Defaults Processor Plugin
The Defaults processor allows you to ensure certain fields will always exist
with a specified default value on your metric(s).
There are three cases where this processor will insert a configured default
- The field is nil on the incoming metric
- The field is not nil, but its value is an empty string.
- The field is not nil, but its value is a string of one or more empty spaces.
Telegraf minimum version: Telegraf 1.15.0
Global configuration options
In addition to the plugin-specific configuration settings, plugins support
additional global and plugin configuration settings. These settings are used to
modify metrics, tags, and field or create aliases and configure ordering, etc.
See the for more details.
## Set default fields on your metric(s) when they are nil or empty
## Ensures a set of fields always exists on your metric(s) with their
## respective default value.
## For any given field pair (key = default), if it's not set, a field
## is set on the metric with the specified default.
## A field is considered not set if it is nil on the incoming metric;
## or it is not nil but its value is an empty string or is a string
## of one or more spaces.
## <target-field> = <value>
field_1 = "bar"
time_idle = 0
is_error = true
Ensure a status_code field with N/A is inserted in the metric when one is
not set in the metric by default:
status_code = "N/A"
- lb,http_method=GET cache_status=HIT,latency=230
+ lb,http_method=GET cache_status=HIT,latency=230,status_code="N/A"
Ensure an empty string gets replaced by a default:
- lb,http_method=GET cache_status=HIT,latency=230,status_code=""
+ lb,http_method=GET cache_status=HIT,latency=230,status_code="N/A"