
v0.211.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 28, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 20 Imported by: 14



Package org contains structures related to organization.



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const (
	IdentityKeySKU       cbc.Key = "sku"       // stock code unit ID
	IdentityKeyItem      cbc.Key = "item"      // item number
	IdentityKeyOrder     cbc.Key = "order"     // order number or code
	IdentityKeyAgreement cbc.Key = "agreement" // agreement number
	IdentityKeyContract  cbc.Key = "contract"  // contract number
	IdentityKeyPassport  cbc.Key = "passport"  // Passport number
	IdentityKeyNational  cbc.Key = "national"  // National ID card number
	IdentityKeyForeign   cbc.Key = "foreign"   // Foreigner ID card number
	IdentityKeyResident  cbc.Key = "resident"  // Resident ID card number
	IdentityKeyISBN      cbc.Key = "isbn"      // International Standard Book Number
	IdentityKeyHSN       cbc.Key = "hsn"       // Harmonized System of Nomenclature
	IdentityKeyGTIN      cbc.Key = "gtin"      // GS1 Global Trade Item Number
	IdentityKeyEAN       cbc.Key = "ean"       // European Article Number
	IdentityKeyUPC       cbc.Key = "upc"       // UPC (Universal Product Code)
	IdentityKeyIMEI      cbc.Key = "imei"      // International Mobile Equipment Identity
	IdentityKeyOther     cbc.Key = "other"

Common identity keys that may be used to identify something, like an item, document, person, organisation, or company. Ideally, these will only be used when no other more structured properties are available inside GOBL. The keys suggested here are non-binding and can be used as a reference for other implementations or mappings to scheme identifiers such as UNTDID 1153.

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const (
	// Goods Description
	NoteKeyGoods cbc.Key = "goods"
	// Terms of Payment
	NoteKeyPayment cbc.Key = "payment"
	// Legal or regulatory information
	NoteKeyLegal cbc.Key = "legal"
	// Dangerous goods additional information
	NoteKeyDangerousGoods cbc.Key = "dangerous-goods"
	// Acknowledgement Description
	NoteKeyAck cbc.Key = "ack"
	// Rate additional information
	NoteKeyRate cbc.Key = "rate"
	// Reason
	NoteKeyReason cbc.Key = "reason"
	// Dispute
	NoteKeyDispute cbc.Key = "dispute"
	// Customer remarks
	NoteKeyCustomer cbc.Key = "customer"
	// Glossary
	NoteKeyGlossary cbc.Key = "glossary"
	// Customs declaration information
	NoteKeyCustoms cbc.Key = "customs"
	// General information
	NoteKeyGeneral cbc.Key = "general"
	// Handling instructions
	NoteKeyHandling cbc.Key = "handling"
	// Packaging information
	NoteKeyPackaging cbc.Key = "packaging"
	// Loading instructions
	NoteKeyLoading cbc.Key = "loading"
	// Price conditions
	NoteKeyPrice cbc.Key = "price"
	// Priority information
	NoteKeyPriority cbc.Key = "priority"
	// Regulatory information
	NoteKeyRegulatory cbc.Key = "regulatory"
	// Safety Instructions
	NoteKeySafety cbc.Key = "safety"
	// Ship Line
	NoteKeyShipLine cbc.Key = "ship-line"
	// Supplier remarks
	NoteKeySupplier cbc.Key = "supplier"
	// Transportation information
	NoteKeyTransport cbc.Key = "transport"
	// Delivery Information
	NoteKeyDelivery cbc.Key = "delivery"
	// Quarantine Information
	NoteKeyQuarantine cbc.Key = "quarantine"
	// Tax declaration
	NoteKeyTax cbc.Key = "tax"
	// Other
	NoteKeyOther cbc.Key = "other"

Predefined list of supported note keys based on the UNTDID 4451 list of text subject qualifiers. We've picked the ones which we think are most useful, but if you require an additional code, please send a pull request.

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const (
	// UnitPatternUNECE is a regular expression for UN/ECE unit codes when a unit is not covered by GOBL.
	UnitPatternUNECE = `^[A-Z0-9]{2,3}$`
	// UnitUNECEMutuallyDefined is the UN/ECE code for mutually defined units.
	UnitUNECEMutuallyDefined cbc.Code = `ZZ`


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var NoteKeyDefinitions = []cbc.Definition{
		Key:  NoteKeyGoods,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Goods"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Goods Description"),
		Key:  NoteKeyPayment,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Payment"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Terms of Payment"),
		Key:  NoteKeyLegal,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Legal"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Legal or regulatory information"),
		Key:  NoteKeyDangerousGoods,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Dangerous Goods"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Dangerous goods additional information"),
		Key:  NoteKeyAck,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Acknowledgement"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Acknowledgement Description"),
		Key:  NoteKeyRate,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Rate"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Rate additional information"),
		Key:  NoteKeyReason,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Reason"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Explanation of something relevant to the document"),
		Key:  NoteKeyDispute,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Dispute"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Details on a dispute."),
		Key:  NoteKeyCustomer,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Customer"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Customer remarks"),
		Key:  NoteKeyGlossary,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Glossary"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Glossary of terms"),
		Key:  NoteKeyCustoms,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Customs"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Customs declaration information"),
		Key:  NoteKeyGeneral,
		Name: i18n.NewString("General"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("General information"),
		Key:  NoteKeyHandling,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Handling"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Handling instructions"),
		Key:  NoteKeyPackaging,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Packaging"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Packaging information"),
		Key:  NoteKeyLoading,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Loading"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Loading instructions"),
		Key:  NoteKeyPrice,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Price"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Price conditions"),
		Key:  NoteKeyPriority,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Priority"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Priority information"),
		Key:  NoteKeyRegulatory,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Regulatory"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Regulatory information"),
		Key:  NoteKeySafety,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Safety"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Safety instructions"),
		Key:  NoteKeyShipLine,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Ship Line"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Ship line"),
		Key:  NoteKeySupplier,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Supplier"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Supplier remarks"),
		Key:  NoteKeyTransport,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Transport"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Transportation information"),
		Key:  NoteKeyDelivery,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Delivery"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Delivery information"),
		Key:  NoteKeyQuarantine,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Quarantine"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Quarantine information"),
		Key:  NoteKeyTax,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Tax"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Tax declaration"),
		Key:  NoteKeyOther,
		Name: i18n.NewString("Other"),
		Desc: i18n.NewString("Mutually defined"),

NoteKeyDefinitions provides a map of Note Keys to their definitions including a description and UNTDID code.

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var RegexpPatternW3W = "" /* 370-byte string literal not displayed */

RegexpPatternW3W is a regular expression that matches a what3words address.

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var UnitDefinitions = []DefUnit{

	{UnitMilligram, "Milligrams", "", "MGM"},
	{UnitGram, "Metric grams", "", "GRM"},
	{UnitKilogram, "Metric kilograms", "", "KGM"},
	{UnitMetricTon, "Metric tons", "", "TNE"},
	{UnitMillimetre, "Milimetres", "", "MMT"},
	{UnitCentimetre, "Centimetres", "", "CMT"},
	{UnitMetre, "Metres", "", "MTR"},
	{UnitKilometre, "Kilometers", "", "KMT"},
	{UnitInch, "Inches", "", "INH"},
	{UnitFoot, "Feet", "", "FOT"},
	{UnitSquareMetre, "Square metres", "", "MTK"},
	{UnitCubicMetre, "Cubic metres", "", "MTQ"},
	{UnitMillilitre, "Millilitres", "", "MLT"},
	{UnitCentilitre, "Centilitres", "", "CLT"},
	{UnitLitre, "Litres", "", "LTR"},
	{UnitWatt, "Watts", "", "WTT"},
	{UnitKilowatt, "Kilowatts", "", "KWT"},
	{UnitKilowattHour, "Kilowatt Hours", "", "KWH"},
	{UnitRate, "Rate", "A unit of quantity expressed as a rate for usage of a facility or service.", "A9"},
	{UnitMonth, "Months", "Unit of time equal to 1/12 of a year of 365,25 days.", "MON"},
	{UnitDay, "Days", "", "DAY"},
	{UnitSecond, "Seconds", "", "SEC"},
	{UnitHour, "Hours", "", "HUR"},
	{UnitMinute, "Minutes", "", "MIN"},
	{UnitPiece, "Pieces", "A unit of count defining the number of pieces (piece: a single item, article or exemplar).", "H87"},
	{UnitItem, "Items", " A unit of count defining the number of items regarded as separate units.", "EA"},
	{UnitPair, "Pairs", "A unit of count defining the number of pairs (pair: item described by two's).", "PR"},
	{UnitDozen, "Dozens", "A unit of count defining the number of units in multiples of 12.", "DZN"},
	{UnitAssortment, "Assortments", "A unit of count defining the number of assortments (assortment: a collection of items or components of a single product packaged together).", "AS"},
	{UnitService, "Service Units", "A unit of count defining the number of service units (service unit: defined period / property / facility / utility of supply).", "E48"},
	{UnitJob, "Jobs", "A unit of count defining the number of jobs.", "E51"},
	{UnitActivity, "Activities", "A unit of count defining the number of activities (activity: a unit of work or action).", "ACT"},
	{UnitTrip, "Trips", "A unit of count defining the number of trips (trip: a journey to a place and back again).", "E54"},
	{UnitGroup, "Groups", "A unit of count defining the number of groups (group: set of items classified together).", "10"},
	{UnitOutfit, "Outfits", "A unit of count defining the number of outfits (outfit: a complete set of equipment / materials / objects used for a specific purpose).", "11"},
	{UnitKit, "Kits", "A unit of count defining the number of kits (kit: tub, barrel or pail).", "KT"},
	{UnitBaseBox, "Base Boxes", "A unit of area of 112 sheets of tin mil products (tin plate, tin free steel or black plate) 14 by 20 inches, or 31,360 square inches.", "BB"},
	{UnitBulkPack, "Bulk Packs", "A unit of count defining the number of items per bulk pack.", "AB"},
	{UnitOne, "One", "A single generic unit of a service or product.", "C62"},

	{UnitBag, "Bags", "", "XBG"},
	{UnitBox, "Boxes", "", "XBX"},
	{UnitBin, "Bins", "", "XBI"},
	{UnitCan, "Cans", "", "XCA"},
	{UnitTub, "Tubs", "", "XTB"},
	{UnitCase, "Cases", "", "XCS"},
	{UnitTray, "Trays", "", "XDS"},
	{UnitPortion, "Portions", "", ""},
	{UnitSet, "Sets", "A unit of count defining the number of sets (set: a number of objects grouped together).", "SET"},
	{UnitRoll, "Rolls", "", "XRO"},
	{UnitCarton, "Cartons", "", "XCT"},
	{UnitCylinder, "Cylinders", "", "XCY"},
	{UnitBarrel, "Barrels", "", "XBA"},
	{UnitJerrican, "Jerricans", "Jerrican, cylindrical", "XJY"},
	{UnitCarboy, "Carboys", "", "XCO"},
	{UnitDemijohn, "Demijohn", "", "XDJ"},
	{UnitBottle, "Bottles", "", "XBO"},
	{UnitSixPack, "Six Packs", "", ""},
	{UnitCanister, "Canisters", "", "XCI"},
	{UnitPackage, "Packages", "Standard packaging unit.", "XPK"},
	{UnitBunch, "Bunches", "", "XBH"},
	{UnitTetraBrik, "Tetra-Briks", "", ""},
	{UnitPallet, "Pallets", "", "XPX"},
	{UnitReel, "Reels", "", "XRL"},
	{UnitSack, "Sacks", "", "XSA"},
	{UnitSheet, "Sheets", "", "XST"},
	{UnitEnvelope, "Envelopes", "", "XEN"},
	{UnitLot, "Lot", "", "XLT"},
	{UnitUnit, "Unit", "A type of package composed of a single item or object, not otherwise specified as a unit of transport equipment.", "XUN"},

UnitDefinitions describes each of the unit constants. Order is important.


func ItemPriceRequired added in v0.211.0

func ItemPriceRequired() validation.Rule

ItemPriceRequired ensures that the item has a price.

func RequireIdentityKey added in v0.81.0

func RequireIdentityKey(key ...cbc.Key) validation.Rule

RequireIdentityKey provides a validation rule that will determine if at least one of the identities defined includes one with one of the defined keys.

func RequireIdentityType added in v0.81.0

func RequireIdentityType(typ cbc.Code) validation.Rule

RequireIdentityType provides a validation rule that will determine if at least one of the identities defined includes one with the defined type.

func ValidateNotesHasKey added in v0.208.0

func ValidateNotesHasKey(key cbc.Key) validation.Rule

ValidateNotesHasKey returns a validation rule that check that at least one of the notes has the provided key.


type Address

type Address struct {
	// Useful identifier, such as home, work, etc.
	Label string `json:"label,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Label,example=Office"`
	// Box number or code for the post office box located at the address.
	PostOfficeBox string `json:"po_box,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Post Office Box"`
	// House or building number in the street.
	Number string `json:"num,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Number"`
	// Floor number within the building.
	Floor string `json:"floor,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Floor"`
	// Block number within the building.
	Block string `json:"block,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Block"`
	// Door number within the building.
	Door string `json:"door,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Door"`
	// First line of street.
	Street string `json:"street,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Street"`
	// Additional street address details.
	StreetExtra string `json:"street_extra,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Extended Street"`
	// Name of a village, town, district, or city, typically inside a region.
	Locality string `json:"locality,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Locality"`
	// Name of a city, province, county, or state, inside a country.
	Region string `json:"region,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Region"`
	// State or province code for countries that require it.
	State cbc.Code `json:"state,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=State"`
	// Post or ZIP code.
	Code cbc.Code `json:"code,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Code"`
	// ISO country code.
	Country l10n.ISOCountryCode `json:"country,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Country"`
	// When the postal address is not sufficient, coordinates help locate the address more precisely.
	Coordinates *Coordinates `json:"coords,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Coordinates"`
	// Any additional semi-structure details about the address.
	Meta cbc.Meta `json:"meta,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Meta"`

Address defines a globally acceptable set of attributes that describes a postal or fiscal address. Attribute names loosely based on the xCard file format.

func (*Address) CompleteNumber added in v0.205.1

func (a *Address) CompleteNumber() string

CompleteNumber will combine all the number related details, such as number, block, floor, and door, into a single string separated by spaces.

func (Address) JSONSchemaExtend added in v0.111.1

func (Address) JSONSchemaExtend(js *jsonschema.Schema)

JSONSchemaExtend adds extra details to the Address schema.

func (*Address) LineOne added in v0.205.1

func (a *Address) LineOne() string

LineOne returns the first line of the address by automatically combining street, number, and other details into a single line. This is useful for compatibility with other formats that don't support the number fields directly.

func (*Address) LineTwo added in v0.205.1

func (a *Address) LineTwo() string

LineTwo returns the second line of the address which for GOBL is the `StreetExtra` field.

func (*Address) Normalize added in v0.205.0

func (a *Address) Normalize(normalizers tax.Normalizers)

Normalize will perform basic normalization of the address's data.

func (*Address) Validate added in v0.20.0

func (a *Address) Validate() error

Validate checks that an address looks okay.

func (*Address) ValidateWithContext added in v0.51.2

func (a *Address) ValidateWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

ValidateWithContext checks that an address looks okay in the given context.

type Attachment added in v0.210.0

type Attachment struct {

	// Key used to identify the attachment inside the document.
	Key cbc.Key `json:"key,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Key"`

	// Code used to identify the payload of the attachment.
	Code cbc.Code `json:"code,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Code"`

	// Filename of the attachment.
	Name string `json:"name" jsonschema:"title=Name"`

	// Details of why the attachment is being included and details on
	// what it contains.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Description"`

	// URL of where to find the attachment. Prefer using this field
	// over the Data field.
	URL string `json:"url,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=URL,format=uri"`

	// Digest is used to verify the integrity of the attachment
	// when downloaded from the URL.
	Digest *dsig.Digest `json:"digest,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Digest"`

	// MIME type of the attachment.
	MIME string `json:"mime,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=MIME Type"`

	// Data is the base64 encoded data of the attachment directly embedded
	// inside the GOBL document. This should only be used when the URL cannot
	// be used as it can dramatically increase the size of the JSON
	// document, thus effecting usability and performance.
	Data []byte `json:"data,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Data"`

An Attachment provides a structure to be used to attach documents inside a GOBL document, either as a reference via a URL, or directly as a base64 encoded string.

Attachments must not be used to include alternative versions of the same document, but rather include supporting documents or additional information that is not included in the main document.

While it is possible to include the data directly in the JSON document, it is recommended to use the URL field to link to the document instead.

func (*Attachment) Validate added in v0.210.0

func (a *Attachment) Validate() error

Validate checks that the attachment looks okay.

func (*Attachment) ValidateWithContext added in v0.210.0

func (a *Attachment) ValidateWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

ValidateWithContext checks that the attachment looks okay within the provided context.

type Coordinates

type Coordinates struct {
	// Decimal latitude coordinate.
	Latitude *float64 `json:"lat,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Latitude"`
	// Decimal longitude coordinate.
	Longitude *float64 `json:"lon,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Longitude"`
	// What 3 Words text coordinates.
	W3W string `json:"w3w,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=What 3 Words"`
	// Single string coordinate based on geohash standard.
	Geohash string `json:"geohash,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Geohash"`

Coordinates describes an exact geographical location in the world. We provide support for a set of different options beyond regular latitude and longitude.

func (*Coordinates) LatLon added in v0.51.2

func (c *Coordinates) LatLon() (float64, float64)

LatLon provides the Latitude and Longitude values as a pair, or 0, 0 if the coordinates are not set.

func (*Coordinates) Validate added in v0.51.2

func (c *Coordinates) Validate() error

Validate checks that coordinates look okay.

func (*Coordinates) ValidateWithContext added in v0.51.2

func (c *Coordinates) ValidateWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

ValidateWithContext checks that coordinates look okay in the given context.

type DefUnit added in v0.29.0

type DefUnit struct {
	// Key for the Unit
	Unit Unit `json:"unit" jsonschema:"title=Unit"`
	// Name of the Unit
	Name string `json:"name" jsonschema:"title=Name"`
	// Description of the unit
	Description string `json:"description" jsonschema:"title=Description"`
	// Standard UN/ECE code
	UNECE cbc.Code `json:"unece" jsonschema:"title=UN/ECE Unit Code"`

DefUnit serves to define unit keys.

type DocumentRef added in v0.200.0

type DocumentRef struct {
	// Type of the document referenced.
	Type cbc.Key `json:"type,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Type"`
	// IssueDate reflects the date the document was issued.
	IssueDate *cal.Date `json:"issue_date,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Issue Date"`
	// Series the referenced document belongs to.
	Series cbc.Code `json:"series,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Series"`
	// Source document's code or other identifier.
	Code cbc.Code `json:"code" jsonschema:"title=Code"`
	// Currency used in the document, if different from the default currency.
	Currency currency.Code `json:"currency,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Currency"`
	// Line index numbers inside the document, if relevant.
	Lines []int `json:"lines,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Lines"`
	// List of additional codes, IDs, or SKUs which can be used to identify the document or its contents, agreed upon by the supplier and customer.
	Identities []*Identity `json:"identities,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Identities"`
	// Tax period in which the referred document had an effect required by some tax regimes and formats.
	Period *cal.Period `json:"period,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Period"`
	// Human readable description on why this reference is here or needs to be used.
	Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Reason"`
	// Additional details about the document.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Description"`
	// Seals of approval from other organisations that may need to be listed.
	Stamps []*head.Stamp `json:"stamps,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Stamps"`
	// Link to the source document.
	URL string `json:"url,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=URL,format=uri"`
	// Tax total breakdown from the original document in the provided currency. Should
	// only be included if required by a specific tax regime or addon.
	Tax *tax.Total `json:"tax,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Tax"`
	// Extensions for additional codes that may be required.
	Ext tax.Extensions `json:"ext,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Extensions"`
	// Meta contains additional information about the document.
	Meta cbc.Meta `json:"meta,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Meta"`

DocumentRef is used to describe an existing document or a specific part of it's contents.

func (*DocumentRef) Calculate added in v0.211.0

func (dr *DocumentRef) Calculate(cur currency.Code, rr cbc.Key)

Calculate will ensure the tax total is recalculated according to the rounding rule and currency precision provided. Users of this should first check the optional currency property of the document ref to see if that should be used instead.

func (*DocumentRef) Normalize added in v0.200.0

func (dr *DocumentRef) Normalize(normalizers tax.Normalizers)

Normalize attempts to clean and normalize the DocumentRef.

func (*DocumentRef) Validate added in v0.200.0

func (dr *DocumentRef) Validate() error

Validate ensures the Document looks correct.

func (*DocumentRef) ValidateWithContext added in v0.200.0

func (dr *DocumentRef) ValidateWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

ValidateWithContext ensures the Document looks correct within the provided context.

type Email

type Email struct {
	// Identifier for the email.
	Label string `json:"label,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Label"`
	// Electronic mailing address.
	Address string `json:"addr" jsonschema:"title=Address"`
	// Additional fields.
	Meta cbc.Meta `json:"meta,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Meta"`

Email describes the electronic mailing details.

func (*Email) Validate

func (e *Email) Validate() error

Validate ensures email address looks valid.

func (*Email) ValidateWithContext added in v0.51.2

func (e *Email) ValidateWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

ValidateWithContext ensures email address looks valid inside the provided context.

type Identity added in v0.37.0

type Identity struct {
	// Optional label useful for non-standard identities to give a bit more context.
	Label string `json:"label,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Label"`
	// Country from which the identity was issued.
	Country l10n.ISOCountryCode `json:"country,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Country"`
	// Uniquely classify this identity using a key instead of a type.
	Key cbc.Key `json:"key,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Key"`
	// The type of Code being represented and usually specific for
	// a particular context, country, or tax regime, and cannot be used
	// alongside the key.
	Type cbc.Code `json:"type,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Type"`
	// The actual value of the identity code.
	Code cbc.Code `json:"code" jsonschema:"title=Code"`
	// Description adds details about what the code could mean or imply
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Description"`
	// Ext provides a way to add additional information to the identity.
	Ext tax.Extensions `json:"ext,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Extensions"`

Identity is used to define a code for a specific context. Identities can be used for a variety of purposes, such as identifying a person, organisation, item, or document.

func AddIdentity added in v0.54.0

func AddIdentity(in []*Identity, i *Identity) []*Identity

AddIdentity makes it easier to add a new identity to a list and replace an existing value with a matching type.

func IdentityForKey added in v0.54.0

func IdentityForKey(in []*Identity, key ...cbc.Key) *Identity

IdentityForKey helps return the identity with the first matching key.

func IdentityForType added in v0.55.0

func IdentityForType(in []*Identity, typ cbc.Code) *Identity

IdentityForType helps return the identity with a matching type code.

func (*Identity) Normalize added in v0.204.0

func (i *Identity) Normalize(normalizers tax.Normalizers)

Normalize will try to clean the identity's data.

func (*Identity) Validate added in v0.37.0

func (i *Identity) Validate() error

Validate ensures the identity looks valid.

func (*Identity) ValidateWithContext added in v0.51.2

func (i *Identity) ValidateWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

ValidateWithContext ensures the identity looks valid inside the provided context.

type Image added in v0.35.0

type Image struct {
	// Label to help identify the image.
	Label string `json:"label,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Label"`
	// URL of the image
	URL string `json:"url,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=URL"`
	// As an alternative to the URL and only when the source data is small,
	// like an SVG, the raw data may be provided using Base64 encoding.
	Data []byte `json:"data,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Data"`
	// Format of the image.
	MIME string `json:"mime,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=MIME"`
	// Details of what the image represents.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Description"`
	// Alternative text if the image cannot be shown.
	Alt string `json:"alt,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Alt"`
	// Height of the image in pixels.
	Height int32 `json:"height,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Height"`
	// Width of the image in pixels.
	Width int32 `json:"width,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Width"`
	// Digest can be used to ensure the image contained at the URL
	// is the same one as originally intended.
	Digest *dsig.Digest `json:"digest,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Digest"`
	// Meta contains additional information about the image.
	Meta *cbc.Meta `json:"meta,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Meta"`

Image describes a logo or photo that represents an entity. Most details except the URL are optional, but are potentially useful for validation if that's a requirement for the use case.

func (*Image) Validate added in v0.35.0

func (i *Image) Validate() error

Validate ensures the details on the image look okay.

func (*Image) ValidateWithContext added in v0.51.2

func (i *Image) ValidateWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

ValidateWithContext ensures the details on the image look okay inside the provided context.

type Inbox added in v0.26.0

type Inbox struct {
	// Label for the inbox.
	Label string `json:"label,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Label"`
	// Type of inbox being defined.
	Key cbc.Key `json:"key,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Key"`
	// Role assigned to this inbox that may be relevant for the consumer.
	Role cbc.Key `json:"role,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Role"`
	// Code or ID that identifies the Inbox. Mutually exclusive with URL and Email.
	Code cbc.Code `json:"code,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Code"`
	// URL of the inbox that includes the protocol, server, and path. May
	// be used instead of the Code to identify the inbox. Mutually exclusive with
	// Code and Email.
	URL string `json:"url,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=URL"`
	// Email address for the inbox. Mutually exclusive with Code and URL.
	Email string `json:"email,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Email"`
	// Extension code map for any additional regime or addon specific codes that may be required.
	Ext tax.Extensions `json:"ext,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Extensions"`

Inbox is used to store data about a connection with a service that is responsible for potentially receiving copies of GOBL envelopes or other document formats defined locally.

func AddInbox added in v0.204.0

func AddInbox(in []*Inbox, i *Inbox) []*Inbox

AddInbox makes it easier to add a new inbox to a list and replace an existing value with a matching key.

func (*Inbox) Normalize added in v0.204.0

func (i *Inbox) Normalize(normalizers tax.Normalizers)

Normalize will try to clean the inbox's data.

func (*Inbox) Validate added in v0.26.0

func (i *Inbox) Validate() error

Validate ensures the inbox's fields look good.

func (*Inbox) ValidateWithContext added in v0.51.2

func (i *Inbox) ValidateWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

ValidateWithContext ensures the inbox's fields look good inside the provided context.

type Item

type Item struct {
	// Primary reference code that identifies this item.
	// Additional codes can be provided in the 'identities' property.
	Ref cbc.Code `json:"ref,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Ref"`
	// Special key used to classify the item sometimes required by some regimes.
	Key cbc.Key `json:"key,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Key"`
	// Brief name of the item
	Name string `json:"name" jsonschema:"title=Name"`
	// List of additional codes, IDs, or SKUs which can be used to identify the item. They should be agreed upon between supplier and customer.
	Identities []*Identity `json:"identities,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Identities"`
	// Detailed description of the item.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Description"`
	// Currency used for the item's price.
	Currency currency.Code `json:"currency,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Currency"`
	// Base price of a single unit to be sold.
	Price *num.Amount `json:"price,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Price"`
	// AltPrices defines a list of prices with their currencies that may be used
	// as an alternative to the item's base price.
	AltPrices []*currency.Amount `json:"alt_prices,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Alternative Prices"`
	// Unit of measure.
	Unit Unit `json:"unit,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Unit"`
	// Country code of where this item was from originally.
	Origin l10n.ISOCountryCode `json:"origin,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Country of Origin"`
	// Extension code map for any additional regime specific codes that may be required.
	Ext tax.Extensions `json:"ext,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Extensions"`
	// Additional meta information that may be useful
	Meta cbc.Meta `json:"meta,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Meta"`

Item is used to describe a single product or service. Minimal usage implies just adding a name and price, more complete usage consists of adding descriptions, supplier IDs, SKUs, dimensions, etc.

A set of additional code, ID, or SKU can be included in the `identities` property. Each `Identity` can be defined with an optional type agreed upon between the supplier and customer. For general purpose use, the Item's `Ref` property is easier to use.

func (*Item) Normalize added in v0.200.0

func (i *Item) Normalize(normalizers tax.Normalizers)

Normalize performs any required normalizations on the Item.

func (*Item) Validate added in v0.20.0

func (i *Item) Validate() error

Validate checks that the Item looks okay.

func (*Item) ValidateWithContext added in v0.51.2

func (i *Item) ValidateWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

ValidateWithContext checks that the Item looks okay inside the provided context.

type Name

type Name struct {
	// What the person would like to be called
	Alias string `json:"alias,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Alias"`
	// Additional prefix to add to name, like Mrs. or Mr.
	Prefix string `json:"prefix,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Prefix"`
	// Person's given or first name
	Given string `json:"given,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Given"`
	// Middle names or initials
	Middle string `json:"middle,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Middle"`
	// Second or Family name.
	Surname string `json:"surname,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Surname"`
	// Additional second of family name.
	Surname2 string `json:"surname2,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Second Surname"`
	// Titles to include after the name.
	Suffix string `json:"suffix,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Suffix"`
	// Any additional useful data.
	Meta cbc.Meta `json:"meta,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Meta"`

Name represents what a human is called. This is a complex subject, see this w3 article for some insights:

func (*Name) Validate added in v0.51.2

func (n *Name) Validate() error

Validate ensures the name looks valid.

func (*Name) ValidateWithContext added in v0.51.2

func (n *Name) ValidateWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

ValidateWithContext ensures the name looks valid inside the provided context.

type Note added in v0.13.0

type Note struct {
	// Key specifying subject of the text
	Key cbc.Key `json:"key,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Key"`
	// Code used for additional data that may be required to identify the note.
	Code cbc.Code `json:"code,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Code"`
	// Source of this note, especially useful when auto-generated.
	Src cbc.Key `json:"src,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Source"`
	// The contents of the note
	Text string `json:"text" jsonschema:"title=Text"`
	// Additional information about the note
	Meta cbc.Meta `json:"meta,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Meta"`
	// Extension data
	Ext tax.Extensions `json:"ext,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Extensions"`

Note represents a free text of additional information that may be added to a document.

func NoteFromScenario added in v0.208.0

func NoteFromScenario(sn *tax.ScenarioNote) *Note

NoteFromScenario creates a new Note from a ScenarioNote.

func (*Note) Equals added in v0.208.0

func (n *Note) Equals(n2 *Note) bool

Equals returns true if the provided note is the same as the current one.

func (Note) JSONSchemaExtend added in v0.208.0

func (Note) JSONSchemaExtend(schema *jsonschema.Schema)

JSONSchemaExtend adds the list of definitions for the notes.

func (*Note) Normalize added in v0.208.0

func (n *Note) Normalize(normalizers tax.Normalizers)

Normalize will perform basic normalization on the Note.

func (*Note) SameAs added in v0.208.0

func (n *Note) SameAs(n2 *Note) bool

SameAs returns true if the provided note is the same as the current one. Comparison is only made using the Key, Code, and Src properties.

For a more complete comparison, use Equals.

func (*Note) Validate added in v0.13.0

func (n *Note) Validate() error

Validate checks that the note looks okay.

func (*Note) WithCode added in v0.208.0

func (n *Note) WithCode(code cbc.Code) *Note

WithCode provides a new copy of the note with the code set.

func (*Note) WithSrc added in v0.20.0

func (n *Note) WithSrc(src cbc.Key) *Note

WithSrc instantiates a new source instance with the provided source property set. This is a useful pattern for regional configurations.

type Party

type Party struct {

	// Label can be used to provide a custom label for the party in a given
	// context in a single language, for example "Supplier", "Host", or similar.
	Label string `json:"label,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Label,example=Supplier"`
	// Legal name or representation of the organization.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Name"`
	// Alternate short name.
	Alias string `json:"alias,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Alias"`
	// The entity's legal ID code used for tax purposes. They may have other numbers, but we're only interested in those valid for tax purposes.
	TaxID *tax.Identity `json:"tax_id,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Tax Identity"`
	// Set of codes used to identify the party in other systems.
	Identities []*Identity `json:"identities,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Identities"`
	// Details of physical people who represent the party.
	People []*Person `json:"people,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=People"`
	// Digital inboxes used for forwarding electronic versions of documents
	Inboxes []*Inbox `json:"inboxes,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Inboxes"`
	// Regular post addresses for where information should be sent if needed.
	Addresses []*Address `json:"addresses,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Postal Addresses"`
	// Electronic mail addresses
	Emails []*Email `json:"emails,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Email Addresses"`
	// Public websites that provide further information about the party.
	Websites []*Website `json:"websites,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Websites"`
	// Regular telephone numbers
	Telephones []*Telephone `json:"telephones,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Telephone Numbers"`
	// Additional registration details about the company that may need to be included in a document.
	Registration *Registration `json:"registration,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Registration"`
	// Images that can be used to identify the party visually.
	Logos []*Image `json:"logos,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Logos"`
	// Extension code map for any additional regime specific codes that may be required.
	Ext tax.Extensions `json:"ext,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Extensions"`
	// Any additional semi-structured information that does not fit into the rest of the party.
	Meta cbc.Meta `json:"meta,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Meta"`

Party represents a person or business entity.

func (*Party) Calculate added in v0.29.1

func (p *Party) Calculate() error

Calculate will perform basic normalization of the party's data without using any tax regime or addon.

func (Party) JSONSchemaExtend added in v0.111.0

func (Party) JSONSchemaExtend(js *jsonschema.Schema)

JSONSchemaExtend adds extra details to the schema.

func (*Party) Normalize added in v0.200.0

func (p *Party) Normalize(normalizers tax.Normalizers)

Normalize will try to normalize the party's data.

func (*Party) Validate

func (p *Party) Validate() error

Validate is used to check the party's data meets minimum expectations.

func (*Party) ValidateWithContext added in v0.51.2

func (p *Party) ValidateWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

ValidateWithContext is used to check the party's data meets minimum expectations.

type Person

type Person struct {
	// Label can be used to identify the person in a given context in a single
	// language, for example "Attn", "Contact", "Responsible", etc.
	Label string `json:"label,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Label,example=Attn"`
	// Complete details on the name of the person
	Name *Name `json:"name" jsonschema:"title=Name"`
	// What they do within an organization
	Role string `json:"role,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Role"`
	// Electronic mail addresses that belong to the person.
	Emails []*Email `json:"emails,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Email Addresses"`
	// Regular phone or mobile numbers
	Telephones []*Telephone `json:"telephones,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Telephone Numbers"`
	// Avatars provider links to images or photos or the person.
	Avatars []*Image `json:"avatars,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Avatars"`
	// Data about the data.
	Meta cbc.Meta `json:"meta,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Meta"`

Person represents a human, and how to contact them electronically.

func (*Person) Validate added in v0.51.2

func (p *Person) Validate() error

Validate validates the person.

func (*Person) ValidateWithContext added in v0.51.2

func (p *Person) ValidateWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

ValidateWithContext validates the person with the given context.

type Registration added in v0.1.0

type Registration struct {
	Label    string        `json:"label,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Label,example=Registration"`
	Capital  *num.Amount   `json:"capital,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Capital"`
	Currency currency.Code `json:"currency,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Currency"`
	Office   string        `json:"office,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Office"`
	Book     string        `json:"book,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Book"`
	Volume   string        `json:"volume,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Volume"`
	Sheet    string        `json:"sheet,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Sheet"`
	Section  string        `json:"section,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Section"`
	Page     string        `json:"page,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Page"`
	Entry    string        `json:"entry,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Entry"`
	Other    string        `json:"other,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Other"`

Registration is used in countries that require additional information to be associated with a company usually related to a specific registration office. The definition found here is based on the details required for spain. If your country requires additional fields, please let us know.

func (*Registration) Validate added in v0.51.2

func (r *Registration) Validate() error

Validate ensures the registration looks valid.

func (*Registration) ValidateWithContext added in v0.51.2

func (r *Registration) ValidateWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

ValidateWithContext ensures the registration looks valid inside the provided context.

type Telephone

type Telephone struct {
	// Identifier for this number.
	Label string `json:"label,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Label"`
	// The number to be dialed in ITU E.164 international format.
	Number string `json:"num" jsonschema:"title=Number"`

Telephone describes what is expected for a telephone number.

func (*Telephone) Validate

func (t *Telephone) Validate() error

Validate checks the telephone objects number to ensure it looks correct.

func (*Telephone) ValidateWithContext added in v0.51.2

func (t *Telephone) ValidateWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

ValidateWithContext checks the telephone objects number to ensure it looks correct inside the provided context.

type Unit added in v0.20.0

type Unit string

Unit represents either a unit key defined by GOBL *or* a two to three letter code defined by the UN/ECE.

const (
	UnitEmpty Unit = `` // No unit defined

	// Measurement units
	UnitMilligram    Unit = `mg`
	UnitGram         Unit = `g`
	UnitKilogram     Unit = `kg`
	UnitMetricTon    Unit = `t`
	UnitMillimetre   Unit = `mm`
	UnitCentimetre   Unit = `cm`
	UnitMetre        Unit = `m`
	UnitKilometre    Unit = `km`
	UnitInch         Unit = `in`
	UnitFoot         Unit = `ft`
	UnitSquareMetre  Unit = `m2`
	UnitCubicMetre   Unit = `m3`
	UnitMillilitre   Unit = "ml"
	UnitCentilitre   Unit = `cl`
	UnitLitre        Unit = `l`
	UnitWatt         Unit = `w`
	UnitKilowatt     Unit = `kw`
	UnitKilowattHour Unit = `kwh`
	UnitMonth        Unit = `mon`
	UnitDay          Unit = `day`
	UnitSecond       Unit = `s`
	UnitHour         Unit = `h`
	UnitMinute       Unit = `min`
	UnitRate         Unit = `rate`
	UnitPiece        Unit = `piece`
	UnitItem         Unit = `item`
	UnitActivity     Unit = `activity`
	UnitService      Unit = `service`
	UnitGroup        Unit = `group`
	UnitSet          Unit = `set`
	UnitTrip         Unit = `trip`
	UnitJob          Unit = `job`
	UnitAssortment   Unit = `assortment`
	UnitOutfit       Unit = `outfit`
	UnitKit          Unit = `kit`
	UnitBaseBox      Unit = `basebox`
	UnitBulkPack     Unit = `pk`
	UnitOne          Unit = `one`

	// Presentation Unit Codes
	UnitBag       Unit = `bag`
	UnitBox       Unit = `box`
	UnitBin       Unit = `bin`
	UnitCan       Unit = `can`
	UnitTub       Unit = `tub`
	UnitCase      Unit = `case`
	UnitTray      Unit = `tray`
	UnitPortion   Unit = `portion` // non-standard (src: ES)
	UnitDozen     Unit = `dozen`
	UnitPair      Unit = `pair`
	UnitRoll      Unit = `roll`
	UnitCarton    Unit = `carton`
	UnitCylinder  Unit = `cylinder`
	UnitBarrel    Unit = `barrel`
	UnitJerrican  Unit = `jerrican`
	UnitCarboy    Unit = `carboy`
	UnitDemijohn  Unit = `demijohn`
	UnitBottle    Unit = `bottle`
	UnitSixPack   Unit = `6pack` // non-standard (src: ES)
	UnitCanister  Unit = `canister`
	UnitPackage   Unit = `pkg`
	UnitBunch     Unit = `bunch`
	UnitTetraBrik Unit = `tetrabrik` // non-standard (src: ES)
	UnitPallet    Unit = `pallet`
	UnitReel      Unit = `reel`
	UnitSack      Unit = `sack`
	UnitSheet     Unit = `sheet`
	UnitEnvelope  Unit = `envelope`
	UnitUnit      Unit = `unit`
	UnitLot       Unit = `lot`

Set of common units based on UN/ECE recommendation 20 and 21 extensions. Some local formats may define additional non-standard codes which may be added.

The UN/ECE defines a very large set of units which would be impractical to support here in GOBL, so the Unit type will also accept any UN/ECE unit code instead of one of the keys defined here.

func (Unit) JSONSchema added in v0.29.0

func (u Unit) JSONSchema() *jsonschema.Schema

JSONSchema provides a representation of the struct for usage in Schema.

func (Unit) UNECE added in v0.29.0

func (u Unit) UNECE() cbc.Code

UNECE provides the unit's UN/ECE equivalent value.

func (Unit) Validate added in v0.20.0

func (u Unit) Validate() error

Validate ensures the unit looks correct

type Website added in v0.35.0

type Website struct {
	// Label for the website to show alongside the URL.
	Label string `json:"label,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Label"`
	// Title of the website to help distinguish between this and other links.
	Title string `json:"title,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Title"`
	// URL for the website.
	URL string `json:"url" jsonschema:"title=URL,format=uri"`

Website describes what is expected for a web address.

func (*Website) Validate added in v0.35.0

func (w *Website) Validate() error

Validate checks the website objects URL to ensure it looks correct.

func (*Website) ValidateWithContext added in v0.51.2

func (w *Website) ValidateWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

ValidateWithContext checks the website objects URL to ensure it looks correct inside the provided context.

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL