Simple Hello World Subscriber implementation
In order for this demo to work, you must have your AWS credentials present in the form that the AWS SDK for Go requires.
The subscriber allows you to add options based on your needs.
The current options include:
- Filter Policy: will only show messages with with the given policy.
- Message Retention Period: The length of time, in seconds, for which the subscriber retains a message.
- Visibility Timeout: The length of time, in seconds, which the subscriber prevents other consumers from receiving and processing the message.
- Running a basic subscriber with no functional options:
c, e := s.Start(context.Background())
- Running subscriber with functional options:
c, e := s.Start(context.Background(), opts ...pubsub.Option)
md := make(map[string]string)
if locationFilter != nil && *locationFilter != "" {
md["Location"] = *locationFilter
log.Printf("Only receiving messages for employees in %q", *locationFilter)
c, e := s.Start(context.Background(), pubsub.Filter(md))
- Example with multiple options:
md := make(map[string]string)
if locationFilter != nil && *locationFilter != "" {
md["Location"] = *locationFilter
log.Printf("Only receiving messages for employees in %q", *locationFilter)
retentionPeriod := 100 * time.Minute
visibilityTimeout := 200 * time.Second
c, e := s.Start(context.Background(), pubsub.Filter(md), pubsub.RetentionPeriod(retentionPeriod), pubsub.VisibilityTimeout(visibilityTimeout))