
v0.1.11 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 7, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 1 Imported by: 0




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type Account

type Account struct {
	Name        string
	Address     string
	Chain       Chain
	BlockTime   time.Time
	BlockHeight string
	TokensEntry []TokenEntry

type Accounts

type Accounts struct {
	Entries []*Account

type AuthResponse added in v0.1.10

type AuthResponse struct {
	Account struct {
		Type               string `json:"@type"`
		BaseVestingAccount struct {
			BaseAccount struct {
				Address       string `json:"address,omitempty"`
				PubKey        string `json:"public_key,omitempty"`
				AccountNumber string `json:"account_number,omitempty"`
				Sequence      string `json:"sequence,omitempty"`
			OriginalVesting []struct {
				Denom  string `json:"denom"`
				Amount string `json:"amount"`
			} `json:"original_vesting"`
			DelegatedFree []struct {
				Denom  string `json:"denom"`
				Amount string `json:"amount"`
			} `json:"delegated_free"`
			DelegatedVesting []struct {
				Denom  string `json:"denom"`
				Amount string `json:"amount"`
			} `json:"delegated_vesting"`
			EndTime string `json:"end_time"`
		} `json:"base_vesting_account"`
		StartTime      string `json:"start_time"`
		VestingPeriods []struct {
			Length string `json:"length"`
			Amount []struct {
				Denom  string `json:"denom"`
				Amount string `json:"amount"`
			} `json:"amount"`
		} `json:"vesting_periods"`
	} `json:"account"`

type BalancesResponse added in v0.1.10

type BalancesResponse struct {
	Balances []struct {
		Denom  string `json:"denom"`
		Amount string `json:"amount"`
	} `json:"balances"`
	Pagination struct {
		NextKey interface{} `json:"next_key"`
		Total   string      `json:"total"`
	} `json:"pagination"`

type BlockResponse added in v0.1.10

type BlockResponse struct {
	BlockID struct {
		Hash          string `json:"hash"`
		PartSetHeader struct {
			Total int    `json:"total"`
			Hash  string `json:"hash"`
		} `json:"part_set_header"`
	} `json:"block_id"`
	Block struct {
		Header struct {
			Version struct {
				Block string `json:"block"`
				App   string `json:"app"`
			} `json:"version"`
			ChainID     string    `json:"chain_id"`
			Height      string    `json:"height"`
			Time        time.Time `json:"time"`
			LastBlockID struct {
				Hash          string `json:"hash"`
				PartSetHeader struct {
					Total int    `json:"total"`
					Hash  string `json:"hash"`
				} `json:"part_set_header"`
			} `json:"last_block_id"`
			LastCommitHash     string `json:"last_commit_hash"`
			DataHash           string `json:"data_hash"`
			ValidatorsHash     string `json:"validators_hash"`
			NextValidatorsHash string `json:"next_validators_hash"`
			ConsensusHash      string `json:"consensus_hash"`
			AppHash            string `json:"app_hash"`
			LastResultsHash    string `json:"last_results_hash"`
			EvidenceHash       string `json:"evidence_hash"`
			ProposerAddress    string `json:"proposer_address"`
		} `json:"header"`
		Data struct {
			Txs []string `json:"txs"`
		} `json:"data"`
		Evidence struct {
			Evidence []struct {
				DuplicateVoteEvidence struct {
					VoteA struct {
						Type    string `json:"type"`
						Height  string `json:"height"`
						Round   int    `json:"round"`
						BlockID struct {
							Hash          string `json:"hash"`
							PartSetHeader struct {
								Total int    `json:"total"`
								Hash  string `json:"hash"`
							} `json:"part_set_header"`
						} `json:"block_id"`
						Timestamp        time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
						ValidatorAddress string    `json:"validator_address"`
						ValidatorIndex   int       `json:"validator_index"`
						Signature        string    `json:"signature"`
					} `json:"vote_a"`
					VoteB struct {
						Type    string `json:"type"`
						Height  string `json:"height"`
						Round   int    `json:"round"`
						BlockID struct {
							Hash          string `json:"hash"`
							PartSetHeader struct {
								Total int    `json:"total"`
								Hash  string `json:"hash"`
							} `json:"part_set_header"`
						} `json:"block_id"`
						Timestamp        time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
						ValidatorAddress string    `json:"validator_address"`
						ValidatorIndex   int       `json:"validator_index"`
						Signature        string    `json:"signature"`
					} `json:"vote_b"`
					TotalVotingPower string    `json:"total_voting_power"`
					ValidatorPower   string    `json:"validator_power"`
					Timestamp        time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
				} `json:"duplicate_vote_evidence"`
				LightClientAttackEvidence struct {
					ConflictingBlock struct {
						SignedHeader struct {
							Header struct {
								Version struct {
									Block string `json:"block"`
									App   string `json:"app"`
								} `json:"version"`
								ChainID     string    `json:"chain_id"`
								Height      string    `json:"height"`
								Time        time.Time `json:"time"`
								LastBlockID struct {
									Hash          string `json:"hash"`
									PartSetHeader struct {
										Total int    `json:"total"`
										Hash  string `json:"hash"`
									} `json:"part_set_header"`
								} `json:"last_block_id"`
								LastCommitHash     string `json:"last_commit_hash"`
								DataHash           string `json:"data_hash"`
								ValidatorsHash     string `json:"validators_hash"`
								NextValidatorsHash string `json:"next_validators_hash"`
								ConsensusHash      string `json:"consensus_hash"`
								AppHash            string `json:"app_hash"`
								LastResultsHash    string `json:"last_results_hash"`
								EvidenceHash       string `json:"evidence_hash"`
								ProposerAddress    string `json:"proposer_address"`
							} `json:"header"`
							Commit struct {
								Height  string `json:"height"`
								Round   int    `json:"round"`
								BlockID struct {
									Hash          string `json:"hash"`
									PartSetHeader struct {
										Total int    `json:"total"`
										Hash  string `json:"hash"`
									} `json:"part_set_header"`
								} `json:"block_id"`
								Signatures []struct {
									BlockIDFlag      string    `json:"block_id_flag"`
									ValidatorAddress string    `json:"validator_address"`
									Timestamp        time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
									Signature        string    `json:"signature"`
								} `json:"signatures"`
							} `json:"commit"`
						} `json:"signed_header"`
						ValidatorSet struct {
							Validators []struct {
								Address string `json:"address"`
								PubKey  struct {
									Ed25519   string `json:"ed25519"`
									Secp256K1 string `json:"secp256k1"`
								} `json:"pub_key"`
								VotingPower      string `json:"voting_power"`
								ProposerPriority string `json:"proposer_priority"`
							} `json:"validators"`
							Proposer struct {
								Address string `json:"address"`
								PubKey  struct {
									Ed25519   string `json:"ed25519"`
									Secp256K1 string `json:"secp256k1"`
								} `json:"pub_key"`
								VotingPower      string `json:"voting_power"`
								ProposerPriority string `json:"proposer_priority"`
							} `json:"proposer"`
							TotalVotingPower string `json:"total_voting_power"`
						} `json:"validator_set"`
					} `json:"conflicting_block"`
					CommonHeight        string `json:"common_height"`
					ByzantineValidators []struct {
						Address string `json:"address"`
						PubKey  struct {
							Ed25519   string `json:"ed25519"`
							Secp256K1 string `json:"secp256k1"`
						} `json:"pub_key"`
						VotingPower      string `json:"voting_power"`
						ProposerPriority string `json:"proposer_priority"`
					} `json:"byzantine_validators"`
					TotalVotingPower string    `json:"total_voting_power"`
					Timestamp        time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
				} `json:"light_client_attack_evidence"`
			} `json:"evidence"`
		} `json:"evidence"`
		LastCommit struct {
			Height  string `json:"height"`
			Round   int    `json:"round"`
			BlockID struct {
				Hash          string `json:"hash"`
				PartSetHeader struct {
					Total int    `json:"total"`
					Hash  string `json:"hash"`
				} `json:"part_set_header"`
			} `json:"block_id"`
			Signatures []struct {
				BlockIDFlag      string    `json:"block_id_flag"`
				ValidatorAddress string    `json:"validator_address"`
				Timestamp        time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
				Signature        string    `json:"signature"`
			} `json:"signatures"`
		} `json:"last_commit"`
	} `json:"block"`

type Chain

type Chain struct {
	ID       string
	LCD      string
	Denom    string
	Exponent int

type Chains

type Chains struct {
	Entries []Chain

type CommissionResponse added in v0.1.10

type CommissionResponse struct {
	Commissions struct {
		Commission []struct {
			Denom  string `json:"denom"`
			Amount string `json:"amount"`
		} `json:"commission"`
	} `json:"commission"`

type Config added in v0.1.2

type Config struct {
	Accounts   Accounts
	Validators ValidatorList
	Chains     Chains
	Zabbix     ZabbixConfig

type Delegations added in v0.1.10

type Delegations struct {
	DelegationResponses []struct {
		Delegation struct {
			DelegatorAddress string `json:"delegator_address"`
			ValidatorAddress string `json:"validator_address"`
			Shares           string `json:"shares"`
		} `json:"delegation"`
		Balance struct {
			Denom  string `json:"denom"`
			Amount string `json:"amount"`
		} `json:"balance"`
	} `json:"delegation_responses"`
	Pagination struct {
		NextKey interface{} `json:"next_key"`
		Total   string      `json:"total"`
	} `json:"pagination"`

type DenomMetadataResponse added in v0.1.10

type DenomMetadataResponse struct {
	Metadata struct {
		Description string `json:"description"`
		DenomUnits  []struct {
			Denom    string   `json:"denom"`
			Exponent int      `json:"exponent"`
			Aliases  []string `json:"aliases"`
		} `json:"denom_units"`
		Base    string `json:"base"`
		Display string `json:"display"`
	} `json:"metadata"`

type Params added in v0.1.10

type Params struct {
	ParamsResponse struct {
		UnbondingTime     string `json:"unbonding_time"`
		MaxValidators     int    `json:"max_validators"`
		MaxEntries        int    `json:"max_entries"`
		HistoricalEntries int    `json:"historical_entries"`
		BondDenom         string `json:"bond_denom"`
		MinCommissionRate string `json:"min_commission_rate"`
	} `json:"params"`

type RewardsResponse added in v0.1.10

type RewardsResponse struct {
	Rewards []struct {
		ValidatorAddress string `json:"validator_address"`
		Reward           []struct {
			Denom  string `json:"denom"`
			Amount string `json:"amount"`
		} `json:"reward"`
	} `json:"rewards"`
	Total []struct {
		Denom  string `json:"denom"`
		Amount string `json:"amount"`
	} `json:"total"`

type TokenEntry

type TokenEntry struct {
	DisplayName      string
	Denom            string
	Balance          float64
	Reward           float64
	Delegation       float64
	Unbonding        float64
	Commission       float64
	Vesting          float64
	DelegatedVesting float64

type Unbondings added in v0.1.10

type Unbondings struct {
	UnbondingResponses []struct {
		DelegatorAddress string `json:"delegator_address"`
		ValidatorAddress string `json:"validator_address"`
		Entries          []struct {
			CreationHeight string    `json:"creation_height"`
			CompletionTime time.Time `json:"completion_time"`
			InitialBalance string    `json:"initial_balance"`
			Balance        string    `json:"balance"`
		} `json:"entries"`
	} `json:"unbonding_responses"`
	Pagination struct {
		NextKey interface{} `json:"next_key"`
		Total   string      `json:"total"`
	} `json:"pagination"`

type Validator added in v0.1.2

type Validator struct {
	Moniker        string
	ValoperAddress string
	Chain          Chain
	BlockTime      time.Time
	BlockHeight    string
	VotingPower    int64
	VotingPercent  float64
	Ranking        int
	NumValidators  string
	NumDelegators  string
	Unbondings     int64
	Commission     float64

type ValidatorList added in v0.1.10

type ValidatorList struct {
	Entries []*Validator

type ValidatorSet added in v0.1.10

type ValidatorSet struct {
	BlockHeight string `json:"block_height"`
	Validators  []struct {
		Address string `json:"address"`
		PubKey  struct {
			Type string `json:"@type"`
			Key  string `json:"key"`
		} `json:"pub_key"`
		VotingPower      string `json:"voting_power"`
		ProposerPriority string `json:"proposer_priority"`
	} `json:"validators"`
	Pagination struct {
		NextKey interface{} `json:"next_key"`
		Total   string      `json:"total"`
	} `json:"pagination"`

type Validators added in v0.1.2

type Validators struct {
	BlockHeight        string `json:"block_height,omitempty"`
	ValidatorsResponse []struct {
		OperatorAddress string `json:"operator_address"`
		ConsensusPubkey struct {
			Type string `json:"@type"`
			Key  string `json:"key"`
		} `json:"consensus_pubkey"`
		Jailed          bool   `json:"jailed"`
		Status          string `json:"status"`
		Tokens          string `json:"tokens"`
		DelegatorShares string `json:"delegator_shares"`
		Description     struct {
			Moniker         string `json:"moniker"`
			Identity        string `json:"identity"`
			Website         string `json:"website"`
			SecurityContact string `json:"security_contact"`
			Details         string `json:"details"`
		} `json:"description"`
		UnbondingHeight string    `json:"unbonding_height"`
		UnbondingTime   time.Time `json:"unbonding_time"`
		Commission      struct {
			CommissionRates struct {
				Rate          string `json:"rate"`
				MaxRate       string `json:"max_rate"`
				MaxChangeRate string `json:"max_change_rate"`
			} `json:"commission_rates"`
			UpdateTime time.Time `json:"update_time"`
		} `json:"commission"`
		MinSelfDelegation string `json:"min_self_delegation"`
	} `json:"validators"`
	Pagination struct {
		NextKey interface{} `json:"next_key"`
		Total   string      `json:"total"`
	} `json:"pagination"`

type ZabbixConfig added in v0.1.2

type ZabbixConfig struct {
	Server string
	Port   int
	Host   string

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