The ctrlx_datalayer
plugin gathers data from the ctrlX Data Layer,
a communication middleware running on
ctrlX CORE devices from
Bosch Rexroth. The platform is used for
professional automation applications like industrial automation, building
automation, robotics, IoT Gateways or as classical PLC. For more
information, see ctrlX AUTOMATION.
Global configuration options
In addition to the plugin-specific configuration settings, plugins support
additional global and plugin configuration settings. These settings are used to
modify metrics, tags, and field or create aliases and configure ordering, etc.
See the for more details.
# A ctrlX Data Layer server sent event input plugin
## Hostname or IP address of the ctrlX CORE Data Layer server
## example: server = "localhost" # Telegraf is running directly on the device
## server = "" # Connect to ctrlX CORE remote via IP
## server = "" # Connect to ctrlX CORE remote via hostname
## server = "" # Connect to ctrlX CORE Virtual from development environment
server = "localhost"
## Authentication credentials
username = "boschrexroth"
password = "boschrexroth"
## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
# insecure_skip_verify = false
## Timeout for HTTP requests. (default: "10s")
# timeout = "10s"
## Create a ctrlX Data Layer subscription.
## It is possible to define multiple subscriptions per host. Each subscription can have its own
## sampling properties and a list of nodes to subscribe to.
## All subscriptions share the same credentials.
## The name of the measurement. (default: "ctrlx")
measurement = "memory"
## Configure the ctrlX Data Layer nodes which should be subscribed.
## address - node address in ctrlX Data Layer (mandatory)
## name - field name to use in the output (optional, default: base name of address)
## tags - extra node tags to be added to the output metric (optional)
## Note:
## Use either the inline notation or the bracketed notation, not both.
## The tags property is only supported in bracketed notation due to toml parser restrictions
## Examples:
## Inline notation
{name="available", address="framework/metrics/system/memavailable-mb"},
{name="used", address="framework/metrics/system/memused-mb"},
## Bracketed notation
# [[inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.nodes]]
# name ="available"
# address="framework/metrics/system/memavailable-mb"
# ## Define extra tags related to node to be added to the output metric (optional)
# [inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.nodes.tags]
# node_tag1="node_tag1"
# node_tag2="node_tag2"
# [[inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.nodes]]
# name ="used"
# address="framework/metrics/system/memused-mb"
## The switch "output_json_string" enables output of the measurement as json.
## That way it can be used in in a subsequent processor plugin, e.g. "Starlark Processor Plugin".
# output_json_string = false
## Define extra tags related to subscription to be added to the output metric (optional)
# [inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.tags]
# subscription_tag1 = "subscription_tag1"
# subscription_tag2 = "subscription_tag2"
## The interval in which messages shall be sent by the ctrlX Data Layer to this plugin. (default: 1s)
## Higher values reduce load on network by queuing samples on server side and sending as a single TCP packet.
# publish_interval = "1s"
## The interval a "keepalive" message is sent if no change of data occurs. (default: 60s)
## Only used internally to detect broken network connections.
# keep_alive_interval = "60s"
## The interval an "error" message is sent if an error was received from a node. (default: 10s)
## Higher values reduce load on output target and network in case of errors by limiting frequency of error messages.
# error_interval = "10s"
## The interval that defines the fastest rate at which the node values should be sampled and values captured. (default: 1s)
## The sampling frequency should be adjusted to the dynamics of the signal to be sampled.
## Higher sampling frequence increases load on ctrlX Data Layer.
## The sampling frequency can be higher, than the publish interval. Captured samples are put in a queue and sent in publish interval.
## Note: The minimum sampling interval can be overruled by a global setting in the ctrlX Data Layer configuration ('datalayer/subscriptions/settings').
# sampling_interval = "1s"
## The requested size of the node value queue. (default: 10)
## Relevant if more values are captured than can be sent.
# queue_size = 10
## The behaviour of the queue if it is full. (default: "DiscardOldest")
## Possible values:
## - "DiscardOldest"
## The oldest value gets deleted from the queue when it is full.
## - "DiscardNewest"
## The newest value gets deleted from the queue when it is full.
# queue_behaviour = "DiscardOldest"
## The filter when a new value will be sampled. (default: 0.0)
## Calculation rule: If (abs(lastCapturedValue - newValue) > dead_band_value) capture(newValue).
# dead_band_value = 0.0
## The conditions on which a sample should be captured and thus will be sent as a message. (default: "StatusValue")
## Possible values:
## - "Status"
## Capture the value only, when the state of the node changes from or to error state. Value changes are ignored.
## - "StatusValue"
## Capture when the value changes or the node changes from or to error state.
## See also 'dead_band_value' for what is considered as a value change.
## - "StatusValueTimestamp":
## Capture even if the value is the same, but the timestamp of the value is newer.
## Note: This might lead to high load on the network because every sample will be sent as a message
## even if the value of the node did not change.
# value_change = "StatusValue"
All measurements are tagged with the server address of the device and the
corresponding node address as defined in the ctrlX Data Layer.
- measurement name
- tags:
(ctrlX Data Layer server where the metrics are gathered from)
(Address of the ctrlX Data Layer node)
- fields:
(for nodes with simple data types)
(for nodes with array data types)
(for nodes with object data types)
The switch "output_json_string" determines the format of the output metric.
With the output default format
the output is formatted automatically as follows depending on the data type:
Simple data type
The value is passed 'as it is' to a metric with pattern:
Simple data types of ctrlX Data Layer:
Array data type
Every value in the array is passed to a metric with pattern:
myarray=[1,2,3] -> myarray_1=1, myarray_2=2, myarray_3=3
Array data types of ctrlX Data Layer:
Object data type (JSON)
Every value of the flattened json is passed to a metric with pattern:
myobj={"a":1,"b":2,"c":{"d": 3}} -> myobj_a=1, myobj_b=2, myobj_c_d=3
With the output JSON format
the output is formatted as JSON string:
input=true -> output="true"
input=[1,2,3] -> output="[1,2,3]"
input={"x":4720,"y":9440,"z":{"d": 14160}} -> output="{\"x\":4720,\"y\":9440,\"z\":14160}"
The JSON output string can be passed to a processor plugin for transformation
e.g. Parser Processor Plugin
or Starlark Processor Plugin
measurement = "osci"
nodes = [
output_json_string = true
namepass = [
script = ""
This plugin was contributed by
Bosch Rexroth.
For questions regarding ctrlX AUTOMATION and this plugin feel
free to check out and be part of the
ctrlX AUTOMATION Community
to get additional support or leave some ideas and feedback.
Also, join
InfluxData Community Slack or
InfluxData Community Page
if you have questions or comments for the telegraf engineering teams.
Example Output
The plugin handles simple, array and object (JSON) data types.
Example with simple data type
name ="available"
name ="used"
"framework/metrics/system/memavailable-mb" : 365.93359375
"framework/metrics/system/memused-mb" : 567.67578125
memory,source=,,node=framework/metrics/system/memavailable-mb,node_tag1=memory_available_tag1,node_tag2=memory_available_tag2,sub_tag1=memory2_tag1,sub_tag2=memory_tag2 available=365.93359375 1680093310249627400
memory,source=,,node=framework/metrics/system/memused-mb,node_tag1=memory_used_node_tag1,node_tag2=memory_used_node_tag2,sub_tag1=memory2_tag1,sub_tag2=memory_tag2 used=567.67578125 1680093310249667600
Example with array data type
{ name="ar_uint8", address="alldata/dynamic/array-of-uint8"},
{ name="ar_bool8", address="alldata/dynamic/array-of-bool8"},
"alldata/dynamic/array-of-bool8" : [true, false, true]
"alldata/dynamic/array-of-uint8" : [0, 255]
array,source=,,node=alldata/dynamic/array-of-bool8 ar_bool8_0=true,ar_bool8_1=false,ar_bool8_2=true 1680095727347018800
array,source=,,node=alldata/dynamic/array-of-uint8 ar_uint8_0=0,ar_uint8_1=255 1680095727347223300
Example with object data type (JSON)
{name="linear", address="motion/axs/Axis_1/state/values/actual"},
{name="rotational", address="motion/axs/Axis_2/state/values/actual"},
"motion/axs/Axis_1/state/values/actual" : {"actualPos":65.249329860957,"actualVel":5,"actualAcc":0,"actualTorque":0,"distLeft":0,"actualPosUnit":"mm","actualVelUnit":"mm/min","actualAccUnit":"m/s^2","actualTorqueUnit":"Nm","distLeftUnit":"mm"}
"motion/axs/Axis_2/state/values/actual" : {"actualPos":120,"actualVel":0,"actualAcc":0,"actualTorque":0,"distLeft":0,"actualPosUnit":"deg","actualVelUnit":"rpm","actualAccUnit":"rad/s^2","actualTorqueUnit":"Nm","distLeftUnit":"deg"}
motion,source=,,node=motion/axs/Axis_1/state/values/actual linear_actualVel=5,linear_distLeftUnit="mm",linear_actualAcc=0,linear_distLeft=0,linear_actualPosUnit="mm",linear_actualAccUnit="m/s^2",linear_actualTorqueUnit="Nm",linear_actualPos=65.249329860957,linear_actualVelUnit="mm/min",linear_actualTorque=0 1680258290342523500
motion,source=,,node=motion/axs/Axis_2/state/values/actual rotational_distLeft=0,rotational_actualVelUnit="rpm",rotational_actualAccUnit="rad/s^2",rotational_distLeftUnit="deg",rotational_actualPos=120,rotational_actualVel=0,rotational_actualAcc=0,rotational_actualPosUnit="deg",rotational_actualTorqueUnit="Nm",rotational_actualTorque=0 1680258290342538100
If output_json_string
is set in the configuration:
output_json_string = true
then the metrics will be generated like this:
motion,source=,,node=motion/axs/Axis_1/state/values/actual linear="{\"actualAcc\":0,\"actualAccUnit\":\"m/s^2\",\"actualPos\":65.249329860957,\"actualPosUnit\":\"mm\",\"actualTorque\":0,\"actualTorqueUnit\":\"Nm\",\"actualVel\":5,\"actualVelUnit\":\"mm/min\",\"distLeft\":0,\"distLeftUnit\":\"mm\"}" 1680258290342523500
motion,source=,,node=motion/axs/Axis_2/state/values/actual rotational="{\"actualAcc\":0,\"actualAccUnit\":\"rad/s^2\",\"actualPos\":120,\"actualPosUnit\":\"deg\",\"actualTorque\":0,\"actualTorqueUnit\":\"Nm\",\"actualVel\":0,\"actualVelUnit\":\"rpm\",\"distLeft\":0,\"distLeftUnit\":\"deg\"}" 1680258290342538100