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Published: Mar 16, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 10 Imported by: 1



Italy uses the FatturaPA format for their e-invoicing system.

Public Documentations


Historical Documentations

Schema V1.2.1 Spec Table View (EN) - by far the most comprehensible spec doc. Since the difference between 1.2.2 and 1.2.1 is minimal, this is perfectly usable.

Schema V1.2.2 PDF (IT) - most up-to-date but difficult

XSD V1.2.2

Tax Rates


Changes from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2
  • Documentation changes: TD25, N1, N6.2, N7
  • Addition of TD28: Acquisti da San Marino con IVA (fattura cartacea)
Tax Definitions

Fiscal Code (Codice Fiscale)

VAT Number (Partita IVA)

Agenzia Entrate (Tax Office) IVA Doc

Special Codes (WIP)

FatturaPA demands very specific categorization for the type of economic activity, document type, fund type, etc. It will be a challenge to map these onto GOBL constructs.

RegimeFiscale (Tax System)
RF01 Ordinary
RF02 "Minimum taxpayers (Art. 1, section 96-117, Italian Law 244/07)"
RF04 "Agriculture and connected activities and fishing (Arts. 34 and 34-bis, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)"
RF05 "Sale of salts and tobaccos (Art. 74, section 1, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)"
RF06 "Match sales (Art. 74, section 1, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)"
RF07 "Publishing (Art. 74, section 1, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)"
RF08 "Management of public telephone services (Art. 74, section 1, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)"
RF09 "Resale of public transport and parking documents (Art. 74, section 1, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)"
RF10 "Entertainment, gaming and other activities referred to by the tariff attached to Italian Presidential Decree 640/72 (Art. 74, section 6, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)"
RF11 "Travel and tourism agencies (Art. 74-ter, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)"
RF12 "Farmhouse accommodation/restaurants (Art. 5, section 2, Italian law 413/91)"
RF13 "Door-to-door sales (Art. 25-bis, section 6, Italian Presidential Decree 600/73)"
RF14 "Resale of used goods, artworks, antiques or collector's items (Art. 36, Italian Decree Law 41/95)"
RF15 "Artwork, antiques or collector's items auction agencies (Art. 40-bis, Italian Decree Law 41/95)"
RF16 "VAT paid in cash by P.A. (Art. 6, section 5, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)"
RF17 "VAT paid in cash by subjects with business turnover below Euro 200,000 (Art. 7, Italian Decree Law 185/2008)"
RF18 Other
RF19 "Flat rate (Art. 1, section 54-89, Italian Law 190/2014)"
TipoCassa (Fund Type)
Code Description
TC01 National Pension and Welfare Fund for Lawyers and Solicitors
TC02 Pension fund for accountants
TC03 Pension and welfare fund for surveyors
TC04 National pension and welfare fund for self-employed engineers and architects
TC05 National fund for solicitors
TC06 National pension and welfare fund for bookkeepers and commercial experts
TC07 National welfare board for sales agents and representatives (ENASARCO - Ente Nazionale Assistenza Agenti e Rappresentanti di Commercio)
TC08 National pension and welfare board for employment consultants (ENPACL - Ente Nazionale Previdenza e Assistenza Consulenti del Lavoro)
TC09 National pension and welfare board for doctors (ENPAM - Ente Nazionale Previdenza e Assistenza Medici)
TC10 National pension and welfare board for pharmacists (ENPAF - Ente Nazionale Previdenza e Assistenza Farmacisti )
TC11 National pension and welfare board for veterinary physicians (ENPAV - Ente Nazionale Previdenza e Assistenza Veterinari)
TC12 National pension and welfare board for agricultural employees (ENPAIA - Ente Nazionale Previdenza e Assistenza Impiegati dell'Agricoltura)
TC13 Pension fund for employees of shipping companies and maritime agencies)
TC14 National pension institute for Italian journalists (INPGI - Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Giornalisti Italiani)
TC15 National welfare board for orphans of Italian doctors (ONAOSI - Opera Nazionale Assistenza Orfani Sanitari Italiani)
TC16 Autonomous supplementary welfare fund for Italian journalists (CASAGIT - Cassa Autonoma Assistenza Integrativa Giornalisti Italiani)
TC17 Pension board for industrial experts and graduate industrial experts (EPPI - Ente Previdenza Periti Industriali e Periti Industriali Laureati)
TC18 National multi-category pension and welfare board (EPAP - Ente Previdenza e Assistenza Pluricategoriale)
TC19 National pension and welfare board for biologists (ENPAB - Ente Nazionale Previdenza e Assistenza Biologi)
TC20 National pension and welfare board for the nursing profession (ENPAPI - Ente Nazionale Previdenza e Assistenza Professione Infermieristica)
TC21 National pension and welfare board for psychologists (ENPAP - Ente Nazionale Previdenza e Assistenza Psicologi)
TC22 National Social Security Institute (INPS - Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale)
ModalitaPagamento (Payment Method)
Code Key SubKey Description
MP01 cash Cash
MP02 cheque cheque
MP03 bank-draft Banker's draft
MP04 cash treasury Cash at Treasury
MP05 credit-transfer bank transfer
MP06 NA money order
MP07 NA pre-compiled bank payment slip
MP08 card payment card
MP09 direct-debit direct debit
MP10 direct-debit utilities Utilities direct debit (must be rare!)
MP11 direct-debit fast fast direct debit
MP12 NA collection order
MP13 NA payment by notice
MP14 NA tax office quittance
MP15 NA transfer on special accounting accounts
MP16 NA order for direct payment from bank account
MP17 NA order for direct payment from post office account
MP18 NA bulletin postal account
MP19 direct-debit sepa SEPA Direct Debit
MP20 direct-debit sepa-core SEPA Direct Debit CORE
MP21 direct-debit sepa-b2b SEPA Direct Debit B2B
MP22 credit Deduction on sums already collected
MP23 online pagopa PagoPA
TipoDocumento (Document Type)
Code Type Scheme / Condition Description
TD01 Regular Invoice
TD02 partial Advance or down payment on invoice
TD03 partial freelancer Advance or down payment on freelance invoice
TD04 credit-note Credit note
TD05 debit-note Debit note
TD06 freelancer Freelancer Invoice - includes retained taxes
TD07 simplified Simplified (*)
TD08 credit-note no customer Simplified Credit Note (*)
TD09 debit-note no customer Simplified Debit Note (*)
TD16 reverse-charge reverse charge internal invoice integration
TD17 TBD integration/self invoicing for purchase services from abroad
TD18 eu-goods integration for purchase of intra UE goods
TD19 TBD integration/self invoicing for purchase of goods ex art.17 c.2 DPR 633/72
TD20 self-billed TBD self invoicing for regularisation and integration of invoices (ex art.6 c.8 and 9-bis d.lgs 471/97 or art.46 c.5 D.L. 331/93)
TD21 self-billed ceiling-exceeded Self invoicing when goods are bought for export without VAT until a certain limit. If limit is exceeded, they must issue an invoice of type TD21. (Autofaturra per splafonamento)
TD22 goods extractions of goods from VAT Warehouse
TD23 goods-with-tax extractions of goods from VAT Warehouse with payment of VAT
TD24 deferred "deferred invoice ex art.21, c.4, lett. a) DPR 633/72"
TD25 deferred, third-period "deferred invoice ex art.21, c.4, third period lett. b) DPR 633/72"
TD26 depreciable-assets sale of depreciable assets and for internal transfers (ex art.36 DPR 633/72)
TD27 self-billed TBD self invoicing for self consumption or for free transfer without recourse
TD28 san-merino-paper Purchases from San Marino with VAT (paper invoice)

Note: fields marked with (*) are for simplified invoice documents.

Natura (Nature)

| | | | ---- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --- | | N1 | excluded pursuant to Art. 15, DPR 633/72 | | N2 | not subject (this code is no longer permitted to use on invoices emitted from 1 January 2021 ) | | N2.1 | not subject to VAT under the articles from 7 to 7-septies of DPR 633/72 | | N2.2 | not subject – other cases | | N3 | not taxable (this code is no longer permitted to use on invoices emitted from 1 January 2021 ) | | N3.1 | not taxable - exportations | | N3.2 | not taxable - intra Community transfers | | N3.3 | not taxable - transfers to San Marino | | N3.4 | not taxable - transactions treated as export supplies | | N3.5 | not taxable - for declaration of intent | | N3.6 | not taxable – other transactions that don’t contribute to the determination of ceiling | | N4 | exempt | | N5 | margin regime / VAT not exposed on invoice | | N6 | "reverse charge (for transactions in reverse charge or for self invoicing for purchase of extra UE services or for import of goods only in the cases provided for) — (this code is no longer permitted to use on invoices emitted from 1 January 2021 )" | | | N6.1 | reverse charge - transfer of scrap and of other recyclable materials | | N6.2 | reverse charge - trasnfer of gold and pure silver pursuant to law 7/2000 as well as used jewelery to OPO | | N6.3 | reverse charge - subcontracting in the construction sector | | N6.4 | reverse charge - transfer of buildings | | N6.5 | reverse charge - transfer of mobile phones | | N6.6 | reverse charge - transfer of electronic products | | N6.7 | reverse charge - provisions in the construction and related sectors | | N6.8 | reverse charge - transactions in the energy sector | | N6.9 | reverse charge - other cases | | N7 | "VAT paid in other EU countries (telecommunications, tele-broadcasting and electronic services provision pursuant to Art. 7 -octies letter a, b, art. 74-sexies Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)" |

TipoRitenuta (Withholding Type)
RT01 witholding tax natural persons
RT02 witholding corporate entities
RT03 INPS contribution
RT04 ENASARCO contribution
RT05 ENPAM contribution
RT06 Other social security contribution



Package it provides the Italian tax regime.



Local tax category definitions which are not considered standard.

View Source
const (
	KeyFatturaPATipoDocumento cbc.Key = "fatturapa-tipo-documento"
	KeyFatturaPARegimeFiscale cbc.Key = "fatturapa-regime-fiscale"
	KeyFatturaPANatura        cbc.Key = "fatturapa-natura"
	KeyFatturaPATipoRitenuta  cbc.Key = "fatturapa-tipo-ritenuta"

Keys used for meta data from external sources.

View Source
const (
	// Tags for document type
	TagFreelance       cbc.Key = "freelance"
	TagCeilingExceeded cbc.Key = "ceiling-exceeded"
	TagSanMerinoPaper  cbc.Key = "san-merino-paper"

	// Tags for Fiscal Regime
	TagMinimumTaxPayers cbc.Key = "minimum-tax-payers"

Document tag keys

View Source
const (
	TagExcluded                   cbc.Key = "excluded"
	TagNotSubject                 cbc.Key = "not-subject"
	TagNotTaxable                 cbc.Key = "not-taxable"
	TagExempt                     cbc.Key = "exempt"
	TagMarginRegime               cbc.Key = "margin-regime"
	TagReverseCharge              cbc.Key = "reverse-charge"
	TagVATEU                      cbc.Key = "vat-eu"
	TagOther                      cbc.Key = "other"
	TagArticle7                   cbc.Key = "article-7"
	TagExport                     cbc.Key = "export"
	TagIntraCommunity             cbc.Key = "intra-community"
	TagSanMerino                  cbc.Key = "san-merino"
	TagExportSupplies             cbc.Key = "export-supplies"
	TagDeclarationOfIntent        cbc.Key = "declaration-of-intent"
	TagScrap                      cbc.Key = "scrap"
	TagPreciousMetals             cbc.Key = "precious-metals"
	TagConstructionSubcontracting cbc.Key = "construction-subcontracting"
	TagBuildings                  cbc.Key = "buildings"
	TagMobile                     cbc.Key = "mobile"
	TagElectronics                cbc.Key = "electronics"
	TagConstruction               cbc.Key = "construction"
	TagEnergy                     cbc.Key = "energy"

Category tag keys determined from the "Natura" field from FatturaPA.


This section is empty.


func Calculate

func Calculate(doc interface{}) error

Calculate will perform any regime specific calculations.

func New

func New() *tax.Regime

New instantiates a new Italian regime.

func Validate

func Validate(doc interface{}) error

Validate checks the document type and determines if it can be validated.


This section is empty.

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