The Logical Volume Management (LVM) input plugin collects information about
physical volumes, volume groups, and logical volumes.
Global configuration options
In addition to the plugin-specific configuration settings, plugins support
additional global and plugin configuration settings. These settings are used to
modify metrics, tags, and field or create aliases and configure ordering, etc.
See the for more details.
# Read metrics about LVM physical volumes, volume groups, logical volumes.
## Use sudo to run LVM commands
use_sudo = false
## The default location of the pvs binary can be overridden with:
#pvs_binary = "/usr/sbin/pvs"
## The default location of the vgs binary can be overridden with:
#vgs_binary = "/usr/sbin/vgs"
## The default location of the lvs binary can be overridden with:
#lvs_binary = "/usr/sbin/lvs"
The LVM commands requires elevated permissions. If the user has configured sudo
with the ability to run these commands, then set the use_sudo
to true.
Using sudo
If your account does not already have the ability to run commands
with passwordless sudo then updates to the sudoers file are required. Below
is an example to allow the requires LVM commands:
First, use the visudo
command to start editing the sudoers file. Then add
the following content, where <username>
is the username of the user that
needs this access:
Cmnd_Alias LVM = /usr/sbin/pvs *, /usr/sbin/vgs *, /usr/sbin/lvs *
<username> ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: LVM
Defaults!LVM !logfile, !syslog, !pam_session
Path to binaries must match those from config file (pvs_binary, vgs_binary and
Metrics are broken out by physical volume (pv), volume group (vg), and logical
volume (lv):
- lvm_physical_vol
- tags
- fields
- size
- free
- used
- used_percent
- lvm_vol_group
- tags
- fields
- size
- free
- used_percent
- physical_volume_count
- logical_volume_count
- snapshot_count
- lvm_logical_vol
- tags
- fields
- size
- data_percent
- meta_percent
Example Output
The following example shows a system with the root partition on an LVM group
as well as with a Docker thin-provisioned LVM group on a second drive:
> lvm_physical_vol,path=/dev/sda2,vol_group=vgroot free=0i,size=249510756352i,used=249510756352i,used_percent=100 1631823026000000000
> lvm_physical_vol,path=/dev/sdb,vol_group=docker free=3858759680i,size=128316342272i,used=124457582592i,used_percent=96.99277612525741 1631823026000000000
> lvm_vol_group,name=vgroot free=0i,logical_volume_count=1i,physical_volume_count=1i,size=249510756352i,snapshot_count=0i,used_percent=100 1631823026000000000
> lvm_vol_group,name=docker free=3858759680i,logical_volume_count=1i,physical_volume_count=1i,size=128316342272i,snapshot_count=0i,used_percent=96.99277612525741 1631823026000000000
> lvm_logical_vol,name=lvroot,vol_group=vgroot data_percent=0,metadata_percent=0,size=249510756352i 1631823026000000000
> lvm_logical_vol,name=thinpool,vol_group=docker data_percent=0.36000001430511475,metadata_percent=1.3300000429153442,size=121899057152i 1631823026000000000