This plugin consumes telemetry data based on the gNMI Subscribe method. TLS
is supported for authentication and encryption. This input plugin is
vendor-agnostic and is supported on any platform that supports the gNMI spec.
For Cisco devices:
It has been optimized to support gNMI telemetry as produced by Cisco IOS XR
(64-bit) version 6.5.1, Cisco NX-OS 9.3 and Cisco IOS XE 16.12 and later.
Global configuration options
In addition to the plugin-specific configuration settings, plugins support
additional global and plugin configuration settings. These settings are used to
modify metrics, tags, and field or create aliases and configure ordering, etc.
See the for more details.
# gNMI telemetry input plugin
## Address and port of the gNMI GRPC server
addresses = [""]
## define credentials
username = "cisco"
password = "cisco"
## gNMI encoding requested (one of: "proto", "json", "json_ietf", "bytes")
# encoding = "proto"
## redial in case of failures after
redial = "10s"
## enable client-side TLS and define CA to authenticate the device
# enable_tls = false
# tls_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem"
## Minimal TLS version to accept by the client
# tls_min_version = "TLS12"
## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
# insecure_skip_verify = true
## define client-side TLS certificate & key to authenticate to the device
# tls_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem"
# tls_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem"
## gNMI subscription prefix (optional, can usually be left empty)
## See:
# origin = ""
# prefix = ""
# target = ""
## Define additional aliases to map telemetry encoding paths to simple measurement names
# [inputs.gnmi.aliases]
# ifcounters = "openconfig:/interfaces/interface/state/counters"
## Name of the measurement that will be emitted
name = "ifcounters"
## Origin and path of the subscription
## See:
## origin usually refers to a (YANG) data model implemented by the device
## and path to a specific substructure inside it that should be subscribed to (similar to an XPath)
## YANG models can be found e.g. here:
origin = "openconfig-interfaces"
path = "/interfaces/interface/state/counters"
# Subscription mode (one of: "target_defined", "sample", "on_change") and interval
subscription_mode = "sample"
sample_interval = "10s"
## Suppress redundant transmissions when measured values are unchanged
# suppress_redundant = false
## If suppression is enabled, send updates at least every X seconds anyway
# heartbeat_interval = "60s"
# name = "descr"
# origin = "openconfig-interfaces"
# path = "/interfaces/interface/state/description"
# subscription_mode = "on_change"
## If tag_only is set, the subscription in question will be utilized to maintain a map of
## tags to apply to other measurements emitted by the plugin, by matching path keys
## All fields from the tag-only subscription will be applied as tags to other readings,
## in the format <name>_<fieldBase>.
# tag_only = true
Each configured subscription will emit a different measurement. Each leaf in a
GNMI SubscribeResponse Update message will produce a field reading in the
measurement. GNMI PathElement keys for leaves will attach tags to the field(s).
Example Output
ifcounters,path=openconfig-interfaces:/interfaces/interface/state/counters,host=linux,name=MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0,source=,descr/description=Foo in-multicast-pkts=0i,out-multicast-pkts=0i,out-errors=0i,out-discards=0i,in-broadcast-pkts=0i,out-broadcast-pkts=0i,in-discards=0i,in-unknown-protos=0i,in-errors=0i,out-unicast-pkts=0i,in-octets=0i,out-octets=0i,last-clear="2019-05-22T16:53:21Z",in-unicast-pkts=0i 1559145777425000000
ifcounters,path=openconfig-interfaces:/interfaces/interface/state/counters,host=linux,name=GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0,source=,descr/description=Bar out-multicast-pkts=0i,out-broadcast-pkts=0i,in-errors=0i,out-errors=0i,in-discards=0i,out-octets=0i,in-unknown-protos=0i,in-unicast-pkts=0i,in-octets=0i,in-multicast-pkts=0i,in-broadcast-pkts=0i,last-clear="2019-05-22T16:54:50Z",out-unicast-pkts=0i,out-discards=0i 1559145777425000000