()
func (ScMutableRequestIDArray) GetRequestID ¶
func (o ScMutableRequestIDArray) GetRequestID(index int32) ScMutableRequestID
func (ScMutableRequestIDArray) Immutable ¶
func (o ScMutableRequestIDArray) Immutable() ScImmutableRequestIDArray
func (ScMutableRequestIDArray) Length ¶
func (o ScMutableRequestIDArray) Length() int32
type ScMutableString ¶
type ScMutableString struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScMutableString ¶
func NewScMutableString(objID int32, keyID Key32) ScMutableString
func (ScMutableString) Exists ¶
func (o ScMutableString) Exists() bool
func (ScMutableString) SetValue ¶
func (o ScMutableString) SetValue(value string)
func (ScMutableString) String ¶
func (o ScMutableString) String() string
func (ScMutableString) Value ¶
func (o ScMutableString) Value() string
type ScMutableStringArray ¶
type ScMutableStringArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScMutableStringArray) Clear ¶
func (o ScMutableStringArray) Clear()
func (ScMutableStringArray) GetString ¶
func (o ScMutableStringArray) GetString(index int32) ScMutableString
func (ScMutableStringArray) Immutable ¶
func (o ScMutableStringArray) Immutable() ScImmutableStringArray
func (ScMutableStringArray) Length ¶
func (o ScMutableStringArray) Length() int32
type ScRequestID ¶
type ScRequestID struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScRequestIDFromBytes ¶
func NewScRequestIDFromBytes(bytes []byte) ScRequestID
func (ScRequestID) Bytes ¶
func (o ScRequestID) Bytes() []byte
func (ScRequestID) KeyID ¶
func (o ScRequestID) KeyID() Key32
func (ScRequestID) String ¶
func (o ScRequestID) String() string
type ScTransfers ¶
type ScTransfers struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScTransfer ¶
func NewScTransfer(color ScColor, amount int64) ScTransfers
special constructor for simplifying single transfers
func NewScTransferIotas ¶
func NewScTransferIotas(amount int64) ScTransfers
special constructor for simplifying iota transfers
func NewScTransfers ¶
func NewScTransfers() ScTransfers
func NewScTransfersFromBalances ¶
func NewScTransfersFromBalances(balances ScBalances) ScTransfers
func NoScTransfers ¶
func NoScTransfers() ScTransfers
func (ScTransfers) Set ¶
func (ctx ScTransfers) Set(color ScColor, amount int64)
transfers the specified amount of tokens of the specified color
type ScUtility ¶
type ScUtility struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ScUtility) Base58Decode ¶
decodes the specified base58-encoded string value to its original bytes
func (ScUtility) Base58Encode ¶
encodes the specified bytes to a base-58-encoded string
func (ScUtility) BlsAddressFromPubKey ¶
func (ScUtility) BlsAggregateSignatures ¶
func (ScUtility) BlsValidSignature ¶
func (ScUtility) Ed25519AddressFromPubKey ¶
func (ScUtility) Ed25519ValidSignature ¶
func (ScUtility) HashBlake2b ¶
hashes the specified value bytes using blake2b hashing and returns the resulting 32-byte hash
func (ScUtility) HashSha3 ¶
hashes the specified value bytes using sha3 hashing and returns the resulting 32-byte hash
func (ScUtility) Hname ¶
hashes the specified value bytes using blake2b hashing and returns the resulting 32-byte hash
type ScView ¶
type ScView struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScView ¶
func NewScView(ctx ScViewCallContext, hContract, hFunction ScHname) *ScView
func (*ScView) OfContract ¶
type ScViewCallContext ¶
type ScViewCallContext interface {
type ScViewContext ¶
type ScViewContext struct {
smart contract interface with immutable access to state
func (ScViewContext) Call ¶
func (ctx ScViewContext) Call(contract, function ScHname, params *ScMutableMap) ScImmutableMap
calls a smart contract function
func (ScViewContext) CallSelf ¶
func (ctx ScViewContext) CallSelf(function ScHname, params *ScMutableMap) ScImmutableMap
calls a smart contract function on the current contract
func (ScViewContext) InitViewCallContext ¶
func (ctx ScViewContext) InitViewCallContext()
func (ScViewContext) State ¶
func (ctx ScViewContext) State() ScImmutableMap
access to immutable state storage