title: "Google Cloud Storage"
lang: "en-US"
draft: false
description: "Learn about how to set up a VDP Google Cloud Storage component https://github.com/instill-ai/instill-core"
The Google Cloud Storage component is a data component that allows users to upload data to Google's Cloud Storage.
It can carry out the following tasks:
- [Upload](#upload)
- [Read Objects](#read-objects)
- [Create Bucket](#create-bucket)
## Release Stage
## Configuration
The component configuration is defined and maintained [here](https://github.com/instill-ai/component/blob/main/data/googlecloudstorage/v0/config/definition.json).
## Setup
| Field | Field ID | Type | Note |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| JSON Key File contents (required) | `json-key` | string | Contents of the JSON key file with access to the bucket. |
## Supported Tasks
### Upload
Upload data to Google Cloud Storage.
| Input | ID | Type | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Task ID (required) | `task` | string | `TASK_UPLOAD` |
| Bucket Name (required) | `bucket-name` | string | Name of the bucket to be used for object storage |
| Object Name (required) | `object-name` | string | The name of the object to be created |
| Data (required) | `data` | string | The data to be saved in the object |
| Output | ID | Type | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Authenticated URL (optional) | `authenticated-url` | string | Only users granted permission can access the object with this link |
| Gsutil URI (optional) | `gsutil-uri` | string | File path to this resource in Cloud Storage |
| Public Access (optional) | `public-access` | boolean | Whether the object is publicly accessible |
| Public URL (optional) | `public-url` | string | Anyone with this link can access the object on the public Internet |
| Upload Status | `status` | string | Status of the upload operation |
### Read Objects
Read objects from Google Cloud Storage.
| Input | ID | Type | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Task ID (required) | `task` | string | `TASK_READ_OBJECTS` |
| Bucket Name (required) | `bucket-name` | string | Name of the bucket to be used for object storage |
| Delimiter | `delimiter` | string | The delimiter to use when listing objects |
| Prefix | `prefix` | string | The prefix to use when listing objects |
| Versions | `versions` | boolean | Whether to list all versions of an object |
| Start Offset | `start-offset` | string | The offset to start listing objects from |
| End Offset | `end-offset` | string | The offset to stop listing objects at |
| Include Trailing Delimiter | `include-trailing-delimiter` | boolean | Whether to include the delimiter in the object name |
| Match Glob | `match-glob` | string | Whether to match objects using a glob pattern |
| Include Folders As Prefixes | `include-folders-as-prefixes` | boolean | Whether to include folders as prefixes |
| Output | ID | Type | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Audio Objects (optional) | `audio-objects` | array[object] | The audio objects in the bucket |
| Document Objects (optional) | `document-objects` | array[object] | The document objects in the bucket |
| Image Objects (optional) | `image-objects` | array[object] | The image objects in the bucket |
| Text Objects (optional) | `text-objects` | array[object] | The text objects in the bucket |
| Video Objects (optional) | `video-objects` | array[object] | The video objects in the bucket |
### Create Bucket
Read objects from Google Cloud Storage.
| Input | ID | Type | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Task ID (required) | `task` | string | `TASK_CREATE_BUCKET` |
| Bucket Name (required) | `bucket-name` | string | Name of the bucket to be used for object storage |
| Project ID (required) | `project-id` | string | The project ID to create the bucket in |
| Location | `location` | string | The location to create the bucket in |
| Output | ID | Type | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Result (optional) | `result` | string | The result of the operation |
| Bucket Name (optional) | `name` | string | The name of the bucket |
| Location (optional) | `location` | string | The location of the bucket |