Apache IoTDB Output Plugin
This plugin writes metrics to an Apache IoTDB instance, a database
for the Internet of Things, supporting session connection and data insertion.
⭐ Telegraf v1.24.0
🏷️ datastore
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Getting started
Before using this plugin, please configure the IP address, port number,
user name, password and other information of the database server,
as well as some data type conversion, time unit and other configurations.
Please see the configuration section for an example
Metric Translation
IoTDB uses a different data format for metric data than telegraf. It is
important to note that depending on the metrics being written, the translation
may be lossy. This plugin translates to IoTDB format in the following ways:
Unsigned Integers
IoTDB currently DOES NOT support unsigned integer.
There are three available options of converting uint64, which are specified by
setting uint64_conversion
, default option. If an unsigned integer is greater than
, save it as int64
; else save math.MaxInt64
, force converting an unsigned integer to aint64
,no mater
what the value it is. This option may lead to exception if the value is
greater than int64
force converting an unsigned integer to a string, no mater what the
value it is.
Time Precision
IoTDB supports a variety of time precision. You can specify which precision
you want using the timestamp_precision
setting. Default is nanosecond
Other options are second
, millisecond
, microsecond
IoTDB uses a tree model for metadata while Telegraf uses a tag model
(see InfluxDB-Protocol Adapter).
There are two available options of converting tags, which are specified by
setting convert_tags_to
. Treat Tags as measurements. For each Key:Value in Tag,
convert them into Measurement, Value, DataType, which are supported in IoTDB.
, default option. Treat Tags as part of device id. Tags
constitute a subtree of Name
For example, there is a metric:
Name="root.sg.device", Tags={tag1="private", tag2="working"}, Fields={s1=100, s2="hello"}
, result: root.sg.device, s1=100, s2="hello", tag1="private", tag2="working"
, result: root.sg.device.private.working, s1=100, s2="hello"
Global configuration options
In addition to the plugin-specific configuration settings, plugins support
additional global and plugin configuration settings. These settings are used to
modify metrics, tags, and field or create aliases and configure ordering, etc.
See the CONFIGURATION.md for more details.
Secret-store support
This plugin supports secrets from secret-stores for the username
See the secret-store documentation for more details on how
to use them.
# Save metrics to an IoTDB Database
## Configuration of IoTDB server connection
host = ""
# port = "6667"
## Configuration of authentication
# user = "root"
# password = "root"
## Timeout to open a new session.
## A value of zero means no timeout.
# timeout = "5s"
## Configuration of type conversion for 64-bit unsigned int
## IoTDB currently DOES NOT support unsigned integers (version 13.x).
## 32-bit unsigned integers are safely converted into 64-bit signed integers by the plugin,
## however, this is not true for 64-bit values in general as overflows may occur.
## The following setting allows to specify the handling of 64-bit unsigned integers.
## Available values are:
## - "int64" -- convert to 64-bit signed integers and accept overflows
## - "int64_clip" -- convert to 64-bit signed integers and clip the values on overflow to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
## - "text" -- convert to the string representation of the value
# uint64_conversion = "int64_clip"
## Configuration of TimeStamp
## TimeStamp is always saved in 64bits int. timestamp_precision specifies the unit of timestamp.
## Available value:
## "second", "millisecond", "microsecond", "nanosecond"(default)
# timestamp_precision = "nanosecond"
## Handling of tags
## Tags are not fully supported by IoTDB.
## A guide with suggestions on how to handle tags can be found here:
## https://iotdb.apache.org/UserGuide/Master/API/InfluxDB-Protocol.html
## Available values are:
## - "fields" -- convert tags to fields in the measurement
## - "device_id" -- attach tags to the device ID
## For Example, a metric named "root.sg.device" with the tags `tag1: "private"` and `tag2: "working"` and
## fields `s1: 100` and `s2: "hello"` will result in the following representations in IoTDB
## - "fields" -- root.sg.device, s1=100, s2="hello", tag1="private", tag2="working"
## - "device_id" -- root.sg.device.private.working, s1=100, s2="hello"
# convert_tags_to = "device_id"
## Handling of unsupported characters
## Some characters in different versions of IoTDB are not supported in path name
## A guide with suggetions on valid paths can be found here:
## for iotdb 0.13.x -> https://iotdb.apache.org/UserGuide/V0.13.x/Reference/Syntax-Conventions.html#identifiers
## for iotdb 1.x.x and above -> https://iotdb.apache.org/UserGuide/V1.3.x/User-Manual/Syntax-Rule.html#identifier
## Available values are:
## - "1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3" -- use backticks to enclose tags with forbidden characters
## such as @$#:[]{}() and space
## - "0.13" -- use backticks to enclose tags with forbidden characters
## such as space
## Keep this section commented if you don't want to sanitize the path
# sanitize_tag = "1.3"