* =ghcomment= - comment on GitHub pull requests and issues from the CLI
This is a simple program that allows you to leave comments on GitHub issues and pull requests in a very simple manner, optionally also hiding previous comments that match a given regular expression.
** Usage
#+begin_src shell
ghcomment -owner inkel -repo ghcomment \
-nr 1 \
-token $token \
-body="your comment's body" \
The program accepts the following flags:
- =owner= and =repo= are the owner and repository name.
- =nr= is the pull request or issue number.
- =token= is your GitHub [[https://github.com/settings/tokens?type=beta][access token]].
- =body= should be your comment's Markdown body; you can add a =@= character and use a file path instead.
- =hide-regexp= is an optional regular expression used to match any previous comments and hide them.