
v1.2.0-rc6 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 19, 2024 License: Apache-2.0


CRI-Resource-Manager extension for Gardener*

Go build and test

Code in master branch is "work in progress" and not meant to run in production environment!

This Gardener extension will deploy and manage lifecycle of CRI-Resource-Manager in "shoot" clusters worker nodes deployed by Gardener. CRI-Resource-Manager is a proxy between kubectl and containerd to allow more sophisticated node resource management.

  • container-runtime of shoot nodes must be configured to containerd,
  • for production usage: provide docker image registry where installation and extension images can be pushed (until #47 is resolved)
  • for local development: tested with Gardener v1.78.2
  • Automatic installation of CRI-Resource-Manager as systemd unit - using installation DaemonSet,
  • Support for removal of CRI-Resource-Manager from system in the following cases:
    • when extension is enabled globally but later disabled by shoot
    • disabled globally but later enabled and disabled for shoot
    • ControllerRegistration is removed and there are already Shoots deployed with extension WARNING although extension supports removal of CRI-resource-manager, state of system (container configuration) depends on policy configured (and how this policy implements)
  • healthcheck of cri-resource-manager which reports back to ControllerInstallation Healthy condition based on liveness probe that calls "systemctl status cri-resource-manager"
  • CRI-Resource-Manager configuration overwriting && types - user can provide "fallback", "default", "per node", "per group" or "force" configuration in ControllerDeployment which can be later overridden by Shoot "owner" with providerConfig - more information here
  • dynamic configuration - "default", "per node" or "per group" configuration are propagated from ControllerDeployment and Shoot.Extension.ProviderConfig to CRI-Resource-Manager through cri-resmgr-agent
  • Adjustments CRI-Resource-Manager CRD to have more granular control
  • Access to logs of installation DaemonSet, CRI-Resource-Manager systemd service, cri-resmgr-agent and extension itself to troubleshoot and debug


  • Ability to 'selectively' install cri-resource-manager on specific hosts or worker groups issue here,
  • Allow changing policy (requires implementing policy switching this procedure - more information in the issue,
  • HighAvailability + horizontal/vertical autoscaling with VPA/HPA/HVPA + leader election #6
  • Configuring images with ImageVector based on Kubernetes version is not supported
How CRI-Resource-Manager is deployed

There are two charts:

  • charts/gardener-extension-cri-resmgr - used to deploy extension (by deploying "extension" image) in Seed cluster - it is not deployed manually but uses ControllerRegistration and ControllerDeployment manifest in examples/ctrldeploy-ctrlreg.yaml which are generated by script hacks/,
  • charts/internal/cri-resmgr-installation - internal chart that is included inside "installation" image and used to install cri-resource-manager binary inside worker nodes in Shoot clusters - it is not meant to be run manually but rather deployed by gardener-extension-cri-resmgr extension Pod

Configuring CRI-resource-manager

There are multiple options to pass configuration file to CRI-Resource-Manager systemd unit:

  • a) using configs key in Helm chart values section:
kind: ControllerDeployment
  name: cri-resmgr-extension
type: helm
  chart: H4sI....
      default: |
        ... SOME DEFAULT CONFIG ...

in above example "default" config will be used for all the shoots,

  • b) setting configs key in providerConfig Shoot spec:
kind: Shoot
  name: local
  - type: cri-resmgr-extension
        fallback: |+
        ... SOME DEFAULT CONFIG ...
        default: |+
        ... SOME DEFAULT CONFIG ...

configs specified in Shoot definition will override configs provided by ControllerDeployment.

Each key of configs will generate ConfigMap in the kube-system namespace with following name:

cri-resmgr-config.TYPE e.g. cri-resmgr-config.default

types default and fallback have special meaning:

  • fallback will be mounted inside installation DaemonSet and copied to /etc/cri-resmgr/fallback.cfg - this config is used before cri-resmgr-agent can push "dynamic" configuration (lowest priority)

  • default will used by cri-resmgr-agent to override fallback config on all the nodes,

  • node.$NODE_NAME will be used by cri-resmgr-agent and applied only to specified nodes with name NODE_NAME

  • group.$GROUP_NAME will be used by cri-resmgr-agent and applied only to nodes with specific label "" - works best when worker groups has additional labels in shoot.spec.provider.workers.labels

  • force will be used to override "configuration" pushed by cri-resmgr-agent (highest priority) (essentially adds --force-config to cri-resource-manager process in systemd unit definition so CRI-Resource-Manager ignores configuration from cri-resmgr-agent)

  • EXTRA_OPTIONS will become file systemd EnvironmentFile that should contain single line EXTRA_OPTIONS that will be appended to cri-resmgr command

Configurations from different levels are not merged. They can merge only in case of configuration propagated by cri-resmgr-agent but when manually CRI-resource-manager is restarted the configuration from agent is first pulled as a whole and not merged with cached/previous/fallback state. Always provide full configuration for every type!

More about priorities and type of config can be found here:

Getting started

I. Deploying to Gardener.
1. Prepare images.

Build and publish docker images for extension, installation and cri-resmgr-agent with your own registry.

For example lets assume that we want to use as registry with specific tag called mybranch:

make TAG=mybranch build-images push-images

Then overwrite images in ControllerDeployment and provider "fallback" config to be used before CRI-resource-manager syncs with cri-resmgr-agent:

kind: ControllerDeployment
  name: cri-resmgr-extension
type: helm
  chart: H4sIAAAAAAAA....
     tag: mybranch
     pullPolicy: Always
   imageVectorOverwrite: |
     - name: gardener-extension-cri-resmgr-installation
       tag: mybranch
     - name: gardener-extension-cri-resmgr-agent
       tag: mybranch
      # systemd EnvironmentFile body
      fallback: |
        ### This is default policy from CRI-resource-manage fallback.cfg.sample
          Active: topology-aware
            CPU: 750m
          Debug: resource-manager,cache,policy,resource-control
          Config: off:.*,full:((Create)|(Remove)|(Run)|(Update)|(Start)|(Stop)).*
2. Install extension by creating ControllerRegistration and ControllerDeployment in garden cluster.
kubectl apply -f examples/ctrldeploy-ctrlreg.yaml

note that extension is not enabled globally so you need to include it in shoot spec definition like this:

  - type: cri-resmgr-extension
II. Deploying locally.

Steps below show how to deploy Gardener with local-provider (kind based) and then deploy and configure gardener-extension-cri-resmgr to a Shoot.

This is fully working example that uses local deployed gardener and shoot created in kind cluster. This is based on

  • golang 1.21+
  • kubectl 1.20+
  • working dir for mkdir ~/work
  • gardener-extension-cri-resmgr is cloned to ~/work path like this:
    git clone ~/work/gardener-extension-cri-resmgr
Prepare local kind-based garden cluster
1. Clone the gardener
mkdir -p ~/work/
git clone ~/work/gardener
cd ~/work/gardener
git checkout v1.86.0
cd -
2. Prepare kind cluster
make -C ~/work/gardener kind-up

kubectl cluster-info --context kind-gardener-local --kubeconfig ~/work/gardener/example/gardener-local/kind/local/kubeconfig
# WARNING!: this overwrites your local kubeconfig
cp ~/work/gardener/example/gardener-local/kind/local/kubeconfig ~/.kube/config

Check that kind cluster is ready:

kubectl get nodes
3. Deploy local gardener
make -C ~/work/gardener/ gardener-up

Check that three gardener charts are installed:

helm list -n garden -a
Deploy cri-resmgr extension
1. Prepare images
make build-images push-images
2. (Optional) Regenerate ctrldeploy-ctrlreg.yaml file:
3. Deploy cri-resmgr-extension as Gardener extension using ControllerRegistration/ControllerDeployment
kubectl apply -f ./examples/ctrldeploy-ctrlreg.yaml

By default generated "ControllerRegistration" is not enabled globally, so you need to include this extension in shoot definition. Check this shoot.yaml as example.

Checkout installed objects:

kubectl get cri-resmgr-extension
kubectl get cri-resmgr-extension

There should be 'cri-resmgr-extension Extension/cri-resmgr-extension' resources visible alongside cri-resmgr-extension deployment.

Remember that "controller installation" should not be yet available - there is not shoot cluster deployed yet and extension is disabled by default (TODO, BUG?!?!)?!?!? - is visible

kubectl get 

should no return "cri-resmgr extension" installation.

4. Deploy shoot "local" cluster.

Build an image with extension and upload to local kind cluster

make build-images push-images

by default localhost:5001 registry is used (check 'Build and publish docker images' section for more info)

Create shoot:

kubectl apply -f examples/shoot.yaml

Check that shoot cluster is ready:

kubectl get shoots -n garden-local --watch -o wide

In our shoot example, the extensions is also disabled by default and need to be enabled after shoot is created with following command:

kubectl patch shoot local -n garden-local -p '{"spec":{"extensions": [ {"type": "cri-resmgr-extension", "disabled": false} ] } }'
5. Verify that ManagedResources are properly installed in shoot 'garden' (seed class) and 'shoot--local--local' namespace
kubectl get managedresource -n garden | grep cri-resmgr-extension
kubectl get managedresource -n shoot--local--local | grep extension-runtime-cri-resmgr
6. Check shoot cluster node is ready

First get credentials to access shoot cluster:

kubectl create -f kubeconfig-request.json --raw /apis/ | jq -r ".status.kubeconfig" | base64 -d > /tmp/kubeconfig-shoot-local.yaml

Please follow this guide to get access to local shoot cluster.

... and check status of the node/pods:

kubectl --kubeconfig=/tmp/kubeconfig-shoot-local.yaml get nodes
kubectl --kubeconfig=/tmp/kubeconfig-shoot-local.yaml get pods -A
7. Check CRI-resource-manager is installed properly as proxy
kubectl exec -n shoot--local--local `kubectl get pod -n shoot--local--local --no-headers | grep machine-shoot | awk '{print $1}'` -- systemctl status cri-resource-manager kubelet -n 0

We should observe that:

  1. cri-resource-manager is installed as service
● cri-resource-manager.service - A CRI proxy with (hardware) resource aware container placement policies.
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cri-resource-manager.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-06-29 20:21:33 UTC; 2min 14s ago
   Main PID: 10937 (cri-resmgr)
      Tasks: 6 (limit: 69411)
     Memory: 19.5M
     CGroup: /docker/c4cf6958c7757cd0d66aed793a7d19f6364d936a9761c7f49c33894a65caab66/kubelet.slice/kubelet-kubepods.slice/kubelet-kubepods-besteffort.slice/kubelet-kubepods-besteffort-pod9c7ece81_7d98_4884_b214_8f2389308241.slice/cri-containerd-70b98bdb42eec15c4df4cd520d79105b7420f7be4997f4ae8f4b17503d006df4.scope/system.slice/cri-resource-manager.service
             └─10937 /opt/intel/bin/cri-resmgr --fallback-config /etc/cri-resmgr/fallback.cfg
  1. kubelet was reconfigured to use cri-resmgr.sock as its container-runtime-endpoint command line option:
● kubelet.service - kubelet daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-06-29 20:21:39 UTC; 2min 9s ago
    Process: 11138 ExecStartPre=/var/lib/kubelet/ kubelet (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 11141 (kubelet)
      Tasks: 13 (limit: 69411)
     Memory: 57.1M
     CGroup: /docker/c4cf6958c7757cd0d66aed793a7d19f6364d936a9761c7f49c33894a65caab66/kubelet.slice/kubelet-kubepods.slice/kubelet-kubepods-besteffort.slice/kubelet-kubepods-besteffort-pod9c7ece81_7d98_4884_b214_8f2389308241.slice/cri-containerd-70b98bdb42eec15c4df4cd520d79105b7420f7be4997f4ae8f4b17503d006df4.scope/system.slice/kubelet.service
             └─11141 /opt/bin/kubelet 
             --container-runtime-endpoint=/var/run/cri-resmgr/cri-resmgr.sock # <---
8. Uninstalling (disabling) cri-resource-manager extension

You can disable "cri-resmgr extension" in existing shoot to uninstall cri-resource-manager from shoot worker node like this:

kubectl patch shoot local -n garden-local -p '{"spec":{"extensions": [ {"type": "cri-resmgr-extension", "disabled": true} ] } }'

now after executing this:

kubectl exec -n shoot--local--local `kubectl get pod -n shoot--local--local --no-headers G machine-shoot | awk '{print $1}'` -- systemctl status cri-resource-manager kubelet -n 0

there should not be "cri-resource-manager" systemd service unit anymore

Unit cri-resource-manager.service could not be found.

... and "kubelet" should connect to containerd.sock as it was by default.

● kubelet.service - kubelet daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-06-29 20:49:31 UTC; 1min 19s ago
    Process: 32351 ExecStartPre=/var/lib/kubelet/ kubelet (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 32354 (kubelet)
      Tasks: 12 (limit: 69411)
     Memory: 64.7M
     CGroup: /docker/c4cf6958c7757cd0d66aed793a7d19f6364d936a9761c7f49c33894a65caab66/kubelet.slice/kubelet-kubepods.slice/kubelet-kubepods-besteffort.slice/kubelet-kubepods-besteffort-pod9c7ece81_7d98_4884_b214_8f2389308241.slice/cri-containerd-70b98bdb42eec15c4df4cd520d79105b7420f7be4997f4ae8f4b17503d006df4.scope/system.slice/kubelet.service
             └─32354 /opt/bin/kubelet 
             --container-runtime-endpoint=unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock  # <---

Troubleshooting and debugging issues

Deployment and propagation of changes

In garden virtual and seed clusters you should monitor and watch over following process:

  1. ControllerRegistration/cri-resmgr-extension results in ControllerInstallation/cri-resmgr-extension (reconciled by gardener-controller-manager),
  2. ControllerInstallation/cri-resmgr-extension Valid/Installed/Healthy conditions are true - those conditions are based on ManagedResource/cri-resmgr-extension-* (synced by gardenlet/controllerinstallation_care controller),
  3. ManagedResource/cri-resmgr-extension-* of type=seed results in deploying Pod/cri-resmgr-extension in seed cluster (reconciled by gardener-resource-manager),
  4. (Optionally) if configs are defined, the additional ConfigMap/gardener-extension-cri-resmgr-configs should be created in extension-cri-resmgr-extension-XXXX namespace with keys representing different kind of configs (e.g. fallback/default),
  5. At the end of shoot reconciliation process, gardenlet creates Extension/cri-resource-manager watched by Pod/cri-resmgr-extension which initiates deployment of CRI-resource-manager to shoot worker nodes,
  6. CRI-Resource-Manager deployment is implemented by creating ManagedResource/extension-runtime-cri-resmgr for shoot that consists of installation chart (agent and installation DaemonSets and optional ConfigMap/cri-resmgr-config.TYPE configs),
  7. After gardener-resource-manager reconciles ManagedResources/extension-runtime-cri-resmgr for shoot - conditions of those newly created resources (2 x DaemonsSets with liveness probes) are monitored by Pod/cri-resmgr-extension and reported in Extension/cri-resmgr-extension status( SystemComponentsHealthy condition),
  8. Condition of Extensions/cri-resmgr-extension is monitored by gardenlet/shoot_care controller and affects finally Shoot.status.conditions

In a shoot, we expect two DaemonSets to be deployed:

  • cri-resmgr-agent - that Ready status is based on probe that tries to connect to local CRI-Resource-Manager process,
  • cri-resmgr-installation - which copies binaries, configures CRI-resource-manager and then reconfigures and restarts kubelet and then goes to sleep - its Ready status is based on probe that checks "systemctl status cri-resource-manager"
Logging in terminal

To debug issues you can consult logs of following components (commands are for local kind-based Gardener deployment):

  1. Seed context: Pod/cri-resmgr-extension - can be accessed by:

    kubectl logs -n extension-cri-resmgr-extension-XXXXX deploy/gardener-extension-cri-resmgr
  2. Shoot context: DaemonSet/installation :

    kubectl logs -n kube-system ds/cri-resmgr-installation
  3. Shoot context: Pod/cri-resmgr-agent:

    kubectl logs -n kube-system ds/cri-resmgr-agent
  4. Seed context: cri-resource-manager systemd unit:

    # Enable port-forward to shoot's loki: 
    kubectl port-forward -n shoot--local--local service/loki 3100:3100 &
    # Then query for metrics from loki
    logcli query --org-id="operator" '{job="systemd-combine-journal"} | unpack | unit="cri-resource-manager.service"'

    Loki client logcli can be found here. Note you can specify additional label nodename="machine-shoot--local--local-local-XXXXX-XXXXX" to get logs from specific node.

    In case of issues it is worth to consult: kubelet and containerd systemd services logs following commands:

    # For kubelet
    logcli query --org-id="operator" '{unit="kubelet.service"}'
    # For containerd
    logcli query --org-id="operator" '{unit="containerd.service"}'
Logging in Grafana

Logs for cri-resmgr-extension are available in "Garden" Grafana in garden namespace. Logs for cri-resmgr-installation, cri-resmgr-agent and cri-resource-manager daemon are in dedicated Grafana for shoot (deployed in a seed in shoot namespace e.g. shoot--local--local).

Note that example commands below assume running local setup with kind based Gardener.

cri-resmgr-extension logs

You can check the logs in Grafana - svc/grafana namespace garden.

Expose it first with:

kubectl port-forward -n garden svc/grafana 3000:3000

Then go to and Dashboards/Extensions or (generic Pod Logs) and choose "gardener-extension-cri-resmgr"

Grafana dashboard:

or Explore with Loki expression


to filter only errors use the following query:

{container_name="gardener-extension-cri-resmgr"}|json|log_level="error"|line_format "{{.log_msg}} {{.log_error}}"
cri-resmgr-installation and cri-resmgr-agent logs

You can check the logs in Grafana for operators "grafana-operators" in Shoot namespace.

Expose it first with (for shoot local)

kubectl port-forward -n shoot--local--local svc/grafana-operators 3001:3000

Then go to and Kubernetes DaemonSets and chose "cri-resmgr-agent" or "cri-resmgr-installation" then drill down to specific Pod

Bug in kind based local gardener Grafana operator Loki configuration
For local kind-based setup, HTTP header is missing: X-Scope-OrgID: operator. To fix it do the following, first sign in with admin/admin and then:

Or use Explorer and enter following Loki queries for installation logs:

{pod_name=~"cri-resmgr-installation-.*", container_name="installation"}

and for agent:

Example screenshot cri-resmgr-installation pod:
Example screenshot of cri-resmgr-agent pod:
cri-resource-manager daemon logs

You can check the logs in Grafana - svc/grafana-operators in seed namespace.

Loki expression

{origin="systemd-journal",job="systemd-combine-journal"} | json | unit="cri-resource-manager.service" | unpack

with skip_headers=on in cri-resource-manager you can even parse more output from cri-resource-manager

{origin="systemd-journal",job="systemd-combine-journal"} | json | unit="cri-resource-manager.service" | unpack | label_format _entry="" | regexp "(?P<level>.): \\[ *(?P<module>.*?) *\\] (?P<msg>.*)" | line_format "{{.msg}}" | label_format msg=""

and e.g. apply the filter for level="E"

{origin="systemd-journal",job="systemd-combine-journal"} | json | unit="cri-resource-manager.service" | unpack | label_format _entry="" | regexp "(?P<level>.): \\[ *(?P<module>.*?) *\\] (?P<msg>.*)" | line_format "{{.msg}}" | label_format msg="" | level="E"

and e.g. apply the filter for module="E"

{origin="systemd-journal",job="systemd-combine-journal"} | json | unit="cri-resource-manager.service" | unpack | label_format _entry="" | regexp "(?P<level>.): \\[ *(?P<module>.*?) *\\] (?P<msg>.*)" | line_format "{{.msg}}" | label_format msg="" | module="policy"

I: [resource-manager] successfully switched to new configuration

Example screenshot of cri-resource-manager daemon:
Running e2e tests.

Assuming having gardner cloned in ~/work/gardener

and already set /etc/hosts properly with following entries:


make -C ~/work/gardener kind-up
cp ~/work/gardener/example/gardener-local/kind/local/kubeconfig ~/.kube/config
make -C ~/work/gardener gardener-up
kubectl apply -f ./examples/ctrldeploy-ctrlreg.yaml
make e2e-test KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config

Additional options available provided by test framework: when running manually with ginkgo:

KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config ginkgo -v --progress --label-filter enable ./test/e2e/... -- -verbose debug -disable-dump -project-namespace testbroken
        Disable the state dump if a test fails
  -existing-shoot-name string
        Name of an existing shoot to use instead of creating a new one.
  -kubecfg string
        the path to the kubeconfig  of the garden cluster that will be used for integration tests
  -project-namespace string
        specify the gardener project namespace to run tests
        if set to true then the test does not try to access the shoot via its kubeconfig
  -verbose string
        verbosity level (defaults to info)

access to e2e shoot with k9s example:

k9s --kubeconfig <(kubectl view-secret -n garden-local e2e-default.kubeconfig kubeconfig)


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