This plugin gathers stats from
NSD - an authoritative DNS name
Global configuration options
In addition to the plugin-specific configuration settings, plugins support
additional global and plugin configuration settings. These settings are used to
modify metrics, tags, and field or create aliases and configure ordering, etc.
See the for more details.
# A plugin to collect stats from the NSD DNS resolver
## Address of server to connect to, optionally ':port'. Defaults to the
## address in the nsd config file.
server = ""
## If running as a restricted user you can prepend sudo for additional access:
# use_sudo = false
## The default location of the nsd-control binary can be overridden with:
# binary = "/usr/sbin/nsd-control"
## The default location of the nsd config file can be overridden with:
# config_file = "/etc/nsd/nsd.conf"
## The default timeout of 1s can be overridden with:
# timeout = "1s"
It's important to note that this plugin references nsd-control, which may
require additional permissions to execute successfully. Depending on the
user/group permissions of the telegraf user executing this plugin, you may
need to alter the group membership, set facls, or use sudo.
Group membership (Recommended):
$ groups telegraf
telegraf : telegraf
$ usermod -a -G nsd telegraf
$ groups telegraf
telegraf : telegraf nsd
Sudo privileges:
If you use this method, you will need the following in your telegraf config:
use_sudo = true
You will also need to update your sudoers file:
$ visudo
# Add the following line:
Cmnd_Alias NSDCONTROLCTL = /usr/sbin/nsd-control
Defaults!NSDCONTROLCTL !logfile, !syslog, !pam_session
Please use the solution you see as most appropriate.
This is the full list of stats provided by nsd-control. In the output, the
dots in the nsd-control stat name are replaced by underscores (see for details).
- fields:
- num_queries
- time_boot
- time_elapsed
- size_db_disk
- size_db_mem
- size_xfrd_mem
- size_config_disk
- size_config_mem
- num_type_TYPE0
- num_type_A
- num_type_NS
- num_type_MD
- num_type_MF
- num_type_CNAME
- num_type_SOA
- num_type_MB
- num_type_MG
- num_type_MR
- num_type_NULL
- num_type_WKS
- num_type_PTR
- num_type_HINFO
- num_type_MINFO
- num_type_MX
- num_type_TXT
- num_type_RP
- num_type_AFSDB
- num_type_X25
- num_type_ISDN
- num_type_RT
- num_type_NSAP
- num_type_SIG
- num_type_KEY
- num_type_PX
- num_type_AAAA
- num_type_LOC
- num_type_NXT
- num_type_SRV
- num_type_NAPTR
- num_type_KX
- num_type_CERT
- num_type_DNAME
- num_type_OPT
- num_type_APL
- num_type_DS
- num_type_SSHFP
- num_type_IPSECKEY
- num_type_RRSIG
- num_type_NSEC
- num_type_DNSKEY
- num_type_DHCID
- num_type_NSEC3
- num_type_NSEC3PARAM
- num_type_TLSA
- num_type_SMIMEA
- num_type_CDS
- num_type_CDNSKEY
- num_type_OPENPGPKEY
- num_type_CSYNC
- num_type_SPF
- num_type_NID
- num_type_L32
- num_type_L64
- num_type_LP
- num_type_EUI48
- num_type_EUI64
- num_type_TYPE252
- num_type_TYPE253
- num_type_TYPE255
- num_opcode_QUERY
- num_opcode_NOTIFY
- num_class_CLASS0
- num_class_IN
- num_class_CH
- num_rcode_NOERROR
- num_rcode_FORMERR
- num_rcode_SERVFAIL
- num_rcode_NXDOMAIN
- num_rcode_NOTIMP
- num_rcode_REFUSED
- num_rcode_YXDOMAIN
- num_rcode_NOTAUTH
- num_edns
- num_ednserr
- num_udp
- num_udp6
- num_tcp
- num_tcp6
- num_tls
- num_tls6
- num_answer_wo_aa
- num_rxerr
- num_txerr
- num_raxfr
- num_truncated
- num_dropped
- zone_master
- zone_slave