Yes as in pijamas; pjs started as an experiment with jackc/pgx to see if I could read data without knowing what it was ahead of time. In the end it became a somewhat useful CLI postgres client that auto-outputs to json.
When combined with jq I've found it to be very powerful.
go install github.com/ingcr3at1on/x/pjs/cmd/pjs
See test-local.env for a list of recognized postgres env variables.
With appropriate variables set simple queries can be ran as follows:
echo "SELECT * FROM pg_proc LIMIT 1;" | pjs | jq .
For more complex queries consider writing to a file and reading with cat.
cat <file> | pjs | jq .
pjs also supports passing a dsn string directly instead of using env variables by use of the --dsn
(or -d
) flag.
Custom Queries
Experimental support for custom queries is baked into the cobra functionality; because of this the location for storing custom queries cannot be controlled from flags. The env value PJS_CUSTOM_QUERIES
can be set to use a specific directory otherwise the default is $HOME/.pjs/queries
Custom queries are read via HCL. The template
parameter is a Go template, the template values correspond to the args which are processed in order against the input of the command.
A simple query is included in custom_queries
. A more complex query might use heredoc to write the template parameter across multiple lines.
# The label is the name and usage message used for the cobra command.
query "indexes-for-table <table>" {
// Description is the cobra.Command.Long and prints as part of the help text.
description = "Returns a list of indexes for the provided table name."
template = "SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = '{{ .Table }}';"
args = [ "Table" ]
A more complex query would probably use heredoc to write the template parameter across multiple lines.
query "indexes-for-table <table>" {
description = "Returns a list of indexes for the provided table name."
/* Use heredoc for multi-line strings. */
template = <<EOF
SELECT * FROM pg_indexes
WHERE tablename = '{{ .Table }}';
args = [ "Table" ]
See custom_queries
docker-compose up -d
sleep 3
godotenv -f test-local.env go test -race ./...
godotenv -f test-local-alt.env go test -race ./...
docker-compose down