This input plugin checks HTTP/HTTPS connections.
Global configuration options
In addition to the plugin-specific configuration settings, plugins support
additional global and plugin configuration settings. These settings are used to
modify metrics, tags, and field or create aliases and configure ordering, etc.
See the for more details.
Secret-store support
This plugin supports secrets from secret-stores for the username
See the secret-store documentation for more details on how
to use them.
# HTTP/HTTPS request given an address a method and a timeout
## List of urls to query.
# urls = ["http://localhost"]
## Set http_proxy.
## Telegraf uses the system wide proxy settings if it's is not set.
# http_proxy = "http://localhost:8888"
## Set response_timeout (default 5 seconds)
# response_timeout = "5s"
## HTTP Request Method
# method = "GET"
## Whether to follow redirects from the server (defaults to false)
# follow_redirects = false
## Optional file with Bearer token
## file content is added as an Authorization header
# bearer_token = "/path/to/file"
## Optional HTTP Basic Auth Credentials
# username = "username"
# password = "pa$$word"
## Optional HTTP Request Body
# body = '''
# {'fake':'data'}
# '''
## Optional HTTP Request Body Form
## Key value pairs to encode and set at URL form. Can be used with the POST
## method + application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type to replicate the
## POSTFORM method.
# body_form = { "key": "value" }
## Optional name of the field that will contain the body of the response.
## By default it is set to an empty String indicating that the body's
## content won't be added
# response_body_field = ''
## Maximum allowed HTTP response body size in bytes.
## 0 means to use the default of 32MiB.
## If the response body size exceeds this limit a "body_read_error" will
## be raised.
# response_body_max_size = "32MiB"
## Optional substring or regex match in body of the response (case sensitive)
# response_string_match = "\"service_status\": \"up\""
# response_string_match = "ok"
# response_string_match = "\".*_status\".?:.?\"up\""
## Expected response status code.
## The status code of the response is compared to this value. If they match,
## the field "response_status_code_match" will be 1, otherwise it will be 0.
## If the expected status code is 0, the check is disabled and the field
## won't be added.
# response_status_code = 0
## Optional TLS Config
# tls_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem"
# tls_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem"
# tls_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem"
## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
# insecure_skip_verify = false
## Use the given name as the SNI server name on each URL
# tls_server_name = ""
## TLS renegotiation method, choose from "never", "once", "freely"
# tls_renegotiation_method = "never"
## HTTP Request Headers (all values must be strings)
# [inputs.http_response.headers]
# Host = ""
## Optional setting to map response http headers into tags
## If the http header is not present on the request, no corresponding tag will
## be added. If multiple instances of the http header are present, only the
## first value will be used.
# http_header_tags = {"HTTP_HEADER" = "TAG_NAME"}
## Interface to use when dialing an address
# interface = "eth0"
- http_response
- tags:
- server (target URL)
- method (request method)
- status_code (response status code)
- result (see below)
- fields:
- response_time (float, seconds)
- content_length (int, response body length)
- response_string_match (int, 0 = mismatch / body read error, 1 = match)
- response_status_code_match (int, 0 = mismatch, 1 = match)
- http_response_code (int, response status code)
- result_type (string, deprecated in 1.6: use
tag and
- result_code (int, see below)
/ result_code
Upon finishing polling the target server, the plugin registers the result of the
operation in the result
tag, and adds a numeric field called result_code
corresponding with that tag value.
This tag is used to expose network and plugin errors. HTTP errors are considered
a successful connection.
Tag value |
Corresponding field value |
Description |
success |
0 |
The HTTP request completed, even if the HTTP code represents an error |
response_string_mismatch |
1 |
The option response_string_match was used, and the body of the response didn't match the regex. HTTP errors with content in their body (like 4xx, 5xx) will trigger this error |
body_read_error |
2 |
The option response_string_match was used, but the plugin wasn't able to read the body of the response. Responses with empty bodies (like 3xx, HEAD, etc) will trigger this error. Or the option response_body_field was used and the content of the response body was not a valid utf-8. Or the size of the body of the response exceeded the response_body_max_size |
connection_failed |
3 |
Catch all for any network error not specifically handled by the plugin |
timeout |
4 |
The plugin timed out while awaiting the HTTP connection to complete |
dns_error |
5 |
There was a DNS error while attempting to connect to the host |
response_status_code_mismatch |
6 |
The option response_status_code_match was used, and the status code of the response didn't match the value. |
Example Output
http_response,method=GET,result=success,server=,status_code=200 content_length=87878i,http_response_code=200i,response_time=0.937655534,result_code=0i,result_type="success" 1565839598000000000