We take security very seriously. If you believe you have found a security issue please report it to our security team by contacting us at security@infrahq.com.
Infra is identity and access management for your cloud infrastructure. It puts the power of fine-grained access to infrastructure like Kubernetes in your hands via existing identity providers such as Okta, Google Accounts, Azure Active Directory and more.
- Single-command access:
infra login
- No more out-of-sync user configurations
- Fine-grained role assignment
- Onboard and offboard users via Okta (Active Directory, Google, GitHub coming soon)
- Audit logs for who did what, when (coming soon)
Step 1: Install Infra CLI
brew install infrahq/tap/infra
scoop bucket add infrahq https://github.com/infrahq/scoop.git
scoop install infra
# Ubuntu & Debian
sudo echo 'deb [trusted=yes] https://apt.fury.io/infrahq/ /' >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/infrahq.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install infra
# Fedora & Red Hat Enterprise Linux
sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://yum.fury.io/infrahq/
sudo dnf install infra
Note: Infra uses Secrets to securely load secrets.
It is not recommended to use plain text secrets. Considering using another supported secret type.
# example infra.yaml
# adding an Identity Provider
# currently only Okta is supported
- name: Okta
url: example.okta.com
clientID: example_jsldf08j23d081j2d12sd
clientSecret: example_plain_secret #see note above
# 1. Set up an initial user from IdP to become Infra administrator
- user: you@example.com
role: admin
resource: infra
# 1. Set up an initial group of users from IdP to become Infra administrator
- group: Admin # case sensitive
role: admin
resource: infra
# 2. Grant group(s) or user(s) from IdP to have access to the determined resource
# Example for granting access to an individual user the cluster admin role on a Kubernetes cluster named 'example-cluster'. This name is specified when installing Infra Engine.
- user: you@example.com
role: cluster-admin #cluster_roles required
resource: kubernetes.example-cluster # kubernetes cluster name
# Example for granting access to an individual user the cluster role 'edit' on a namespace. In this case, Infra will automatically scope the cluster-role to a namespace.
- user: you@example.com
role: edit #cluster_roles required
resource: kubernetes.example-cluster.web #specifying the 'web' namespace inside kubernetes cluster named 'example-cluster'
# Example for granting access to a group called 'Everyone' from Okta to the Kubernetes cluster named 'example-cluster'.
- group: Everyone
role: view #cluster_roles required
resource: kubernetes.example-cluster
Step 3: Install Infra
helm repo add infrahq https://helm.infrahq.com/
helm install -n infrahq --create-namespace infra infrahq/infra --set-file config.import=infra.yaml
You'll need the Infra Root API Token to log into Infra. Please generate this token by running the following commands:
ROOT_API_TOKEN=$(kubectl -n infrahq get secrets infra -o jsonpath='{.data.root-api-token}' | base64 --decode)
Please store this in a safe place.
Next, you'll need to find the URL of Infra Server to log into Infra.
Default (LoadBalancer)
Note: It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer endpoint to be assigned. You can watch the status of the service with:
INFRA_SERVER=$(kubectl -n infrahq get services -l infrahq.com/component=infra -o jsonpath="{.items[].status.loadBalancer.ingress[*]['ip', 'hostname']}")
INFRA_SERVER=$(kubectl -n infrahq get ingress -l infrahq.com/component=infra -o jsonpath="{.items[].status.loadBalancer.ingress[*]['ip', 'hostname']}")
CONTAINER_PORT=$(kubectl -n infrahq get services -l infrahq.com/component=infra -o jsonpath="{.items[].spec.ports[0].port}")
kubectl -n infrahq port-forward services infra 8080:$CONTAINER_PORT &
From the terminal login to Infra
infra login `URL`
Next Steps
Connect Additional Kubernetes Clusters
Using Infra CLI:
Generate the helm install command via
infra destination add kubernetes example-name
Run the output Helm command on the Kubernetes cluster to be added.
helm install infrahq/engine --set infra.name=kubernetes.example-name --set infra.apiToken=2pVqDSdkTF.oSCEe6czoBWdgc6wRz0ywK8y --set infra.host=localhost --set infra.skipTLSVerify=true
Upgrade Infra
helm repo update
helm upgrade -n infrahq --create-namespace infra infrahq/infra --set-file config.import=infra.yaml
We take security very seriously. If you have found a security vulnerability please disclose it privately to us by email via security@infrahq.com.